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ANSWERED:What happens after your names are disabled?

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Well, that's what just happened to me.  So I thought it would be a nice education for all of us to know what happens after that.  Do I get my "good" names back?  What's the timeframe for forgiveness? 

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What do you mean disabled? Do you mean you were inactive and your names were wiped? That... actually isn't supposed to happen anymore, to my knowledge. I was inactive for months, all year, from after Valentine's up to the Halloween event (I showed up the day before breeding week began). My names are intact. So it either happened a while ago, back when that was still the policy, or something else is going on. FWIW, when it WAS still the policy, no, you don't get anything back automatically. Your dragons are nameless. BUT you can manually rename them all, and if you remember your good names and no one else has used them in the meantime, you can get them back by just typing them in again as normal. The thing is, it's not a punishment, so there's no concept of 'forgiveness' built in. The idea was simply to keep names from being monopolized forever on abandoned scrolls. But the fact that people often go on hiatus for long periods and then return is exactly why that is no longer a thing. 

Edited by Lurhstaap

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I think they said their naming ability has been removed for using too many names that the site deemed inappropriate.

(And with that, apparently, all their scroll's names were wiped :blink:)

Edited by Ruby Eyes

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Oh. I had no idea that was a thing. I thought the scroll just got burned if you went too far. I'm glad to  hear there's a step between killing one offending dragon and burning the entire scroll. 


Well... in that case, since that's never happened to me, I have nothing helpful to say. I would imagine that those are questions best directed to staff rather than the site at large, TBH.

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Ruby Eyes is correct.  I'm suspecting that when I named my new zombie "Suck That Dragon Cave" it set off an alarm.  I really regret that now.  I only named him that cause he was the last kill-revive I had for a zombie this Halloween.  And the only successful attempt too.

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3 minutes ago, Lurhstaap said:

Oh. I had no idea that was a thing. I thought the scroll just got burned if you went too far. I'm glad to  hear there's a step between killing one offending dragon and burning the entire scroll.


From the naming page:


Warning: Giving an inappropriate name to your dragon may result in disciplinary action, such as the death of the dragon, removal of all names on your account, or the loss of the ability to use the naming action.


There have always been quite a few steps between those two unfortunate eventualities. I'd assume the word 'or' was employed to indicate that different measures would be taken depending on the severity of the offense. In some cases, I'm guessing only one of these things would occur, while in others, multiple.


It's always a good idea to do a search for a list of common profanities to make absolutely sure you're not breaking DC's policies. For example, I named a 2G Gold from Radiant Angel something vaguely reminiscent of the f-bomb due to said word being part of the father's code, and nothing adverse resulted. (I blame Samuel L. Jackson. XD)


@jerzeeshadow And now that I've seen your reply, all I can say is you were definitely asking for it with that one. My condolences.

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Huh. Interesting. For some reason, that part didn't stick in my mind. Just dragon death and scroll burning. Maybe my mind tends to zoom to the worst possible image and stick there. XD I know I've always been very, very careful with my names for this exact reason. If I logged in one day and found something dead, or my whole scroll burned, I'd have a heart attack. 


I did get away with a similar vague reference to the f-bomb in a description though. I thought I could in that case because it was part of the code rather than a name I had chosen. I have a chicken with the code (capitalization aside) 'fsalt'. So I wrote a silly desc about how any name-identifying magic used on this chicken always gives that weird result: Fsalt. And the debate about what it might mean. Maybe it's "F's Alt". Or maybe it really hates salt. No one knows. And that desc got approved. So it's possible to poke at the edges of the rules very very gently without getting in trouble, but only with extreme subtlety.

Edited by Lurhstaap

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25 minutes ago, Miral said:

@jerzeeshadow And now that I've seen your reply, all I can say is you were definitely asking for it with that one. My condolences.



I'd rather agree - but you could always appeal to TJ, with a grovelling apology.

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"Suck that" is a pretty harmless insult to get everything wiped, isn't it? That kinda banter is thrown around before middle school. What it's a reference to is vulgar, yes, but usually people don't take it to mean that worse thing unless said worse thing is mentioned... just like crap and another word mean the same thing but have very different levels of acceptability. Sorry that happened to you, Jerzee--guess the darn zombie had the last laugh! :(

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Well, I did name a tinsel the "Boobie Tickler"

Is that enough to get punished?

I really wish TJ would tell me what names did it😞

I sent him a pm as soon as I learned of what happened.  I apologized and asked what we're the names.  I kept saying I was sorry, but still, which ones did it?   I promised never to do it again.  B

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As far as I know, if you have names that were unsuitable for site, and losing all names on scroll likely indicates its not an isolated incident and chances of return of said privileges are unlikely.


As for that name you said, Yes. That would be deemed unsuitable and would get the dragon killed.

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Why isn't there a warning system? I mean, of course the rules mention this, but why not give a warning?   At least give people one last chance to make the changes.  I'm sure at least half those people would make the name changes and save their naming rights😳

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I would speculate because if its something you know is unsuitable, such as hte name you pointed out earlier, then you are well aware of what you were doing, and likely knew not to do so. After all you are given a warning of consequences when you name a dragon.


edit: I would not call it naming rights but naming privileges.


