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AP: 1 line of non-Holiday during Holidays

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I would absolutely adore an opportunity to pick up non-holiday eggs, especially at Valentine's. I'd prefer it to be the last existing row but an extra row would work for me.


I plan to pick up maybe four total Valentine's eggs this year, and had the same plan for Christmas. I'd like to have something else to look after while I wait for the holiday to pass by - at Christmas I picked up holiday eggs I didn't especially need because all my plans were stalled by holiday eggs being the only things available and I wanted something to do.

This. ^^


Most people content themselves picking up holidays but would be JUST AS HAPPY IF NOT MORE SO to pick up "regular" eggs after they fulfilled their needs for the year.

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@ Solar cat - which is why i said a better option would be for TJ to extend the time the non-holiday eggs have once they are AP'd during the Holiday breeding window.


right now eggs hit the AP, they get a day added to their timer. so add 3 days to the timer, of all non-holiday ap'd eggs and you accomplish the same thing without altering the way the ap drops eggs.


by mid week we see low time ap eggs in the ap on an hourly basis anyways


During the holiday some people are saving their egg and scroll space for holiday eggs.


During the holiday some people are saving their incubates for holiday eggs. I have ONE HUNDRED THREE Red dragons and rarely get through the first third when incubating stuff. Incuhatching during the holiday would be more of a challenge for me to actually use all these instead of letting them sit there.


And if there are 10,000 cave users (the last number that I heard being bandied about during the raffle discussion) then so what if only 100 of them are AP hunting for non-holiday eggs? that would probably be enough to stave off most of the issues with eggs dying and if they were mostly tossing them back, or even if half of them were tossing them back as hatchlings, then lo and behold, long about the 18th or so as the cave goes back to normal, the AP is suddenly filled with the hatchies that were tossed back. Win-win.


I am chosing to refute both of your main points by saying that you are describing your play style and that IT IS NOT THE ONLY PLAY STYLE OUT THERE, and I don't think that as many people play like you as you think do.



LOL, ETA:  ninja.gif 'd by someone more succinct than I am. I do admit to being long-winded.


actually i'm not assuming that most people play like i do, i never stated that and i dont appreciate that tone of condescending remarks with my point, nor the yelling at me.


2nd - all you have to do is look at people scrolls to see where the focus is on holidays. majority of scrolls hoard holidays on holidays and majoirty of people dedicate ALL their scroll space to only holidays while their dropping.


3rd - again you don't even need to look at scrolls to know that most people on DC focus on hunting holidays in the AP during holiday season. all you need to do is look at the number of people hunting in the AP versus those hunting in the biomes during the holiday breeding week.


going on that, i would say that MAJORITY of people focus on hunting holiday only's during the holiday season. this is independent data that has nothing to do with my own hunting style and is easily seen through just passive observation.


i'm not saying (to quote your yelling) its the only play style out there. i'm stating its how majority of the user base plays during the holiday season.



adding a line of non-holiday eggs to the EP during holiday breeding season isn't a bad thing, i just dont think it would fix the problem (ie: it would be pointless).


majority of those non-holiday eggs would still die, and just one line will still cause the low % of nice AP eggs to still die. because it doesn't take long for a single line in the AP to get filled up and it wont take long for undesirable eggs to be the only ones in that line and back logging the nicer ones that a small percentage of non-holiday hunters would be after.



which is why i saw add time to the non-holiday eggs rather than adding a line of non-holiday eggs.






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seperate post to emphasize my point


a better option, as i've stated previously, would be for TJ just to extend the time of those eggs by a few more days



right now, the AP eggs get 1 day added. meaning an egg dropped into it has 8D before dieing. and no egg hits the AP until it has less than 7D's until death.


breeding seasons starts on the 8th. eggs in the AP right now have 5D 11H until death on their timers.


if TJ were to increase all non-holiday ap eggs by 3 Days. then those in the AP at 5D 11H would be pushed up to 8D 11H (booting all of the current non-holiday eggs out of the AP until they hit 7D's) any none holiday eggs laid and ap'd on the 8th would have 10D until death as their timer.


this means that the eggs that were at 5D 11H on 2/8 wouldn't die until 2/15.


which means that all non-holiday eggs ap'd during the holiday would still show up in the AP and would get a good shot at being picked up and wouldn't interfere with holiday hunting.

