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*(The Callous Brother)*

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Dragons come. Dragons go. Dragons live, then they die from lack of attention, sickness, or perhaps from an injury. When an adult dragon gets sick, they never get to feel better again. They just die.


Two Desipis Dragon brothers named Kallus and Nivarius were great brothers to each other. Sure, they sometimes fought over crazy things, such as who got the comfy sleeping spot at night, but otherwise, they were great to each other. When they were old enough, they moved to a field that sat nearby a large forest and a human village a few miles away. The two brothers lived great lives. This soon ended.


Nivarius came back home from hunting one day with his tail dragging behind him and his head drooping down, as if the two deer in his jaws were too heavy for him. Concerned, Kallus bounded up to his brother. “What’s wrong?” he asked.


“I’m fine,” Nivarius replied, though Kallus could sense he wasn’t being truthful.


“Tell me.” Kallus said curtly.


Nivarius dropped one of the deer in front of his brother. “Eat up.” he said, not responding to his brother. Kallus didn’t touch his food, watching as his brother simply picked at the fur and bit off what seemed like a leaf-sized piece of deer meat. Nivarius held the piece between his teeth for a moment, before dropping it on the ground, setting his head down onto the grass, and slept right where he was.


The next day, it took a while for Kallus to get Nivarius to stand up. “Tell me.” Kallus repeated as soon as Nivarus stumbled onto his feet.


“I don’t want to worry you,” Nivarius mumbled.


Kallus flared his nostrils. “You’re worrying me by acting like that.”


Nivarius stared at his brother with dull-looking yellow eyes. Kallus stared back with red eyes, which were more vivid and alive. “I’m sick.” Nivarius simply replied. “I’ll die soon.”


With that, Nivarius shoved past Kallus and headed towards the deer he left earlier, shooing away a rather large and strange raven that had already ate a quarter of the meat. The raven flew away screeching, bobbing awkwardly with its full belly, with Nivarius watching it, with no interest or curiousity, and simply so he had something to do.


From then on, Kallus urged his brother to eat and exercise, but all his brother did was lie down and wait. One day, Kallus urged his brother to wake up again, but he didn’t even grunt to show he wanted at least five more minutes. Nivarius was still. He didn’t wake. Kallus knew he’d never wake again. He was dead.


Without hesitation, Kallus ran away, feeling his world crumble all around him. He ran away from the place he spent many happy years with his brother, wanting to forget that he even had a brother and that the corpse that was now a long distance behind him was just a strange dragon he stumbled across. He knew he’d never be able to forget the one dragon he cared for, though.




I’ve yet to speak of Edghen, a female Speckle-Throat, and a leader of a mixed Dragon Tribe. This tribe dwelled in (surprisingly) well-lit caves on the side of a mountain, which faced a large forest. She made sure her tribe of unusual dragons was safe, well-fed, and healthy. She never let one dragon get injured without it being justified in some way (or, y’know, healed, at least). She always patrolled the forest she and her tribe lived in. The same forest Kallus and Nivarius lived nearby.


One day, during one of Edghen’s patrol, she saw a dark shape circling above her. Before she could see what it was, a large dragon swooped down, with many (what seemed like an unnatural amount) fire-orange gems dotting it’s dark scales. With one breath of fire, a large patch of trees were ablaze. Forest animals were fleeing from the fast-spreading flames, some being engulfed by the deadly flare. Edghen noticed one Dark Forest Dragon dig itself out of a bare patch of earth and run away, with the Dragon Grass following it.


Edghen quickly rushed towards her tribe after she regained her senses. She ordered her tribe to stay in the cavern until the fire passed by. It didn’t stop until a few hours later. Edghen looked outside, and found the entire forest turned to nothing but ash.


Many dragons questioned the fire. All Edghen could say that what seemed like a Desipis Dragon burned it down. Soon, a Shadow Walker Dragon approached Edghen, looking as if someone was going to attack her. The fear showed on her face. “Did you say a D-Desipis Dragon?” she asked.


