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Seven Voices Academy

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Esko's ears picked up. He heard some conversation.

She won't be in class today, they probably just want to make sure she won't go to the police."

"Really? What happened?"

"These two kids scratched her up and left her by the front gate. She seemed fine when I talked to her, except she was covered in band-aids and s***. She's pretty tough, she'll be okay."

"Yeah, but who would've done that?"

Esko was interested. He stopped eating and talking to hear. With wolf ears, he could hear much better than a normal person could, and he listened closely. Hmmmm. What is going on?

What happened?

Could that happen to me?

Or Alice?

Esko got a sudden protective feeling of protectiveness. His tail went straight up. He was about to growl.

Whatever was happening, they wouldn't hurt Alice.

Why did he feel this way?

Edited by Esko_the_Wolf

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Alice finished the last of her fruit as the two sat in companionable silence. She was startled slightly when Esko's tail went up and he looked like he was about to growl. "Calm down, Esko. What's the matter?" She asked him, her pale green eyes watching him, concerned. She brushed a stray piece of hair out of her face and smiled at him reassuringly. She picked up bits of conversation about a girl that had been attacked last night. That's what's bothering Esko, she realized with a start. "The attack happened after curfew, right? So as long as we stay in our roomsafter curfew, wwe'll be fine." She squeezed his hand and threw away her trash before takingher seat. "Since we have a bunch of classes together, we can sit next to one another!" Alice realized with a grin. "We'll be learning about Units, too. I wonder what it feels like when you find yours?" She asked aloud. She recalled her Mom's words on the subject.


It's the one person you won't feel shy or uncomfortable around. You'll feel safe with them and they'll be your best friend - and perhaps your lover, too."


Alice started. She didn't feel shy and uncomfortable around Esko - in fact, she didn't feel scared or even nervous at all. Hmmm... could Esko be her Fighter?

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" I wonder what idiot would be out after curfew. Somebody looking for sex? Eh, probably ACK. " Esko suddenly felt reassured by Alice squeezing his hand. While she was throwing out her trash, he realized he was blushing. Kinda madly. He pulled up his scarf before she took her seat. Alice said something about them sitting next to each other and learning about the units and such. "Yeah, that can happen...... I wonder what it....feels like...too". Esko remembered his mom's words.

Your Sacrifice will be the one you don't want to beat up, the one who won't judge you based on your speaking ability. And, that Sacrifice will possibly be the one to fall in love with you.

Wait...was Alice his Sacrifice?


((I almost forgot Esko had damaged vocal cords lol))

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Edited by chicbecause

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((Esko's mom isn't creepy, just eccentric. And plus, they remember this to help them try and figure out their other half. However, Alice's mom might be creepy lol. *braces myself for a punch*))

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Joe watched Yuki and nodded when he answered his question. "That makes two of us." He muttered, notcing Yuki's ears were bent back. Scared? Shy? Embarrassed? He reached up to touch them and felt the books slipping out of his hand, but he quickly caught them before they fell. He then felt himself blush and looked at the floor. What the censorkip.gif. No, this wasn't okay. Why was he blushing. This made no sense. The two boys came to the cafeteria and Joe quickly found a table away from the main action.

What an idiot. Why would I say 'that makes two of us'? God, I'm so stupid. He set Yuki's books down on the table and looked at the teen. "Sorry I almost dropped your books. I don't know what happened in the hallway. Probably just me being stupid." He said, looking towards the food bar. "I'm going to go grab some fruit. Do you want me to grab anything for you? Or rather, nah. You can get your own food." He stepped away from Yuki and heard someone talking about a girl and some scrathes. Oh, so something happened last night.

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(((So I guess I'll drop my time skip-ed post now because I gotta go back to work. Designing for five different shows tonight X.X)))



Skyla was not with the regular congregation of students that usually occured during free period. Instead, Skyla was held up in the school's rarely used amphitheater. She was leaning against one of the seats created by the levels. The only part of her body visible from the rear was the back of her head. She sat with her legs sprawled out in front of her, rather unlady like and would make her mom cringe.