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Once they hit 4 days they don't use up incubates and they don't use up egg slots for a significant time. Sure, people will get hatchie-locked, but I'd bet a lot of them (I'm one) are soft-hearted enough to throw a hatchie or two back to keep hatching and releasing to keep them from dying - people don't have to pick up the hatchies 'cause their timers are now at seven days, they can wait.


And adding time wouldn't solve the problem where those of us who aren't all that into Holidays have nothing to do for three days per holiday while the biomes are full of the new release. I dunno if that's worth it alone but this suggestion is getting two birds with one stone as I see it, one of which your solution doesn't touch.

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seperate post to emphasize my point


a better option, as i've stated previously, would be for TJ just to extend the time of those eggs by a few more days



right now, the AP eggs get 1 day added. meaning an egg dropped into it has 8D before dieing. and no egg hits the AP until it has less than 7D's until death.


breeding seasons starts on the 8th. eggs in the AP right now have 5D 11H until death on their timers.


if TJ were to increase all non-holiday ap eggs by 3 Days. then those in the AP at 5D 11H would be pushed up to 8D 11H (booting all of the current non-holiday eggs out of the AP until they hit 7D's) any none holiday eggs laid and ap'd on the 8th would have 10D until death as their timer.


this means that the eggs that were at 5D 11H on 2/8 wouldn't die until 2/15.


which means that all non-holiday eggs ap'd during the holiday would still show up in the AP and would get a good shot at being picked up and wouldn't interfere with holiday hunting.

Double posting is frowned upon. *frown*


I have not seen this particular point. If it was there and I missed it, I am sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you, I just get....excited...in point-making. In short, I like to argue, and sometimes I come across more mean than I intend when I get my back up.


I would like to respectfully disagree that this idea is pointless; it allows for more play styles to have at least some of what they want, and your suggestion of adding days to the egg timers, while good, does not address the secondary point that some people (however few and far between) do not want to collect holiday eggs. For whatever reason.

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Even if most people like to collect holiday dragons, it is nice to get a change of pace once in a while.

I remember looking at a wall of Snow Angel and Ribbon Dancer eggs this christmas and thinking that it would be nice to see something else. I know not everyone dose so, but digging through the same few types of eggs get's tiering - even if they are special holiday eggies. I know this happends in the AP on a regular basis with normal eggs as well, but if this were to get implemented you would at least have something else to look at while hunting for those damed sneaky little holly eggs dry.gif


Adding time to the eggs would cause them to pile even more up during holidays. I know not everyone dose, but I am sure at least some people dump stuff into the Ap during holidays. People might pick up something in the cave and then regret it and throw it in the AP. I see how it can be a solution, I would just personally prefer that the Ap kept flowing and didn't get clogged around holidays because eggs that would have been low time got hidden away behind the holiday eggs.

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Full support for the OP's suggestion because I can't see any disadvantage on it, nor any harm to any play style and because I'm a big fan of encouraging all play-styles.

Personally I would prefer to keep the same structure and to not add rows. Just in case I'm playing on the phone :-)



1% of the people in the AP would be there for non-holiday eggs. while 99% of us would continue to ignore the non-holidays until after holiday eggs stopped dropping.

I'm slightly puzzled by your statement. Do you have real numbers to confirm that?

Like many others on this thread, I'm not interested on Holidays and will welcome the possibility of catching normal eggs during those periods. Last Xmas, I was bored to death until the wall went down.


