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Crusher knew enough about Bleeding Moon dragons to know that the red spots on their back reacted to the sun, but Cetn appeared to be a unique case. "Hm, I see. Well, I'm sure Artemis could prepare some medicine for that if you asked her. She knows quite a bit about using herbs and whatnot." he commented.

"Oh right, breakfast... I almost forgot."

They should definitely eat something before heading for the desert, not doing so could be dangerous. He looked around to see if anyone else would be interested in hunting with him and realised that something, or rather, someone was missing... Two hatchlings were missing! "Have you seen Sky or Mihari anywhere?" he asked Cetn. He must've not been fully awake before to have not noticed they were gone and felt unnerved by the fact that he hadn't double checked earlier.




Ranu laughed when Liger jumped into the air and she didn't let go as the two of them rolled through the grass. Liger was then able to throw her off and she quickly stood back up, ready to go again, but Liger wasn't getting up for some reason. She ran to Liger's side and nudged him with her foot, but there was no response so she sat down and looked over at Artemis with worry in her eyes.


Artemis sighed and sprung into action, quickly trotting over to examine Liger's head. Liger had hurt his jaw less than a day ago and now this? Some hatchlings seemed to have a talent for hurting themselves, but thankfully Artemis came prepared with some herbs she found at Shatterpoint.

"He took quite a tumble, but I'm sure he'll be fine." she assured Ranu before she swiftly went over to where Crusher's satchel sat under the tree. She lifted the satchel with her left claw and rummaged through it with her right. Artemis thought she caught a glimpse of something glowing at the bottom, but she dismissed it thinking it was probably coming from Mihari's mana shards. Soon she pulled out some comfrey leaves and crushed them together before trotting back to Liger and lightly pressing them to the welt.


Ranu lay down and didn't know what to do other than watch Artemis do her work.

Edited by Booo

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Liger's wound would take a while before it would be completely healed say a month or two,however, the swelling was starting to let up some. Liger would eventually be waking in a bit.


Liger was dreaming/ memorising of his past when he was in the egg in the nest. He was listening to his parents chatting while their silhouettes went about the day doing their chores. Going very close by Liger's egg his mother's Stone reacted and this shocked the parent's and made his mother worry with fright for Liger, cause she knew what was in store for her hatchling if the stone was reacting to Liger's egg. The stone would only react to one who would have a very tough life struggling growing up and become very powerful, but also be in very serious danger having to be forced to kill a close one/ loved one. Other stones reacted to his siblings and could hear what ones had reacted to whom, and their futures. Each other stone that Liger's siblings also had a reaction to, had two dragons who the parents had met randomly and reacted to those stones, while so far the ruby which was Liger's mother owned had five, including her. The parent's also found out that each dragon that reacted was somehow related to her, so it was within the family that the stones reacted. Wanting to not believe that the stone had reacted to Liger, she went back again towards Liger to see if it would react again. It did. His mother began balling her eyes out. His father came to comfort his mother while she told him what had happened, and wailing,"Why Does it Have to Be Liger, why Him?! Why does he have to kill someone close to him in the future?!" "I don't know Zarbartna, However, Liger's going to be very strong and unique.......Intruders!!!"


Liger first massive pain washed over him then it was pitch black. Heavy it was painful and slowly Liger opened his eyes to find he was laying out on his side. His eyes moved to see who was near him and where he was. His body hurt all over, and felt like it was on fire.

Edited by Captain_Gunzou

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Username: Evesthery

Name: Soothmark

Gender: Male

Type/Breed: Soul peace dragon

Power: Can see into the near future (next 12 months), but only from his own eyes. Like if he was in the ocean at the time he looked forward to, he wouldn't be able to see what was going on above the clouds.

Personality: He loves to do fancy things while he's flying, and he uses his foresight to help him make good choices, which makes him appear experienced, even if he's never done it before.

Appearance: His horns curl forward instead of being mostly flat, and he has a slight limp due to an injury he got as a new hatchling.

Age/Stage: Mature hatchling.

History: He never knew his father, and has some memories of his mother, but she was killed by an angry red dragon when he was just beginning to mature. He managed to fend for himself for a little while, hiding in a small cave and feeding on fish from a stream. He knew that help would come, so he waited and purservered. 5 months later, the Hatchlings found him and took him in.