A self respecting woman wouldn't sit in a way that displayed her vagina in the open air like some kind of beacon for debauchery

Her mom's brilliant advice rang in her head. Which she ignored, just like if she was actually talking to her. She was playing a game on her phone, a cherry flavored joint was pinched between her lips. This was one of her favorite spots on campus. The cold weather meant that there were not many people coming out here to enjoy nature. It was a pretty safe spot for her to smoke. She would need to speed it up though, Odds were that Shin already fell down a flight of stairs or down a well without her to lead her around.

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Yuki smiled. So Joe wasn't straight, maybe Yuki had a chance? Then he mentally slapped himself. Just because they aren't straight doesn't mean they'll automatically like you. He set his books down on the table and skipped alongside Joe to go get food.

"I don't think you are stupid!" He said, grinning sweetly at Joe.

He got in line to get food, loading up his plate with everything sweet they offered. For a school cafeteria Seven Voices served pretty good food. He got pancakes, waffles, a muffin, and a handful of strawberries, along with a juice box before sitting down. He watched as Joe got his fruit, staring and smiling despite himself, his tail waving happily behind him. Then he caught himself, hopefully before Joe caught him, and dug into his breakfast.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TIME~~~~SKIP~~~~SH*T~~~~~~~~~~~


Yuki excited class, excited for his first free period of the semester. Hey! Maybe he could find Joe and they could hang out! Or would that be creepy? An idea struck him, what if Joe was his other half? No, that couldn't be. The feeling had to be mutual, and Joe didn't like him. But what if he did? Yuki gathered his courage. There was really only one way to find out. He started down the hall, seeking Joe. Why else would he feel this way? It wasn't a crush. It was just a bond-thingy. Yuki's left ear drooped and his face flushed. But what if it was a crush?




Shin left class, managing to talk(yell) a random student into leading her to her dorm where she disposed of her books and grabbed a pack of cigarettes to smoke outside. She vaguely wondered where Sky would be. Did they both have this period free? She waved the thought away and walked outside, this path she did know, and could make without any help, which always made her feel confident, which meant she yelled more, but luckily(for them) everyone stayed out of her way, and she made it outside unhindered. She walked what she judged to be a fair distance away from the school and lay down in the grass, facing a sky she could not see, and lit a smoke, not watching the drug float into the blue sky.

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Joe stared at the clock, ignoring the idle chit-chat around him. Come on, class. Hurry and end. He stared at the clock and looked at the closed door. So far he didn't have any classes with Yuki, which he realized upset him. Maybe Yuki could be my friend. I could use one who understands the things I have questions on. He sighed and twirled his pencil between his fingers. Maybe he could be my partner? He did say he's a Fighter. Doesn't there need to be a romantic bond though? I'm not up to any romantic bonds right now. He heard the bell ring and dropped the pencil on the floor. He stood and glanced at it, then hurriedly picked his backpack up and left the classroom. Especially since this semester just started. I should try to make at least one other friend besides that black haired cutie. He then paused. Wait, cutie? No, not cutie. Why cutie? What am I even thinking? He hurried along the hallway and rounded a corner, running into someone. He stumbled around them, apologizing repeatedly, then ran into Yuki. He tripped and almost face planted on the ground, but grabbed onto Yuki's arm before he did so.

"Oh. My. God. What the hell is going on." He asked himself, not realizing he had spoken aloud. "Seriously, this is stupid. I can't get that kid out of my mind. Cutie, really? Why did I think that? I'm just being silly. Yeah, okay." He then realized he was holding someone and looked at Yuki, then quickly righted himself and looked around. "Sorry. I have to go do something yeah. No wait, it's free block isn't it?" He was a mess. He couldn't keep his thoughts straight. "Well, I still have to go do something. Sorry for holding your arm and almost falling into you. Yeah. Bye." He nodded curtly and moved past Yuki, feeling his face warm. Stop face. Just stop. Why are you doing this.

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Yuki's ears and tail shot up with surprise as Joe ran into him, holding his arm. Then Joe said something that confused Yuki. Who was a cutie? Then Joe ran off as quickly as he'd come. What? Yuki, without realizing it, ran after him.

"Joe wait!" He called, catching up.

He caught Joe's arm and looked at Joe's face, staring him in the eyes. His entire body felt warm and fuzzy. He stood on his tiptoes and placed a little kiss on Joe's cheek. Then his face turned red and he realized what he just did.