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Full support for the OP's suggestion because I can't see any disadvantage on it, nor any harm to any play style and because I'm a big fan of encouraging all play-styles.

Personally I would prefer to keep the same structure and to not add rows. Just in case I'm playing on the phone :-)




I'm slightly puzzled by your statement. Do you have real numbers to confirm that?

Like many others on this thread, I'm not interested on Holidays and will welcome the possibility of catching normal eggs during those periods. Last Xmas, I was bored to death until the wall went down.

Its not possible to have hard numbers for something like this.


Myself, I think the number who would find this useful is closer to 25%, in a userbase that is estimated to be over 10,000 people.


Especially if you take those who go in for some Holidays / some normal eggs.




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@Red2111... Why does accomodating someone else's playstyle upset you so much?


On any given day the AP shows 30 eggs. If during the holiday drops 6 of them could be non-holiday, that still leaves one with 24 holiday egg to choose from.


I'm one of those players who couldn't care less about the holiday eggs. Once I breed my caveborns (IF I bother to breed them), breed for any holiday projects I may be working on, collect my 2 new caveborns and MAYBE try to grab a few decently lineaged 2nd gen holidays.. I start getting BORED, BORED, BORED with nothing but a huge wall of holiday eggs. So allowing a puny 6 eggs to be non-holiday seems like a reasonable compromise to me.

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@ Sin - 1% is an arbitrary number. i posted it to emphasize the point that a very low % of the DC population focuses on non-holiday's while holiday eggs drop.


as i said, all you have to do is look at peoples scrolls and see their hoardes of Holiday dragons; and also look at the number of people viewing the biomes during the holiday breeding season verses those hunting in the AP.


like i said, i dont see this as a bad thing, i just dont see where it solves the issue.


while holiday eggs are dropping, people are going to focus on the holiday eggs. even if we only had 1 row of holiday eggs in the AP, majority of those "less desirable" ap eggs will still die from people not picking them up



Double posting is frowned upon. *frown*


I have not seen this particular point. If it was there and I missed it, I am sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you, I just get....excited...in point-making. In short,  I like to argue, and sometimes I come across more mean than I intend when I get my back up.


I would like to respectfully disagree that this idea is pointless; it allows for more play styles to have at least some of what they want, and your suggestion of adding days to the egg timers, while good, does not address the secondary point that some people (however few and far between) do not want to collect holiday eggs. For whatever reason.


it was posted at the end of the post you quoted form me wink.gif


i dont see where this allows for more play styles to get what they want during the holiday season.


the breeding season is only a week long. you can still breed non-holidays during this time, you can still catch non-holidays in the biomes, and after about 3 days of the start of the breeding season non-holidays begin mixing back into the AP on a regular basis.



like i said. i dont see this idea as a bad idea ... i just dont see where it stops enough AP eggs from dieing or effects enough of the user base for it to really be worth doing.



@Red2111... Why does accomodating someone else's playstyle upset you so much?


who said i'm upset? i'm not yelling, i'm not throwing out cuss words. i'm not even taking a negat=ive tone with my word usages. so i'm confused as to why you think i'm upset.


i'm simply pointing out my opinion of the matter. and offering what i think woudl be a good alternative to acutlaly solve the problem.


if you see that as me being upset by it and thats all you can remark on from my posts *shrugs* then i'm actually rather puzzleds as to why you responded to me at all.

Edited by Red2111

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It doesnt entirely solve the problem of all the incuhatchables dying but it does allow for different play styles to still do what they like as well as nabs some pretty incuhatchables here and there so its not pointless


Even if the percentage of players that are not focusing on the holidays is small, it is still a decent number which means a decent number of eggs will be grabbed, hatched, and maybe even distributed. Once people are egglocked they basically have nothing to do and some of the hatchlings that are hatched by users like me who like to gift go to those who are egg locked and cant grab something to incuhatch. It allows us to go back and hatch more.


