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What is a CB & PB Dragon?

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I have seen these terms (CB and PB), in the "Wants" part of a trade quite a lot. I have no clue what these terms means and have searched multiple times and various wordings of "What is CB/PB?". But nothing has come up. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what these terms mean. If so, that would be amazing,


thank you,



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CB stands for "caveborn", meaning dragons taken from one of the biomes in the cave rather than bred from two other dragons. Here is an example of a CB lineage. PB stands for "purebred", meaning a dragon that has been bred from two or more parents that are the same breed as it. A purebred dragon's lineage will contain only dragons of the same breed. Here is an example of a PB lineage


For further information, there is a thread specifically about lineage terminology which might help: 



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