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Imperial Harem - War of the Concubines || >> Spring Event has Begun! ! | Royal Vault is Open! <<

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A Royal Offspring has been born! 
Name: catstaff
Link to Scroll: 
Clan I belong to: Rose Clan
Lineage of Egg: 
https://dragcave.net/lineage/UoyZB and https://dragcave.net/lineage/mTW3B and https://dragcave.net/lineage/Cxrzb


I have earned Favor for my Clan!

Name: catstaff

Link to Scroll: https://dragcave.net/user/catstaff

Clan I belong to: Rose Clan


#6 - I have bred a __5th & 7th__ Generation Offspring (fill in the generation) 


Lineage Code of Dragon: 
https://dragcave.net/lineage/mTW3B and https://dragcave.net/lineage/Cxrzb
Generation: 5th and 7th

Points earned: +4 and +7 for a total of +11 points to Rose Clan

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I have earned Favor for my Clan!

Name: Oxuna

Link to Scroll: https://dragcave.net/user/Rosesky_Sunset

Clan I belong to: Jade Clan



#3. I own __15__ correctly named Dragons (fill in the number)
Points earned: +6 favor

Names / Lineage code of Dragons: 
Name | Lineage Code 
1. Ling Hua Wangzi
2. Royal Concubine Hua Lei Pin
3. Bai Guwei Yu Wangzi
4. Royal Concubine Yu Quixing Fei
5. Jian Yu Beizi

6. Royal Concubine May Yu Guifei

7. Tian Li Jinghua Gongzhu

8. Royal Concubine Yu Lafong Aifei

9. Xiang Fai Hua Qinwang

10. Royal Concubine Nai Xin Yu Fei

11. Royal Concubine Song Ai Fei

12. Prince Consort Liu Wei E'fu

13. Prince Consort Shi Hua E'fu

14. Prince Consort Ren Cao E'fu

15. Tian Zhi Ruo Gongzhu

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2 hours ago, Ninjakittee said:

A Royal Offspring has grown up! 
Name: Ninjakittee
Link to Scroll: https://dragcave.net/user/Ninjakittee
Clan I belong to: Rose Clan


Imperial Harem dragon: Princess Táínta Xí Rose (the Perfect Bloom)
Color: Red
Gender: Female

Whose scroll did the egg hatch on? : Mine

Favor Points: +4 to Rose Clan | +4 to Rose Clan due to Battle Borne | +2 to Rose Clan due to Irresistible | (is the Irresistible bonus doubled from Battle Borne too or nah)?



Congrats ❤ she really is lovely!!

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Well... I did something silly and rearranged my dragons before announcing some new adults.I think this is all of them, and I don't think I've double-announced anyone. But I'm not positive either. Someone remind me to never update my scroll-sorting before 10 am Cave Time again?


Some Royal Offspring have grown up! 
Name: catstaff
Link to Scroll: 
Clan I belong to: Rose Clan

Name of Imperial Harem dragon: Hua Zhihao Wangzi, Tian Haidong Wangzi,  Hua Anhuang Gongzhu
Lineage: https://dragcave.net/lineage/gMAvZ

and https://dragcave.net/lineage/aXNAU

 and https://dragcave.net/lineage/PSr8R
Color: red, blue, red
Gender:  male, male, female

Whose scroll did the egg hatch on? : mine

Favor Points: +8 to Rose Clan, +1 to Sky Clan, +8 to Rose Clan

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11 hours ago, Ninjakittee said:

Offered on your pretty boy!

Sorry dear - it grew up before I got home...

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1 hour ago, TempestSea said:

Sorry dear - it grew up before I got home...

Ah, no worries :wub: Happens to all of us.

