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Ability to filter or choose what's in Action Log

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I still really want this. I go on naming sprees and then have my action log taken up by "named" actions, and I really don't have a use for seeing those actions. And like Pokemonfan13 I just grab a free red dragon to check for incubates, so I could do without those in the action log as well.

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I'm fine without this since we have the extended log, but I saw interest for this in another thread. =p

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This is my primary wish for the Action Log.. being able to CHOOSE what I want to show up in MY log.


30 days is fine... 60 would be best IMO... but only if I can see what I need. And I don't need to see what has been hiden/unhidden... or eggs I've abandoned... or dragons I've named.. etc. What I NEED to see is Influence, Incubate, and Breedings (with results). Everything else is useless to me and just wastes space better used by what I need to see.

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I searched for this topic and found multiple threads but all of them were closed for some reason? I didn't see TJ vetoing the idea in any of the threads so maybe they were just closed for inactivity? 


It's very, very, very frustrating that my Action Log is often *filled* with abandons and hide/unhides. This is what the first page of my Action Log currently looks like (linked for size). It looks ridiculous, and honestly it makes the Action Log almost useless because any important actions are totally buried. It would help cut down on all that mess if we had a 'hide/unhide all' option (hint hint) but since we don't, can we PLEASE have some way to filter the Action Log, or choose what is shown somehow? I really don't have any use at all for all of those abandon logs, it's just unnecessary clutter. The Action Log is an awesome feature, but it's made much less useful by having so many totally unnecessary and meaningless entries. 

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I agree that filtering would be a big help. I often have to go back a couple of pages just to find out if I correctly influenced something. Ctrl F is my friend then, but it it still a pain to have to page back to find the needed entry.

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Absolutely please. I chipped in to many of the closed threads... I would like to filter out named, hid and unhid. But not so sure about abandoned - we kind of need to see auto-abandoned for the times people post "my egg poofed who stole it" :lol:

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I totally agree, @Fuzzbucket, what if abandoning eggs and auto-abandoning eggs were treated as two separate categories? So you can filter out intentional abandons but still easily check if something auto'd (or not, if you choose!). I honestly never check the action log unless I want to see if I influenced something, and it's SO MUCH to sort through just for that!

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Support. A filter feature on the actions page would be great.


It's good that almost everything is logged in case of "wait what happened why is this thing not on my scroll anymore", so there should not be an option to generally exclude things from being logged. But for everyday use, the action log would be a lot more convenient with a filter for certain actions. Or even a "type what you're looking for" box similar to the group adding / fertility thing.



... A search box instead of just "filter for [action]" would be especially useful when I want to see everything that happened to a certain dragon.

Edited by Confused Cat

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Yeah, I'm sure actually excluding things from being logged would lead to too much confusion. I think I remember someone in one of the old threads mentioning checkboxes, like a list of the different things that are logged and you can check or uncheck if you want to see them or not. A sort of drop-down filter like the ones on our scroll would be helpful if, say, I want to see all my naming actions in the past couple days. A 'type what you're looking for' box would also be handy, although possibly not if you aren't sure exactly what you are looking for. There are a lot of different ways the Action Log could be customized, and honestly I'd take any of those ways if it would help me with not having to slog through dozens of hide/unhides and abandons.

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I think filters would be an excellent idea; I was going to suggest that I couldn't think of a single possible utility for keeping track of your fogging activity, but then I remembered that catching stuff in the biomes isn't tracked. It'd be nice to be able to limit mine to just influence/breeding logs. 

Edited by Tehya Faye

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@HeatherMarie I've merged your new thread with the old one. :) 


I'm not sure whether I would use a feature like this, since I don't really use the action log often, but for those times when I do I would be quite happy to have a filter. I'd be happy for this to work either by selecting settings of what shows and what doesn't or through a drop down menu similar to the ones on the main scroll page.

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I mostly use it to


- count results (aka how many of my X breedings of breed Y resulted in eggs from the same breed) = statistics

- find out at which time exactly I bred a specific dragon or a specific breed (see above)

- verify how I influenced something

- find out at which time exactly I bit and killed something (aka when do I get my eggslot back?)


I couldn't care less about the hundreds of "hid" and "unhid" messages ...

Edited by Ruby Eyes

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1 hour ago, Ruby Eyes said:

I mostly use it to


- count results (aka how many of my X breedings of breed Y resulted in eggs from the same breed) = statistics

- find out at which time exactly I bred a specific dragon or a specific breed (see above)

- verify how I influenced something

- find out at which time exactly I bit and killed something (aka when do I get my eggslot back?)


I couldn't care less about the hundreds of "hid" and "unhid" messages ...


This. And also I couldn't care less about naming - I can SEE that on my scroll. Oh and when I get a refusal I go straight to it and not he top entry - saves me thinking hang on, which was the one I bred him to... Copy paste the top entry into my refusal database and bingo.

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Refusals aren't logged anyway, only breeding attempts and resulting auto-abandons, if existing ...

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No I know - but if I hit one, that pair is listed as "bred x with y" at the top of the list and I can copy paste before going on.

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I just went on a breeding spree and right now the *entire* first page of my Action Log is 'bred' and 'automatically abandoned'. The entire first page, not a single other action on the first page (oh wait, there is one single 'hide' in there). Mass-actions like that clutter the Action Log to a ridiculous degree, making the log in general a lot less useful. I really really wish there was a way to filter things.

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*bump?* Not sure if there is a more recent thread about this, looked but didn't see. 


Halloween reminded me once again why this would be *so* wonderful. My Action Log was just completely overrun with abandons, from hunting the AP and constantly grabbing-tossing. This is just a very small example, there are pages more!



Pages filled with abandons do absolutely no good to anyone, really. There is no link to the egg or lineage, you can't double-check what egg you abandoned or anything, there is no actual benefit to having tons and tons of abandons clogging the Action Log. It would be *soooo* nice to be able to filter those out or choose not to show them or whatever.

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I think it could be really, really useful! Sometimes I want to see if I influenced an egg correctly or something like that, and it can get kind of lost... I mean, with "ctrl+f" you can find most things, but it might be useful to know how much you do one kind of action or things like that.

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I'd like to be able to choose what it shows. But the one I want gone are "named", "hid" and "unhid".  In all hose cases we can SEE that. "Abandoned" can be useful when there is question about whether we did or didn't - all those posts "I had a chicken and it vanished and I didn't do a thing..." I am also glad to see auto-abandon has shown up.


Maybe - I think this would be easier to code - the ability to go through our log and delete what we don't want to see there ?

Edited by Fuzzbucket

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Unless it was a mass-delete option, that would be very very tedious and annoying. Deleting every single one of the hundreds of Halloween abandons? Yikes. If it was a 'delete all abandons' type of thing, that could work.

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Awkward though. They ARE proof TJ can use when people say they didn't do it.

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TJ can track/see actions that aren't in the action log, so I'd assume even if they were deleted from the action log they'd still remain in whatever data TJ has.

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Sure, but when people are aggrieved, they don't always believe him. If it is there in THEIR log for them to see....

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