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The 7 Seas

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(Astro did you miss this?)

[i did. My apologies.]


"I do not know. Ask Captain," Mason turned to Takaki, who walked off. His interest broken, Mason turned to Pakt and gingerly turned the man around. Tak didn't actually lie, Pakt had a sunburn, but it wasn't really severe enough to warrant any bedrest. The chef laid down his hammer and crowbar, giving Pakt a grunt, and walked below decks for his secret stash of aloe vera.


The actual preparation of the salve was rather simple. Just take a mortar and pestle, the tiniest amount of water to make it thicker, and then a cutting of one of those blessed plants. Then you just mix. He returned with the pestle in hand, seeking out Pakt and applying said salve.

He said, then, "Lay down on your stomach in the shade until the stinging stops, or you feel well enough to work," before returning to his work. The bowls were still right as he left them, next to each other but out of the way.

Edited by Astrodeath311

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((Chester didn't respond to Rai but oh well. ))


Rai made sure the boy was alright before he left him and went to work, climbing the rigging to make sure the sails where secure and checked for rips or fraying. He swiped a biscuit for the crows nest worker and helped watch while he ate. Then he carefully climbed down and started to help deck hands clean the deck, taking the mop from one who looked woozy and had him sit down and Rai did the man's job for him. He hummed a Spanish tune and worked until the deck was spotless. He went over to Mason and knelt nodding politely to Coralia before speaking to the man. "Any other repairs you know of that need working on? I can help out a little, and I'm sure there's spare tools somewhere on The Griffin."



((Can't do anything with Cass until Alex responds.... ))

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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Coolness spread across Pakts back, and his usually tense muscles relaxed for a moment.


"Man, that feels good. You're the man, Mason!" Pakt exclaimed, giving the large guy a thumbs up.


He wandered away from the hardworking chef and got to thinking. He knew nothing about anybody on this boat besides their rank. He had spoken to Alex when he got on board, but that's about it. He just did his work and had his fun


Even his bunkmate had a night shift, making it so he hadn't even spoken to him apart from passing eachother when switching shifts. He needed to get to know the crew. You should always know the person who's gonna have your back in a fight.


The nurse girl, Coralia, looked absolutely terrified of him. Mason seemed comfortable in his presence, but didn't seem much like the talking type, and Pakt respected that. Takaki he hadn't spoken to. Rai seemed like a good place to start. He leaned on the railing near Rai and Mason and waited patiently, chewing his orange peel and sharpening his cutlass. He shot a friendly smile towards Coralia, to show he didn't want to upset her.

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Mason had taken the bowl and placed under the shade of the cabin. When he returned back to his work, he was greeted by many of the crew members returning from breakfast and thanking him. Coralia watched as he pounded a nail into a board, securing in the ship, her head bouncing downwards as the nail pounded into the wood.

She was only aware of Pakt's approach when Mason stopped hammering. A nasty red sunburn laid on his back. She figured he was probably there to see her about the burn but Mason had gotten up and walked away, quickly returning with a small, heavy, stone bowl. She quickly recognized the substance inside the bowl as aloe, which didn't surprised Coralia much. Like basil is had many medical uses but could also be cooked into foods, her personal favorite being the jellies.

With a thanks to Mason, Pakt had slouched on the railing, chewing on something. He then proceeded to pull out his cutlass sharpening it menacingly and looking over to her with a smile, a glint in his eyes.


I'll gut you out and cook you like the over sized fish you are.


Fear ran through her veins, she could feel cold sweat pouring out of her skin. She ducked behind Mason's large figure with a swish of her white hair, avoiding Pakt's eyes and trying to find comfort in the rhythm of Mason's work.

Edited by Lilraaos

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He went over to Mason and knelt nodding politely to Coralia before speaking to the man. "Any other repairs you know of that need working on? I can help out a little, and I'm sure there's spare tools somewhere on The Griffin."

((Did you see this lil? Rai is next to Mason.))

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((I think she's more concerned and fear-blind for/about her own safety.



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Mason had stopped hammering, realizing that the entire board needed to be replaced. With a sigh, he let the hammer slip out of his hand and hit the deck, wiping the sweat off his brow and studying it with a learned eye. To his surprise, though, little blue-haired Coalia ran behind his back, peering out from behind it at Pakt with a worried eye. He placed his hand down on her head, giving it a gentle pat before beginning to rummage through his pack for a crowbar and offering the child comforting words.

