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The 8 Worlds

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Jazz looked over at Anri and asked, "You'll come with me even if I say that I'm the one who freed the animals?" She was a little hopeful that he would come with her but at the same time, didn't want him to get hurt. He's been on his own before meeting me and the others so he'll be fine. "We need to get the animals hidden before they get here," she said after awhile of looking into his eyes. How to hide the animals before the police come.

Edited by Dragonpelt

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"Yes, Jazz, even if you say you freed them. I can't let you take the blame yourself. I know this world better than most and believe me, it's just as deadly as any other." He said looking at her. Then he looked at the animals. How to get rid of them before the authorities.... That's it! He wasn't sure he'd be strong enough, but he had to try. He called Earth to him once more. He asked it to form a wall around the animals that ran through the woods to a clearing on the far side. The he just said "Earthquake...." The Earth obliged and started to shake, causing the animals to run through the funnel to the far side of the woods. "Fa....fall...." he whispered, feeling the effects of Earth draining. The funnel fell quickly, leaving no trace behind. Anri unsteadly reached out and put his hand on Shadow. He was really weak now, but it was worth it.

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Jazz smiled at him and was glad that he was there. When he had the earth create an earthquake to hide the animals, she supported herself against a nearby tree so that she wouldn't fall down. When it stopped, she looked over at him and saw that he was now leaning against Shadow. She walked over to him with a concerned look on her face. She had never seen him like this before so she had a right to be worried a little.

Edited by Dragonpelt

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Anri sighed tiredly an looked at Jazz. He smiled slightly and said, "It.... it's ok Jazz. There's just a reason I don't.... don't use my powers much. I've never set foot in Earth world or the Night world. And though I can call the powers to me..... I can't hold them long. They drain me, and until I step into both worlds, they will. Don't worry, though, I'll be just fine."

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"Okay I'll try not to," Jazz replied. It was then that she heard some weird noises approaching (sirens). She hadn't heard the noise before so they were really odd to her ears. She turned just in time to see some weird vehicles that she somehow knew were called "cars" come up to their group and park not too far from where they were. The lead authority came over and said, "We're here to pick up the people responsible for an animal escape that happened not too long ago." Jazz nodded and then stepped forward saying, "My colleague and I" she pointed at Anri and then turned back to him saying, "did the deed." The police chief looked surprised at first but then it quickly wore off and he took out a pair of iron shackles (hand-cuffs) and placed a pair on her hands and then did the same to Anri. He then pulled them to one of the waiting cars and put them in the backseat. Before she went, though, she mouthed to Myf, "Please see to it that the animals get to safe homes. They're hidden under the earth far off in the woods due to Anri's earthquake." She then ducked into the backseat of the car, Anri next to get in. When they were in, the police chief turned around and headed back in the direction that they had come.

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Anri gladly followed, head high and back straight. He had been to prison before, so this was nothing new to him. As he sat next to Jazz, he whispered, "Don't mention the eight worlds to anyone, Jazz. And don't give information willingly, k, Jazz?" He said it barely above a whisper, looking at the cheif in the front seat. He said, "'Hoy, cheif, surely you remember me? I know you gotta, heck, I sure remember your mug."

"Aye, Anri, I remember you well." Said the cheif looking back at Anri through the glass.

"Then you remember the favor you owe me too, and know that I'm just about ready to colect." Anri said smugly, looking evily at the man.

"Aye, aye, I remember." Said the cheif, looking forward once more. Anri looked forward to and saw the old prison had been revampt.

"I take that back, I'm colecting. The girl stays with me at all times, no matter what, understand, Leion?" Anri said, looking at Jazz.

"Whatever, favor granted." Leion said, almost sad that he couldn't seperate them.

"Well, I finally pulled my last card trick Jazz, from here on, we're on our own. Good thing is, we wont be seperated; if we were, you might lose your temper with... well, don't worry about it."

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Jazz nodded and didn't say anything as he talked to the police chief. He sure knows this guy well and I wonder if he's gone to this prison before today. At his last whispered statement she asked, "How did you know that I had a temper?" It took a lot for her to lose her temper and she might have lost it if she had been separated from Anri. Either that, or she wouldn't have talked by answering their questions. She looked out the window at the trees passing them by and hoped that Myf would find good homes for the animals.