Extra: He's kinda shy about his powers, but doesn't try to hide them, exactly. He just doesn't like to talk about it. He has become very comfortable with water after relying on it for several months as a food source.

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Cetn nosed his flank scales, which were looking much better after being in the shade for a while. He only grew worried when his whole body turned orange, but so far that hasn't happened yet... which was probably a good thing, because who knows what would happen? Maybe his scales would start disintegrating! That... wouldn't be very good.

As Crusher started musing about breakfast, Cetn found himself looking at Irah. She hadn't said much at all, and was still slumped over a bit. He remembered how willing she was to chat back when she woke him up in the cave; was this behavior new at all? It was rather... withdrawn.

" Have you seen Sky or Mihari anywhere?" Crusher suddenly asked. Cetn hadn't thought twice about it, and raised his head to look over the group.

" Well, Sky is..." He faltered when he looked over at the fire pit. Empty. " Um, well... Mihari is..." He faltered yet again upon seeing another empty spot. " Um... uh.... They used to be there..."

He stood up, a bit confused, and looked around again to see if he just missed them, but there wasn't even a tail peeking out of a bush. " Uh... maybe they just went to take a drink? Or something? They were here last night."

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((I'm not sure what else to add here. Hopefully it doesn't throw you off.))


"Hm....maybe. Those two tend to come and go without saying a word... and they seem to keep forgetting that it worries me sick." Crusher grumbled, keeping an eye out in case they popped out of the bushes at any moment. Unbeknownst to Crusher, Irah was now beside him and she tapped his leg to get his attention. He looked down to see her avoiding eye-contact with a look of anguish on her face. "Sky decided to leave last night..." she mumbled and raised a wing to wipe a tear from her eye. Hearing this, an unhappy growl arose from Crusher. He had an idea of what Sky's reason was for leaving, but he couldn't help but feel mad at him for having the audacity to leave his daughter, the one who did so much for him and didn't expect anything in return. "I tried to help him, I really did, but I guess it wasn't enough." Crusher said and sighed in disappointment. "But who knows? Maybe he'll change his mind and come looking for us."




Artemis glanced over at Ranu and said "Next time, make sure there aren't any sharp rocks nearby." before she noticed that Liger was regaining consciousness. "You feeling okay, Liger?" she asked him gently.

Edited by Booo

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Cetn blinked, watching Irah shamble over to Crusher and mumble something to him; the result was a disapproving growl. The Bleeding Moon rubbed his muzzle, curious as to what she said but deciding not to say anything about it. He'll know in time.

A small breeze threw a whiff of moisture into Cetn's face, and he suddenly felt parched. Double-checking the group again for Mihari or Sky - but still not finding a sign of either of them - he picked himself up and followed the scent of moisture. He could use some refreshment before they started flying like a bunch of geese again.

Sheesh, what kind of dragon can fly so straight for so long?! His wings still hurt!

The scent led Cetn to a small trickler. He sniffed it to make sure the water was okay, and caught Liger's scent; he must have been thirsty too. Cetn wandered upstream a bit before he dipped his snout into the trickler for a drink, thinking.

Wasn't there something odd about all of these dragons? How did I come across them? Were all dragons this friendly? He wondered. Something is off... Why are they going to the desert again? Did I ever ask?

A flicker of light caught Cetn's eye, and he paused in his drinking. The flicker occurred again, just a bit further downstream. He lifted his head and walked down the bank, his eyes on the water.

There! A fish! A... really small fish, but it was a fish, anyway.


Cetn thumped his tail on the ground, watching the fish as it cautiously searched the pebble riverbed for food. He then brought his tail forward and rubbed it slowly on a nearby rock, charging it up.

The fish was unaware.

He brought his tail over the water, poised like a spear, making sure the shadow didn't fall over the fish. The small creature grew even more cautious as a weird black spot fell over the water....

TZAP! Water sprayed up into the air as Cetn slammed his tail down into it. The spark blinded him only for a moment, and the fish thrashed before expiring.

Yeah! He caught a fish! Cetn scooped up the fish in his jaws, the leftover charge tickling his nose and making his gums go numb. The Bleeding Moon was exuberant; he normally couldn't catch fish! He was too clumsy, or would disturb the water too much, but now he caught one!

