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Sky and me 1x1

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He blinked at her complement a moment of surprise crossed his features before it was covered. He eased on to his back after turning so he could glance her way. "Mum is coming in. She'll kill me if I wasn't laying down and resting." He says softly before clearing his throat to begin his explanation.


"Werewolves, do exist but I am not one.  They are truly beastly creatures with all instinct and no rational, slaves to the moon and her whims and are born with half a human soul. They are twisted, deformed and inherently evil. I am what is called a Cainin, a good Light creature that helps and protects. We are masters of magic. We're able to change forms, shrink or grow in size and depending on our power, can combine aspects of other creatures. We are born to protect, and I am from a long unbroken line of these fae creatures. Yes, Cainin's are a type of fairy. Cainin protection is said to bring good luck, prosperity and good harvest to the places they feel the need to protect. A caninin, will never kill for sport, or fight each other like common dogs.  I am the strongest yet in my line. My blood could be traced back to the very first of my kind. Caninin people always transform into some sort of wolf or a member of the fox family. Some can become coyotes, but they are considered impure and darker than most. The things we can control are the size of our bodies, teeth sharpness, shape and length, jaw strength and such. For example, I can get as big as a grizzly with retractable claws like a puma but my main look is a white wolf." 


He paused for a sip of water he had brought into the room. He then continued. "I am a thirteenth generation of canins. Now, there's females of my kind, only they can't do a full body change. They can change parts into animal parts, however nothing extends past the lower ribs or the hips. It's once said that the first canin daughters could change like their brothers, however they switched between shapes too many times while pregnant and gave birth to human like wolves whom had half souls and knew only death. They later become known as werewolves. To prevent more darkness entering the world and disrupting the balance, the father of all canins took the women's full shifting ability away. Because of this, only males gain the ability. "


Another sip his voice gaining in strength as he talked. "Usually a family's purity depends on the amount of male children being born with the ability rather than the mother's side. Pure blood lines usually have twins. As long as one is a boy, the line remains pure, if both are girls, the line is broken and if they have a son with the ability to shift, a new line begins. Zachary is my older twin brother. Because he's the first born, he was supposed to be in the woods. He refused, so now he'd take over the inn when I'm in the woods. If I die, he has to do it until Da retires from the inn and they switch places. The same thing happens if he dies, only I'll remain in my current position before switching with dad. That's what happened with Da's brother. A hunter saw the Wolf that was my grandfather teaching both boys how to hunt, and use their powers. The hunter wanted their pelts and set out traps everywhere. Mum was little, and was picking flowers when she went to get one in the trap and my Dad tackled her. He lost an eye, and grandpa was there right after to help heal.... well uncle Maxwell was chasing a rabbit and it snapped on both the rabbit and him. The hunter was chased out and later killed by grandpa when they returned to the village finding max's pelt hanging outside the inn. It was so small that it could've been mistaken for a rabbit's but there's no tricking a wolf's nose...." He said softly trailing off. "That's why hunters aren't allowed out of sight here. "

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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Sabrina listened to everything that he said with curiosity, absorbing in everything he said regarding his kind and their abilities as well as what had happened to his uncle when the latter was younger.

“I’m sorry about your uncle and it must be a burden to protect the village and woods surrounding the village by yourself,” she said in reply after he was done talking while laying on her side. She had laid down during his story so that she was no longer sitting up and still had the quilt wrapped around her to stay warm. “I also enjoyed hearing about the history of Cainins and what they can and can’t do. Thank you for helping me understand about them a bit better.”

