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Dreams You've Had

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I have had the same dream for the past two nights, which rarely happens to me. Although there was a different ending each time.


Both times, I remember loading up this cart I use at my work with boxes, although I don't remember the contents. It was sunny outside, mid-morning/early afternoon. There was a nice breeze, not enough to disrupt the boxes but enough to ensure I was cool. There was a railroad track on the left side of the road in my neighbour hood, which only exists in the dream. To the left of this road were town houses, and to the right was an army base, these are actual places.


I remember sitting on the cart as it slowly went down the track, which went on for a few minutes before reaching another road, and turned left onto a road that would connect to a highway. The track led to a 'wreckage' of cars, but the track itself was blocked by old, rusted, empty mining carts. One of these carts was overturned, but had the strangest thing.


There were birds of various sizes gathered around, about a dozen or so. A pigeon began to talk, and I still remember the voice clearly.


It was the kind of voice that belonged to a woman. It was soulful, but it never got to the point where she was raising her voice. From what I could tell, the pigeon was 'preaching' to the other birds, or at the very least trying to tell them something. For some reason, it also felt like it was directed at me as well. Even as I pushed the blockage with ease and moved on. I could still hear the pigeon even though I was getting out the sound range.


The 'wreckage' of cars I told you about, it was right next to the blockage. But it was the strangest thing, all the cars were brand new. Not a single dent was on their red paint. All the cars that were on the road passed by it without a second thought.


At this point is where the endings differed.


The first night, I pushed some of the cars out of the way. But they were weightless, and moved with ease. As I got back on my cart, and I turned left again into another neighbourhood... and that's all I remember from that one.


The next night, same thing with the cars... but as I turned around, I saw three cop cars with three police officers right next to them. One of them was holding a notepad and pen, and look very displeased. He said they had gotten many calls about whatever I was doing. But I work up right after that.




Now then, i'm no expert when it comes to interpretation. So I'll just list my thoughts.


The cart with boxes was probably because of how the stress of my job gets to me, and becomes part of me.


The track could mean one of two things.

1) I see my life as just one track, with no other path.

2) I have no desire to even go off this 'track' when it comes to my life.


The blockade? Probably my sub-concious telling me to take control of what I do with my life.


The pigeon? I've been kicking an idea for a story about a pilot who is called Pigeon. Though the soulful, almost gospel-like voice was probably a lingering fragment of my childhood view of religion, before I became an Atheist. This is the most difficult one to asses, since it could be a result from anything I experienced over the past week.


The red cars? No idea, a twisted version of my desire to retry my beginner's test perhaps?


The cops? I saw some cops outside my work before the second night, and my curiosity probably had some role.


Again, these are my first thoughts on what my dream meant.

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I wouldn't really call this a dream, more like a freaking nightmare... anyways,


It took place in some weird house, not sure who's or where it is. I was with my best friends and there were other groups of people there along with us. We were invited to this gathering of some sort. We are asked to put all our cellphones in a basket as it "will interfere with whatever was planned." As were in the basement area of the house we all take seats as these 5 guys that seem around our age come out with these black masks on. They tell us were going to go through a series of "fun events" as were here. Already I'm scared out of my mind telling my best friends that we should leave. They insist that we stay to see what happens, so we do. Each group goes in order through the basement into different rooms. Time goes by since the 2nd group has gone and we are second to last, mind you the 1st group has yet to come back into the area we all first sat in.


Suddenly we start to hear grinding that we hadn't heard before with faint screams, my heart begins to race as I wonder what the hell is going on and we all share looks of fear. I begin to notice the windows in the basement area and shut off by wooden planks and nails. One guy calls our group next as we start to walk towards another part of the basement where there is a dark metal walled room I poke my head into the door to see bright red eyes and a smile full of fangs in the darkness only to notice that there are also bones lying on the floor quickly I immediately refuse to go any further. The masked man begins to be upset with us as he delays our trip in he turns to me and says "Oh don't worry, we'll have something more extreme planned for you"


We go back into the basement area and realize that still nobody from the other groups have came back. We all sit back down as I try once more to convince my friends we need to get out of here. We begin to become more worried than the last time. 3 of the 5 guys come into the basement area where only my group and the last one sit. One of them speaks out shouting "Since you will not go through by will we must make you by force" They shut off all lights in the area where we are sitting one of the guys puts a bag over one of the last groups members. They begin to light up their flashlights, before hand I tug one of my best friends telling her to duck down to get away. I dive under a nearby table where one of my friends had already started hiding. He tells me quietly to run for the basement door, he hands me a key that he snagged from one of the masked guys. Before he could finish telling me what he needed me to do he is grabbed by one of the guys as he shines a flashlight on me. My only reaction is to run for the door.


