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Vampre bites CB or not.

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Just a random question.


Vampire dragons.


For those that have them, do you bite lineaged eggs or only use it on CB eggs or both ...


And ... why.


I got my first vampire egg the other day, it is a first generation offspring. Just kinds wondered why it was bitten and well, since I can't ask that person directly, I figured I would ask the masses as to why they bite what they bite.

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I myself don't bite, but my sister does. When I asked her why and what, this was her reply: "I only bite messy or common eggs from the AP, ones that no-one wants. Then I can bite them and people like them. So it gives the eggs a home."

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This lovely boy was my first, and for a long time only, vampire. I would never have remotely considered biting a perfect spiral holly Thuwed! But because he 'survived' I had to give him a home, even though I didn't like vampires and would far rather have had the unbitten version.


As a side bonus, the vampire who bit his egg was also a 4th gen Thuwed. huh.gif


If I ever did start biting my own eggs, I'd probably use CBs. I'd be too afraid of killing anything with a nice lineage, and I like the idea of my vampire dragons being kind of mysterious - who knows their true past?

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I mostly bite CBs, but that's because I really only use Bite on eggs that are misclicks hogging an egg slot. An AP egg can simply be released again; only caveborns have that five-hour time limit that sometimes makes a vamp bite worth risking the dead egg result (and thus a *longer* egg slot blockage).

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I tend to bite uncommons that I bred that aren't teh uncommon I wanted because I don't want their ratios further out of whack. IE, my nebula x magma line. Or I'll just take lowish time eggs out of the AP.

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I bite random things, from messy commons, to messy rares, to inbreds, to CBs.


If I bite a messy or lineaged egg its either to give them a home or to troll a bit and bite some nice things. I once saw a 2nd gen prize linaged vampire and I thought it was lovely because no one knows if it was a fail or a shiny, all we know is its a vamp now.


I find mild humor in things like that. So if I plan to dump the vampires I bite, I go for messy and lineaged dragons. If I plan to keep them though I generally bite common CBs because I love the clean lineage view of them. No messy past, no parents, just them.


*wink wink* to the CB blocker biters, I got a home for them right here ;3

Edited by AnanoKimi

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My Vampires bite messy commons, commons with sprites I don't like and CBs.


I prefer to bite CBs and Messies because of the risk that the Vampire will say "Nope I feel like killing and eating this one," rather than turning it.

Edited by Cireth

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I tend to bite long, messy lineaged AP grabs, particularly if they are of a currently clogging breed. I think of it like the Dragcave version of TNR*, preventing those linages from continuing to create less desirable eggs. Of course, some will die, and I don't feel guilty about killing them the way I have when I've unsuccessfully tried to turn something with a fancy lineage that obviously took a breeder some careful planning.


*Trap-Neuter-Release: a management technique used for colonies of feral cats. It means that the cats are able to live out their normal feral lifespan, but not produce more feral cats.

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I don't own any vampires ;P


Nor do I own Green Dragons, for the risk of accidentally killing the egg and having it remain on my scroll.

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I always bite common CBs cause I like having my vampires CB ^-^ and I sometimes trade them.

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I usually bite Caveborns, and usually the more common dragons no one really wants...purple ridgewings, for example. I love them of course, but when you go to grab one in the cave you're always hoping for a tan...or at least I am tongue.gif


Anyway, either that or very occasionally I'll see a super messy long terrible lineage in the AP and I'll bite it and re-abandon it if it sticks to my scroll. I figure no one wants the messy one but this way someone will want the Vampire.

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I don't bite very much, and my last vampires were vamp eggs found in the AP or got in trades.


When I bite I usually choose CB eggs (especially CB commons misclicked in the cave, sometimes in the hope they will be auto abandoned this way) or messy eggs from the AP.

I never bite nice lineaged and rare eggs.

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I only bit CBs, I wanted my vampires to be CB and when I get egglocked by a common misclick I also bite it hoping that my dragons will kick it out of my scroll. I only bite common CBs, never uncommons or rares. biggrin.gif

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I tend to only bite inbred or messy eggs, maybe the occasional misclick from the caves, or a prizefail. Never any rares, even inbred ones.

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I don't bite all that often, most of my Vampires are AP catches, but occasionally I'll bite a CB misclick in the hopes of a repulse. Though I do have this guy that I bit because I accidentally bred his mother to the wrong partner instead of the 2nd gen Almandine from Val '09 I'd meant to. I bit the egg out of frustration with myself, hoping it wouldn't turn, but it did and it stayed on my scroll, so now he has a (pending) description that tells his story.

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I bite.


I bite to get rid of CBs I've forgotten what they were (ie their descriptions & already have or don't want).


I bite messy and inbred lines.


I bite my own first offspring from a pairing, just so that the "oldest" will usually get named, even if it is repulsed.

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