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Hetalia - The Rains of Castamere

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(Sorry as well, I didn't know what to post.)


It appeared as though no one else was on the island. Unsurprising. If Russia had to be stuck on an island with anyone of course it was Prussia, someone who always seemed to disappear when she was around. It was as though she was a deterrent to him. Her very presence made skittish and merely speaking with him made him squeamish. It was quite peculiar to see someone who used to taunt her at every moment he could cower away at the sight of her. It was hard to figure out what caused Prussia to act as such, but it mattered little. If he wasn't going to help her, then Russia didn't need him. She had other matters to attend to and she certainly didn't need someone who wasn't going to help. If he made the situation worse, then Russia could always dispose of him. Who knew? He could make a fine fishing bait.


Stopping at the edge of a small hill, Russia gazed out towards the center of the island. There were trees with fruit dangling from the branches. The ground was littered in sticks, flowers, and various rocks of different shapes and sizes. To Russia's disappointment, there was no creek or source of running water as far as she could see. She had a source of food, materials to build a shelter, but no drinking water.

Vell that's just great. I knov a good bit about surviving in the harsh vinter, but I know close to nothing about living on a deserted island. Vhat am I suppose to do for fresh vater?

Russia knew a bit about making urine drinkable, but she wasn't exactly ready to go to that option just yet. Was it possible to make sea water drinkable as well? Couldn't she just craft a make-shift pot, pour some salt water into it, put a top on, and then head it over a fire until it was drinkable? It didn't seem likely, but Russia wasn't sure what other options she had. She could try collecting rain water, but the sky was clear and absent of clouds. The chances of rain were pretty slim.

"Chyort voz'mi!" Russia cursed to herself in her native language before sliding down the tiny hill. She marched forward and grabbed the longest, and thickest, stick she could find before picking up a blunt rock. She began to scrape the end of the stick in an effort of to make a point at the end of it. Before she was going to do anything, Russia was going to make sure she had a weapon. A spear wasn't as good as a gun, but it was better than nothing.


(Translation: Chyort voz'mi! - Damn it!)



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((Cool then guys xd.png))


France looked at England sharply, full lips much thinner than usual. He was angry. All he had done was play around, and there she went, hitting him. Now they were fighting... Again. "Why don't you swim, like a real country? You're an island. And yet zhe weak humans can do more zhan you," he taunted, lazily wading backwards into the warm surf. Ah, almost as good as the South of France. He raised his eyebrows at her. "And your hair ees too short. It should be glorious, like mine. But you never did have style," he sighed, running a delicate hand through wet brown locks.

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Macau giggled as she washed up on the shore once again, arching her head back to see Hong Kong not too far away. Macau squeaked with delight and went walking over to him. "Hong Kong!!! What are you doing here? I just woke up here and i was like "Wow!!" And i was already in my swim suit so i figured i would just swim!!" She spat out happily "So where is everyone else? Are the others here? How did we get here?" she asked, her questions slowly getting quicker and less clear as her speech started mixing in cantonese and portuguese words.


Portugal walked out to explore and saw another figure. Canada, Portugal didn't know Canada too well, but now would be an interesting time to get to know her well. "Bom dia, Canada" He said


China looked over at Australia. "Unfortunatly, I did not take us here." She said, standing up and dusting the sand off her dress. "And i haven't see any others around here either." China looked out to the sea, wondering exactly how far off from a mainland they were.

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Taken back slightly, England looked flustered for a short moment before her shoulders rose up to her ears once more. She couldn't swim, she knew that. She had never learnt but really, what use was that? Even when she had practically ruled the seas, falling overboard most likely meant death anyway. Why bother learning how to swim when the sharks would get to you before you'd be rescued? After she decided that, she just never really got around to learning. "I'll swim circles around you, you censorkip.gif***!" England yelled as she quickly walked into the surf, only to hesitate when it drew up past her knees. The water was quite cold but after that good bit of taunting, she wanted to prove a point. Muttering swears, she raised her arms up as she waddled into the water, trying to get her grounding in the sand. How hard could swimming be? All the times she had tried it before she sank immediately but hey, even dogs could do it. All she had to do was slap the surface with her hands, right? Right? "Just… give me a moment," She muttered, waving a hand at France to stay put as she paused, the water at her stomach. The waves were kind of intimidating now since they seemed much, much larger up close than on the shore.





