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Strange Things You Don't Like

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I really, really hate other people chewing. I don't like to hear it, and I don't like to see it.

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I can't stand people who freely come up and touch me without warning. Especially people I don't talk to at work.


I also hate whipped cream on blended drinks. Every time I forget to ask them to keep it off, and every time I'm illogically furious and want to throw the entire drink away because I hate it.


I get so annoyed when people type a perfectly reasonable sentence like this and end it with: LOL. I hate that. I hate the capitalized LOL and the notion of needing to say it after everything.

Edited by KaiaKeezhee

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I hate eating with my bare hands, and I hate to see people doing that. Not that I think it's rude, but in the back of my mind it makes me feel "so uncivilized".

Which is probably why I am a vegetarian.

Also I hate walking beside someone holding a burning cigarette.

Edited by mutant8

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I can't stand if someone touches my collarbones or if I touch someone else's. Just the thought of collarbones makes me uncomfortable - they seem like they could snap under minimum pressure!


I also hate truck containers that are off the trucks and standing on their "legs". It's absolutely horrifying, seems like a scene from a horror movie.

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I hate the feeling of paper. You know that paper your school assignments come printed on? THAT PAPER. I hate it SO much, the texture makes me want to CRY.

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I hate the smell of ripe bananas or banana peels which have been left out for more than a few minutes. It smells so sickly sweet to me. I only eat bananas that are at least slightly underripe (a little green) because the smell is horrible to me.

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I abhor the sounds of kissing. It doesn't matter if it's just a little peck or an attempt at cannibalism by mouth-to-mouth, I hate all those smacking and sucking and slimy noises.

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I abhor the sounds of kissing. It doesn't matter if it's just a little peck or an attempt at cannibalism by mouth-to-mouth, I hate all those smacking and sucking and slimy noises.

Same. I feel like I want to slice the lips off when I hear that.

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I hate being touched by other people, I'll put up with being touched by certain people but everyone else pisses me off

ever since I watched The Mummy as a kid I cant stand bugs being on my skin, I freak out

the sound of knives and forks rubbing together, also biting a fork

I love raisins but put them in something and I'll throw up

I love grapes and grapes flavoured lollies but I cant stand grape juice or wine

Rabbits, Rabbits have it out for me



my things must be in their place (turns out that's OCD)

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I have quite a few things like this, most of which are completely irrational;


· I really don't like being touched without warning, especially around my shoulders and neck. If I know you well enough, I'll tolerate it, but anyone else makes me tense.

· I am a little overprotective when it comes to my PC, and I've no reason to be, but the very idea of someone going on it without my knowledge really annoys me. It's the same with the notebooks I use for my writing.

· Unless it's something important, I despise people interrupting me when I'm reading. I don't care if you interrupt me when I'm doing something else, but not when I'm reading.

· Coffee. Just...coffee. Smell, taste, colour. I can't stand it.

· I can't stand the slightest bit of light in my room when I'm trying to sleep. It's that bad I've even gone so far as to cover the window on the boiler, which is in my room.

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So, barring everything else that comes with me being me...


Strangest thing? Half-shrunken balloons. You know, when they're a few days old and starting to shrivel and when you touch them the rubber just sort of... shrinks around the area? Hated that and the texture that comes with it for as long as I can remember. And subsequently seeing/touching similar textures.

Edited by rampaging wyvern

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Orange peel stinks horribly to me. It's weird because I don't mind it in other forms eg. grated and baked in an orange-flavoured cake.


My grandmother likes to torture me by eating oranges while I'm around. sad.gif


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I used to have a bigger problem with this in high school. Right side, no problem. Left? Got an issue with that. I still don't like it, it's just that it's not as bad anymore.


I have a burning hatred for bobble heads. I don't know why, I just really cant stand them or what they look like. They've always bothered me and my dislike for them has only grown.

I'm hard of hearing and deaf in my left ear so functionally I am the same even though it has an understandable cause.


Comedies. I don't care for comedies. I'll watch high fantasy or clever dramas or adventure or thrilling horrors or other genres with comedic moments, but I don't care for straight comedy.

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I hate the feel of other people's long (and, ew, sometimes jagged and gross) nails on my skin. It just...egehuheheh. Blegh.


