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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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"Heh, get as much of a head start as you wish." Bane said he blasted a hole in the wall and jumped out, his ship swooped down and picked him up before launching itself at tremendous speeds out of the planet's atmosphere. He broke the gravity and immediately made the jump to hyperspace. He was underway quickly, nothing less should be expected from Shantaar's finest stalkers.


((Again, don't forget quotes "" when your character is speaking, it will help distinguish between dialogue and actions.))

Edited by Danniphantom

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((from what I know from Grammar if you quote someone you don't need quotation marks if you say Ex: Hello, he said.))


Seeing that his little trick hadn't slowed down Bane at all and he himself was already travelling through hyperspace at the same speed he thought: We should arrive there at approximately the same time.


He pulled up Bane's ship on his private com channel and said" hey Bane, how about a challenge. The one who destroys the least outpost is the other ones slave for the week".

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((Unfortunately that's not true... you do need quotes, especially in roleplaying, never once have I read a book where someone was speaking and quotes were not used, and that's how roleplaying is set up, like a book, but even still in grammar you need quotations when quoting someone (hence why they are called quotation marks) wink.gif ))


"You do realize that I have had training in just this area right?" Bane asked grinning. He punched in a few keys on his dashboard and a fluctuation in the vortex appeared and his ship shot ahead. "Shantaar's elite force goes beyond that of the Sith Jedi themselves."

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"Do not underestimate someone who has spend their entire life honing their control of the force. Some great master where able to shatter cruisers with their power" he said with a smirk. he then visualised Bane's ship focused on it and used the force to grab it slowing it down and using it to slingshot himself ahead. (i know that according to the laws of physics this would shatter me into oblivion but...)

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"And don't underestimate someone who has had the most brutal training since he was old enough to hold a lightsaber." Bane said. He focused his energy and caused a ripple in the vortex propelling him forward and catching up to Loki. "Nice try trickster, but even Thor pails in comparison." He said before launching ahead approaching the planet at insane speeds.

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Loki left the helm because when going thorught hyper space driving wasn't truly nessesary. He sat on his legs whit his lightsabers infront of him and started using his battle meditation, alowing him to affect the minds of people even those that are strong willed. Using it to try and make bane change the coordinates to something random and shoot off.

Edited by alexxo97

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"I see your trick. And it's an old one, but unfortunately it doesn't work quite like you want it to, not with the stalkers, and especially not a Stalker elite." Bane said as he watched as his leg shook at his demand, though it was his left rather than his right, which is what he was trying to shake.


((I know he seems pretty overpowered, but as a Stalker Elite he is trained and tortured with the force and combat to within an inch of his life, he is healed and then he starts over again, they are Shantaar's few but strong, the elite army of the Dark Lord himself, you can become one too if you want, though, it will require time. And he does have weaknesses, I try to make them slightly apparent so they aren't utterly invincible, but as Battle Meditation is a pretty old force power it is something that one would be trained to not be affected, like one can train to not be affected by Mind trick.))

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Aigis sat in the bay that Dark was being retained in, we're he to wake up Dark could easily break the bonds that were holding him up. Currently, the ship rocketed through the lightspeed space as it headed towards a remote planet of Aigis' choice. It would only be a matter of minutes before they arrived.


"Wake up, boy. You have much to learn before we can even set foot on the planet."


Dark's eyes slowly slid open behind his mask and his vision adjusted to the lighting in the room. As spacious as it was, Dark's complete focus was on the man before him. His force readings were the same, but it was clear they were darker than before. Evil if you could describe it as such.


"I will not ask your forgiveness for my misjudgment, master. Tell me what it is you wish teach me."


Aigis withheld a laugh as his brow wrinkled up in amusement and his hands balled into fists. This was most definitely his student he had trained many years ago.


"As I stated before, you must practice restraint. You have so much power, but you flaunt it and put it to waste. Imagine a cup before you and you're filling it to the brim with water. You'll stop before it overflows, correct? Well, that's how you should use your power. Fill it to the brim, but don't use more than what's necessary."


Dark pondered on these words for a moment and started to unbind himself, but Aigis stopped before he could break the shackle and pushed him back against the table.


"Your first assignment starts now. Find the key in this room and unlock the shackles, do not break anything or your assignment was a failure. The key will be hard to control. Too much force exertion and it will break, too little and it will fall to the ground. Don't let your anger cause you to become reckless. By the time I'm finished with your training, even Lord Shantaar will tense in your presence."

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Kinir brought his ship into orbit around Dantooine. He flipped on autopilot and a charming voice echoed throughout his tiny 1-man shuttle asking him for instructions. It was his AI pilot, Chance.

"Bring it in for a landing."

He'd already set co-ordinates for their landing. The Jedi Enclave. Prior to this he hadn't had much contact with other Jedi, might be interesting. He stood up and moved into the back of the ship; only maybe fifteen feet long, it contained a bunk, bathroom, kitchen and pilot's seat. He laid down for a quick nap.


((Some reception is always a nice thing, that whole unknown ship stalking into port isn't really common business tongue.gif .))