Prussia was silent as he hung back behind Russia, following her as she stomped through the forest. He wasn't sure what to do in a situation like this. Well, sure he had experience roughing it out in the wild but not usually on islands. He just never got around to that stage of Imperialism when his empire was big. There was, of course, basic information that applied everywhere but other things… not so much. Moreover, there was the fact he appeared to be stuck on an island with Russia. Of all people… But at the same time, no matter how much he feared and hated her, he had to stay close. If he wanted to survive, that is.


Trudging up the hill after she vanished down the other side, he looked around, quickly seeing what exactly made Russia so angry. No water, huh? They had the ocean, of course, but that was much too salty. The trees seemed ripe with fruit so that wasn't a problem so much but water was much more pressing than that. But the best idea was probably to see what they had available. He had his clothes, of course, a belt holding his trousers up… but little beyond that. The belt could be useful but nothing for getting water. Maybe… maybe Russia had an idea? Battle strategies were more of his forte, not figuring out clever ways to secure fresh water. At the moment, collaboration was probably his best way of staying alive. And really, he didn't want to die here. He didn't want to die at all but certainly not here. He'd clung on for so many years and it wasn't just to waste away on some abandoned island! He'd have to be strong and man up.


This was, of course, easier said than done as he found himself slowly inching towards Russia as she began meticulously sharping a stick. He really hoped the pointed end of that wasn't going in his eye. "Ah… Russia?" he called out hesitantly, still keeping his distance from her. He wanted enough room to bolt if she suddenly decided to run over swimming. No, no! He had to be a bit more tough! More like how he pretended he still was, back when he was an actually country and not afraid to kick ass. He arched his back slightly and rolled his shoulders down, giving the nation a good, stern look. "It would be better if we worked together now so I'm going to make a fire and a shelter and stuff. So don't try anything." Actually, now that he thought about it, maybe he should make a weapon too. It was an island so it probably didn't have big predators but having some kind of weapon would make him feel safer around Russia. Especially when she was clearly planning on making one. He had to be strong and stick up for himself. Sure World War II and after had been Hell but in this type of situation, death would come unless the two of them worked together. So he'd do it, only so he could still live.

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France had lazily floated back in the water, feet just coming off the ground. But then - wait, she was actually doing it? Surprise crossing his features, he reoriented himself and found his footing once more. The waves came up to his chest, gently slapping against his tan skin. "Ah, so you are trying?" he murmured, watching her movements carefully. It was sort of funny, really. It was unusual to see a grown-up in France unable to swim - especially in the places where he liked to go.

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(( I tried. And probably failed. Oh well. ))



North Italy gazed at South Korea, waiting for his reply. The simple shrug made the Italian sigh, his shoulders slumping. If neither of them knew of what to do, how were they going to find the others, if there were anyone else on this beach? They didn't know if it was an island, or a shoreline of a country- they had nothing to go by. They had no equipment, no supplies, and the only things covering them was what they were wearing. What if they had to go marching through those scary trees over there? Italy wasn't prepared for that!


The Italian jumped, startled by Korea's sudden exclamation as he whipped out his phone from out of nowhere. Hope rose in Italy's chest- only to be crushed when the phone got nothing. "Oh," he said, disappointed again. Yet South Korea was quick to distract him from his depressing thoughts, gently touching his arm before scurrying away, laughing.


A smile slowly broke across Italy's face as he dropped his shoes into the sand. "You're asking for it!" he called out, chasing after the other country into the warm waters. He caught up to the other man, reaching out and managing to smack him across the shoulder. "Tag! You're it!" he giggled, almost slipping on the wet sand beneath him as he twisted away from the Korean, the fun of the game completely removing any trace of worry or doubt from the Italians mind.




Vatican was only getting himself more tangled. He sighed, repressing his slight frustration as his hair knotted around a branch. It seemed as soon as he thought he was almost free of the bush that trapped him, he found himself suddenly in a worse position than before. He was now sporting multiple cuts and scratches recieved from his attempt of freedom, and he still wasn't out yet.