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"What can I say? It's in both our bloods, like all the other worlders." He whispered, remembering the last time he lost his temper here. He had passed out for three days, but he got out of it cause he rebuilt the place and that was what the favor was for. Looking back, he caught a glimps of a stark black shadow. "Looks like we have a Shadow following us." he said, looking back at Jazz.

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Jazz listened to what he said and nodded. She didn't know if that was true or not but she was glad that she wasn't the only one that had a temper. She smiled at his other statement about a Shadow following them and knew exactly what he was talking about. "How do you know these cops?" she asked curiously when she found a good topic to talk about aloud. All other things about their escape and stuff on the other worlds, she figured that they could whisper but what she just asked was safe territory.

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Anri chuckled slightly and said, "Well, I've been here plenty of times before and somehow I always manage to cause trouble. Let's just say that there's a bounty on my head that the first prison to find and keep me they get the reward. Course, this is the fourth time this particular unit found me, but still the last three times I got caught on purpose. Heck, these facilities are better than any other if you ask me." He said matter-o-factly, shrugging his soulders simply. He looked at the prison they were swiftly approching and said to Leion, "Hey, y'all still have steak Wednesday and chicken Thursday?"

"Course we do, it was your first granted favor, and we keep promises." Said Leion, looking back with a slight smile, ""Specially when it's a good favor like that."

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Jazz giggled a little and said, "Sounds like you're a bad boy." She listened to the rest with interest and at the part about steak and chicken, she instantly got hungry and it was then that she forgot when she had last eaten. She then remembered that she had eaten the day before but then hadn't had anything after that. Her stomach growled and she sighed. Her gaze settled on the prison that was their destination and saw that it didn't look old or anything of the sort. She thought it looked fairly new but that was just her since she hadn't seen a prison before.

Edited by Dragonpelt

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"Only ninety percent, the other ten..... well, you know the other ten." He said, hearing her stomach growl. "Hoy, Leion, can this cheep piece of junk go any faster?"

"Cheep? Your the one who built it!" Said Leion, putting on the gas.

"No, I built the one that's sitting in the garage because everyone is afraid to use it!" Anri replied looking back at Jazz and rolling his eyes. "I used to work for the force at one time and I was the head mechanic. Easy job really, till I up and left. Anyway, don't worry, Jazz, its almost lunch time at the prison anyway."

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((No, Song, telepathy with Anri and Shadow is fine, but no body else. Oh, and it is the middle of the night too xd.pngwink.gif))


It all went too quickly for Myf as she watched her friends disappear into the car, Shadow running behind them. Then, as Jazz got into the car, Myf heard her words and whispered back. "I won't give up. Not on you, not on Anri, or Erin. I will die to bust you guys out. I won't give up." Her words were low and calm, but had a tone that made Daen jump to hear. As the car drove off, she looked up to the cliff where Erin had gone and whistled, much like what Jazz did to call Erin the first time. The possy remaining looked at each other, Atlanta breaking the silence. "Do we hide the animals in the house and then set out to finish what we came here to do? Or do we go and rescue them now?"

"It would be dangerous to break them out now, we need to finish the job tomorrow then get them, with the animals on the way." Daen broke in. "I know where the station is, and it is not far away from the door. But their powers will be weakened, we need to use our," He motioned to himself and Myf, "Powers to bust them out, then get out of here." Albert and Mortimer nodded, Barry following with the conversation also. "Myf?" Albert asked. "Seeing as we're in danger busting Jazz and Anri out, may we come too?"

Myf thought about this for a while, then replied half-heartedly. "If you can handle the fun."

Mortimer grinned. "Great. Now, we need some sleep before tomorrow. It going to be a long, hard day." The group turned to leave, but Myf broke in. "You guys go. I have to go and get some of the animals, the rest are at the house." She turned towards the forest, Daen following behind her. She stayed silent. She was used to this now.


