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The Last Post Race...

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Fine. but when you get off the earth becomes leetle tree. Y? cause they cute!

Edited by SoiledLove

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You're out.

*Throws them out of the game*


yay, i'm getting a little more hyper!

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Well done, you got to the final round, BUT I WIN!! And now I shall become an evil mod and lock this topic!

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*sticks ocean song onto leetle tree*

I control this leetle tree!!!

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i'm hyper...*puts flyking and SM back on leetle tree and starts to swing leetle tree around*


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*let's SM off the tree and starts chasing him*

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hey...wait!! You just call me a him mad.gifmad.gif I'M A GIRL YOU DORK!!! *Tackles and hits soiled with a shovel*

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Darn, sorry, influence from RPs, I got too many male characters! plus, I never really bother to notice genders...

Y a shovel? leetle trees are much more original...

Edited by SoiledLove

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'Cause I like hitting with a shovel, and you've pretty much made me sick of leetle trees.

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*rips self off of tree, losing fur that grows back, and helps SM* The next leetle tree I see Is GOING TO HAVE SOILEDLOVE ON IT!

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TOO BAD, I kinda stuck to my own leetle tree...so...yeah...it already has me on it.

I remember Y i hate U SM! Cause U keep ninja'ing me!

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*hands trophy to SM* I found it in my cat bed. You can have it.

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Oh...that's why you hate me xd.png thanks for telling me why you hate me xd.png

I don't mean to keep ninja.gif ing you. Sorry biggrin.gif


ohmy.gif *looks at trophy* nah, you can keep it. It was in your cat bed xd.png

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*pets Seacat*

Aw...What a kind cat!


Bed time for real!

*Goes to sleep on the leetle tree*

Night, night!

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