"No. Wait. I'm sorry! I didn't- I wasn't- I'm sorry! I didn't mean t- I have to go!" He stammered, his ears drooping so much they were almost flat against his head.

He ran off, in the opposite direction, hurrying outside. Why had he done that!? Why was he such an idiot?! He reached outdoors and ran along the front of the building till he reached the corner, where he crouched by the wall. He felt tears sting his eyes. Why was he about to cry? He shouldn't have kissed Joe. He remembered Joe's reaction when Yuki had given him a hug and started crying for real, burying his head in his knees. God, he was such an idiot. He hadn't even realized he'd been doing it when he had. Joe probably hated him.

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Joe looked back at Yuki with a red face and bit his lip when they're eyes met. No, don't. Why are you looking at me like that? He stared at Yuki when he kissed his cheek and he watched him stammer. What? Huh? WAIT. No, wait. "Ah, Yuki!" He called after the fleeting boy, ignoring the questions that raced through his mind. He cursed as he followed after Yuki. Okay. He kissed me. He kissed me. On the cheek. Was that like, a greeting? No, it wouldn't be. Well, in France it is. But we aren't in France. Are we? No, no. He burst outside and hurried past the other students who had free block now. Why am I even chasing him? I don't get it. What am I expecting from him anyways? An answer? Do I want an answer? He looked around and heard some students talking about a boy crying on the wall. "Yuki." He whispered, seeing him crouched against the wall.

He walked over to the black haired boy and slowly approached him. Was he crying? Why would he be crying? He took a deep breath and gently tapped the boys head. "Hey." He said quietly, walking in front of him. "Um." He paused and tried to think of what to say. What could he say? "Uh, don't cry?" That sounded pathetic. "It's uh, okay. I think. As long as it didn't mean anything." He muttered, feeling embarrassed. He didn't want it to mean anything. If it meant something, that would be bad.

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Yuki glanced up at the sound of Joe's voice, but only for a second before hiding his face again, sniffling to stop from crying. He wasn't allowed to cry. Joe's the guy who got hurt, not Yuki. He didn't have the right to cry.

"I'm sorry, Joe. I dunno what I was thinking… I just- I don't – I shouldn't have done that." He said, wiping his face with his sleeves.

Joe said it was okay as long as it didn't mean anything? How could it not have meant anything? Yuki didn't go around kissing people, much less kissing people and then running off and crying. He dared to glance up at Joe, his eyes on the verge of tears again. What was he supposed to say? He couldn't lie. He couldn't. His ears drooped. His tail wrapped around his body like a hug, pulling his knees in tighter.

"I… I dunno… I'm really sorry, Joe." He said quietly, poking at the dirt with his hands.


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Joe listened as Yuki tried to explain and sighed. He kept snivelling. He really was crying. Why, though? Maybe he tripped and hurt himself. Yuki seemed like one to cry over hurting himself. He watched the boy for a moment and sighed again. He hated when people cried. He hated it even more when people cried in front of him. He never could do anything to help them calm down. This time he would help. He didn't want Yuki to feel sad. He knealt down in front of him and tried to make eye contact. "I won't ask why your crying, although I'm curious. I also won't ask why you kissed me, although I don't really want it happening again. I won't leave you alone until you smile, although I have no idea if I can do anything to help you." He said quietly, poking Yuki's hand. "You shouldn't cry. It's never fun. You're face gets red and puffy, and your nose gets congested. Your breath becomes short and you just want to crawl in a hole." He looked around and saw the students were ignoring them.

"I have no idea what to do to make you smile. I want you to feel happier though." He looked back at Yuki and touched his head. "My mom used to rub my head when I was sad. It helped calm me down. She also told me a made up story that was always over-exaggerated. Do you want to hear a made up story? I'm not that great of a story teller, but I can try if it'll make you happier." He started rubbing Yuki's head and hoped Yuki would look at him. I just hate seeing people cry, really. I especially don't want to see you cry.

Edited by littlelizzie

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Yuki stared at his hand, drawing little swirls in the dirt as Joe spoke. He wouldn't kiss him again. If Joe-chan didn't want to be kissed he wouldn't.

"I won't. I promise. I'm sorry." He said, not looking up at Joe, who'd knelt down in front of Yuki and began rubbing his head.

