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I've played for about a month. I'm that one person who's a one-trick Widowmaker who can't hit anything except for Roadhog bodyshots (according to my friends. My best scoped accuracy is actually 100% which was me killing the same D.Va over and over again)

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*sweeping gesture towards signature* I'm a Mercy/whichever tank we could use at the moment main, albeit more out of necessity than choice. Don't get me wrong, I love playing Mercy (and am excited for the upcoming rework), and DVa is my jam, but it seems supports and tanks are always the last to get picked these days. DPS mains are far more common in my experience.

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I find myself picking D.Va and Lucio most of the time because most folks in quick play only want to be DPS. Even when you pick your character first and ask for a healer, no one seems to care. I don't mind too much since I'm good with both (I am also looking forward to D.Va's reworked mechanics, though I'm sad that they're nerfing defense matrix), but I also have a lot of fun playing as Reaper and Mei. And Sombra...and Pharah...I also like playing Mercy but I'm not as good with her as I am with Lucio. It seems to me like people who only have one or two mains aren't really playing the game right, because you're meant to be switching characters to counter the opposing team.


Has anyone watched the latest shorts, Junkertown: The Plan and Rise and Shine? They're both great. I want Mei's pajamas as a skin.

Edited by Cori

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Ugh, I played comp because it's the 2nd last day and I'm pretty close to plat... one win then 2 losses, followed by an utter stomp in QP.

I don't know why I try. Oh well, diamond in lucioball so thats good.


Yeah the two shorts were great, personally preferred junkertown, rise and shine was beautiful but didn't really tell us anything new and the emotions were a bit forced.

I have the spray of mei in her pajamas.

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The new support hero, Moira, isn't even out yet and I already love her. Also, there's a new animated short: 'Honor and Glory', featuring a young Reinhardt. It's great.



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Honour and Glory had so much feels, love the backstory of my most played character :')


Moira looks fun, we needed a new healer. I saw a lot of people debating whether or not she was trans but I don't think she is.

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Haven't tried it yet, but I will be once it finishes downloading. Seemed like an interesting game from what I've seen on YouTube.


To those wanting to try the game, it's currently free to play this weekend and 50% off to purchase (until November 27th) should you be interested in buying the game after trying it out.


From the playoverwatch website:



11/17 – 11/20

Free trial begins 11/17/17 at 11AM PT and ends 11/20/17 at 11:59 PM PT


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Moira is so much fun to play as. I see a nerf looming on the horizon because Blizzard can't let support players have nice things.

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I'm happy we finally have a new support character... we desperately needed one LOL. I haven't played Moira yet. I'm always hesitant when it comes to new characters because I have no idea what to do :') So far Ana is my favourite out of all the ones that have been released after the game originally launched.

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Been playing for a few months now(mostly with one of my friends lol) and I am a hardcore salty support main lol


I mostly play Mercy/Symmetra/Zen, though Mercy is a recent addition, and I am fairly decent at Moira(but I love frying people as Symmetra too much to play her too often) and as a Symmetra main, I really hope they keep the change to Moira's orbs that removes their ability to destroy my turrets; they're biotic orbs, and my turrets are hard-light constructs, not biological in any way.  -.-


I tried going Widowmaker/Ana when I first started, because I snipe in like everything else I play, but I just can't get the hang of Widowmaker, and I quit with Ana because none of my DPS players would freaking chill so I could hit them, because again, my aim wasn't that good when I started lol Didn't actually pick up Symmetra until about two months in? Spent a while bouncing around from hero to hero, but the first time I picked her it was like the heavens opened up and a choir of angels descended singing as I viciously destroyed everyone on the enemy team. Same with Zen, lol Eventually decided to also pick up Mercy to be able to play her in comp(only playing comp because I want Zen's golden nuts and Sym's golden gun so bad!!!!!) because no one on my teams ever want to go healer and if the other team has a Mercy then my team is gonna have a bad time, because none of the other healers can keep up with her insane rates of healing.


  • PS: Jeff, quit nerfing Mercy. If you want to make healing more balanced and actually get people to pick other healers, maybe consider buffing those other healers because the only reason people(like me, case in point) are picking Mercy is because she's the only viable healing option that only takes one healer and minimal coordination

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I play on the Ps4, Soldier & Roadhog main. I find myself always playing Arcade and Custom games

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PS4 eu server player here, I play Zenyatta, D.Va, Orisa, and Hanzo. Been playing a lot of Pharah lately too. Projectile heroes seem to be my thing. I play mostly quickplay and arcade, especially deathmatch and total mayhem when it's in rotation, I don't touch comp very often as I'm stuck in a hellish "win one lose one" situation that I can't seem to get out of. :/

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@Meowzer_s Hey, I play Overwatch! It's not that no one plays, just not a lot of discussion going on I guess. :lol: 

Do you play on PC? If you do, do you want to play together sometime? :) 

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Not the only one but unfortunatelly with the lack of new content is kind of hard to talk about it. Might (or not) overwatch2 to change that. 

Tbh I still wish they keep adding new characters but they say they will not do that, at least not until ow2 and that game is still very green.

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