Edited by SkySong278

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His expression turned soft and almost melancholy. "Indeed it is difficult, but when my brother chooses a woman to be his mate- and he could have his pick of them as you heard from the ladies outside, he's quite the charmer- any sons he has would be trained by me and will protect with me until I die and one takes my place. " His voice turned to a painful tone of someone love sick. "I've only been to the neighboring towns to sell the hides I don't use. I've come to realize that very few women would forgo the luxury of running hot water, human interaction, a husband who holds a stable job and whom could guarantee he'd come home every night unharmed. Compared to finer men, I am a wild brute. Indecent, blunt, emotionless, penniless.... unfit by their standards. " 


He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "Enough about that. Tell me traveler, what magnificent stories do you have about the world you've seen? The only fantastic thing that happens around here is the festival and minor fae creatures being pests." He said tilting his head studying her once more. He sat up and gently removed her shoes then pulled a small fur blanket over them, fur side down to keep them warm. He then resumed his lounging on the floor. "Ah, I don't believe I've introduced myself. I'm Adonis. Explaining my kind is the least I could do. After all, you did volunteer to help me even though you're not a resident here."

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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Sabrina listened to everything he said and was a bit sad when she heard his first few statements. I don’t think you’re a brute at all and I definitely wouldn’t mind forgoing the luxury of running water, she thought to herself before hearing everything else that he said.


“You can call me Sabrina or Brina and not a whole lot,” she said before he took off her shoes and put a fur blanket over them to keep them warm and felt a bit embarrassed that she hadn’t taken them off before laying down. She then proceeded to tell him what she had learned and had come across in the other towns that she had been in before this one, her learning long range combat with both a bow and arrow and crossbow, as well as family being important which made her realize just how much she missed her mom and dad.


“It’s nice to officially meet you Adonis and it wasn’t a problem really. I wanted to help you after how welcoming the villagers and your parents were when I came here. I’m actually thinking of being an official resident here because I feel that I’ve traveled enough now to stay permanently in one place,” she said in reply to his last few statements after she had finished telling him what he had wanted to know earlier.

Edited by SkySong278

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He smiled at her last statement. "You'll be a wonderful welcome to the hostility I usually receive. I'll personally guide you around town and help you settle down once all this is done. You have my word. And considering you've seen me shift, and now know about my kind, you can take my mother's place as the Wolf Shaman. The person whom tends to me when I'm hurt. We have plenty of bows here. I make most of them. Now I just need to find what weakens this beast and make bolts from the substance to kill it." He said rubbing his chin in thought. 


He sat up suddenly, nose wiggling as he smelled the air. A weathered woman knocked on the frame of the open door. "Master Wolf, dinner is ready. Ma'am says that you should put on a shirt and slippers." She said softly crossing the room to the dresser and pulled out the items. 


He carefully got up, surprised that the shirt the made helped him into actually fit, but one look at the slippers one could tell they were too small. He hobbled over to Sabrina and helped her up. "You wear my slippers. Your shoes were wet and cold feet isn't good for a fever. Now let's get off my mum's cloak and into my old house coat..." He says undoing the red hood, handing the maid it and took a fur robe of maroon minx fur pulling it around her. "There. Now can you help a invalid to the dinning hall please?" He said with a light joking tone. 

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“I can try to be and I’d like that a lot. I don’t know how to tend to wounds but I’ll try my best and I hope she won’t mind me taking over her job. Could fire possibly be a weakness for it?” Sabrina said and asked in reply to everything he said before a maid came in and told him that dinner was ready and for him to put on a shirt and slippers.


She carefully sat up when he came over with the slippers before he put them on followed by the robe after the cloak was taken off and then nodded in reply to his request to help him to the dining hall before giggling softly to his light joking tone. “Of course,” she said before getting off of the bed and then leading him towards the requested area after taking his hand in one of her own.

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"I'm sure she won't mind. She'll teach you if you want." He offered as they headed to the other side of the inn to the family dinner table in the kitchen. He pulled out her chair and sat down beside her spot which was actually the head of the table leaning back clearly in pain but seemed to be collecting himself for a moment. 


Dominic came in and  sat down at Adonis's left hand side, Sabrina being on the right, and his mother takes the spot next to her husband at the table for six after setting out a wonderful spread of meat, with other trimmings out on the table. Adonis eats with more dignity then what he showed in the cave, but was still clearly starving. Dominic sat stiff and silent. Ray looked regal, like a queen and gave her husband disapproving looks when he tried to reach for something, or touch her hand. He'd then get a whipped puppy look in his eye and eat with less enthusiasm each time, an argument apparently having happened between the too to develop this sort of silent treatment. 