“Yes.” Edghen said. “Why?”


“I… I had a friend who was a Desipis. He disappeared a few days ago, though, and I think he caused the fire. He did always seem a bit crazy after his brother died.” the Shadow Walker said. “His name was Kallus.”


Kallus is now a known name for the dragon that caused a dragon’s precious forest to burn. Many dragons are worried about when Kallus will strike back. Edghen put Kas and Mai, a Two-Headed Dragon, in charge of the tribe as she left the home she grew up with this entire time. She wasn’t going to let Kallus get away with this.




The Callous Brother is what it seems like. A brother is now evil. Please do not post until I finish posting. I'll let you know when I'm done. biggrin.gif

Edited by Dragmori

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(Okay, so I got preoccupied with something called real life, so I couldn't post this quicker. Sorry.)


Okay, so the rules are:


*Follow average roleplay rules. This means no godmodding, have some good grammar so we understand what you're saying, and more. You can question me if you want to know more.

*Average Dragon Cave and Dragon Cave Forum Roleplay rules apply here. I hope that part wasn't needed.

*It doesn't matter if the dragon is real or not. In fact, the only real dragons I own in the post above is Kas, Mai, and Edghen.

*Humans could be allowed, but I'm not sure how'd they fit in the plot. If they're just sending their dragon to help Edghen find Kallus, then sure.

*Please keep things appropriate, at least PG13.

*Make your characters realistic. Don't make a character like this:

Sparkly Dragon is a very powerful gold dragon who casts extremely powerful light magic and has extremely sharp claws. She can kill anyone in an instant, but she is extremely friendly, so she never does so. She is extremely friendly, nice, and can change anyone from bad to good.

*Post the character sheet here, or PM it to me. I mean, I have to be able to read it. tongue.gif

*Since we don't know what the actual Dragon Cave world looks like, you can make up places. Also, you can start anywhere.

*I recommend 5 characters at most. It's just a recommendation so you don't get too stressed trying to maintain 13 characters at once.

*Show respect to your fellow roleplayers!

*Have fun as well. That's really important. If you aren't having fun, then I don't have to kick you. You can kick yourself. tongue.gif


Character sheets are in the next post.

Edited by Dragmori

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Character Sheet:


Name: (What is your character's name? Full name would be appreciated.)


Species: (What type of dragon are they? Speckle-Throat? Two-Headed? Magi?)


Age: (How old are they? 12? 34? 103? 9274?)


Appearance: (What do they look like? Do they have yellow eyes? Black markings on their wings?)


Personality: (How does your character act? Are they friendly? Feisty? Insane?)


Linage: (Is there any important characters in their linage?)


History: (Did something important happen to them?)


Extra: (Is there something I missed that you want to add?)


If you got this far, then say, "Dragon Name likes to do stuff sometimes."


Here is a blank Character Sheet.


















If you got this far, don't say what's above and say "Hai Dere." The next post is just where I post what's going on in the plot at current times, and where I mention all the roleplayers. You can post at this point.

Edited by Dragmori

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Dragmori (Edghen, Rayvun, No-Name)


Pyro (Light)


Riath (Cylax)


Seaviper (Blazefrost)


Dusky_Flareon (Eternal Slumber, Keina, Dusky)


Durppie (Draertes)


Cup (Charlotte, Ethan)






Cylax was walking through a forest (the same one Edghen lives in), while Light was looking over the forest herself. Eventually she got down from the mountain she was on and was walking around when she and Cylax met. Light tried to defend herself by shining a bright light when Cylax told her to stop.


Light was surprised by the large, sentient zombie dragon who wasn't trying to attack. Meanwhile, Edghen is patrolling her forest when she sees a large crowd of birds, which she doesn't realize is from Cylax. She followed the birds, eventually hitting her head while daydreaming of catching Kallus. She jumped into a tree and watched Cylax and Light talking, surprised as well.