As they trudged towards the forest Myf spotted what Jazz had explained to her quickly. The animals we there, only a few though, because the majority were still back at the house. Myf ushered them out quickly, before leaving on the back of one of the unicorns and the creatures galloped/flew quickly back to the house, where Albert and Mortimer were loading the animals into the house, which was now teeming with snorts and grunts of the animals, bickering over where to stand. Eventually, everyone was in the house, and all the human were sitting on the couches, the animals next to them. "So, we break at dawn and go to Barry's friends places, then to theirs. And so on until they get the message. Then we should come back here, then go again with the animals, bust Jazz and Anri out, then go into the Air world. Job complete." Myf said, the other nodding in agreement. "Okay," Albert finally said. "Let's go to bed."


((Ehh... fail post!))

Edited by ChocolateGal137

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((I ish back from my night time class biggrin.gif))


Jazz smiled at what he said first and then at the lunch part said, "Good 'cause I haven't eaten since last night. I didn't get to have any breakfast after waking up after the dream I had this morning." When she mentioned the dream, her smile faded a little and she looked out the window once more. At the part of him being the head mechanic for the force she said, "That must have been fun to do." She wondered how long ago that was.


Erin, upon hearing the whistle, flew off the cliff that she had landed on moments before and landed in Albert's yard. She looked around and saw Myf, Mortimer, Albert, Daen, and some animals but didn't see Shadow, Anri, or Jazz. "Where's Jazz, Anri, and Shadow?" she asked worriedly as she looked around. She wondered if she had gone and done what she had said that she would do and Anri had gone with her. Shadow probably followed after them but she wanted to know for sure what had happened.

Edited by Dragonpelt

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Anri sighed and shook his head as he was hauled out of the car by Leion, who actually looked slightly sad. As Leion helped Jazz out, Anri said, "At one time, Jazz, it was fun. Then.... things changed. Prisoners began disappearing and I soon discovered the reason. I left after that and only returned when I was caught." He looked at the massive building then out of the grounds to the trees. There, in the forest around, was a much deeper Shadow. "Leion, I see you got a new head machanic. He any braver than the last one?"

Leion turned to him and understood why Anri had asked that question. He said, "Don't know, Anri, he hasn't probed that far yet." Now Anri was sure, Leion was sad.

"What's up, Leion?" Anri asked cautiously, walking to stand by Jazz protectivly.

"Gotta new warden, Anri, and believe me, what you seen before ain't nothing to now. Guards are disapearing too, and rumor is I'm next. Be quick getting out.... Night Stalker." With that, he turned and started walking in, Anri following behind quickly, Jazz by his side.

Shadow, be ready for a quick escape. But.... not just yet, I can't let good ole Leion vanish..... he's been good to me all these years. Treats me like a son.

You got it Anri, take your time and take care of Jazz and Leion. They're family to us both.


((Sis, I expect Jazz to ask about Night Stalker lol, I plan that out all careful like.))

Edited by Songbreeze2012

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((alright I'll have her ask happy.gif))


Jazz smiled at Leion as he helped her out of the car and then listened to what Anri said. Her smile faded when she heard all that and then only nodded. When he stood beside her protectively, she was a bit surprised but then it quickly vanished and was replaced with a little bit of happiness. What Leion called Anri brought her surprise back and she asked curiously with her head tilted a little to the side, "Night Stalker?" She looked at him with the surprise on her face as they walked towards the prison. I wonder if that was a nickname of his awhile back.

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Anri looked at her, shame in his eyes. "Yea, that's what most of the people call me here. At one time, I was simply Anri. I became known as the Night Stalker first when I snuck around this place as a young boy, but it grew permanet later. I..... what I did..... not exactly excusable by the ones that.... died that night. But, it didn't stop Leion from treating me like a son, and it only strengthened most of the guards trust in me. I called shadows to me that night, and that's how I earned my name Night Stalker." He shook his head and looked at Leion ahead of them. he whispered, "I can't let Leion die, Jazz, he's like a father to me. If the other's come, you'll have to go and leave me till I find what's going on. I know where to start, I don't know where this will end." He looked at her gently, then turned and let his eyes rest on his old cell.

