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Encyclopedia #Incomplete Tag / Unlock Issues

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I didn't notice a post for this, but correct me if I'm wrong-


Dragons that have more than one form to unlock in the encyclopedia will not always show up when using #incomplete as a search tag. Some do, but the potential majority do not.


If the #incomplete tag was intended to only display dragons that you do not have unlocked far enough to purchase in the market, that makes sense as a concept, but I would both love to see a separate, additional tag that displays all incomplete entries. I also would then argue... why do Undead dragons show up in the search, when they cannot be purchased from the market? Why do dragons with all images filled but incomplete information still display? Either intended or not, there seems to be inconsistency.


It seems, at least based on the ones I have like this, that the entry no longer displays under #incomplete when the topmost form on the encyclopedia has been discovered fully, regardless of other undiscovered forms that may be present. Below are the ones I noticed in my own encyclopedia, which is almost entirely complete.


Example of missing from the #incomplete search when one form (but not all) is unlocked:

  • Painted Ray Pygmies (Metachrosis missing)
  • Coppers (Pennybright missing)
  • Flare-Tail Pygmy (Blue missing)
  • Sapphire (Yellow egg missing)
  • Ushgorn (Red form missing)


Example of properly displaying under #incomplete when an image or information isn't yet fully unlocked:

  • Tsunami Wyverns (descriptions not yet complete)
  • Undead dragons (two-headed wingless image set incomplete)
  • Vermeil (s2 image was missing)




Additionally (and somewhat of an aside)- if dragons can form change to unlock an image, such as Painted Ray Pygmies into their breeding form, if you've already viewed that dragon and it's been counted in the encyclopedia under its normal form, then it cannot count towards unlocking that new form. While this makes sense on the surface, it is causing some real issues currently in that:


  • You would have to have purposefully never viewed your own dragon at any point when it was growing and then did a URL edit to directly go to its Actions page and use Metachrosis, or your own dragons will never count (also happens with Aeons, but this is less annoying for them because....)
  • You must find someone who has transformed their Painted Ray Pygmies into breeding form, decided NOT to immediately breed them, have it not have been a week into the 28 day cooldown for them to maintain that color (based on description, not current bug(?) of indefinite color). This is a set of conditions that is near impossible to run across, even on purpose, without having a friend do this to 15 of their own dragons for you to then go view.




Both of these are somewhat separate issues but wasn't sure if they could be related to a similar bug on the back-end

Edited by Gathouria
clarification of wording

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On your additional note: Dragons count once every 30 days so you CAN unlock more than one form with the same Dragons it just takes time.

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Ah okay, weird my painted didn't unlock it- maybe they counted for the normal form again when I viewed their pages and went to change their forms? 🤔 or is that only for non-owned dragons, and/or does viewing owned dragons after that count as having viewed that form rather than owned it x2?

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Pretty sure it won't count as owned it x2. Actually, the stat says "Adults raised" not owned.

If it counted them again each time you view them I would have massive numbers of adults raised for some of the ones I breed frequently, and I don't.

Edited by purplehaze

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Hmm, it's odd that some breeds don't get flagged as incomplete if a form is missing. I have most unlocked already but I checked for painted rays and you're definitely right. (Thanks for reminding me to unlock those btw lol.) Surely all breeds should behave the same way when something is missing...the incomplete filter doesn't actually help that much if it misses stuff.


On 5/30/2023 at 2:17 PM, Gathouria said:

Ah okay, weird my painted didn't unlock it- maybe they counted for the normal form again when I viewed their pages and went to change their forms? 🤔 or is that only for non-owned dragons, and/or does viewing owned dragons after that count as having viewed that form rather than owned it x2?


Could be either. What I did to unlock the metachrosis form was, from my scroll (not the dragon's page) I clicked the actions link, used the action, and then viewed the dragon. I did this with several pygmies that i have owned for a long time, and like DragonLady86 said they count as viewed (not owned) again after a period of time. But I knew for sure I hadn't viewed those dragons in a while, so. If you still need some, you can find mine in this group.



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Bump after like, forever. I'm glad someone brings it up. I'm kind of a completionist so keeping track of encyc entries is driving me crazy. Either the tag #incomplete isn't working as intended, or... is there a separate tag for alternate sprites I don't know about?


This issue is, on the grand scale, pretty low priority, guess I can utilize bookmarks as means to keep track, but it doesn't feel efficient enough.

Screenshot_20231023_154150_Samsung Internet.jpg

Screenshot_20231023_154219_Samsung Internet.jpg

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The "#incomplete" filter only shows Undeads for me, but I am also missing the hybrid adult sprites for both Floret variants. I do have all of the breed info unlocked for both, but I also have it unlocked for Undeads, so that shouldn't be the cause...

Edited by 11th

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