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Loki stopped using his battle meditation knowing that it wouldn't change anything and anyway, they had arrived at the planet.


He decided to moved towards the closest outpost. his plan was to sprint towards it and then jump and enter from the ceiling.



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"Here's a little trick known only by the slalkers." Bane said moving to the outside of his personal carrier. He waited until he got the green light from his ships automated targeting system. He let go and moved out into the void of space between the planet and his ship. He focused his attention on the planet and started to move faster. He picked up speed and then entered the atmosphere. He created a shield using the force to protect himself from the heat as if fell faster and faster towards his target. As he approached the ground he released a mass energy from his body that cushioned his impact. He landed on top of the first base and as he did he obliterated the top half of the station and all of their sensor relays, communications were down now, Bane entered and will go unnoticed by the rest of the stations.

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Slipping through unnoticed, Loki made his way towards the outposts main generator if he could over power it it would explode taking the rest of the place with it.


He dashed through the halls as quickly as possible, he was amased to not encounter anyone. he made it in-front of a door with two guards posted on the sides. "This must be it" he thought.


he covered his hands with lighting and used force seed to bash their skulls in with his fists. "amateurs" he said before ripping the bodies apart. the door was locked and he was not very good at hacking so he took his lightsabers and cut a hole in it.

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Bane placed a tag on the remnants of the building and then ran off at a break neck speed to the next outpost as his ship targeted the tag and blew it to bits, along with the outpost. ~One down.~ He thought as he ran.




"Unknown shuttle, identify." A voice said over the radio on Kinir's ship. Ion canons moved into position as his ship was targeted for the off chance that it was a threat that needed to be neutralized.

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Loki slipped through the hole placed his hands on the generator and let loose a discharge of electricity letting it course through the generator making it surcharge and overheat it was only a mater of time for it to explode with his force speed he made it out just in time for it to explode and then he moved onto the next one.


He was dashing towards the next one when he herd blaster shots from infront of him.

he moved towards it only to discover that a battalion of troopers where there moving towards him. he stopped in his tracks with his arms outstretched , focusing himself, lifting them off the ground.

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"It sounds like you've been discovered." Bane said chuckling. He silently approached his next target. He hid behind a tree and pressed a button on his arm band, instantly he was cloaked and disguised as one of the soldiers, a wounded one. "Hurry! Over that way! There's a dark jedi attacking outpost 8!" He said as he ran out clutching his "wound" and pointing in the direction of one of the outposts. The first guard turned to the second and told him to call for the troops.


"We'll go check it out, you go report to the medical bay." The guard said as twenty troops ran out and followed the other two towards outpost 8.


"Yes sir." Bane muttered sarcastically as he walked into the outpost and released the cloak. From there he placed charges all along the major power lines on the wall that would cause an infinite power loop back into the generator and cause it to overload. He made his way into medical bay to see if there was anything he could use, he grabbed their supply of stim-packs and first-aid packs, he also grabbed a few neural implants and other medical supplies. As he was leaving he saw something on the wall. It appeared to be a boy, about 15 curled up on the wall with two lightsabers in his hand. He was frozen in carbonite and from the looks of things he was still alive and very healthy. "I sense within you a strong anger, hatred, and a very strong connection to the force. I see potential in you. Perhaps you could even be my successor. Very well, you'll come with me." He said as he ripped the carbonite block off of the chains that held it up. He used the force to suspend it in the air and carry it behind him like a cart. As he was leaving the base several soldiers blocked his path and saw him. Bane slowly came to a stop and looked up as the soldiers fearfully aimed their blasters at him. Bane set the carbonite boy down before he thrust his hands forward and tore several high ampere electrical wires off the walls and wrapped the soldiers up in them, easily electrocuting them until the died. He waved his hand and the carbonite boy lifted from the ground and followed him again. Bane then placed a different kind of tag on the boy before creating a large hole in the ground and burying him within it. "I'll be back for you when I have the time." He said before pressing a button. There was a hum in the air that got louder and higher in pitch with each passing second. Within a minute the outpost exploded with violent fury, the fire plume could be seen for miles as it ignited much of the forest around it.


((This planet is like Endor, very forested with many jedi outposts on it, and this is the army of the jedi, much like the rebellion and republic, non jedi forces that are allies of the council and enclave and take orders from the members of the High Jedi council on Coruscant and the Jedi Council on Dantooine.))

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loki was really annoyed when saw dust coming from the distance. "Really! more of you guys" he said. That's when he got a plan to kill two birds with one stone.


When the soldiers arrived he quickly lifted them up in the air letting them hang there for a few seconds before shocking them to the point that their weapons and armour where supercharged time bombs. he then flicked them towards the outpost ridiculous speeds one could say he had exceeded mach 1 one with a few of them. When they collided with the outpost they exploded he had thrown them all towards the base on the same side, the explosions where rendering the structure unstable after he had thrown the last one the structure came crashing down because its foundation where weakened to badly to support its weight.