I also just despise the sound of crying and whining kids who are older than the average "baby" age (probably around 0-4yrs). Once they get over that and begin to act like a spoiled brat, keep them away from me. >.<

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Certain words. I can't even type them. They're not insults or anything, I just don't like to say, write or hear them.


Things being left incomplete.


People touching things that are 'mine'. Both actual possessions and temporary ones, like a shopping basket or something.


Anyone who won't take the first answer I give them. "No, I don't want a drink thank you. No really, I'm fine. Leave me alone dammit."

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Here's a good one I had forgotten until recently. (thank you kid at Walmart) dry.gif


I hate the sound of fingers squeezing or grinding against a balloon. That squeaking noise it makes just *shudders* it makes me cringe and it actually hurts my teeth.


I would rather hear nails on A chalkboard than that.

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I don't like to sit in the middle tables of a restaurant, classrooms, etc.. I highly (very highly) prefer corners, or walls, and the chair nearest to them if possible. It's ok if I have to be in the middle but I don't really feel comfortable.

I don't feel like that in movie theaters, though.

This is me down to the letter.

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I have misophonia (cuz of other mental health stuff i wont go into) that ranges from manageable to completely unbearable depending on what sound it is


The WORST sound is hearing people eat cereal. No clue why cereal specifically, but when I hear it, I FREAK OUT. Like, I go into a panic and sometimes hyperventilate until I can get away from the sound. Because of that sound freaking me out so bad, the smell or sight of cereal or even the mention of it sometimes brings that same feeling.


Something I think is just as bad is probably bugs on my skin, ESPECIALLY near my mouth, ears, nose, all that stuff. When I needed to get my ears cleaned cuz of hearing loss I was panicking over the thought of having a bug in there *shudders*

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Coincidentally (sorry up there Paw) I came to complain about how much it bothers me when cereal goes in the bowl first instead of the milk. xd.png For some reason I need the milk to go in first, always. At least it keeps me from accidentally dumping orange juice on the cereal, when I make that mistake I just get a bowl of orange juice...


I also don't like when people, even people I know really well, get too close to me or touch me at all without permission.

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I can think of things don't like, but they all come with good reason. The only things that I dislike without any explanation at all, is the sound of nails on denim (any other fabric is acceptable), and the tapping of feet. It's not the noise that bothers me, but the sight of people tapping their feet rapidly makes me irritable. xd.png My poor patient girlfriend has somehow put up with me.

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lol it's interesting to read what kind of specific annoyances people experience, and some are actually pretty relatable


i have mild misophonia and i tend to react angrily to the sound of people chewing crunchy foods, and repetitive tapping to a lesser extent. i've never had an outburst, but i tend to get to a point of red hot anger where the only way to calm myself down is to remove myself from the sound. i also don't like anything to do with my cuticles, whether it's the thought of having them pushed or cut or someone else's cuticles having the same done to them lol. it's oddly specific and the idea of it always makes my skin crawl


other odd misc things i don't like:

- the smell of sour/spoiled oranges (i live in florida and this smell is very common near groves)

- the feeling of my fingernails scraping against dull metal surfaces

- the sound of cutlery scraping a ceramic plate



and this last one's actually pretty reasonable, but i hate when i'm being spoken to and i don't hear them correctly so i (of course) ask them to repeat themselves, only for them to say "never mind" like, not only do i not like this thing, but it's rude as heck

Edited by catmosphere

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I really dislike white chocolate.


I don't really know why exactly.. I mean the taste isn't so bad. I guess it was just drummed into me at a young age.


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i hate crossing the street! makes me so nervous. or walking over a sewer grate. i hate having people touch my face, and i hate yankee candles stores because it's just too many smells!

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Oh boy.


If you peel a banana near me.. Ugh. I can't STAND bananas. I normally start blushing horribly for no reason/ I get really red if I smell that horrid smell of bananas. I'm not allergic, I just for some reason despise them.


I hate being in crowded areas. Especially if someone there talks way way way too much...


I have a mild fear of large rocks ( I mean like, rocks that weigh like 300+ pounds) in water. I'm not sure why but I cringe when I see it :/



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