As I running for the stairs to the basement door one of the guys shouts out for his partner to get me, I turn around to see how far away he was from me but he has caught up. I feel a tug on my right leg as I notice he's got me. I struggle to get my leg loose and I kick him down. I see a rug on the stairs that I throw at him and I close the door behind me. I notice our cellphones on top of the table and quickly try to find mine. As I grab my cellphone I make way through the backyard door. I fall into a bush by one of the basement windows and quickly dial 911. I then remember I have no idea where I am.... The guy who had then been chasing me before steps slowly outside to look for me... My heart is now beating more than I can handle....


That's when I wake up, I really don't know why I had a dream/nightmare like this but I'd never have one this long. I guess it came from my fear of being abducted.

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I've had lots of weird dreams before.


1. There was Mulan and her horse, and they were in the world of minecraft. They built a house only to notice that next door was a king's castle. Then Mulan fell I'll and her horse had to defend her from the evil birds that were attacking them. They flew in through the windows because Mulan had forgotten to put glass blocks there. Then, I woke up and randomly said, "Colored Pencils." It was a really strange and random dream.


2. I dreamed that I was doing my homework, because I forgot to do it the night before. Then I woke up in the morning and checked to see if I finished my homework. I found that it was already finished. Was I sleepworking?


3. When I was four, I dreamed about Star Wars, and droids were shooting at my grandfather and I. I ran to the other side of the battlefield, covering my head or avoid bullets. Then, my grandfather just walks towards me normally, not getting injured a bit. Then I realize that this is a dream and wake up. The strangest thing was that I never knew what Star Wars was back then...


If you really want to see a strange dream, go and search Abraham Lincoln's dream. It's really interesting!

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2. I dreamed that I was doing my homework, because I forgot to do it the night before. Then I woke up in the morning and checked to see if I finished my homework. I found that it was already finished. Was I sleepworking?



If you really want to see a strange dream, go and search Abraham Lincoln's dream. It's really interesting!

Firstly, the dream about homework? I have that too. I guess those dreams serve as reminders for us. Sometimes I dream that I forgot to do a certain task that would bring terrible consequences if not done, and I'll woke up only to realise that it's too early to do it but I haven't forgotten. Example, (not real; made-up for analogy) on May 20 I have to fill up the scholarship form, it's May 19 night- I would dream of it being May 20 and I didn't feel up the form, then my mom would scold me then I'll woke up.


unsure.gif Yeah, secondly, what's with Abe Lincoln's dream? Please I'm interested. smile.gif

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Really. I want to read more about others dreams. They're interesting

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I dreamt I was an astronaut funded by a corporation to go along with a crew of randomly selected people to prevent some sort of occult happening on the moon. We train for a year and are then taken to the top of a remote mountain and launched into space wherein we discover there's no return plans.


About six people die en route to the moon in wacky 90s action movie ways and when we get there we discover we're too late. The moon proceeds to become hell. Literally. The whole thing. Like six of us are left and we manage to hotwire the shuttle for a trip back to earth and get the heck out of there.


When we get back we're detained in a giant 30 mile amusement part / gambling destination that's somewhat similar to a disneyland-level of controlled environment slash totally integrated las vegas strip all owned by the company that sent us. At first I think it's because we failed to prevent the happening but then I realize it's because we saw what happened and didn't die on the moon. They keep in a plexiglass house and use control of oxygen punitively and to halt escape attempts. Eventually two of us sneak out past the cameras and locks and steal a hover golf cart and proceed to be chased by an elite guard of company muscle through the grounds until we're caught at the very edge of the property when we stop to use a bathroom in a old timey themed tourist saloon.


Once surrounded we think we're toast but the ground caves in around us and becomes like the hellish landscape of the moon. Somehow me and the other astronaut escape and leave the grounds only to be followed by devils flying in the sky, who don't seem to be chasing us exactly. I get the feeling they wanted our success but I have no idea why until later.


