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Jeanette sighed and did a back-flip in the air. At this altitude said air was almost heavier than her bones. Solomon appeared over her left shoulder and folded his wings pre-dive. Jeanette smiled almost viciously. "Race you to that outcrop!" She pointed at the formation in question, clapped her arms against her sides and plummeted toward it in free fall.

Edited by Fangirl05

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((Is Oz The Hermit Kid? Should Oz be aware that she is a Fae?))


Oz halfheartedly glanced at the girl walking down the row of seats in his direction, not even showing a hint of care that she had decided to 'invade' the space he had left between him and the kid three seat's over. Unperturbed by her presence, Oz placed his arms infront of him, lowering his head so that his chin rested on his arms and waited.


It wasn't long till another entered, it was Roe Humpton Deacon the Fifth and he did not look in the best of moods... not like he did any other day. If there was a competition for 'King of the Losers' in the school, he would be a strong candidate for the crown. Something on his back caught Oz's attention, a paper taped across his back along the shoulder blades with something poorly written on it. Raising his head slightly, Oz's focus heightened slightly as his vision zoomed in on the paper on his back.


"Kick me. I'm a censorkip.gif ."


Now that he had his moment of curiosity satisfied, he returned his vision to normal and turned to look at Jacquelina or to be more specific, at her hands. She had absentmindedly began to tap away at the table, despite her attempts at keeping it silent, Oz could easily distinguish the subtle sound of her tapping from the class chatter.



Dressed in Black Jeans, green camo-print Converse's and a Plain white polo-T, Jin exited the apartments lift and headed towards the lobby where a black mercedes with tinted windows awaited him. A man standing beside the door leaned forward and bowed slightly before turning to the side and opening the door for Jin.


"Good Morning, Master Jin" spoke the man, "Care for todays News?" he inquired, holding out a folded paper before Jin.


"Morning" he yawned, reaching out for the paper before entering the Mercedes. The door closed behind him as he unfurled the paper, an envelope sliding down onto his lap. Placing the paper aside, Jin opened the letter and scanned its contents, his face turning into a smile.


"Seem's like the Black Knights have gotten word about a new player entering Selwest" uttered Jin, scrunching up the note.


"Shall we pay them a visit?" inquired the driver, stopping at a red light.


"Not yet... no need to rush these things..." smiled Jin, looking out of the tinted windows.

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{{Yeah. Want to say they are acquaintances? Hmm, I think they will know what the other is. It's up to you if they become friends.}}


The last minute students began to fill the room, causing the din of chaotic voices to fill the air. Already, boredom plagued the young Fae. It was hard to sit still. None of her friends started out in this class, so she had no one to help pass the time. Out of the corner of her eye, she felt the young warlock's gaze burning into her skull. A fine brow arched and sapphire blue eyes flickered to the side to glance at the man two seats away.


Rumor had it that he was the son of a well off family. He could have whatever friends he wanted, but he chose to keep to himself. Oz was his name, right? Mmmm, the caster had always peeked her curiosity.


Noting his steely gaze falling to her fidgeting hand, she felt a half smile adorning her lips. With a graceful flick of her wrist, the digits lifted away from their idle habit and the click-clack faded away. Warmth tingled through her fingers, and an instant later, a soft auburn flame flickered across the surface of the empty desk between them. The unburning flames licked across the expanse of the wooden desk until the fire etched a crude grid for the other to see. It was an illusion of course, and only one that the Warlock would be able to see. With a subtle wave of her fingers, and x marked the middle of the nine-spaced grid. She offered a sly smile as she challenged him to a game of tic-tac-toe to help pass the time. And in that instant, the deafening bell rang, signalling the student's day of torture was to begin.

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((So Oz = Hermit Kid and Jin = Gigolo boy... New superhero Partnership? tongue.gif))


Oz was taken back slightly from the sudden appearance of an auburn flame seemingly appearing out of nowhere. Its flickering light seemingly unaffected by the constant release of air from the air con unit above. Coupled with the lack of burn marks appearing on the table beneath, Oz could only surmise that it was not a true flame an in fact an illusion.