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11 hours ago, Ninjakittee said:

A Royal Offspring has grown up! 
Name: Ninjakittee
Link to Scroll: https://dragcave.net/user/Ninjakittee
Clan I belong to: Rose Clan


Imperial Harem dragon: Princess Táínta Xí Rose (the Perfect Bloom)
Color: Red
Gender: Female

Whose scroll did the egg hatch on? : Mine

Favor Points: +4 to Rose Clan | +4 to Rose Clan due to Battle Borne | +2 to Rose Clan due to Irresistible | (is the Irresistible bonus doubled from Battle Borne too or nah)?



OOOOooh. She IS  a pretty one!

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A Royal Offspring has grown up! 
Name: Peachycupcake525
Link to Scroll: https://dragcave.net/user/Peachycupcake525
Clan I belong to: Sky

Name of Imperial Harem dragon: Prince Tan Yu
Lineage: https://dragcave.net/lineage/16iIa
Color: Green
Gender:  Male

Whose scroll did the egg hatch on? : Mine

Favor Points: +1 to Jade, +2 to Sky


Hi, I was wondering whether it's okay to have a staggered spiral and have it count for continuing the lineage? Like, 3 going female, then 3 going male?

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The Rose Clan welcomes you, @Sionnisong
I'm so sorry you're welcome came a little later than I would have liked! I see the other members have already welcomed you, though:) My name is Mak0 and I am your clan leader. I'm so happy that you picked Rose Clan and we're all happy to have you here in this project with us. We love new members! I'm sure you can tell that this a very friendly community so if you have any questions at all please message me or ask anyone on this forum! Also, if you want to be on any waiting lists please let myself or @Minkerbell know. Again a very warm welcome!


Edited by Mak0

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A Royal Offspring has been born! 
Name: Mak0
Link to Scroll: Scroll
Clan I belong to: Rose
Lineage of Egg: Link


A Royal Offspring has been born! 
Name: Mak0
Link to Scroll: 
Clan I belong to: Rose
Lineage of Egg: Link



I have earned Favor for my Clan!

Name: Mak0

Link to Scroll: Link

Clan I belong to: Rose


#6 - I have bred a 3rd Generation Offspring (fill in the generation) 


Name: (leave blank if still an egg) 
Lineage Code of Dragon: UGUF1
Generation: 3rd

Points earned: +2 to Rose


A Royal Offspring has been born! 
Name: Mak0
Link to Scroll: Scroll
Clan I belong to: Rose
Lineage of Egg: Link


I have earned Favor for my Clan!

Name: Mak0

Link to Scroll: Scroll

Clan I belong to: Rose


#6 - I have bred a 3rd Generation Offspring (fill in the generation) 


Name: (leave blank if still an egg) 
Lineage Code of Dragon: YVw61
Generation: 3rd

Points earned: +2


A Royal Offspring has grown up! 
Name: Mak0
Link to Scroll: Scroll
Clan I belong to: Rose Clan

Name of Imperial Harem dragon: Prince Larric Yu
Lineage: Link
Color: Green
Gender:  Male

Whose scroll did the egg hatch on? : Mine

Favor Points: +1 to Jade Clan



A Royal Offspring has grown up! 
Name: Mak0
Link to Scroll: Mak0
Clan I belong to: Rose Clan

Name of Imperial Harem dragon: Swordsman Dyric Jade
Lineage: Link
Color: Green
Gender: Male

Whose scroll did the egg hatch on? : Mine

Favor Points: +1 to Jade Clan



A Royal Offspring has grown up! 
Name: Mak0
Link to Scroll: Scroll
Clan I belong to: Rose Clan

Name of Imperial Harem dragon: Prince Saero Yu
Lineage: Link
Color: Green
Gender: Male

Whose scroll did the egg hatch on? : Mine

Favor Points: +1 to Rose stolen from Jade



A Royal Offspring has grown up! 
Name: Mak0
Link to Scroll: Scroll
Clan I belong to: Rose Clan

Name of Imperial Harem dragon: Prince Cassin Yu
Lineage: Link
Color: Green
Gender: Male