We stop and hide at a coastal town in Oregon and are met at a small motor inn by an oracle who tells us that it was our presence on the moon that actually initiated the conversion to hell and that the occult leaders who started the happening are actually one in the same with the owners of the corporation and that the 12 randomly selected people were actually scarifies needed to carry out the ritual and since only half of us died only half of the conversion took place. The company cult leaders are now being targeted by demons who are antagonizing them because they did not fulfill their end of the bargain. The company was detaining us long enough trying to create a second transport vehicle to take us back up to die on the moon. Turns out the oracle is a defector from the cult who lost a sibling to the sacrifice mission.


The motor inn room is broken into by some brutes from the company, the oracle is killed, and we flee to the beach and run into the water. We realize that as long as we can't be handed over the conversion won't happen, so we drown ourselves in the ocean. The moon reverts back to rocky barren normality and the demons dissipate after exacting their toll on the six living leaders of the cult and dragging them to hell.


:/ My dad says I dream in movies.

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Yesterday i dreamt i was in a big ship, like in space or something like that. biggrin.gif

So, as far as i remember, our quest was to ran out from that ship (don't know where, it's space, man!). There were some guys chasing us, me and someone not familiar to me, and two of us (me and not familiar guy) were scared. Then they caught us and kicked us from the ship (mission acomplished!). xd.png

Just when i was about to fall down, i woke up, thinking what the hell is going with my mind. laugh.gif

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2 nights ago I had this really weird yet freaky dream. I was at an old ladies house right and I was standing on her front porch when out of no where this guy with a mask on comes out and tries to attack me with a chainsaw. So I made a run for it and landed up in the old ladies garden which was massive then I looked behind me and I saw that the man was still behind me. There was a fence blocking my way so I digged under it and by the time I got to the other side the man just jumped over the fence and lopped my head of with the chainsaw.


I have had this dream twice now. What I do find funny is that this dream relates very closely with a movie where a man with a chainsaw is running a round with a mask on and I haven't even seen the movie.

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I dreamt last night I was having classes already. College. However, the setting is in an elementary classroom, and not my old school too. It was in another school that I just visited during Sundays for Church. How odd.

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I had a dream that I had a dream that I forgot about and it drove me crazy, then I woke up.

...I know...

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So, I've been having dreams.

Wanna know what they were?

Well, I can't tell you!

All I can tell you is in my dreams I've been waking up, writing down and redreaming whatever I was dreaming about before I 'woke up' (while actively trying to remember), going back to sleep and forgetting almost everything, and then waking up for real.


It's been this way for several weeks now. ;A;

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So.. May I ask again what is Kat saying regarding Abraham Lincoln's dream?

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I've had a couple dreams already about video games that haven't even been created yet, and one of them was kind of virtual reality-ish. I'm not going to tell what they were about of course because I'm going to make them and I don't want anyone stealing my ideas. I won't be able to make them for several years though because I still have about 4 years left in my game software development degree.


Just so everyone doesn't go home empty handed I'll tell you a dream I had in kindergarten. I was swinging on vines in a jungle, and then I came up to my basement. Then, my mom called me and my dad and sister up for supper, and I was walking up the steps and they pushed me off, but luckily I was able to hang on the side. But, then they started smashing my hands until i fell down. So anyways we ate supper then, and then we went on a car ride. My parents stopped somewhere and paid someone a check, and then we continued on. Then, we drove right into a cube of water that was at least three times as tall and wide and long as the car. I floated out the window and started bobbing up and down in the water.

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Last night I had this dream that I was on pirate ship and that there were pirates all around me. When I asked where I was they just said "Be quiet".


So what happens next is that I didn't stay quiet after all I just stated blabbering on about how life was and all the most randomest stuff you could think of. So the pirates just tied me up in a sack and through me overboard. Then I woke up thinking that I was drowning

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I always have these dreams about school before class tarts. It stopped when I was in high school. Now it's coming back in college. One of those dreams would include getting an F in class

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I had a dream a few weeks ago right after I had watched one of the lord of the ring movies. So I was on a boat on a river and I stopped at a fortress on a cliff on the edge of the river. I went into it and learned we were about to be attacked. There were also some of the lord of the ring characters like Legolas and Gandalf. The first attack was just Orcs and after we defeated them, the next wave was evil Klingon ninjas. The last thing I remember is jumping into the river to fight them.

