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Nebula hatchie changing colors when Abandoned?

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This was.... odd. 


I had a Nebula hatchie, that I needed to go Red. So, when it gendered BLUE, I went and abandoned it. Now its on someone else's scroll.... as an ungendered? I *definitely* went to Abandon on a blue Nebula hatchie, and its sibling is frozen further down on my scroll so *has* no Abandon. So.... What gives? And yes its on someone else's scroll, it has the username showing. 


I can't link to the abandoned hatchie, but I can link to the parent as I bred it: 



I've never seen a hatchie un-gender before! If it turns red now, I'm going to be quite unhappy.




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I've had this happen myself, and as I recall the color didn't change when it re-gendered elsewhere.

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That's really weird, not sure why it happened, just posting to let you know when I looked just then it had gendered blue :)

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Things gain time when abandoned and that can "reset" then back to too high a time to gender just yet. They will still gender (and color) the same once they catch up again, though :3

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1 hour ago, angelicdragonpuppy said:

Things gain time when abandoned

Nope, they don't (unless you incubate and then abandon an egg).

TJ had stated at some point that eggs that were bred by yourself and stay on your scroll are less prone to getting sick. When something goes through the AP, it's more vulnerable (makes sense, narratively).

How exactly that is being calculated is his secret, but since sickness is a stat-based thing, maybe that also affects gendering.

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