Joe didn't seem very angry with him. That was a relief. Yuki wanted to smile, just to make Joe-chan happy, but he couldn't. He tried smiling while his face was still hidden and he could tell it was only him barring his teeth. Yuki felt so stupid and embarrassed. Why did he do that? Why'd he kiss Joe? He wanted to slap himself. If Joe hadn't of been right there he might have. But Joe was there, offering to tell a story. Yuki looked up at the other boy and nodded.

"Yes please." he said, sniffling.

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Joe watched as Yuki drew circles in the ground. He wasn't being of any help, was he? He bit his lip and listened as the teen said he would listen to a story. "Okay, but I really suck at story telling." He sat down and crossed his legs, rubbing behind his neck. "A story..." He looked at Yuki and sighed. Maybe he could tell a bit of the truth. "Well, once upon a time there was a young boy with ears. This young boy happened to be a happy person, and someone who always liked to laugh." He looked at Yuki and smiled. "You know what? No, I fail at storytelling." He grabbed Yuki's hand and pulled it towards him. "We're going to go do something that you like. I have no idea what it is you like to do, but seeing you sad is really making me upset." He stood and held Yuki's hand. "Do you want ice cream? Or fruit? Or do you want to go do something? What is it that Yuki's do to make themselves happy? Wait, Yuki. Yuki-kun? Yuki-chan? Yuki-sama?" He asked, confused. "I shouldn't just be calling you Yuki. Unless that's okay?"

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Alice walked out of class, wondering how some of Esko's classes went - she had two classes without him and they were the last ones before free period. She hoped he was alright, though she doubted the teachers would give him too hard of a time. With her iridescent gray tail waving cheerily behind her, she put her books away before going out in search of Esko. She wondered where he would be - probably heading to his room or the cafeteria. She walked down the hallways in no particular direction, making sure to avoid groups of people as she searched for her friend.


Licia walked out of her class, chatting with one of the students. They were obviously deep in conversation, with Licia making hand gestures and the other trying to talk over her (which wasn't easy). Eventually the two parted, and Licia headed to her room before searching for Merek or Aoko - whichever she found first. She skipped through the hallways, not really minding if she ran into someone or not as she went to the cafeteria to get a snack while Merek wasn't watching. She grabbed three cookies and scarfed them down, and it wasn't long before the effects of the sugar became evident as she bounced back to her and Aoko's room.

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Esko hated the last class. The teacher expected him to talk, and when he tried, he became a laughing stalk. His tail was straight pointed and his ears pointed upward. He was ready to kill someone when he finally saw Alice. He had to constrain himself before he saw who it was. "Alice!" He said, his voice still rough and scratchy. He walked over, his tail relaxing at the sight of her. A question came to his mind, but he suppressed it, allowing Alice to ask if she had the same thought.

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Yuki listened to the story until it stopped and Joe pulled his hand towards him and asked what Yuki's did to make themselves happy, and the question was very silly, and Joe-chan was being so nice. Yuki couldn't help but giggle. Why was Joe being so nice? It almost made Yuki feel worse. Shouldn't Joe-chan be mad at him?

"You can call me whatever you like." Yuki said, standing with Joe and wiping his face with his sleeve again. "Um, usually when I want to be happy I go get ice cream or candy. Or I play with my cat, but she isn't here." He added.

He would also read manga or fiction books, but he really wanted an activity that they could do together. But why? Usually he just wanted to be alone, which is why he ran away, but… Joe was different. Was he? Yuki just felt confused and conflicted and happy and sad and it was all so jumbled in his head.


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Joe smiled when he heard Yuki giggle. Yes, he had gotten him to smile. "I'll call you Yuki-chan. Mirror what you call me." He nodded and pulled Yuki back towards the school. "I would take you to the ice cream parlor off campus, but that's off campus and I'm not really up to skipping the remainder of the day." He said, looking back at Yuki. "What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? I like vanilla. And what's your favorite type of candy? I love caramel." He said, hoping to get Yuki talking again. He liked when Yuki talked. His voice made Joe feel calm.

"You have a cat? That's pretty cool. My parents hate animals." He said, opening the door and walking into the school. "They also hate me, I think. That's why I'm moving out as soon as I can. But I hate talking about them. Let's talk about your cat. What kind of cat is she?" He asked, watching Yuki.