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Few nights ago, I was dreaming of being a small dragon. I was in my nest on cliff when a bunch men intruded my territory. I growled at them to make them leave, but they were not scared at all. Then I noticed they were singing a familiar song, and for some reason I joined them. And so, I, a little dragon, was singing a song by Teräsbetoni (a finnish heavy metal band) with a group of very hairy men.....

The refrain was stuck on my head for the whole day. And I hate their music. .____.

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Once I saw a dream, I was about 15-16, that I was going school in the moon. There was a spaceship (like school bus) and it was trunssfering us.The school was in a glass bubble with some other buildings (it even had and a caffeteria). Inside the bubble there were normal trees and it was a normal small city of 10 buildings. But outside there were some strange-special-designed trees on the , in order to have more oxygen there and not to need a full set of austronaut suit but only a small breathing device, because the gravity couldn't hold enough oxygen. The last thing I remember was that we had took a decision to stay there at the night and have our school dance, because that night it was full-earth (instead of full moon) and watching the earth-light (instea of moonlight) would be great. I woke up before I could see it... sad.gif

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I once had a dream that mother had invited all of her lady friends, who suddenly all had tollders which they brought along, to stay for "A while" in my own house.

The toddlers were unleashed into my study and started to wreck everything they touched. I sat there helpless as my mother and her friends watched with an "AWWWWWW" expression on each of their faces. When I tried to do something about it, they attacked me verbally, although it felt like it was physical in that dream.


I should clarify, this was somewhat of a lucid dream, but I had no idea I could change anything in lucid dreams at that point, nor that it was a dream at all. Actually, I'm not sure if it was lucid or not. I had so little control over myself...


Next thing I knew, I was boiling over with so much rage at the sight of having all my fairly earned posessions being pissed on and wrecked by those little atrocities, that before I even knew what was going on, I was holding a chainsaw I never even knew I was holding in the first place.


I woke up covered in sweat. The last thing I remembered from that nightmare was laughing manacally as I was setting the bloodied body-part ridden house on fire with a canister of petrol and dad's prized lighter, the one he'd given me years ago when I graduated from high school.


I never had a similar dream since, but the brutal clarity with which I remember it still haunts me from time to time. I know I'm no fan of small kids, especially when they scream and cry on public transport right next to me, but I think my brain just went too far that night.

Edited by Ælex

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dry.gif So I kept asking, Abraham Lincoln's weird dream. And it's not in the internet blink.gif

*face desk*


Never mind. Found it.


"About ten days ago, I retired very late. I had been up waiting for important dispatches from the front. I could not have been long in bed when I fell into a slumber, for I was weary. I soon began to dream. There seemed to be a death-like stillness about me. Then I heard subdued sobs, as if a number of people were weeping. I thought I left my bed and wandered downstairs. There the silence was broken by the same pitiful sobbing, but the mourners were invisible. I went from room to room; no living person was in sight, but the same mournful sounds of distress met me as I passed along. I saw light in all the rooms; every object was familiar to me; but where were all the people who were grieving as if their hearts would break? I was puzzled and alarmed. What could be the meaning of all this? Determined to find the cause of a state of things so mysterious and so shocking, I kept on until I arrived at the East Room, which I entered. There I met with a sickening surprise. Before me was a catafalque, on which rested a corpse wrapped in funeral vestments. Around it were stationed soldiers who were acting as guards; and there was a throng of people, gazing mournfully upon the corpse, whose face was covered, others weeping pitifully. 'Who is dead in the White House?' I demanded of one of the soldiers, 'The President,' was his answer; 'he was killed by an assassin.' Then came a loud burst of grief from the crowd, which woke me from my dream. I slept no more that night; and although it was only a dream, I have been strangely annoyed by it ever since."

Edited by georgexu94

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Last user I had a dream where I planted bamboo on the side of my house that grew really fast. I attached fans to them as they grew and then I ran up stairs and looked out the window to watch them grow. I saw them pass the window but the weight of the fans made them fall over Oh no! The fans will start a fire! I thought running down the stairs but when I was half way down I jumped the rest of the was way down the stairs and I realized I was going to be hurt and when I hit the ground I woke up.

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Weird thing about dreams is that you wake up and realise it was just a dream but somehow certain fragments appear from the dream.

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^ Well, that happened in real life. Except it was in chemistry and to someone, not me.

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I had a weird dream that I was in a zombie crisis and I wielded twin katanas and I was the only female left in the world

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