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“Okay,” Sabrina said in reply before they sat down to eat at the table. She nodded in thanks to him pulling out her chair for her before starting to eat some of everything that Ray had set out. “This is really good,” she said with a content look on her face after she had swallowed a bite of the food that she had put on her plate. It had been so long since she had a home cooked meal so she was glad that she could enjoy it again.

Edited by SkySong278

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"Why thank you dear!" Ray grinned. "I saw you have packed up your things. You don't have to do that. I can move you to another room upstairs where the Inn's official rooms are. Besides, you can't really leave until the week ends and definitely not when that monster out there!" She said worried. 


Adonis finished his meal, sitting back. "I already told her that. She said she'd like to settle down from her traveling life here in our village. When things settle down, I offered to help her find a home. " He says softly Ray grinned from ear to ear. "Really? How wonderful!"

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“You’re welcome,” Sabrina said in reply with her own smile before hearing everything else that she said regarding moving her to one of the rooms on the upper floor as well as what she said about her leaving and the monster. “I’d like that but I still have a bit of a chill and small fever from my cold so I guess I’ll have to stay there until I’m fully recovered so that I don’t get anyone else sick,” she said before she heard what Adonis said about her wanting to live in the village. “Yep and I’d also be interested in learning your job as Wolf Shaman. Adonis said that I’d be a perfect fit for it and that you could teach me. I also told him that I’d like to help him kill that nightmarish creature because it might have been the one that had killed my parents,” she said in reply to Ray’s question and happy exclamation with her own smile still on her face before she had her attention go back to being on her food afterward until she was finished eating it.

Edited by SkySong278

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Dominic choked on his food and growled once it was free. "Zachary's wife will be the new wolf shaman, it's always been in the family. And you won't get help Adonis. Not from a human. " He said glaring at Adonis, knowing that he was the one who suggested the title to Sabrina. 

"She saw both my shapes father. I'd rather it be her then whatever bimbo my rake of a brother drags back from the hovel he lives in currently. " Adonis responded flatly. 

"He's your eldest brother, show him respect boy!" 

"I'll give him all the respect I have below my tail! I am one measly minute younger than that egotistical, narcissistic, ox head of a brother of mine yet to you the difference could be night and day! I could've been a carpenter, the best there is, yet I'm stuck here because he got to have a choice! Is it because I don't look anything like uncle and he does? Sacrifice is this way of life father, you of all people should know that!" Dominic stood up snarling, hands changing to large paws. Adonis was on his feet too, growling back.


""ENOUGH! We have a guest! " Ray jabbed the carving knife into the table and both men went quite. Dominic left with a snort and Adonis eased back down to his seat. "I apologize for you seeing that Brina... Da and I don't exactly see eye to eye on things. I haven't been back here since I was ten because of an argument and my position. I do things a little differently than what is traditional and he doesn't like it one bit."  He sounded tired and in pain, holding his side with the stitches. 


Ray sighed. "It's a lot to explain right now, and if you told her about the caines she has a lot to take in right now. Go rest Adonis... you need it. " He nodded and hobbled out of the dinning room. 


Ray smiled at Sabrina. "I'll gladly teach you about my position, but not now. It's a lot to learn, and I had trouble at first. I've been the Shaman since I say my husband take that trap to the face. But, first I can use help cleaning these dishes if you are willing. I apologize for the outburst of both my husband and son. Dominic loves both boys, but it's clear he favors zach. He does look remarkably similar to his own twin, and the two were inseparable. It was very hard on him when he died so young..." she said finishing her meal and picking up the plates. 


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Sabrina winced when she heard everything that Dominic said, feeling a bit hurt and embarrassed after hearing that the title of Shaman always ran in the family and thought now that she shouldn’t have mentioned it in the first place. The part about Adonis not getting help from a human stung slightly but she didn’t let it bother her too much. She blushed a bit more when she heard everything that Adonis said in reply, especially the first statement. I didn’t know he felt that way about me, she thought to herself and then jumped a bit in surprise when Ray suddenly jabbed a knife into the table to get father and son to stop arguing with her there.