Eternal Slumber the Soulpeace Dragon was hiding from Cylax and Light, when she heard a stick cracking behind her. Afraid, Eternal Slumber crashed right into Light and Cylax, surprising Edghen. Suddenly, a Vine Dragon appeared, after Eternal's chaotic yet powerful magic. The Vine Dragon captures everyone in vines besides Edghen, who was hidden.




I'm done! biggrin.gif The Callous Brother is ready! Yay! If you got this far, don't say anything I told you to write above and instead start your first post with, "Hi there! My name is (YourUsername)." If you know where I got the two brothers' names, then congratulations! tongue.gif Ahem, anyway, I hope if you choose to roleplay here, that you don't "have a bad time".


I'm sorry.[/b]

Edited by Dragmori

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Hi there! My name is Mage! And I'm here to approve your roleplay. Though the section's been kind of slow lately, as you might have noticed.


Looks like you have all the parts needed for approval and no glaring spelling mistakes except for the typo here:


The Callous Brother is what it seems like


I do have a few questions, though, regarding the setting: do all the characters start in the burned forest? Or do they come from the tribe? Is the world based on the Dragon Cave map?


Unless there's any objections, I'll move the topic once you answer and weave the information into the first posts accordingly. Happy RPing! smile.gif

Edited by TehUltimateMage

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Hi there! My name is Mage! And I'm here to approve your roleplay. Though the section's been kind of slow lately, as you might have noticed.


Looks like you have all the parts needed for approval and no glaring spelling mistakes except for the typo here:




I do have a few questions, though, regarding the setting: do all the characters start in the burned forest? Or do they come from the tribe? Is the world based on the Dragon Cave map?


Unless there's any objections, I'll move the topic once you answer and weave the information into the first posts accordingly. Happy RPing! smile.gif

I forgot to mention this in the rules!


*Since we have no idea what the actual Dragon Cave world really looks like, areas can be made up. Also, it doesn't matter where you start.




Also, the tribe I keep mentioning is my own dragons. All my dragons are the entire Dragon Tribe. So, um, I would prefer that someone does not roleplay as a tribe member. xd.png I'm not trying to be rude, of course.

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Ah. You should probably make it clear that different groups of dragons are different dragon clans, as owned by different people. xd.png


I'll move the topic in a bit. Do you want me to delete my posts?

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Name: Edghen


Species: Speckle-Throat


Age: 37


Appearance: Edghen looks like a normal Speckle-Throat, but with bright green eyes.


Personality: Edghen never gets to run around and play because she's the leader of the tribe, and leaders have work to do, even if Edghen really doesn't have anything to do. She'll go hunting, announce important things like the arrival of an egg, and then make up something to do, such as searching for new tribe members. Edghen's hardworking and very dedicated to her tribe, a trait that came up who-knows-where.


Linage: Only her deceased mother, Meyla


History: Edghen was abandoned by her father after her mother died from illness. Edghen was alone except for a two-headed dragon who was planning to run away. Edghen decided to follow them, and soon, they escaped the abandoned cave. They wandered through a forest for a few days, until a human gave them the idea of forming a tribe. Edghen was chosen as leader by the two-headed dragon, Kas and Mai, and Edghen chose Kas and Mai as the Second-in-Command.


Extra: Edghen looses a lot of sleep every day, so, to her, eight hours of sleep is oversleeping.






Name: Rayvun


Species: Dark Myst Pygmy


Age: 19


Appearance: Rayvun looks like a normal Darkmyst, with dark blue eyes to match his stripes.


Personality: Rayvun is rather rambunctious, friendly, and, uhh, how do I say this...? ...vengeful. In a way.


Linage: None


History: Rayvun was born like a normal dragon and raised until he was old enough to fend for himself. One day, he was scavenging meat as he couldn't find any bugs or frogs when a gigantic dragon chased him away. He had gotten angry and swore vengeance, but ultimately failing at catching who had chased him away from his meal.