He said also to Pakt, "Put the blade away, crewman, or sharpen it another place. You're scaring the girls." He continued with a smile, "Or maybe just Cor. She never seemed to like you," and gave him a hearty chuckle.


He found it quick enough, that smile still on his face, but made a mental note to reorganize the pack later. The man set to work on the problem board, his hammering now being replaced by creaking and the ripping of wood, and also watching as his mother's locket bounced in and out of view. After a few seconds of good work, he managed to pull the board off with an "Ah!", which clattered down to rest on a few of the barrels.


He returned to the hold for the third time, grabbing another piece of wood similar to the one he removed. The varnish was good, and the staining had a nice pattern to it. He liked this piece of wood; it had actually been smoothed rather well. Nordic craftmanship, if he had to put a place to it, he knew that they'd able to bring this kind of thing to life. He signed the wood out and left the storage room.


He walked back up to the deck, his rough feet sliding across the floor with a rhythmic jaunt, returning above deck and to his work.

Edited by Astrodeath311

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"He walked back up to the deck, his rough feet sliding across the floor with a rhythmic jaunt, returning above deck and to his work."


In addition to this, Mason will turn to Rai, and look him up and down. He chews on a piece of jerky he took from his pack, giving the man a sigh.

He says in his naturally deep voice, "No, there aren't any spares, and I don't lend out my father's tools. Maybe you could ask that other girl for hers, but I'm not sure if they're quite like mine. You could climb the rigging, make sure it's alright."


He leaned to his side while saying this, stroking his beard thoughtfully, before getting back to work.

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Rai nodded. "checked it, but it doesn't hurt to double check. I'll be up top." He looks at Pakt seeing how Coralia was scared of him. "How bout you come with me lad, could use a extra pair of sharp eyes. Come along... and leave the lass some space. Your young and strong... it scares her. Up we go." He said roughly as he climbed into the rigging and on the main mast checking the ropes and knots and the sails for any damage. He tightened a few ropes on the largest sail and it caught the wind better.

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Esko's head shot up when Takaki asked him about Sasha. She- He was about to answer him when the kid walked off again. That boy, I swear... Alright, but the mention of him will probably make her face into a rose. He sighed. So, how do you think of that Chester boy? Poor lad, he isn't made for the sea. He looked at the captain's daughter with concerned eyes.


Sasha got up from her meal and snatched a potato to snack on while walking. She looked around and spotted Takaki walking. Her cheeks became the slightest shade of pink and she walked over to converse. Hey! How are things? She asked, hoping her blush was subtle.



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Takaki whipped round to face Sasha as he heard her voice. He did not notice the blush on her face. "How are things? Oh. Fine, really. Nothing much. Oh right I nearly died last week though." He replied, grinning. "How about you?"

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((I'm just gonna adress the elephant in the room, none of us knows anything about ships. Alright. Done. Also, ESKO WHERE DA HELL YOU GETTIN ALL EM TATERS BEST BE SHARIN))


Pakt let out a nervous chuckle. He didn't like to be feared when in pleasant company, or be the odd one out of a group, but it tended to happen no matter what. He hung his cutlass on the side of his body opposite to Coralia, so as not to wave a big sword in her face, waved meekly, and followed Rai up the rigging. He ascended the complex jumble of ropes skillfully and quickly, never really climbing as one would a ladder, but more launching himself upwards using his arms as slingshots.


When he reached one of the lower wooden platforms that Rai stood upon, he nodded in greeting to him.

"I feel bad. I try hard not to scare the young'uns, but I suppose it's my nature." He briefly shook his head.

"So Rai, where are you from?" He asked bluntly.

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((I don't know if we make up countries or kingdoms... ))


"I used to live in Spain... " He climbed up further and checked more ropes. He sighed and looked out at the sea a distant look in his yellow green eyes. "You never seen such a beautiful place if you haven't laid eyes on the sights I saw every day. Filled with color, and smells of coffee, bread, sugar pastries... wonderful place. You?"


((Yeah, I'm mostly going off of what I read in books))

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(( Makes more sense to have real countries, fake towns, real major cities. Preferably Pre-germany Europe, as a lot more was going on.))