So yes, it does help to some degree. it is not pointless. Its not a cure all, but it is something that would significantly help should there be a long lasting wall of holiday eggs at any point in time.

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while holiday eggs are dropping, people are going to focus on the holiday eggs.  even if we only had 1 row of holiday eggs in the AP, majority of those "less desirable" ap eggs will still die from people not picking them up

As I explained, there is almost no time or space cost to saving at-risk eggs. I don't think it's a stretch to say you could find 10 to 20 people willing to catch, hatch, release, catch, hatch, release, and save all of those eggs. It's probably not a stretch to find ten times that who'd at least pick up enough to hatchie-lock themselves.


There's also a whole bunch of people, me included, saying this would stop holidays from interrupting their play. My plans don't always require or allow for breeding from my scroll, and one of the lineages I'm working on uses breeds that I can often find CB in AP.

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i'm simply pointing out my opinion of the matter.  and offering what i think woudl be a good alternative to acutlaly solve the problem.

While I do not think that your suggestion adequately addresses what we have been discussing so far, maybe the way to have it discussed would be to create a thread for it.


I don't look on other scrolls unless I'm invited to, so I have no idea how many hoard holidays. I don't and looks like others don't either. For what concerns the biomes, actually they are not really less busy during holidays. Right now, there are not more than 10 people in each biome. During the holidays the numbers were similar, people go there, in particular hoping that others are hunting the AP.

And I'm with Cinnamin here... what is the problem with accomodating different playstyles?


Edit: Checked...

Coast 7

Desert 3

Forest 0

Jungle 2

Alpine 11

Volcano 2

During the Holidays the numbers are bigger than that.


Edit: typos :-(

Edited by _Sin_

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@ both ObsessedWithCats & AnanoKimi whcih is why i furthered my point with stating


"it doesn't take long for a single line in the AP to get filled up and it wont take long for undesirable eggs to be the only ones in that line and back logging the nicer ones that a small percentage of non-holiday hunters would be after."


so after a few minutes instead of looking at a wall of holiday eggs, youd be looking at 4 lines of holidays and 1 line of messy, inbred 12th gen undesireable eggs/hatchies that no one wants to give a home to.

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@ both ObsessedWithCats & AnanoKimi  whcih is why i furthered my point with stating


"it doesn't take long for a single line in the AP to get filled up and it wont take long for undesirable eggs to be the only ones in that line and back logging the nicer ones that a small percentage of non-holiday hunters would be after."


so after a few minutes instead of looking at a wall of holiday eggs, youd be looking at 4 lines of holidays and 1 line of messy, inbred 12th gen undesireable eggs/hatchies that no one wants to give a home to.

Hmm but people like me who don't want them to die will still pick them up, hatch them, and abandon the hatchies for people who don't mind messies after the holidays. And the AP never stops below 4 days for long so there's even time for us to sleep :3


(Happy Birthday AnonoKimi! Check your PM inbox tongue.gif)

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@ both ObsessedWithCats & AnanoKimi  whcih is why i furthered my point with stating


"it doesn't take long for a single line in the AP to get filled up and it wont take long for undesirable eggs to be the only ones in that line and back logging the nicer ones that a small percentage of non-holiday hunters would be after."


so after a few minutes instead of looking at a wall of holiday eggs, youd be looking at 4 lines of holidays and 1 line of messy, inbred 12th gen undesireable eggs/hatchies that no one wants to give a home to.

You're only partially right. Some people wont want them for the generation or the messyness but others love freezing fodder. So those hatchies will be taken by someone. Not all of them but most will be gifted out, some raised to adults, others frozen, they will still be picked up and moved around the DC community which means this suggestion does still help with some of that dying backlog.