Extra: Guess who that raven from the beginning was? tongue.gif






Name: No-Name


Species: Desipis


Age: Appears to be 67


Appearance: Normal Desipis Dragon


Personality: Although not much is known about No-Name, he is helpful, but still has the temper of a Desipis. Not to the murdery level, though, thank you very much.


Linage: ???


History: ???


Extra: Not much, honestly.

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Hey there! My username is beiningtian, but I would really like it if you call me Pyro, please.

Just to make sure, no Completed List dragons, correct?


Name: Light

Species: Silver

Age: 234 ((Total years or age that's the rough equivalent to in human years?))

Appearance: Her head is crocodilian like that of other silver dragons, with a snakelike body and four limbs covered in reflective silver scales. Her mane, however, is more of a salmon shade than the soft pink of most silvers, through which she weaved many different flowers of varying hues. THe most prominent of these flowers is a warm purple orchid that she wove into the hair at the top of her head. There's a leather bag around her neck that has flowers poking out of it.

Personality: She's warm, energetic, and can never understand how others can't get along. She can be a bit clueless at times, but she's not dumb, just a bit dense and impulsive. Occasionally gets distracted by colorful pretty things and likes traveling a lot. She collects flowers from everywhere she goes, some of which she makes into little magical trinkets to give away at discretion.


Linage: Er, why?


History: Nothing too important to speak about except for when the grumpy old green that lives at Pyro's cave gave her a book on flowers when she was injured and resting.


Extra: Will sit for hours on end to look at pretty scenery and trying to place bird calls.


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Hey there! My username is beiningtian, but I would really like it if you call me Pyro, please.

Just to make sure, no Completed List dragons, correct?


Name: Light

Species: Silver

Age: 234 ((Total years or age that's the rough equivalent to in human years?))

Appearance: Her head is crocodilian like that of other silver dragons, with a snakelike body and four limbs covered in reflective silver scales. Her mane, however, is more of a salmon shade than the soft pink of most silvers, through which she weaved many different flowers of varying hues. THe most prominent of these flowers is a warm purple orchid that she wove into the hair at the top of her head. There's a leather bag around her neck that has flowers poking out of it.

Personality: She's warm, energetic, and can never understand how others can't get along. She can be a bit clueless at times, but she's not dumb, just a bit dense and impulsive. Occasionally gets distracted by colorful pretty things and likes traveling a lot. She collects flowers from everywhere she goes, some of which she makes into little magical trinkets to give away at discretion.


Linage: Er, why?


History: Nothing too important to speak about except for when the grumpy old green that lives at Pyro's cave gave her a book on flowers when she was injured and resting.


Extra: Will sit for hours on end to look at pretty scenery and trying to place bird calls.

(I'm sorry for being inactive! Yes, you may join!


I'm going to sound like an idiot, but... completed list dragons? If you mean if you have to list all your dragons on your scroll, then no. Just the ones you're roleplaying as. ;'-'


About the linage part, that is just for things like important characters that is related to your character. Don't worry, I'm not a linage stalker...


...or AM I? 0-0 Dun dun duuun!


If you're on, then would you like to start roleplaying or see if others will join?)

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Hi there! My name is Riath. I'm new to the forums, but I'm by no means a newbie to RP. I hope you can let me join! Thank you.


Name: Cylax


Species: Undead dragon (Wingless/Traditional Drake) Aegis dragon (Formerly)


Age: 347


Appearance: Cylax no longer bears any resemblance to an Aegis dragon. In the eighty two years since he has walked the land a shadow of his former self, his flesh and scales have rotted to a point where his own mother wouldn't be able to recognize him. He can be told apart from other undead dragons by the fact that he still has all four limbs intact (a rather impressive feat, considering how long he's been undead). His flesh has been hewn off in large chunks by wild animals, enemy dragons and terrified humans. This exposes many of his bones under the scale-rot and dead flesh. While most of his injuries heal themselves quickly, the necromancers Magic does have its limits, resulting in missing portions of flesh.