So excited he was about his catch that he decided to chow down on it without thinking.


Weird. Slimy, hard... Oph! He almost gagged as something small and pokey prodded his throat. Sharp! Many sharp!

He didn't think about the bones of the fish. Unsure on how to fix the pokey, he simply devoured the rest of his catch and forced it down.

" Ugh!" He said. " Fish are awful!" He shook his head to try and get his throat to feel better, before something occurred to him as he looked downstream.

The others haven't eaten yet. He really should have shared that with someone, or at least brought it back first.

Cetn's spitefully-pokey meal started filling him with guilt. So childish of him! Only a hatchling would eat first without thinking! He should have repaid Crusher's kindness!

Then again, it also wouldn't do to have him go fishing without telling anyone. Well... he could at least go back and tell them he found food, right? But he wasn't eating another fish again!


The Bleeding Moon picked himself up and started walking back toward the camp, formulating his words in his head. He didn't know what he expected when he returned, but the air was thick with worry. Like something had happened. But Cetn simply shrugged off the unease and approached Crusher casually.

" I found some fish in the trickler nearby." Not mentioning eating one. He added to himself. " They're small, but there might be some big ones downstream from here."

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"ARGH it Hurts! I feel like my body is on fire!" Liger coughs some, gags then throws up some more lava that was in his immune system. It sizzled when it hit the ground but didn't harden very quickly. "OOoooh" Liger just laid his head back down slowly to rest, his eyes closing, "This is the pits. I wonder if all my other siblings had to deal with having this in their body, or is my breed the only ones who have to deal with this kind of thing?" Liger was soon out but shivered a bit when he slept. It was noticeable to the others who was around him especially Artermis and Crusher and his daughter, not sure about Ranu though.

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Artemis stepped away from where Liger was aiming and was puzzled as to why what was coming out of him was so hot, burning the grass by her feet. "Well, your kind are fire-breathers so that might explain it," Artemis said calmly and gently pressed the comfrey leaves to keep them in place. It must not have hurt that bad if Liger was able to sleep, but he was now shivering and his head felt really warm. She thought that Liger might be developing a fever, but she didn't have much experience in treating fire-breathers, especially one as young as him.

Ranu thought that maybe Liger was shaking because he was cold so she edged closer and pressed herself against him in an attempt to keep him warm.


Crusher didn't know what else to say to console Irah so he sat down and put a comforting wing over her while Cetn went scouting. When Cetn returned and told him about the fish in the 'trickler' it was easy to assume that he was referring to the river. "Excellent. The three of us can help ourselves then. Sky has left of his own accord so we only need to search for Mihari."

But what about Artemis? He looked to his left and saw that she was looking after Liger who'd hurt himself. "Artemis, have you seen Mihari?" he called over. Artemis glanced up and replied, "No, I've been busy watching these three." Crusher mumbled something incoherent as he stood up. He then said "Let's get going." firmly to Cetn, "And we'll bring back some fish for the others."

Edited by Booo

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"Roluth? Roluth!" A tan colored blur flitted about the cluster of trees and bushes, weaving between trunks and shoving their head into shrubbery. "Roluth! Where are you!" Venia called, worry dripping off each word. Clawing their way out of the bush they'd dived into, the Pygmy dragon hurriedly looked left and right, down an- "Ooof." They smashed into something solid and covered in rough scales. Giggling made the obstacle rumble as Venia tumbled to the ground, the rest of their lungs being emptied.


The giggling changed into an excited roar as the Colossus came into focus. "Ia, Ia! Play gin, play gin!"


Play again? Roluth was playing? Since when did a game of hide-and-seek begin today? Venia stifled a small whimper, rubbing the end of their offended muzzle with a clawed hand. Picking themself up, the Pygmy looked up at the hatchling that dwarfed them so terribly. Roluth wasn't more than a couple months old and was already more than ten times their size, not to mention weight. "We'll play later, Roluth. Right now, food's more important." Unless the younger hatchling had gone off and devoured all sorts of junk while the Pygmy was sleeping.


At the mention of food, Roluth started to jump about. "Num nums! Num nums!" The Colossus was too little to properly form a lot of words so Venia was often struggling to translate various "nicknames". But "num nums" was one of the easier-to-understand category. Before Venia could make a proper reply, Roluth took off (again), stumbling over roots or shrubs in his pursuit of a meal.