He squeezed the other boys hand and looked around. If anyone caught them Joe would never be able to get over it. He would be too embarrassed. He looked back at Yuki and wanted the boy to smile. He wanted Yuki to not feel bad. He didn't even understand why he felt bad. Yeah, he kissed him. But it was on his cheek. His old friend had done that all the time. At the thought of his old friend, he frowned and looked towards the ground. No, don't think about her. She's a terrible memory. Try to make Yuki smile. He watched Yuki and waited for any sign of him feeling better.

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Skyla was making her way back to campus with the last of her smoldering joint hanging out of her mouth. She knew that by the time she got within sight of anyone disapproving, she would have gotten ride of it. She did, tossing the filter, which she made from a business card of the school's guidance councilor, into some bushes. She checked the time on her phone, hmm, 12:43 She thought, staring at her phone for a little while longer, I have no idea what this means. Skyla really regretted not reading her schedule more closely. Now she had no idea when her next class starts or where it was. That meant she would have to run back by her room to grab it since she forgot it that morning.


A short while later, she had her day planner and was pouring over it on the way back from her room. Looks like I have religious studies next...why do I even have that class again? I'm atheist...oh it's a philosophy class...that could be- her inner monologue was cut short when someone came flying around the corner and smacked into her, knocking her on her ass. "GODDAMMIT" She cursed, rubbing the back of her head. She looked up to see that a slender girl with dirty blonde hair was the one that plowed into her. The girl was practically vibrating with excitement and it was making Skyla uneasy. Am I missing something? She was moving pretty fast, Had classes already started. Oh God! She knows I'm high! her usually paranoia came crashing over her like a wave of anxiety as she picked herself up off the floor and brushed herself off, "Where's the fire, chick?" she asked sarcastically, trying to keep her cool intact.

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Where was he to go next? Cyrus glanced down at the schedule in his hands, frowning at the class it read. Philosophy. Great. The problem with such a class was that the only way to pass was to write papers and arguments that favor the teacher's opinions. Much like History, Political, and Religious classes. The last thing he wanted to do was buff somebody's ego. The teen began toward the class, brushing past a small commotion as he did so. Only when he passed a girl that smelled of weed did he freeze. A distinct, yet unknown pain blossomed in the back of his eyes, forcing him to double over as it struck him. Oh God, it was terrible. It hurt so much. When he opened his eyes again, he was seeing auras.


The initial feeling of disdain towards the stranger was instantly morphed into hatred. It was strange, though. He still wanted to stick around her even though it sickened him at the thought. The thought of leaving actually made him feel anxious. But looking at the girl...Eugh. She was revolting. Not in appearance, but in mannerism. Judging by her lack of ears, she wasn't only a stoner, but a promiscuous stoner. She was the exact kind of person Cyrus avoided. Grimacing, he forced himself to straighten up. His eyes raked over Skyla, trying to pick out everything about her. "You" Cyrus snarled. He took a step forward, extending a hand to grab her shirt. This...this couldn't be her sacrifice! Not someone like her! The moment his hand connected to her, however, he jerked it away. A new, searing agony made itself present in the inside of his left wrist. Searing hot and blinding white, the word Shameless had been carved there. "No...NO!"


((Lol Cyrus is dramatic.))

Edited by shadow_claw

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Shin sat up, discarding the cigarette butt and standing. She had no clue what time it was. She walked straight ahead, which she'd been careful to make sure was the correct direction before laying down. She walked down the hall, headed to her dorm to pick up her books for her next class. Algebra 2. Which was really a shocker for her because she didn't remember getting a passing grade in Algebra 1, whatever. She accidentally ran into a couple people outside her door, but she was busy and could not be concerned with external affairs at the moment. But then she heard it. That was Sky and some dude yelling?

"Yo, bruh. What's this guy's problem?" She asked herself as she gathered her books she had conveniently marked with different foam animal stickers.




Yuki thought about it. "Hmmm... Oh! I like cotton candy the best." He said, following Joe, wondering where they were going. "And strawberry ice cream. Because it has strawberries and it's pink."