(Ermergerdness ;^; I love you)

Edited by AnanoKimi

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@ AnanoKimi - i dont see it happening like that tbh. i see the non-holiday line getting blocked fast with undesirable eggs, sitting there backloging the non-holidays until their incuhatchable and a very small % of people catching/hatching and AOP's the messy's back into the cave. where the more common un-wanted babies stack up until they block the line again and grow up.


hatchies dont usually stay long in the AP, but this is typically only seen on a small scale and often not when there are holidays in the AP.



i agree that AP back log eggs not being given the chance to be caught is something that needs to be fixed. i disagree that this is the best option to go about fixing it.


so we're going to have to agree to disagree on that point i think.



While I do not think that your suggestion adequately addresses what we have been discussing so far, maybe the way to have it discussed would be to create a thread for it.


I don't look on other scrolls unless I'm invited to, so I have no idea how many hoard holidays. I don't and looks like others don't either. For what concerns the biomes, actually they not really less busy during holidays. Right now, the biomes not more than 10  people each. During the holidays the numbers were similar, people go there, in particular hoping that others are hunting the AP.

And I'm with Cinnamin here... what is the problem with accomodating different playstyles?

actually the numbers were much less during the holidays. on average you had less people (i'd say on averaging less than 10 people) visiting the biomes at all during holiday week. and you had between 50 and 500 users in the AP at any given point. there would be a spike of users every two days, which accounted for incubated eggs hatching.


this is just judging from what i recall while hunting over this christmas. and i recall this because i got curios and looked to see if there was anyone not focusing on holidays at all while i was locked and bored with clicking to look at the different lineage combos people were creating. each time i checked was during the more active catching times (:05 or top of the hour) and each time i would often see 0 or 2 people any given biome. and this was during peak hours (between 8am and 6pm cave time during the week and between 12pm and 2am cave time on the weekends)


contrast the # in the biomes (which averaged o to 2 people per biome) to the numbers in the AP ( which averaged in the 100's). its an easy conclusion to draw that a very small percentage of the user base was focused on non-holidays at this point of time. based on this data alone.


i only point that out because even though most in this thread are for it, its still a vocal representation of, what i've seen as, a small minority of user trends during Holiday week.


you say "what is the problem with accommodating different playstyles" and i say, why should holiday eggs, which only have 1 week to breed true and for people to collect, have to accommodate such a small % of the player base; especially when the numbers we're allowed to view reflect a majority of users prefer to focus on holidays during holiday season; especially when adding 1 line of non-holiday eggs wont solve the problem? why is there such a problem with letting holidays clog up the AP and back log eggs that breed true on a weekly basis?


those of us who do collect hoarde holidays only get to do so 1 week of the year, and half way through that week we're down to selecting from between 2-4 lines of holiday eggs. yes, your AP hunting is only disrupted for a few days, not even a full week. but because of those holiday eggs you get even lower time eggs to snap up.


if i was against the idea totally (as posting a line such as "what is the problem with accomodating different playstyles" suggests) then i wouldn't have suggested the alternative i did and woudl have just posted "don't support" in my reply.


such accusations as "what is the problem with accommodating different playstyles" is flame baiting imo and i'll take no part of a discussion aimed to silence a view point by use of guilting or "higher morallity" arguments. its bad debating edicate that focuses on emotions rather than logic.

Edited by Red2111

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I don't see "what is the problem in accommodating different play styles" as flame baiting, I see it as asking for a factual basis for your argument against the proposed change. But that's me.


This is not something that will likely be a giant problem this year(though at Halloween, it might be). This is a more far reaching problem that will only get worse with each passing year ESPECIALLY (for emphasis, not yelling) considering that there is not a restriction on holidays beyond the 2 CBs one is allowed.

Edited by amthystfire

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This is not something that will likely be a giant problem this year. This is a more far reaching problem that will only get worse with each passing year ESPECIALLY (for emphasis, not yelling) considering that there is not a restriction on holidays beyond the 2 CBs one is allowed.