Whose scroll did the egg hatch on? : Mine

Favor Points: +1 to Rose Stolen from Jade



A Royal Offspring has grown up! 
Name: Mak0
Link to Scroll: Scroll
Clan I belong to: 
Rose Clan

Name of Imperial Harem dragon: Prince Thaero Hua
Lineage: Link
Color: Red
Gender: Male

Whose scroll did the egg hatch on? : Mine

Favor Points: +8 to Rose Clan

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Thank you @Mak0 :D !  I look forward to gaining favor for the Rose Clan :)  I will definitely apply to be on a list very soon, looking through the thread to see how everything works atm!  First order of business is working on getting a red male CB so I can start breeding :D

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I'd like to gift a CB Egg / Hatchie
Clan I belong to: Rose Clan
Color / Gender of Hatchie: Red, Male
Lineage Code of Egg / Hatchie: zqFIH
Teleport Link / PM Link: https://dragcave.net/teleport/0f81666db8deddde47c6738d0146566b


I got this as a gift originally, so no favour here. It has been stunned.

@Sionnisong Slap a dummy on this first and he's yours haha

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1 minute ago, Ninjakittee said:

Done! Did you want your dummy back?

Awww nah it's all good :) thank you so much!  Do you have any naming convention advice? :) 

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5 minutes ago, Sionnisong said:

Awww nah it's all good :) thank you so much!  Do you have any naming convention advice? :) 

Hmm, well aside from definitely having 'Prince Consort' at the start (or the Chinese equivalent at the end, I think we have the Chinese titles for the Consorts/Concubines?) all I can really say is look for a Chinese name you like. I'm probably the wrong person to ask, haha, I've been naming my dragus in Arcana. @Ariento has some good Chinese knowledge I think - better than mine, anyway!

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A Royal Offspring has grown up! 
Name: pretty_thumb
Link to Scroll: Here
Clan I belong to: Sky Clan

Name of Imperial Harem dragon: Lotus Oracle Xiaoli
Lineage: ngmWE
Color: Green
Gender: Female

Whose scroll did the egg hatch in? : Mine

Favor Points: +1 favor point to Jade Clan


A Royal Offspring has taken a mate!
Name of Imperial Harem dragon: Gongzhu Huifang Yu
Name of CB mate: Consort Ru Tian
Lineage Code of CB Mate: 7J5Bp
Color: Blue
Gender: Male

Favor Points: +1 favor point to Sky Clan



A Royal Offspring has been born! 
Lineage of Egg: R63BB 


I have earned Favor for my Clan!


#3. I own 50 correctly named Dragons
Points earned: +5 favor points to Sky Clan

Names / Lineage code of Dragons: Group Link


46. Concubine Ming Lin

47. Princess Yating Ju

48. Lotus Oracle Xiaoli

49. Consort Yaozu

50. Consort Yingjie

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A Royal Offspring has taken a mate!
Name: Ninjakittee
Link to Scroll: 
Clan I belong to: Rose Clan

Imperial Harem dragon: Princess Táínta Xí Rose
CB Mate: Prince Consort Kí Lanta
Color: Red
Gender: Male

Favor Points: 0


A Royal Offspring has been born! 
Name: Ninjakittee
Link to Scroll: 
Clan I belong to: Rose Clan

Lineage of Egg: GWEdD

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Some Royal Offspring have been born! 
Name: catstaff
Link to Scroll: 
Clan I belong to: Rose Clan
Lineage of Eggs: 





I have earned Favor for my Clan!

Name: catstaff

Link to Scroll: https://dragcave.net/user/catstaff

Clan I belong to: Rose Clan


#6 - I have bred __5th & 7th__ Generation Offspring (fill in the generation) 


Lineage Code of Dragon: 
https://dragcave.net/lineage/Cxrzb and https://dragcave.net/lineage/h0ePw and https://dragcave.net/lineage/Pc6wf
Generation: 5th and 5th and 7th

Points earned:  +4, +4, +7 = +11 points to Rose Clan

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Long post is long! I'll grab the rest of the forms when I have better access! 