Personality: Cylax is apathetic about most anything. He tends not to care about the problems of others, focusing on his own life (life?death goal? Idk) goal. Still, what emotion can be drawn from him tends to be extreme. He can be vindictive and cruel under certain circumstances, but he tends to carry on his attitude of caring for nothing. His shift in personality from his once justice-enforcing self was caused by the hundreds of encounters he had with humans and other dragons alike. After all, who would want an undead dragon near them? At best, they were seen as disgusting monsters to be kept away from at all cost. At worst, they were unholy beasts deserving of beatings and abuse simply for existing in their sad state. Years of mistreatment by both strangers and those he once considered friends have taken their toll on Cylax's once kind and honorable nature.


Linage: His lineage is unknown, being a Cave-born Aegis before his death.


History: Eighty three years ago, Cylax was a regular Aegis dragon. His master was the great wizard Malva, and she kept order and protected the city of Khalmaran together with her army of dragons. Cylax was her noble second in command, respected for his size, strength and sense of justice. For decades the two had protected the village against any threat that it faced. The villagers hailed them as heroes.


Then tragedy struck. A necromancer, seeking power and conquest, lead his undead hordes past Khalmaran. Seeing the gathered army at the gates ready to face him should he attack, the necromancer thought:"Why this is a good opportunity to test my strength." And with that, his army turned around and threw themselves against the gates. Many great soldiers and dragons perished that day, their numbers being added to the necromancers army. After several weeks of laying siege to the city, the zombies and skeletons tore through the wall. Malvas army, as well as the city guard made their final stand in town hall. Cylax was in the midst of the carnage, cutting down droves of undead with each swipe from his great claws. Ultimately, there were too many of them. Despite entering the 'Rage state' Aegis dragons are capable of, it was not enough.


As he and Malva both fell to their knees, the last remnants of the once great army, the necromancer parted the crowd of undead to approach them. A crooked grin on his face, he lifted his black sword and plunged it into Malvas chest. Cylax howled in pain, fear and agony, his roars expressing the true depth of his despair and pain over losing everything he loved. Undead crawled over him as he struggled, dragging him to the ground...and with that, it was over. The battle had been won by the dark army.


Cylax was brought back to life through the necromancers wicked sorcery. He served as the general of the necromancers army for the next year. His size and strength, as well as the rage he had expressed led the necromancer to give the powerful dragon a place in his army. He focused all of his dark power on the singular dragon, to make him more durable than any other in the army (apart from the necromancer himself). When the necromancer was finally vanquished by a group of Knights, his army crumbled to bits, the zombie dragons and skeletal humans falling apart without the necromancers Magic. All except Cylax. The necromancer had given him powers of regeneration, putting his body together again no matter how damaged he was.


Once freed, Cylax ran home to Khalmaran. In a stroke of generosity as their new ruler, the necromancer had spared the people of the town, those that did not fight. As Cylax burst through the gates expecting a warm welcome, the townspeople instead reacted with horrified looks and with sharpened blades. Over and over, he was driven out. Again and again he returned, never harming anyone and simply seeking to tell his story. Eventually, he had no choice but to give up. The very city he had spent his whole life protecting now shunned him. They treated him like a disgusting brute and drove him out of their lands. From that day forth, Cylax resolved to never again feel emotion (rather easy for a zombie) so that he would never again feel the pain and loss of being driven away by the ingrates he had protected.


For the next 82 years, Cylax has roamed the world, seeking out the one thing that can truly kill him. He seeks the magic of a Soulpeace dragon, to finally put his tired spirit to rest.


Extra: He usually had a small horde of carrion birds following him around. He can be easily spotted in certain places when a large flock of birds gather over him, high in the sky.



Edited by Riath

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Hai Dere!