“It’s okay,” she said in reply to what the latter said by way of apology while smiling slightly to show him that she really did think that way and wasn’t just saying it before looking a bit sad in regards to Adonis’s uncle before Ray told him to go rest and then turned her attention back to being on her (Sabrina). “Okay and I’d be glad to help you with the dishes,” she said before bringing her own plate over to the sink before going back to the table to get the other dishes that were there that needed to be washed.

Edited by SkySong278

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"Thank you dear." She said softly. She yanked the knife from the wood and set the dishes in the sink full of water. After rolling up her sleeves, she started to scrub them. A long moment went by in silence with her handing Sabrina dishes to dry. "I thank you greatly for braving the cold again so soon after your fever. Zach..... is too busy with school to find a wife so my husband.... well, canins after the age of forty begin to be in pain when they shift. So they remain in one form or the other for extended periods of time. I must apologize for the arguments as well. I instigated them and dragged you into this. You see........ for a while now my husband has been going behind Adonis' back trying to force him to marry someone he doesn't love. I've thwarted his plans, like today. Usually it's the wife and mate of the Wolf that becomes a shaman. It's determined by the first woman whom sees both forms when alone with him. However, you are an outsider with no parents that he could barter for your hand for, and you were with me, so it's not the same. I agree with Adonis, you'll be a fantastic shaman. I don't want him to fall into whatever trap his father has planned for his future. Although it's traditional in this family for marriages to be arranged, I want my hopelessly romantic of a son to find his own wife someday. I think it's absolutely unfair to treat one like a prince, yet the other like a pauper. I love both of my sons equally... I'd hate to see one so miserable and the other happy." She started to cry. 

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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“You’re welcome,” Sabrina said in reply with a smile before starting to dry some of the dishes that were set out for her to do so while also listening to everything that Ray said as an explanation as well as the apology. “It wasn’t all of your fault. Part of it is mine. I shouldn’t have mentioned that Adonis offered me to be the next shaman because that’s what set Dominic off to argue with the former. I also understand everything else you said and I agree that it’s not fair. I actually kind of do have other parents. They took me in when I was fifteen after the gruesome incident that killed my birth parents happened and I’ve been thinking about going back to the village they live in to visit them. I haven’t been back there since I was eighteen. I’ll go early tomorrow and come back the evening of the day after tomorrow to give him some space. Also you’re welcome for me helping to get him healed,” she said in reply with a sad smile and trying to hide her real emotions that were threatening to show. She was continuing to dry the dishes when she heard the other start crying. She set down her towel before giving her a half hug before picking the towel back up to continue drying the rest of the dishes.

Edited by SkySong278

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Ray was shaking so much she almost broke a plate she was trying to wash. "Sweetheart, you don't understand. You can not leave. Not now. Everyone is on lock down. The ceremony is put on hold now the prized goat was killed and the Wolf is hurt. Nobody leaves the village unless it's to hunt the creature out there. Adonis issued the order himself last night. He strikes a tree three times when there's danger usually in sight of the gate. And the roads are closed to any travelers during this time. The carriage driver should have never been allowed to leave in the first place but everyone was so busy preparing he slipped out unnoticed. You have five days to kill this beast before the roads are open again, or else people will die. Adonis will be mostly healed by sundown tomorrow, and I know my husband would force him out. Do you understand now dear? The severity of this issue?" 

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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Sabrina listened carefully to everything Ray said before nodding in understanding and then saying verbally, “Yes. Is it okay if I get Adonis to help me or should I just do it by myself?” she asked after a few minutes more of silence. She thought that she would send them a letter after the job was done to let them know that she would be visiting. “I’m not sure what its weakness is, though and Adonis said that he’d have to find out. I guess I could try fire but then I’d just be assuming that would be its weakness and it would be bad if it ended up not being the weakness for it.”