Halloweens are a good indication of how christmas and valentines drops will be like in the future. so i agree that eventually this will be a problem (the bit about AP back log eggs dieing)



i just dont agree that adding 1 line of non-holiday eggs is the solution

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I'd much rather have this suggestion that C4 (in the OP) and Sock (in another thread) brought up than have extra time added to the non-holiday eggs. There's no way of knowing how long eggs will sit due to holiday walls and I can say that if a non-holiday egg did magically push its way to the front, I wouldn't want it if it still had anything more than 5 days' time.


Regardless, the point of the suggestion mostly is to have the eggs be seen to be picked up. Adding more time doesn't help the eggs get seen any more than not having time does. Also, how does adding time to non-holiday eggs bred during the holiday help those non-holiday eggs in the AP that were bred a few days or a day before the actual holiday event started (holiday event going from TJ's initial post through the date of the actual holiday)?


Finally, I do pick up "unwanted breeds and eggs"when I do hunt the AP towards the end of the holiday. If they aren't CB and I have incubates to spare, I either hatch them and freeze them for zombie fodder if they are messy or give them away in departure threads.

Edited by Jazeki

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actually the numbers were much less during the holidays.  on average you had less people (i'd say on averaging less than 10 people) visiting the biomes at all during holiday week.  and you had between 50 and 500 users in the AP at any given point.  there would be a spike of users every two days, which accounted for incubated eggs hatching.


this is just judging from what i recall while hunting over this christmas.  and i recall this because i got curios and looked to see if there was anyone not focusing on holidays at all while i was locked and bored with clicking to look at the different lineage combos people were creating.  each time i checked was during the more active catching times (:05 or top of the hour) and each time i would often see 0 or 2 people any given biome.  and this was during peak hours (between 8am and 6pm cave time during the week and between 12pm and 2am cave time on the weekends)


contrast the # in the biomes (which averaged o to 2 people per biome) to the numbers in the AP ( which averaged in the 100's).  its an easy conclusion to draw that a very small percentage of the user base was focused on non-holidays at this point of time. based on this data alone.


i only point that out because even though most in this thread are for it, its still a vocal representation of, what i've seen as, a small minority of user trends during Holiday week.


you say "what is the problem with accommodating different playstyles"  and i say, why should holiday eggs, which only have 1 week to breed true and for people to collect, have to accommodate such a small % of the player base; especially when the numbers we're allowed to view reflect a majority of users prefer to focus on holidays during holiday season; especially when adding 1 line of non-holiday eggs wont solve the problem?  why is there such a problem with letting holidays clog up the AP and back log eggs that breed true on a weekly basis?


those of us who do collect hoarde holidays only get to do so 1 week of the year, and half way through that week we're down to selecting from between 2-4 lines of holiday eggs.  yes, your AP hunting is only disrupted for a few days, not even a full week.  but because of those holiday eggs you get even lower time eggs to snap up.


if i was against the idea totally (as posting a line such as "what is the problem with accomodating different playstyles" suggests) then i wouldn't have suggested the alternative i did and woudl have just posted "don't support" in my reply.


such accusations as "what is the problem with accommodating different playstyles" is flame baiting imo and i'll take no part of a discussion aimed to silence a view point by use of guilting or "higher morallity" arguments.  its bad debating edicate that focuses on emotions rather than logic.

We must agree on disagreeing. Unless the Mistletoe were dropping I was sitting all my free time in the biomes. The numbers weren't lower. Furthermore, right now there are 57 people in the AP. That's not an indicator.

I refuse to debate "flame baiting" or similar subjects.

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Halloweens are a good indication of how christmas and valentines drops will be like in the future. so i agree that eventually this will be a problem (the bit about AP back log eggs dieing)



i just dont agree that adding 1 line of non-holiday eggs is the solution

Ok. So, your proposal to add more days (3 seems good though that could need adjusted later) only fixes the part about the dying, leaving the giant wall o' eggs that a small but vocal minority have expressed an annoyance at, but you think is perfectly fine because it is only for a week and a bit during breeding and the couple of days after while the holidays all find homes post breeding. Of course this is three times a year, and will only get worse as the years progress (which is why the three days added to the timer could need adjusted later).


