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Dances with Men (A Werewolf tale)

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He blinked surprised, but then nodded and headed in, cutting a path through the webs. The forest was thick, but they managed to reach an old mansion, pathways of webs covered the tops. Luke and the other hid as a large spider left the mansion into the woods, "Careful... we need to get inside without being noticed..."

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Jaku huffed and followed him closely. His ears swivels constantly and he was on high alert, twisting his head to look above and behind them.



Haven hunkered down in the snow, plucking off the sticky webbing on dak. "hush.. we'll be fine, they'll come back... " she shivers. "I always hated spiders."

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Dak lets her clean him, making a small chirp if she pulled too hard or a feather gets plucked out.


Luke motions forward and they reach the front door, it's closed but clean of webs as if it's used frequently. He tests the door, it's unlocked.

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"It's okay. Oh I'm sorry... nasty sticky things. ... I should have gone with him.. " She started crying holding dak close.



Jaku's fur was high on his back. He held his head low. He was on edge.

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Luke lead them inside. It was cleaner, less webs except for the ceiling. Above them hung web sacs filled with who knows what. Luke remained focused and moved forward quietly, Tara sniffed the air for Susan.


Dak cawed softly and calmly.

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((My last post for a while))


Haven shifted to her wolf to understand the bird better. She whimpers as the minutes ticked by. "I should have gone in there with him... this is bad, this is really bad."



Jaku sniffed at one of the sacks that hung low enough curiously.

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Dak looked to Haven, "It's okay. Luke would prefer you safe over his own well being. Be patient. I'm sure he will be fine."


The sack smelled of spider, webbing, and... deer? I must be some prey that the spiders caught for food.


After a spider unknowingly passed over them, Luke them them to the next room, which was actually a long hallway with a light at the end. Tara sniffed the air, she could smell small traces of Susan's blood.

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"But I forgot to tell him to watch above him, they like to sneak on people and any big webs have victims in it. I've been inside one once... it was horrible, I only got out because I can shift..." she whimpers and paces.



Jaku huffed and trotted low to the ground nearly trodding on Luke's heel he was so close to him.

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Dak barely made a sound, "He is not ignorant. He will be fine. It is Susan I fear for."


Luke lead them down the passage and to a wooden door with light behind it. The air was stale, yet the animals could smell a mixture of different scents, all unpleasant. They heard a yell, it was Susan.

"Let go of me you spineless freak!"

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"Yes, yes, her too. She's a strong one too. Doesn't matter though.. I'm still worried about them, both of them." She lay down and huffed.





Jaku stepped in front of Tara a silent exchange passing between them. "surprise attack? Flank." He got on the other side of Luke, getting low ready to spring.

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Luke nodded and slowly opened the door. In front of them was a massive alchemy lab. A single bald man in a black robe was fiddling with potions. The noise was coming from Susan, she was in a cocoon above them, her face visible though. The man raised his hand, "You need to quite down deary. I wouldn't want to web your mouth shut now would I?" Susan hissed but then saw the three... She was about to problcaim their presence but shut up, looking back at the man, "Your a fricking coward keeping me up here, I'll rip you apart!"


Luke made a motion for Tara who then went low and hid behind the shadow of a book shelf. Luke then motions for Jaku to stay close to him. He put his bow away and pulled out his buck knife, taking slow steps to the man as Susan continued to swear at him, making noise and such as a distraction.

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Jaku was careful to not step on waterlogged wood and keeping his nails from scratching on the wood. He didn't even blink , he was so focused on the man in front of him.



Haven had paced a rut in the snow up to her elbows and was slipping on the ice from the packed up snow.

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