I have earned Favor for my Clan!
Name: esse
Link to Scroll: https://dragcave.net/user/ikitsukeru
Clan I belong to: Jade


#3. I own 80 correctly named Dragons 
Will count! 

31-35: +5 points

36-40: +5 points

41-45: +5 points

46-50: +5 points

51-55: +5 points

56-60: +5 points

61-65: +5 points

66-70: +5 points

71-75: +5 points

76-80: +5 points


A grand total of 50 points to jade clan 

Names / Lineage code of Dragons: 

#1~30 here:  https://forums.dragcave.net/topic/181380-imperial-harem-war-of-the-concubines-the-battle-for-guangxi-has-begun/?page=78&tab=comments#comment-9655077

31 5 Minhui Fei https://dragcave.net/lineage/i00GN
32 Hai Guo Fei https://dragcave.net/lineage/UkmL3
33 Beizi Fei https://dragcave.net/lineage/X3XfB
34 Baijian Fuma https://dragcave.net/lineage/gxZl4
35 Mun Tien Fei https://dragcave.net/lineage/xzwOa
36 5 Congcua Gongzhu https://dragcave.net/lineage/7RQfI
37 Menchie Fei https://dragcave.net/lineage/vn3Ly
38 Hee Bin Fei https://dragcave.net/lineage/D2G0h
39 Zhinyin Fei https://dragcave.net/lineage/8GwUM
40 Shiryong Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/QCsKZ
41 5 Zhen Yu Gongzhu https://dragcave.net/lineage/InF5j
42 Beiling Gongzhu https://dragcave.net/lineage/ZSRCf
43 Mengxao Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/Xaofs
44 Ma Ro Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/Ro8s1
45 Xian Mi Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/exHTq
46 5 Miuren Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/bOgtP
47 Shenchen Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/RMXxw
48 Tian Yu Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/cGCh4
49 Minhua Gongzhu https://dragcave.net/lineage/biFwy
50 Ai Zhen Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/GPt6E
51 5 Paihen Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/z6WhO
52 Zhou Lin Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/0CvWt
53 Jilin Gongzhu https://dragcave.net/lineage/Ae54n
54 Yin Feng Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/R6gcG
55 Tsin Le Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/VxicG
56 5 Fang Hua Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/fMwx7
57 Mun Ru Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/GnWD2
58 Xueyang Gongzhu https://dragcave.net/lineage/PXnpt
59 Hongshui Gongzhu https://dragcave.net/lineage/UHbNF
60 Shinhua Gongzhu https://dragcave.net/lineage/4l8uU
61 5 Ling Fen Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/G6oXd
62 Zhendai Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/YUbRA
63 Lingbao Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/3Qgkw
64 Xinyong Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/rJzYg
65 Minzhou Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/AvQct
66 5 Lei Hua Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/nUKKn
67 Niahuwei Gongzhu https://dragcave.net/lineage/QNsep
68 Ai Xie Fuma https://dragcave.net/lineage/nqnSc
69 Minchin Gongzhu https://dragcave.net/lineage/Vs9PY
70 Shinyue Gongzhu https://dragcave.net/lineage/srOZH
71 5 Choolong Gongzhu https://dragcave.net/lineage/pCsM2
72 Xiumin Gongzhu https://dragcave.net/lineage/e6YPr
73 Wei Lin Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/VlyTb
74 Wang Wei Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/IYpjQ
75 Shenshe Wangzi https://dragcave.net/lineage/X2INT
76 5 Mizhen Fei https://dragcave.net/lineage/UR8w4
77 Seisen Fei https://dragcave.net/lineage/SHZ7O
78 Li Chun Fei https://dragcave.net/lineage/ocVhp
79 Boon Yi Fei https://dragcave.net/lineage/aPGkB
80 Qu Rin Fei https://dragcave.net/lineage/FM6RT
Edited by esse