Leion opened the door and Anri walked in, Jazz still beside him. He looked at Leion and said, "Can you bring some steak for me and Jazz?" Then he whispered, "I'll stop this, Leion, I swear it."

"Course I can, Anri," said Leion, sounding like his old self again. Then he whispered, "I certainly hope so, Night Stalker. Otherwise, I don't think I'll be around to do your favors anymore." Then, he turned and walked away, leaving Anri and Jazz alone.

"Well, Jazz, stay here. I'll be back as soon as I can. Tell them I'm in the bathroom when they bring the steak." He hugged her close once, then called night to him. Being as dark as it was outside, it came easily and willingly to him. Without another word, he vanished and was soon going farther and deeper into the prison, following the path he had vowed never to travel again. Night stayed with him the whole time; thus he changed from Anri, Jasmine's lover, to Night Stalker, controler of shadows and darkness.


((I'm thinking about making Leion a permanet character but I'm not sure. What you think sis? ))

Edited by Songbreeze2012

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((methinks it's a good idea happy.gif))


Jazz listened to Anri's explanation and nodded as it made sense. In answer to his whispered statement she said just as quietly, "I'm not leaving you; not for a minute. If I find out that you got hurt 'cause I wasn't here, well you don't want to know what happens when my full temper gets unleashed." She then followed him into what she figured was his old cell. Her stomach growled again at the mention of the food, but she was happy that she would get something to eat soon. She then nodded at what Anri said and hugged him back before he left.

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Anri went deeper, going to the oldest part of the building, the part he had helped build. He walked slowly now, the halls echoed terribly here. He came to the old steel door that he had instructed on how to make, and how to lock. He placed his hand on the indent to the right ride of the door. He took the door handle in his left. Then, like always, he pushed the indent and pulled the handle. The latch clicked and the door opened quietly. He ducked inside and put an old pipe in the door to keep it slightly open for a quick get-away. He walked down the stairs and that's when the screaming started. He resisted the urge to turn and flee as he had done before and instead went deeper. What he saw would haunt him for life, but there was no way he could let this continue. He shut out the screams and the sounds of tools and walked along the wall, comfortable in the shadows. Finally, he got to the destruction switch he had installed. It was years older, but it still would work, the metal he had used was special; shadows themselves kept it hidden and earth kept it working.

Did he really want to do this? Destroy the very home he had grown up in after his parents deaths? Then he thought of Leion, the man who was more like a father to him, and typed in the passcode. An hour after dawn this place would be a crater. He ran back to the door and asked the shadows to muffle his running. He closed the door then took off through the old corridor, shadows hiding the sound of his boots on the hard floor. Less than two minutes later he was back inside the cell, pulling Jazz into a hug and whispering into her ear, "We have till an hour after sunrise, then this place is no more." Leion was coming own the hall and Anri whispered, "Get in here you big lummox. Leion paused like he was thinking, then yanked open the door and walked in, closing it behind him.


((KK, here is Leion, in the..... flesh?


Username: Songbreeze2012 (Song)

Scroll: -points to sig-

Name: Leion Lukeson

Age: 30

World: Modern

Appearance: His blonde hair is cut military style and he wears military clothes most all the time. His eyes are dark ebony and his 6'2".

Personality: He's a kind man and believes almost everything Anri tells him. After all, many times before Anri had saved his life. Finds it hard to believe about the eight worlds, but he goes with Anri anyway. He doesn't have a wife or kids, never got married because his job at the prison never stated he would come home. He admits that he was never this scared in the military as he was at the prison.

History: Raised a military mans son, he learned hard discipline and punishment. When he became a Lt. General his father had been proud and it was then that he had first ran into Anri and his mother and father. When the boy was eight, Leion had started working at the prison and took the boy and his stallion under his wing, teaching him everything he knew. Anri, in turn, taught him everything he remembered his parents teaching him. They fast became friends and soon enough, Anri saw Leion like a father and Leion saw Anri as a son.

Companion name: Stark

Companion species: German Shepherd

Companion Appearance: Like a normal German Shepherd all except for a mark on his chest. Pure white in color, the mark is in the form of an arrow. ((Anyone read the House of Night Series?))