"W-Wait! Roluth!" Venia exclaimed, powering their small wings and chasing after the hatchling. They had to admit, their flying had significantly improved since Roluth hatched. However, their speed still wasn't perfectly adequate for keeping up with the bumbling Colossus.

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Crusher was evidently still worried about Mihari's disappearance, though after mentioning Sky choosing to leave, Cetn's eyes widened.

Leave? Sky left? Why did he leave? He barely just met the dragon!

Even though he knew that the reason was probably anything but him, Cetn's minor guilt about his breakfast changed to a larger guilt, a worry that he had driven Sky away. Maybe he didn't like that the group had so many newcomers in it? Maybe he didn't like Cetn? Did he do something to offend him? Cetn did find a dragon with no front legs to be a little weird, but Irah also had no front legs, so... well... maybe he still shouldn't have cracked that joke while they were flying last night. But he couldn't have possibly left just because of a joke, right?

Cetn slumped and curled in his tail, feeling responsible for Sky's leaving. Maybe that's Irah has been so withdrawn this morning...


Crusher asked Artemis if she had seen Mihari, but received no luck there, so he simply muttered and stood up. " Let's get going. And we'll bring back some fish for the others." He looked pointedly at Cetn. The Bleeding Moon perked up, felt more guilt, and tried to hide it with a sheepish smile. " Y-Yeah, we'll bring back fish. Lots of it!"

I really shouldn't have eaten that fish. I REALLY shouldn't have. He thought. Not sure what he felt the worst about - the fish or Sky's absence - He simply picked himself up and plodded after Crusher and Irah. He glanced back at Artemis to see her applying medicine to Liger, who was shivering despite having Ranu laying practically on top of him. He changed his glance to Irah before turning his eyes to the ground, unsure what to say. Should he mention his concern about Sky to her? Would it just make her more upset? Maybe she would blame him for it?

If I was a younger hatchling I would at least have an excuse. He thought dryly to himself. I don't even have that!

Edited by skwerl56767

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[( I hope this is ok?)]


Vulkoorvulon stepped out of his hiding spot in the bushes and walked towards the river. It had been days since he had been split from his flock, from his adopted mother. He plopped down by the river and stared into the water. He poked the surface with his claws and snorted. Why did they take my mother away? he thought. It's so unfair. He growled to himself as he stared into the water. On the reflective surface of the water, he saw a small squirrel run up a tree on the other side. Being very hungry, he splashed across the river and tried to climb up the tree after the squirrel. However, he slipped and fell off the tree, scraping his legs. "Stupid squirrel!!" He snarled,

Edited by SaphireKat

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Ranu noticed, whilst laying on Liger, that he seemed warmer than normal even though he felt cold. She realized Liger needed to be cooled down to prevent his internal organs from melting.


"Mum?" Ranu called, trying to bring Artemis over. "Liger needs to get to the river now, he's too warm, he has an illness." Ranu was worried about her friend, and started to run through the worst possibilities in her head.

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((Yeah that's fine SaphireKat. I'll be adding Crusher and Irah's part soon.))


Artemis had been pondering what medicines she could make for Liger when Ranu got her attention. Seeing that Ranu was now lying on Liger, Artemis was worried that she might get sick as well or make Liger too hot, although she was pleased to hear that Ranu had strung together her first sentence. "I know Ranu, but I think you should stay away from Liger for now. Just until I'm sure that he isn't contagious," she advised, promptly picking up Ranu and placing her further away from Liger. "Why don't you go see what Quinn is up to?"


Quinn was sitting a short distance away, eyeing Ranu suspiciously. After seeing what Ranu had done with Liger, Quinn didn't want anything to do with her either.

Edited by Booo

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Vulkoor looked at the scrapes on the backs of his legs and licked one carefully. It stung like a dozen wasps and blood oozed from the wounds. The tree had really done a number on him. "Stupid squirrel..." he mumbled again. He slowly walked over to the river, his legs stinging with every step. "I hate squirrels" He said as he plunged one of his front feet into the cool water. He brought up his dripping foot over the scrapes letting the water drip on the wounds and wash them. It stung at first, but the coolness of the water soothed his wounds. He laid his head down on the bank and peered at the water. He was just having the most awful luck these past few days.