I've come to join this rp, its rather interesting!

Im JAK2002, but I live to be referred to as Seaviper

Have my character sheets


Name: BlazeFrost (referring to the whole dragon). However, the left head likes to be called Blaze, while the right head likes to be called Frost.


Species: Nexus


Age: 79


Appearance: A red-brown mix for the main scale color, with the underscales being a lighter color. Ivory colored teeth and claws, with his left side scattered with bright orange glowing fire mana crystals, and his right side shimmering light blue glowing ice mana crystals. His right head's eyes are the same color as the ice mana crystals and let off a faint blue glow, while his left head's eyes are a fiery orange and seem to always have a fire burning in them and glow a bright orange. He has a pinkish-purple cluster of mana crystals at the end of his tail. Basically, he looks like the average Nexus.


Personality: He is snappy and quick to judge, and has limited patience. Can get tipped off easily, and often uses his fire or ice to lash out at the dragon that tipped him off. Doesn't like being proven wrong, and likes to think he's always right. Usually never admits he was wrong, unless in life-threatening situations for himself. Waking him up too early will either result in your legs getting frozen or burned, depending on which head wakes up first. Is always cranky and grumpy after being woken up.


Linage: Not much is known about his linage. He only admits to being a cave-born.


History: Found and raised to a decent owner, all went well for most of his life. However, he began to notice his owner killing off his dragons at any age, still in the egg, hatchling, or adult. Some eggs were neglected and raised into neglected dragons, while he often tried to revive the hatchlings or adults to create zombies. This only worked once every 30 tries or so, and then he realized he could be next.


After he realized that, he searched the big cave for his owner and found him successfully reviving a dead adult to become a zombie. He charged his owner, and the owner had his zombies fight back. There were too much, and he was forced to retreat. Then a number of alive dragons stopped him, for those were the ones who were revived back fully. He then realized all the dragons revived by his owner have been put under a spell.


He was then rounded back up into the cave where his owner was, and being pinned down on his back by the controlled dragons belly up, his owner raised a large knife up, ready to stab him in the heart. Desperate, he lashed his tail free from the grip of a controlled zombie and stabbed his owner with the sharp crystal at the tip of his tail. While the controlled dragons were distracted, he broke free and escaped. He has no idea if the wound was fatal for his owner, and has never bothered to go back and check, fearing he would be killed if he does so. He spent the rest of his life wandering in the forest.


Extra: Prefers to eat sickened, ready to die dragons or dragons that just died. Because rotten meat is gross to him. He also likes to chew on mana crystals as snacks.

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Hai Dere!

I've come to join this rp, its rather interesting!

Im JAK2002, but I live to be referred to as Seaviper

Have my character sheets


((Hello, fellow lover of long character sheets! : D ))

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((Hello, fellow lover of long character sheets! : D ))

((Hi! I like to make mine long and detailed))

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(I'm sorry for being inactive! Yes, you may join!


I'm going to sound like an idiot, but... completed list dragons? If you mean if you have to list all your dragons on your scroll, then no. Just the ones you're roleplaying as. ;'-'


About the linage part, that is just for things like important characters that is related to your character. Don't worry, I'm not a linage stalker...


...or AM I? 0-0 Dun dun duuun!


If you're on, then would you like to start roleplaying or see if others will join?)

((Sorry to rush you, Dragmori, but have we been accepted? And is the RP going to start anytime soon? I've been really hyped for this since I submitted the form.))

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((Sorry for being inactive, vacation. I'll post tomorrow from my computer, I don't like posting in an RP from phone.


Completed list is a list of user-created-dragons that might ((and this is a huge "might") be released in-cave someday. You can get to the list from thr Suggestions/Requests topic.


And if you like stalking lineages, sure. There are many very pretty ones, and some people build their game around them.))

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The RP sections on this site are usually pretty slow. Is it possible for me to hop in after you guys have started?

