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The 8 Worlds

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((Ooh, nice twist! Makes for some panic.))


Kay watched Ruu walk through the turnstile - already she was faster and calmer than many first-timers - and then swept her own card through. She had sight of her charge the whole time, and smiled when she offered to help an old man find his train.


So she really didn't see how she could have lost her so easily.


But lose Ruu she did, and she began to feel panic welling up when a quick glance around didn't reveal the girl's uncommonly brown hair anywhere in sight. A chill wind began to whistle through the tunnel, whipping her hair around her face as she began to push through the people standing on the platform. Most of them saw the horror in her face and stepped aside to let her past, but a few refused to move or even stepped deliberately in her way. Snarling, she shoved anyone who didn't move fast enough and searched wildly for the Cloudgirl.


After a few infinite moments, she spotted a mop of brown amongst the black, along with an aging white-haired man.


"Hey!" she shouted, hoping the man was just standing there by coincidence and not by purpose. "Hurry up, we're going to miss our train!" All the while, she was moving closer and closer, so Ruu would know she was talking to her.

((bump for anyone who needs to know where my character/SparkeyGirl's character is))

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((uh I'd love to join but I have no idea what's happening right now. Can you give a quick summary of currently active people's locations and what they're doing?))

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((well right now my char (Jasmine), chocolate's char (Myf), and song's char (Anri) are in the former's world, talking about what their next plans are for the war between the element wielders and the metal weavers, an evil group from the metal world or that's what they were doing before chocolate and song got really busy with school or whatever else they're busy with doing; sparkey, Lilith, Klinneah, and the other person in their group, can't think of her username right now, are elsewhere and don't really know what they're up to...that's all i know so sorry if that wasn't very helpful at all ^^'))

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((Oh, one more thing, maybe you should update what dragons go in which world. You're missing at least the trios, and probably everything from then up till now.))

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((it's chocolate's rp; she'll probably do that when she gets back on, whenever that'll be but it might be awhile))

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((Chocolate hasn't posted at all for over a year...the chance of this RP surviving are slim indeed unsure.gif ))

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((she'll be back...hopefully; i talked to her about starting this over on another forum that she's also a member of, but hasn't been on a whole lot either, and she was for the idea before this version started back up again for a time so it might still be a possibility))

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