He stopped suddenly, tilting his ear the best he could towards the sky. He thought... he thought he heard someone. Perhaps he only heard a bird and his ears were giving him false hope in making him think he heard a voice. Still, it couldn't hurt to reply back? The worse that could happen that he would attract some malevolent creature that would try to eat him, and right now he'd rather be out of this bush even if it meant being mauled.


So, licking his lips, Vatican opened his mouth to speak. "Salve?" His voice cracked, sounding quiet and tired to his ears. He shifted, wincing as a twig dug into his cheek as he swallowed, trying again. "S-salve?" There, that one was a bit louder. He remained still, trying to will the blood from pounding in his ears as he tried to listen for anything that was outside the rolling waves and his own breathing.


((Salve is hello in Latin.))

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South Korea mock growled and ran after North Italy as he was tagged. He pouted slightly. Italy was faster than him. Must be all that tuning he did or something. He frowned as he ran after the Italian. He wasn't the most innovative country for nothing... He could think of something... Then he noticed that they were running towards the trees. He grinned as an evil thought came into his mind. Time for a prank. He stooped as he ran, picking up a rock, before straightening. He felt slightly bad for this, but it was all in good fun. He lobbed the rock at a calculated trajectory and saw it fall into a tree, making the tree and the bushes under it rustle as it fell. "What was that!?" South Korea gave a yelp in mock fright as he pointed towards the still rustling bushes and stopped.

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((Well... the shows starting to grow on me))


Australia stood up next to China and instantly felt bad. He knew that she didn't like references to her height and at the moment she seemed like a child in comparison to him.

"Well... come on then China! We've got to find shelter! Maybe go swimming! Look for some fish, coconuts! There should be some bananas somewhere!" He said. Trudging up the sand dune behind the beach he looked out, there seemed to be a small forest and some high hills.

"Come on! Let's go up there, we can get a view," Australia said. He hurried over to the nearest tree and pulled himself up.

"Actually, I'll have a look around, see if you can get some firewood or find any fruits on the ground... I was raised by England, I'm not a great cook," Australia called happily down to China. He then proceeded to hurry from tree to tree, however, he he soon jumped to a tree and realised he'd misjudged the strength of the branch and it broke beneath him and he landed hard on the ground.

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Italy couldn't help but giggle as he splashed through the water and onto the sandy beach again, running from the Korean. The other country was so slow! Or it was just that North Italy was so used to running in a panic after remembering something he had forgotten entirely about. Or that he was just good at running away. He wasn't sure what was the case, but now it came well into practice as he darted away from South Korea in attempt to not be tagged.

However, his fun and games were jolted quickly out of mind as something ahead of him rustled the leaves on the trees and made a soft thumping noise on the ground. Oh no! Was it some sort of animal? A spider? A very large spider that sucked blood? Anything was possible on this island, and Italy took no chances as he turned right around and ran straight back at South Korea, the game completely forgotten.

"Qualunque cosa sia, andiamo via di qui!" North Italy cried out, wrapping his arms around the other man and attempted to hoist him right off the ground, trying to carry the Korean while Italy ran. Nope, he wasn't going to stick around and find out if whatever made that noise was simply a bird or a twelve foot flesh eating insect with too many legs to be considered legal.


(( Qualunque cosa sia, andiamo via di qui!- Whatever it is, let's get out of here!


Also because I don't really have much to write about... ))

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South Korea was trying his best to hold in his laughter at the Italian's response and succeeding - he was a very good actor, of course, and his dramas were the best. When the other hugged him and tried to pick him up, however, he gave a startled oomph, nearly losing his balance at the tackle-hug. Italy was obviously trying to pick him up and run for it, scared ****less. It reminded him of the main character of that anime... What was it called now? Rebirth? Reborn? Something like that. But it was about the head of some Italian mafia family and that made it all the more ironic. "Chill, Italy. There's nothing to worry about," he said, managing to not get knocked over. He felt bad about playing the trick on the poor nation, now that the other was obviously panicking, "It was just a joke." He grinned rather sheepishly and patted the other on the back in an attempt to calm him down.

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