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Crusher nudged Irah to follow him and walked to the river with Cetn, occasionally swiping at the thorned bushes that stood in their way. Mihari had done this sort of thing before, exploring and not coming back until later than what was agreed on, but this time was different. Not only was the area unfamiliar to them, but Mihari hadn't even let him know ahead of time. Heck, Mihari couldn't even fly yet and the more Crusher thought about it the more worried he became. At least Sky's disappearance was justified even if Crusher felt miffed about it. Glancing back, he saw that Irah was still looking depressed about the whole thing. It was going to be a while before she got over it.

"Chin up, Irah. I'm sure Sky misses you just as much and probably hasn't even gone very far," he said, trying to solicit some hope in his daughter. Irah didn't say anything and instead chose to stare at the ground for most of the walk. She knew Sky wasn't coming back this time and was beginning to think that she wasn't a good enough friend if he still decided to leave the clan after all these years.


As they neared the river, Irah heard something splashing loudly in the water. She assumed that it was a bear or other big animal that was fishing.

Edited by Booo

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Vulkoor perked his head up at the sound of voices. "It had better not be that clan of Brutes that kidnapped my mother" He thought. He stood up and winced as his scrapes stung with his movement. He faced the sound of the voices and crouched, ready to jump. "W-who's there?!" He called out. Her barred his teeth, trying to look tough.


[i hope this doesn't make him look like he has supersonic hearing IDK how close they were to the river]

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Ranu, hearing the noises of the Brute Dragon, ran to Artemis in worry. "Mama! There's... b-big... dr-dragon..." Ranu was frittered with worry. "There'sabigdragonandit'stryingtokillananimalandhelp..!" Ranu hid behind Artemis as the dragon attempted to kill the animal... a squirrel? Yes, it was a squirrel.

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Cetn glanced at Irah as Crusher tried to console her, but she still looked more wilted than a flower. He knew he wasn't helping the situation by feeling guilty, but he wasn't sure how comforting a dragon worked. Maybe Irah will feel better fishing in the trickler.

Speaking of the trickler, there was some splashing up ahead, and Cetn paused for a moment. A fish jumping out? No, too loud. Maybe another creature? It sounded like some of those howlers he heard of in the forest. They were no bigger than some hatchling dragons, and were covered in fur. They usually traveled together and barked loudly, but Cetn usually encountered them when they howl. What sort of creature decides to randomly bellow at the top of its lungs Cetn didn't know, but lone howlers will have others come to them when they howl. Maybe it's just a really loud, vague form of telepathy.

Cetn's tail twitched and he began walking again, hoping it wasn't a howler. They didn't like dragons very much, and he had been chased several times by packs of them. Darn howlers...


" W-who's there?!" The voice made Cetn jump into the air.

" Who?!" Was his immediate response. Still tense, he looked over at Crusher and Irah sheepishly. " I-er, uh, you heard that too, right?" He looked back toward the trickler; they were within sight of it, but not at the bank yet. " Hello?" He asked. He couldn't see any dragons, but maybe that was what caused the splashing?

Oh thank goodness, it's not a howler! Though, Cetn wasn't sure how he felt about meeting another dragon... He was still trying to memorize everything he was told during the flight about the ones he was already with!

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Vulkoor saw heard Bleeding Moon hatchling and breathed a sigh of relief. "So it's just another hatchling," He said, then he stiffened a little. Wait I clearly heard more than one voice, shouldn't there be another one?" He thought, not yet ready to stop being slightly alarmed. He took a step forward and winced a little as his skin pulled and caused more stinging on his scrapes. Wait, who are you? He asked.


[EDIT: I didn't read the post above clearly ^^; So yeah needed to edit this. It's okay now though!]