He wasn't crying anymore, but his spit felt thick in his mouth and he needed to blow his nose. His nose and cheeks were still red and his eyes a little bit teary, but he was feeling better. He was very glad Joe wasn't mad at him. But he wasn't very glad Joe thought his parent's hated him. Yuki knew how that felt, and the thought that Joe might feel that way too made him want to cry again. But he didn't. Joe-chan wouldn't want him to cry. Plus, they were talking about his at now.

"Oh, um, her name is Purple. I got her when I was 8 and Purple was my favorite color, and so I named her after that because she's my favorite!" He explained, smiling at the memory. "And her favorite toy is this stuffed bunny that I pretend to make jump around and she chases it. Right now she's staying at a friends house because my parents won't take care of her."

He loved his cat. She was his little baby girl and he missed her.

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Skyla glanced over when a boy approaching suddenly doubled over in pain, What's this joker's problem? She wondered with a raised eyebrow. She only felt threatened when he looked her up and down distastefully. Was it her ears? First off, how dare you. Secondly he didn't know her, what makes him think he can judge her? Truthfully it never bothered her when other people did it but it was something about the way this guy was eying her.



""you" yourself JACKASS" She shot back. She took a step backwards when he reached out for her, "Hey prick, what the hell do you think you're doing?" . She was too high for this censorkip.gif and censorkip.gif this guy. When he grabbed his wrist in pain, Skyla cocked back and creamed the guy in the jaw with a closed fist. She twirled around on the ball of one foot and took off. She needed to get somewhere safe so she could think. She didn't want to admit it but that guy seemed ok to be around. That scared her becasue she has never felt something this overwhelmingly sappy. There was only one explanation for something like that and she didn't want to explore that option. She was only half aware of Shin standing on the sidelines. Right now she needed to get to her room.


Once inside, she locked the door behind her and ran for her bed. She launched herself face first onto her mattress and put her hands over her head. She couldn't have a unit. She resisted it so hard her whole life. Why did this random dude have to show up and ruin everything. She was going to have to train with this guy, see this guy everyday, eat lunch with him. No more parties on Firday night. No more sneaking out Saturday mornings. No more Skyla Lifestyle.

It was then and there when she realized that she hated this boy that ruined her life as she knew it.

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As Esko was heading towards Alice, he noticed a girl cream a random guy and run off. Esko wondered why NOBODY NOTICED THAT. His tail stuck straight out, and he quietly growled. Whatever this chick thinks she can do, she needs a punch back to reality. He was annoyed that no adults saw that. He had to shrug it off and continue walking to Alice. He didn't want to shout hey a second time, for he feared that people would look at him funny. He already got that in class.

He didn't need it here.

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"Cotton candy is too sweet for me." Joe said, watching Yuki. He seemed to be feeling better. That made Joe smile. I'm an idiot. Why is this kid making me smile? He listened as Yuki said he liked strawberry ice cream and continued to listen as he started talking about his cat. Purple was an interesting name for a cat. He probably would have done the same at that age. "Sounds like you and her are best friends." He said with a smile.

He then stopped walking and looked around. Wait, where were they? This wasn't where the cafeteria was. Joe looked back behind him and saw the hallway looked unfamiliar. Oh God. Had he not been over here before? That would be bad. He looked back at Yuki and then felt embarrassed. Had he been focusing on the other male too much? He felt himself blush at the thought and looked around again. Why was Yuki making him blush? Why did he want Yuki to smile? Why was he the only person he had talked to during the last two days? Well, he didn't talk to many people. But why was Yuki always lingering in his mind? That wasn't normal. He knew that wasn't normal. "I uh, think we might be lost. I have no idea where we are." He muttered, avoiding eye contact with the black haired boy.

This wasn't good. He wasn't even acting like himself. He was being nicer and more friendly then usual too. He let a thought settle in his mind and sighed. What if Yuki was his other half? Would that explain why he was always more calm around the boy? Or maybe it was something else. What had his old friend said... She had a crush on him? Could he have a crush on Yuki? He didn't like that idea. If he had a crush on someone, then that meant he would have to do things with that person. Things he didn't feel comfortable doing.

Or maybe I'm just over thinking it. Yeah, I'm just over thinking it. "So Yuki-chan. I'm lost. Do you know how to get to the cafeteria from here?"

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