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On 11/03/2018 at 9:12 PM, esse said:

2nd batch of offspring for the battle // already grew up as I post this! (These guys need to recheck their allegiances >>) 

Yeah, I meant allegiance to Jade. >>;;;;;

The next batch is a bunch of traitors too >>;;;;;;;;;

Clearly we need a better punishment



A Royal Offspring has grown up! 
Name: esse
Link to Scroll: https://dragcave.net/user/ikitsukeru
Clan I belong to: Jade

Name of Imperial Harem dragon: Zhendai Wangzi, Lingbao Wangzi, Xinyong Wangzi, Minzhou Wangzi, Lei Hua Wangzi, Niahuwei Gongzhu
Lineage: https://dragcave.net/lineage/YUbRAhttps://dragcave.net/lineage/3Qgkwhttps://dragcave.net/lineage/rJzYghttps://dragcave.net/lineage/AvQcthttps://dragcave.net/lineage/nUKKnhttps://dragcave.net/lineage/QNsep
Color: Red Male, Green Male, Red Male, Red Male, Blue Female

Whose scroll did the egg hatch on?: Mine

Favor Points:

Zhendai Wangzi: +2 to rose clan

Lingbao Wangzi: +10 to Jade Clan (Buffed by battle of Guangxi)

Xinyong Wangzi: +2 to rose clan

Minzhou Wangzi: +2 to rose clan

Lei Hua Wangzi: +2 to rose clan

Niahuwei Gongzhu: +1 to jade clan, -1 from sky clan 


A Royal Offspring has taken a mate!
Name of Imperial Harem dragon: Mizhou Wangzi, Fang Hua Wangzi
Name of CB mate (Consort / Concubine): Mizhen Fei , Qu Rin Fei
Lineage Code of CB Mate: https://dragcave.net/lineage/UR8w4https://dragcave.net/lineage/FM6RT
Color: Both green female

Favor Points: +4 to Jade clan 



I have earned Favor for my Clan!


#6 - I have bred a 7th Generation Offspring (fill in the generation) 


Name: Egg! 
Lineage Code of Dragon: https://dragcave.net/lineage/ZIJzdhttps://dragcave.net/lineage/qDF99https://dragcave.net/lineage/2rWec
Generation: 7th

Points earned: +21 points to Jade Clan

Edited by esse

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Alright~! After a busy few days I have some paperwork to fill out!


A Royal Offspring has grown up! 
Name: JavaTigress
Link to Scroll: https://dragcave.net/user/JavaTiger
Clan I belong to: Rose

Name of Imperial Harem dragon: Yu An Bohewu Miko
Lineage: https://dragcave.net/lineage/yhTJF
Color: Jade Green

Whose scroll did the egg hatch on?: Mine


A Royal Offspring has grown up! 
Name: JavaTigress
Link to Scroll: https://dragcave.net/user/JavaTiger
Clan I belong to: Rose

Name of Imperial Harem dragon:  Hua Meigui Jungzhu
Lineage https://dragcave.net/lineage/5AZcS
Color:  Rose Red

Whose scroll did the egg hatch on?: Tempest Sea's, I believe?




A Royal Offspring has taken a mate!
Name of Imperial Harem dragon: Hua Meigui Jungzhu
Name of CB mate (Consort / Concubine): Hua Hongbaoshi Fuma
Lineage Code of CB Mate: https://dragcave.net/lineage/aLstx
Color: Red 


AND they like each other! They bred me an egg! Anyone care to adopt? 


A Royal Offspring has been born! 
Name: JavaTigress
Link to Scroll: https://dragcave.net/user/JavaTiger
Clan I belong to: Rose
Lineage of Egg:  https://dragcave.net/lineage/cJRBj

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