Edited by SaphireKat

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Liger's father has already given his mate the dreadful news. He promised her he would find Liger and protect him in any way he can. Moving about the forest as a medium size blue flame will o wisp, He zig and zagged looking for Liger. He went up and down and about sometimes doubling back in case he just missed him. Eventually, he found dragon's but doesn't know who they are, and they're more or less moving and talking slow motion. Garth cuts straight through them to head towards the clearing that he saw was made by one of the dragon's or multiples came from. He goes into a huge clearing and sees more dragons. Looking slowly he zooms in and sees his son lying down on the ground shivering and Garth can tell what's wrong almost instantly. His honey had the same illness ways back before she became pregnant with their hatchlings. He almost lost her, and now he was worried about his son Liger. He was Too young yet to join the deceased in the afterlife. To any who acknowledged Liger, and accepted him would be able to see the father hovering over and looking down upon his son, and his appearance. He was instantly recognized by his species as ones who were powerful but preferred to try and talk it out, before being forced to fight. He was a little bigger than that average adult size and his eyes showed wisdom beyond his years, Zar his mate was about twenty years younger than him in human years appearance. To any who didn't acknowledge Liger or accept him saw only a Blue floating flame that came from the forest then hovering above Liger. If Garth was 50, She'd be 30.


"Son""dad?""You must not surrender to this temptation of coolness and giving in; Otherwise you will surely die. Your mother and your siblings are all worried about and are waiting for you to return to them." But How am I suppose to get there?! I was still in my egg when I was taken, daddy."You must go to where the earth touches the sky, and when the sky has a flowing river of colors in the sky you must go past a mountain there where it's peak is shaped like a bear's head. Going past that there will be a waterfall call Thundering Horses; It's huge! Now Here's what's been going on while you've been out here with these dragons. Your sister Alexa a Plum colored dragon with one yellow eye and one green eye has the ability to communicate with nature's wildlife. Your brother Johnathon, is an ivy-colored dragon with blue eyes. He can communicate with plants and control them."


While Liger's father Garth was telling him about his family and what was going on back home, and describing his siblings and their life and his mother's description. Liger had stopped shivering and was getting close to the breaking point of his fever. The rubies fluxed and glowed while keeping the bodies heart rate. Ranu was in no danger of getting this considering it was only able to infect the race Liger was.

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Crusher let Cetn go ahead of him before pushing another large bush aside, revealing himself to the dragon by the river. Oh great, another Brute... he thought sarcastically. Brute dragons had a reputation of being aggressive thugs and that wasn't a challenge that Crusher wanted to take on right now. At least this one appeared to be an adolescent.

"Irah, stay back," he whispered while glancing back at her. "I'll let you know when it's safe to come out." He then turned to look at the Brute again and put on a fake smile in a quick attempt to look non-menacing.


He would've spoken to Irah telepathically if he was able, but telepathy was something that he never quite grasped since he had been busy directing his magic energy elsewhere over the years.




Artemis stood in confusion for a moment when Ranu fretted about a 'big dragon' and spoke gibberish before running behind her. "Ranu, is this about Liger?" she asked, completely unaware of what Ranu was so worried about. She turned around to look at Liger and Ranu side by side and let out a sigh of frustration. "Like I said, Liger is unwell so you need to find something else to do."

Artemis then carefully picked up Ranu in her jaws and walked over to where Quinn was sitting before placing Ranu on the ground. "Quinn, I'd appreciate if you could keep Ranu occupied while I tend to Liger."


Quinn only glanced briefly at Ranu before looking at the ground and running a claw through the grass. "Um okay, whatever..." she said, knowing she didn't have much of a choice.

Edited by Booo

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{Sorry school has been taking up a lot of my time. YAY WEEKEND tongue.gif }


Vulkoor looked at the Bleeding Moon and Magi. He assessed them quickly. The bleeding moon seemed to be about his size and age, but that spine on his tail seemed menacing to say the least. Then Vulkoor looked up at the much bigger Magi. He seemed nice, and protective of whomever else was behind him, Vulkoor couldn't see. However, Vulkoor noticed something different about him. "Why wouldn't he speak to whomever else in telepathy, unless they're different species? He though. "He's either really kind, or someone didn't teach him important life skills" Vulkoor shook the thought from his head before he could snicker and make a fool of himself, or worse.


Despite the fact Vulkoor was a hard-headed idiot who would always put up a fight, his failure to catch even breakfast made him aware that he a.) didn't have the energy to fight because he was very hungry, and b.) his scrapes hurt so bad that his fighting skills wouldn't even be up to par. He plopped his butt onto the riverbank and lowered a bit into submission.


"Hi." was all he said, but not in an aggressive tone.

Edited by SaphireKat

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