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((Sorry for being inactive, vacation. I'll post tomorrow from my computer, I don't like posting in an RP from phone.


Completed list is a list of user-created-dragons that might ((and this is a huge "might") be released in-cave someday. You can get to the list from thr Suggestions/Requests topic.


And if you like stalking lineages, sure. There are many very pretty ones, and some people build their game around them.))





^ link for Dragmori


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(Yeah, you've all been accepted. biggrin.gif


The linage stalker thing was a joke, but now I'm a bit interested. tongue.gif


Well, I suppose I'll let one of you guys start off first?


Sure, Mage, you may help. smile.gif


Don't worry about rushing me. I'm fine.


So those are completed list dragons? They'll be allowed, unless there's some rule I don't know about them being forbidden?


I want them all. Give them all to me.




I wonder if anyone figured out where Kallus and Nivarius came from? ;P

Edited by Dragmori

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I've updated the post about the current roleplayers. Just thought I'd mention that.

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Vladamirs Crest told him the wolf wasnt lying about his trade. He climbed into the back of the car as he always did, head down, collar up. He was surprised by the cars raw power, as he was thrust back against the seat.


Vladamir could see the wolf was smiling as he did this. Vlad, theres another computer here... Vladamir hissed under his breath. "Shut up, Crest."


He could see that the wolf was watching him in the rear view mirror. "Names Vladamir. Friends call me Vlad. Government calls me The Angel Of Death. What do I call you?"

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Vladamirs Crest told him the wolf wasnt lying about his trade. He climbed into the back of the car as he always did, head down, collar up. He was surprised by the cars raw power, as he was thrust back against the seat.


Vladamir could see the wolf was smiling as he did this. Vlad, theres another computer here... Vladamir hissed under his breath. "Shut up, Crest."


He could see that the wolf was watching him in the rear view mirror. "Names Vladamir. Friends call me Vlad. Government calls me The Angel Of Death. What do I call you?"

(No offense, but are you in the wrong roleplay board?)

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(Yeah, you've all been accepted. biggrin.gif



Well, I suppose I'll let one of you guys start off first?




((Anyone planning on starting soon? I'm not really good with openers, I tend to only write up my first post after I have someone elses to judge appropriate length.))

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((It's kinda open, so I'm not sure how to really start, but have an attempt.))


It was a beautiful day.


Looking at a gorgeous view at a emerald forest from the top of a mountain during clear weather with the harshest of the sunlight blocked by a cloud is certainly something to describe as beautiful, as far as Light was concerned. Green leaves rippling in the wind, the multitude of hues in each individual tree, the shadows that passed made by clouds blocking sunlight, the call of birds below her, the way the snow around her sparkled, even without the sun shining.

Light shivered in the large blanket she was wrapped in. Even with her innate magic and the large woolen blanket, she was cold. She was never good with the cold anyway, yet here she was, high up, past the snow line on a mountain because the view is absolutely worth it.


After a good amount of time spent just staring idly out without realizing the somewhat dopy look on her face as she did, Light floated upwards a bit, shaking snow from her head and the blanket she wore. Time to go.... This view is nice but the cold... I wonder if I can get hypothermia?! Eeepppppp! The young silver shook a bit, then flew quickly down the side of the mountain. I'm not gonna catch hypothermia! Well, I probably won't anyway... Bu...But just to make sure.


Her own dislike of the cold made her unwilling to go too high above the snowline, at least, so after an eternity of a minute she was in somewhere more temperate, where she can actually see the lichens that proliferated on the rocky slopes. Upon reaching this area, Light landed, shaking the last few droplets of water from her before folding the blanket to put in her bag. Out of the same bag, she took out a journal and a pen, making herself comfy among the rocks before she started writing on another entry.


Windscale, 14th

I arrived at the mountain close to the forest where the rumors about the savager-than-usual despisis seem to originate and took the time to see the sights...



((What is the date? I put something random but it would be nice to have a set time.))

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