"Most recently i'm from France," Pakt began, " but I can't really say where I was born. Been passed around like a baton through different crews. Not much lf a childhood, I'll admit, but it gave me the skills i value today as a crewman. Ive been through Great Britain, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, hell even Italy."

"Want to know my favorite place?" he asked, and without waiting for an answer continued, "Norway. Beautiful plains, hills, and man, you've never seen such beautiful mountain ranges and valleys. Hard to look over it without shedding a tear." He explained this passionately, as he had only spent a short time there, but had savored every moment.

"What was your childhood like? What was Spain like?" He inquired of his felloow crewman.

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"Full of color. Music and singing starts at sunset. Nearly every night is a fiesta. My childhood was full of hard training. I was a knight to my king, but one of the old code. A knight is sworn to valour. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His might upholds the weak. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked. My father made sure I knew it well. And the last part.... I am trying to fulfill. The king did something wicked.... something I need my revenge for. He gripped a rope tightly.

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Sasha chuckled nervously. There is never such thing as 'nothing much' on the Griffin! Plus, stating the fact that you almost died last week doesn't work well with 'nothing much'. There is ALWAYS something going on! She said playfully. Me? Fine, yeah. She bit into the potato again.


((Reference Inc.


Also, Sasha sharing her taters? MADNESS!))

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Takaki thought about what she said. "Well, there is always something going on, but it happens so often that I consider it to be nothing much. And I nearly die a lot. It happens almost every week." He joked.




((Reference Much))

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She barked a laugh. EVERYBODY here has almost died at least once. I lost track at ten. She snickered at her remark abiut how many times she teased death. Sometime, it was going to snstch her. But not now. Defidently not. So, uh...what now?


((References galore. What's next, a hidden Southern/Scottish accent? (I heard about both for Braus and I am confused wacko.gif Just AoT ramblings, feel free to tell me to shut up))

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"Well, I'm at 67. Still counting." He replied. 67 and still going strong. He was predicting he could go at least another 150. "Well, I suppose we wait around until boss comes round and shouts at us to do stuff again."

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Pakt felt Rai's attitude change. The man was passionate, and had a history.


"A knight? Last experience i had with a knight involved me getting tossed in prison." He nodded thoughtfully.


"His wrath undoes the wicked, huh." Pakt gazed across the water thoughtfully. "I'm not sure wickidness can be undone. Seems like the only thing you can do is work your hardest to make everything right again. But if it's something you need to do, i'll do my best to see to it you get your chance." He finished, still gazing over the blue-green waves peaked with mist.

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You count the times you almost died? Wow, that's cool. I don't bother counting times I almost died, it happens too much. Things were extremley different when I first came abroad the Griffin. I was in poor Chester's position, getting seasick all the time and wishing I could give up. She looked at the sea while leaning on the edge of the boat. We all remeber those days...ah, the life. Ah, forgive me for my useless ramblings, you are probably really annoyed now, huh?


((Yeah, her being around Takaki makes her nervouse and confused xP ))

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"Yeah. I intend to break the record of close-deaths on the ship. That would be pretty neat. What's it like to be seasick?" He looked at him. He had never been seasick. "Ah well. Probably a good thing I've never been seasick." He looked at her. "No, I'm not annoyed. Boss hasn't come out yet, so I got nothing to do." He sighed. "So, proceed with your rambling. If you want to."

Edited by SULDhasno

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Seasick....well, you feel naucious, of course. You also feel dizzy, everything is moving, and you can barely stand. Though it depends on the severity. You should've seen Esko, suprisingly he was worse then me. She snickered at the memory of him barfing over the side. Poor Griffin, suffering so much barf.


She rubbed the back of her head. It was nice when they talked, Takaki was a fun person to be around. Was that why her cheeks were pink? She had no idea. What in high hell is captain doing?

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"Of course he isn't yet, but neither were you. Neither was Sasha. Neither was a bunch of the people here. Neither was I, for goodness sake. I was three when Mom started this, and I used to throw up all the time.


Ten years ago. Has it been that long?" Elaine asked, staring out into the sea, watching the crystal teal and indigo and emerald crash into th boat.


"What in high hell is the Captain doing?"


"Mom's probably steering us in the direction of the wind, so we'll get there faster. From the weather patterns I'd say that tomorrow won't have much wind, so she'll probably be up all night again with directions from Cass."

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