That's when he turned towards the speeders, he could see the next outpost wasn't very far away, and he had about 20 speeders with him he held them in their place with his telekinesis and then use lighting on them over loading them to the point that each of them would equal to about the amount of power of a thermal detonator. He then let go of them, the electricity propulsing them forward towards the next outpost where, when they hit they would explode taking the structure with them


(i am ploting a rebelion tongue.gif)

Edited by alexxo97

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"Two down." Bane said as he ran from the second outpost. He approached the third and as he did he took out several beacons and laid them in a circle around the outpost. He smiled and he ran pressing a button as a powerful Tesla Canon fired and encircled the outpost, destroying it instantly. "Three down." He said as he continued to run.

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Seeing the two explosions lokie said i guess that's 3 for him and 3 for me"


he went into a full sprint towards the other. When he got there he jumped on te roof then jumped again reaching about 10 feet up and then came crashing down onto the structure fusioning his storm and telekinesis the structure started cracking upon impact ,and with a bit more effort, it shattered to pieces. Unfortunately he was still on top and when the structure fell he was cot under a piece which will take him some time to get out from under.

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"You're not gonna win that way." Bane said sensing Loki's predicament. He raced towards his fourth target and prepared a special grenade of his own making. He activated the bomb and set the timer then cloaked himself as a guard who looked scared. "Open the door!" He screamed at the exterior security. Looking shocked the security hesitated but did as such. Bane smiled at the feeble mindedness of these insignificant whelps. As the doors opened Bane hit the "Arm" button and threw it hard through the doors. The guards look shocked as Bane smiled and electrocuted them both. He then ran off in Loki's direction. He used his lightsaber to cut through the debris when he finally reached him. Bane lifted Loki up and carried him to a distant location. "You'll thank me later. That's 5 by the way." He said and ran off as the massive explosion wiped out everything within a mile radius. It destroyed where Loki was stuck and destroyed the outpost that Bane threw the bomb in and his next one.

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Loki had faded into unconsciousness, He was plagued by his visions once more but this time things where clearer and more powerful the emotion where stronger. he saw the same things but this time some details that where missing where present in his vision the fire was started by soldiers. What kind was still to hard to tell they shot at the house and threw plasma grenades at it. From the house emerged two jedi they fought back against the soldiers but where eventually shot down in front of him and then the vision ended suddenly.


Loki got up in cold sweats tears rushing from his eyes. He felt so sad, but he still didn't know why, he wanted to cry out, to act like a baby and cry, but now wasn't the time, now he had a mission to do. he suppressed his feeling and moved on rushing towards his next target.

Edited by alexxo97

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((Didn't see that...))


Kinir stood up after about a minute of laying down. He pressed the intercom button.

"This is Jedi Kinir Sho'tey. Requesting permission to land."

After he removed his finger,

"Are you sure that's wise? Identifying yourself completely?"

"Calm down Chance. Locate any defensive mechanisms either in land or air. Activate shields and boost bandwidth to receive response. And hand back manual control."

He sat back at the pilot's seat and put the headset back on. He took the ship in atmosphere and set it to hover.

"Ion cannons aimed at us, no other sign of defense." Chance said.

"Shutdown search and maintain shields."

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"Do you have clearance to land? Has the council summoned you?" The voice asked. "Please answer and provide identification code."




Realizing he had time, Bane took his time with the next base, he walked up to it and sat down and concentrated. He explored around the inside in a phantom form of himself created by the force. Soldiers fired at him as he walked along the path, arms outstretched and penetrating the walls. He approached the soldier, laughed then vanished. The real Bane, outside the outpost, opened his eyes and formed his pointer finger and thumb in the shape of a square leaving the other fingers outstretched. He left space between his pointer finger and thumb on both hands not touching his hands together. He slowly closed in the gap and there was a rumbling in the ground as the base began to be crushed. Every second his hands got closer and closer as he crushed the base with his power. Finally he forced his hands together and the base collapsed completely before exploding as the generator was destroyed. Bane laughed as he stood up and began to walk towards his final critical target. "That's six, one more and I can settle this as a tie." He laughed. "I don't care if I win, I'm not gonna be that milk drinker's slave."

Edited by Danniphantom

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"I've no permission nor have I any summons. I am not directly associated with the order, my identification is 08-77-2894"

He sighed when he took his finger off the intercom again. Haar chak. Security was going to be horrible. He had little reason to be here anyways.

"You know they'll never let you in."

"Ahh switch off."

"I will not, you know I'm right. They don't know you and their fighting a war."

"I told you to switch off didn't I?"


He took out his flask of Alderanian Scotch and took a swig. It was a rare drink since, well, Alderaan doesn't exist any more.

Edited by Dusset

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"Identification code recognized. You're clear to land, bay 6." The voice said. The Ion canons lost their lock on Kinir's ship and powered down. "Welcome to Dantooine, and the newly renovated Jedi Enclave." The voice said once more before cutting off their end of communications.

Edited by Danniphantom

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Loki was felling rage he had never know something was wrong but now wasn't the time to dwell on that. He raised his arms at the sky sending lighting dancing across the sky and striking down everywhere. the forest was on fire and the flames where spreading fast. AS the lighting kept on striking pieces of the nearest outposts started falling off or burning. it was only a matter of time before they broke or their energy core overloaded.


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