Companion Personality: Stubborn and firm, he is loyal to Leion and shows affection to Anri. He's only three, but he's a loyal canine and does as he is commanded, unless it puts Leion or Anri in danger.

Other: No other, he's just him.

Password: 8 Worlds ))


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((yay happy.gif))


Jazz had sat down on the bed as she waited for Anri to come back. The person who was supposed to give them their food had come earlier and she greeted him with a friendly smile and then took the lunch from him. He hadn't asked where Anri was so she didn't have to lie. She was still sitting down when Anri came back and she had stood up and allowed him to pull her into a hug. She hugged him back and listened to what he said about the prison being no more a little after the sunrise. She nodded and then smiled at Leion when he came into the cell.

Edited by Dragonpelt

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Anri saw the food and said, "You eat, love, I'll explain things to Leion." He released her gently and turned to Leion. He said, "Leion, it's time to get outta here. Let's just say that little accident explosion a few years back was no accident. Trust me. Get your men and the prisoners outta here and we'll be right behind ya. Don't go deeper than you have too, Leion. Don't go passed the door." He said, reverting to Night Stalker again.

Leion was going to aruge, but the fact that Anri was still Night Stalker and the wild look in his eyes told him to simply do as he was told and ask questions later. "You got it, Night Stalker." He turned and walke out, leaving the cell door slightly open.

Anri whispered behind, "You have till an hour after sunrise." Leion nodded once, then vanished again down the hall. Anri watched him go and then sat beside Jazz, picking up his tray and eating in silence. His mind was everywhere at once. Was the old escape tunnel still up? Had it caved in? He hoped so, otherwise the crazied guy in the basement would live and that was something the Night Stalker didn't want. His eyes misted over and turned darker; they normally did when he was Night Stalker. He all but forgot who he really was.

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Jazz nodded and then started to eat when Anri released her. Her stomach growled its approval as she ate the steak and chicken and knew that it was finally satisfied with getting fed after some time. As Anri ate, she noticed that his eyes misted over and darkened a bit and she gently placed her hand on his arm to hopefully knock him out of whatever state he was in. She knew her touch did something to him whenever he remembered painful memories and was able to knock him out of it and back into reality. She had watched him turn into his other identity of Night Stalker and had been merely fascinated.


((sorry I didn't post earlier; I was really dizzy and needed to take a nap))

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((It's k sis, I've been sick the past couple of days, missed school cause of it.))


Night Stalker stopped eating machanically and looked at Jazz. His eyes changed back to their amber color and Anri shook his head. He hated having two personallities; but it was apart of who he was now and that wouldn't change anytime soon. He smiled gently at her and said, "I'm alright, Jazz, honest, just the other me comes out some that's all." He squeezed her hand then took another bite of food, slower this time.

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((k; are you feeling any better? I bet you have a lot of make-up work to do, huh))


Jazz nodded and then went back to eating her food. When she was finished, she rested her back against the cell wall, sitting in Indian-style on the bed. Her hands were now in her lap and her head was hung with her eyes looking at her hands. She was thinking about her dream again and only just realized that she hadn't told Anri about it yet. She wasn't sure that she wanted to but it might help her get used to the feeling a bit more.

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((I prolly do sis. Yea, I'm feeling some better but not much. Between the headaches, naps, and stomachaches I could be worse.))


Anri sat the tray aside and looked at Jazz. She didn't look much better than he felt. He stood and went to the wall beside the bathroom door; being the most well behaved prisoner had it's advantages. He tapped the wall twice on an off-colored brick; the brick and the eight others around it opened. Anri reached in and pulled out a nine-milimeter and a clip. It had been his fathers and he had never used it himself, prefering his AK-47. He reached in again and pulled out two amulets; one had been his mothers, the other his fathers. As with their homes, his fathers was as black as night and his mother's as green as the trees. He looked at them and tears came to his eyes. Wiping them away he turned to Jazz and walked over to her. He held his mother's pendant out to Jazz and said, "This was my mother's; her and my father made them when they came to the modern world. Their like walkie-talkies only they only comunicate with the other. And they let the either wearer know what the other is feeling. It saved both my mother and father on many occasions."

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