Edited by Starscream

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15 minutes ago, jerzeeshadow said:

Why isn't there a warning system? I mean, of course the rules mention this, but why not give a warning?   At least give people one last chance to make the changes.  I'm sure at least half those people would make the name changes and save their naming rights😳


There is. It's in the rules. As you say yourself. And there's a thread to ask in, as well. It isn't as if it happens often, in fact in all my time here this is the first time I've seen it happen, though I've seen a couple of dragons killed for less than the tinsel name you mention - and I've actually reported some names that deserved it. Just from the two names you have cited here, I'm slightly surprised it didn't happen to you sooner if there were other similar names too... I'd just hope to get the naming privilege back in the not too distant future, and then be a LOT more careful.

Edited by fuzzbucket

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9 minutes ago, Starscream said:

I would speculate because if its something you know is unsuitable, such as hte name you pointed out earlier, then you are well aware of what you were doing, and likely knew not to do so. After all you are given a warning of consequences when you name a dragon.


True.  But still, what is inappropriate varies from person to person.  For instance, I just saw this name today:




i know its used in a "just kidding" attitude, but I could find that offensive.  I know there are probably other examples, but I'm at a loss as to what ones.  And on a side note, what about all those offensive coded dragons?  I mean, why are they allowed to exist?  If your so worried about inappropriate names, why allow the codes to even be generated?  Why not just use a filter to weed out the bad codes before letting them get to the cave or bred on people's scrolls?



yeah, at this point, I'd just be happy to get the naming privileges back. I can try to remember all the names, but I have over 4,000 dragons on my scroll.  Frankly, I'd even accept the death of the offending dragons over losing ALL my names.😕

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Not that I have ever used a name like yours - but that's the KIND of reason I set up a database with all my names in it. (I did it in the days when inactivity wiped them, but I have kept it up !) Maybe start now, writing down all the names you can remember, in the hope that you get the privilege back ?


The dragon you cite has a name which is perhaps a little aggressive, but not offensive as such, I'd say.

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I personally don't consider either of the names you picked offensive (although the second one could be, since it references what the West considers a private part of a person), and I do agree that it can be VERY subjective.


Makes me wonder about my own. I might have to through and make sure I don't have anything to tick him off (which is funny, since a code a dragon I found has is VERY inappropriate, and even after messaging him about it, it hasn't been changed).

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Yeah, I have started writing down what I can remember.  But I'm worried some of those I could lose if they are recycled as "usable" by DC.  I accumulated some really, really great names and one word specials that I believe could be lost to another player.  


Anyway, I'm waiting for TJ's response to my private message.  I want to hear from him what names caused this officially.  And I'd like to know if it's possible to get the names back or just the privileges to name.  

Edited by jerzeeshadow

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RNG (random number generator) as its usually called, generates number/letter pairings. there are countless numbers of them, it is extremely difficult to avoid such combinations that can read to dirty minds. However it is my full understanding, forums and IRC, that such codes are not permitted to be displayed openly. Such as in irc if someone brings up a dragons and says LOL grandparents! drawing attention to it, we'd request it not ot be displayed in future. A randomly generated code is not the same as a purposefully chosen name, which is knowingly against site rules, and the warning given as you hit the name your dragon button.


What is offensive being a individual flavour, perhaps, but what is offensive being against site policy and its standards, is not. Dorkface to me is an offensive name, but to many its not. But dragons, as your aforementioned name, IS -  its against the PG 13 type standard we aim for.


best bet is to try to recall your names, and hope that one day it will be restored and that the good names are still available.

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Wow!  Now, see, why does that dragon get to live on like that?  I mean, whoa!  😱


BTW, thanks Wahya, I agree with you.  👍☺️



Thanks for your input.👍

i appreciate it.  I hope I get the names back to.

Edited by jerzeeshadow

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36 minutes ago, jerzeeshadow said:

Personally, I think this name is far worse than the two you mentioned having. Really, I don't think the zombie's name was all that bad. Slightly risque if interpreted to be so, maybe. The Tinsel, on the other hand, I do think could have been given a better name.


I'm kind of surprised by how many names slip under the radar though. Like xx and x, and x. And there are much, much worse. Those are just some of the bad ones I've come across recently. Maybe if the rules on names were enforced a bit more, things like this wouldn't happen. Should people know them already? Yes. Does that mean they pay attention? No, unfortunately.


Edit: wow, I have no idea how to spell...

Edited by The Dragoness

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It's also weird that we can't point out naughty codes that happen randomly when a prize winner chose the F word for their prize and it went through O___o


I'm also confused as to why the first step taken wasn't the death of the offending dragons as opposed to a whole scroll wipe.


I know the general rule is "if you aren't sure don't do it," but given some of the examples above that have been left alone and other confusions... maybe policy clarification is in order? ;w;

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Is frick considered a swear word???


I don't really name my dragons but I do have one named as a reference to Chadtronic, Warm Fricks, but seeing as suck that is offensive I'm worried if I should change the name now o_o

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I'd not consider frick a swear, no more than frag is an actual swear. I do not think you have to fear.



edit: as for some names not currently  gone, maybe because they have not yet come to anyone's attention. As far as I am concerned, you're now calling for blood -  witch hunt. Such reports should be done in private message to appropriate staff.

Edited by Starscream

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