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"I meant for you and my son. There's no way you'll do it alone, and Adonis would need help in case he gets hurt and can't retreat again.... " She said rubbing her eyes. "If it's blood is fire, fire wouldn't work... maybe... water? Ice? There's a lake that's partly frozen this time of year. If you can lure it there, it would fall through and probably weaken it.... or you can set up pales of water around as traps... " She suggested thoughtfully. 

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“Oh and I thought Dominic said that he wouldn’t get any help from a human. That sounds like a good idea. Maybe we can do that tomorrow night after Adonis is healed,” she said after finishing drying the last dish that had been washed. She was thinking of a plan that they could do while drying her hands and then putting the towel back where it belonged. “I’m going to get some rest so I guess I’ll see you in the morning,” she said with a small smile before heading towards the medic room where she had been staying the last few days or so.

Edited by SkySong278

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"He did, but that doesn't mean you have to listen to him. Adonis is the Wolf. When my husband stepped down and Zachary refused the title, they both gave up any authority they have. As protector, his word is his law. Granted, most don't hear him speak, but the mayor is the only other one than the family that knows about his kind. If Adonis said you can help him, you can help him.  Okay dear, good night. Could you check on my son please? I have to talk with my husband... we don't like going to bed angry with each other..." 

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Sabrina had nodded in reply to the question and then got dressed in a light gown that she could sleep in before heading to Adonis’ room afterward. When she got there she knelt down beside him and asked softly, “Are you still in any pain? If so, what can I do to help relieve you of it?”

Edited by SkySong278

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Adonis was ridiculously too big for his bed. His feet hung off it, shirt off once more and he had changed the bandages. The window was open, letting freezing air inside. He blinked twice as he shivered without realizing it. "A little bit of pain... my ankle hurts... nearly pulled a stitch too but it's healing. Could you close the window and-" he yawned rubbing his eyes sleepily. "Bed so comfy... forgot what it's like...... ..... zzz.....hmm?" He fought to stay awake. "Cute dress... but you should keep warm..... Need my shaman to be healthy..." He muttered yawning again. "Just get better 'k?"

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Sabrina listened to everything that he said and when she noticed him shivering, she put the quilt with the fur lining that he had put over her earlier before dinner over him and then closed the window as she was requested to do. “I’ll be completely better by tomorrow. I already feel better and thanks about the dress. I thought I wasn’t allowed to be shaman because it’s not tradition in your family. Plus your mom was with me when I saw both of your forms so, according to her, that didn’t count. I will and get plenty of rest. I’ll see you tomorrow night. Your mom gave us a task to do and I’ll share her idea with you tomorrow if you didn’t hear it earlier as we talked,” she said in reply with a smile before getting up and starting to head towards his door to leave.

Edited by SkySong278

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"TradItion smishion....  you don' have ta be mine an'  a lovely girl like you deserve better than this lonely sad scared up wolf........ Mmmmmkay see ya tomorrow.. g'night.......... " He muttered and was out like a light. It was clear he was half awake and probably won't really remember what he said in the morning. He snores softly, looking relaxed and peaceful. 

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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Sabrina blushed a bit when she heard what he said and said softly in reply although she knew that he might not hear or remember it tomorrow, “I don’t care if I don’t deserve you because I care about you.” She then left his room and went back to the medical room. As soon as she was in the bed, she fell fast asleep.


((ts to morning?))

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((Yes. Too bad we can't do that irl it's late and I'm about to in bed myself! XD))


Adonis woke up stiff and sore but he definitely slept better than he had in the ten years out in the woods. He got up, plucked out some of the stitches that were no longer needed and headed to the dinning area early. When Sabrina woke up, a bowl of porridge sat on her bedside table and a beautiful hunting bow of cherry wood carved like a cherry branch in bloom, the grip made of red leather with a matching set of arrows and a red leather quiver leaned against the side table. A note sat beside the bowl read:


You'll need this today. You can keep it if you want. Try a few practice shots first then tell me how it feels.



Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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