I think that this will just delay the problem, extending out the backlog of AP eggs for longer and longer each year, until at some point the only time that eggs get their "normal" one day added time is in early October when people have managed to get the AP wall down to where it stands now.


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The problem I'm trying to solve is NOT eggs dieing in the AP.


The problem I am trying to solve is people who don't collect holidays being bored during the Holiday event.


Eggs die. They are pixels. But the people who support this game are important. And yes, they might only be interrupted for a short period of time. But if removing that interruption does not affect anyone else, then why not?


Guess what? The reason I and others campaigned to get the Holiday limits lifted was because we spent a whole week unable to play the game because of Holidays we couldn't pick up. We now have an event we can enjoy. Why not spread that same joy around to others? Let them have the low time eggs! Consider it our Christmas present to them. They don't enjoy the Christmas season. So lets campaign to give them something they can enjoy during the season when we are going nuts over Holidays.


1 line of eggs, whether it be extra or the last of the existing lines (that I think should be left up to TJ, our resident codesmith and Admin to decide), will not affect us in the least. But it will bring happiness to a segment of our fellow players who play the game differently than you and I. Adding time to the existing eggs will not do that, because our fellow players will still be unable to play the way they want to that week.




amthystfire, the absolute LONGEST a wall can possibly last is 7 days after the last day of breeding (the actual day of the Holiday). Anything longer and eggs will start to die. I think we'll find that once eggs hit incu-hatchable stage, they go fast.




Edited by cyradis4

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@ AnanoKimi - i dont see it happening like that tbh. i see the non-holiday line getting blocked fast with undesirable eggs, sitting there backloging the non-holidays until their incuhatchable and a very small % of people catching/hatching and AOP's the messy's back into the cave. where the more common un-wanted babies stack up until they block the line again and grow up.


hatchies dont usually stay long in the AP, but this is typically only seen on a small scale and often not when there are holidays in the AP.

I've done it plenty of times on past years where everything with decent lineage or slightly messy gets snatched up in the departures thread for freezing or from people not caring and simply hoarding. So I know for a fact that this can happen and more often than not does. Hatchlings are far more desireable than eggs. Heck I've personally kept some messies and let them grow to adult hood on my scroll or freeze them on occasion at S2.


Again, I agree this isnt a major fix to the issue but it is a start during a time when eggs are more desireably low time. I can't agree to disagree when I spend some time in the trading forums and particularly most of it in the departure thread. Mainly in the holidays. So I've seen plenty of the hatchies I incu hatch go to users who want them and keep them. SO it does work that way to a large degree.


I still don't see why this shouldn't be done or why it is pointless. It doesn't remove the main focus which is the holiday eggs, it doesn't interfere with holiday egg hunting, and it allows many users to grab, hatch, and distribute hatchlings that otherwise would have died as AP eggs.

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I'd much rather have this suggestion that C4 (in the OP) and Sock (in another thread) brought up than have extra time added to the non-holiday eggs. There's no way of knowing how long eggs will sit due to holiday walls and I can say that if a non-holiday egg did magically push its way to the front, I wouldn't want it if it still had anything more than 5 days' time.


Regardless, the point of the suggestion mostly is to have the eggs be seen to be picked up. Adding more time doesn't help the eggs get seen any more than not having time does. Also, how does adding time to non-holiday eggs bred during the holiday help those non-holiday eggs in the AP that were bred a few days or a day before the actual holiday event started (holiday event going from TJ's initial post through the date of the actual holiday)?

Thanks for summarizing. Considering your points, while before I was kind of neutral about the idea of adding extra time to non-holiday eggs, now I'm against that idea.

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