Opening the palm of his hand, Oz released a minor soundwave in her direction aiming it directly at the flame. The lack of change in its appearance confirmed his suspicions; had it been a flame that actually 'existed', its shape would have flickered with the movement of atoms. Glancing sideways, Oz noted that none of the other students had taken notice of the flame either.


Returning to the fire before him, Oz watched as it took the shape of a 9x9 grid with an X appearing in the center square. Tic Tac toe? Was she challenging him?, these thoughts sauntered through his mind as he hesitated slightly.


"Why not.." he spoke softly and in a rather bored tone. He reached over towards the bottom right square and pointed at it. He had no control over illusions himself and thus would have to rely on her expertise.






He motioned towards her, waiting for her next move.


((Was not sure if Oz motioning the circle shape in his chosen box would cause it to appear))

Edited by TotallyDrow

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((Definitely. They shall be unstoppable. rolleyes.gif ))


Jacquelina seemed more than amused by the younger's baffled expression. It was always funny to watch other's question things that didn't make sense. The fae remained patient; she allowed the witch to prod at her minor illusion. At the sudden gust of wind caressing her soft pale flesh, the petite girl brushed her wayward bangs back behind her air. Did he create that? It certainly wasn't the AC unit. The windows were also clothed. There was only explanation. Oz was indeed a Supe like she had guessed.


After he seemed content, she settled back, her cerulean gaze flickering to the teacher as they took attendance. As Oz's finger tipped down to the miniature table, an icy blue flame sprang forth from the oak surface to form a perfect O. A smile spread across Jacquelina lips as a mischievous gleam sparkled in her azure pupils. Her crimson flame followed, marking another x against their invisible game.






((She will pay attention to his movements. It will seem as if he can control it.))



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Oz pulled his finger back slightly as a blue flame appeared on the spot he had pointed at, the azure colored flame taking the shape of an 'O'. He looked at the grid slightly as the girl made her move the crimson flame returning once again to mark the second spot she had selected, the space in the top right.


Oz knew immediately what to do next, his gaze quickly shifting over towards the top left spot. He pointed at it and smiled, countering the girls plan's.





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Solomon was already waiting for her on the outcrop when Jeanette touched down. She bowed elaborately to him at the waist. "I concede to you, my friend" she said. He gave her a look that seemed legitimately smug and preened his wing with his beak. He looked up suddenly at what sounded like a scattering of small stones. Jeanette turned toward the sound and extended her arms with a threatening hiss.


He father's massive seven-foot frame emerged from behind a corner.


Jeanette bowed her head, embarrassed. "I'm sorry, pop," she said. She backed up a few steps as he approached her intently, even putting herself between him and Solomon.


"I want you out of that human slum" he said seriously, "Not tomorrow, not tonight, now."


Jeanette rolled her eyes at the familiar order, and got slapped in the shoulder with her father's taloned hand for it.


"Pay attention!" he snapped, his voice overlaying with an eagle shriek the way it did when he was agitated, "There's a Slayer running around in your precious Brookwood." He crossed his arms. "I've put up with your insane obsession with humans because you settled down somewhere safe, but I will not let you stay somewhere you could get killed!"


Jeanette raised an eyebrow at her father's apparent lack of faith. "Have you forgotten what I do in my spare time?" she asked, referring to her vigilantism. He looked unimpressed.


"Yes, yes, you're paramount at disembowling untrained thieves and thugs. This, however, is a trained killer, specifically a trained killer of you." His expression softened and he put his hands gently on her shoulders. "If you won't do it for me, will you do it for your mama? She begged me to go out looking for you. She's barely stopped crying since she found out about the Slayer."


A rare look of genuine sadness flitted across Jeanette's face; she'd always been a mini-me to her mother. She hated the idea that she was so worried about her. Still...


"I can't just abandon my life down there" she said, lowering her father's hands from her shoulders. Her eyes narrowed. "What exactly does this Slayer look like?"


"How the hell should I know?" he asked in his typically brusque tone, "Just get out of that death trap town and come lie low in the cave where it's safe. Tell your bosses you're taking a... Sabbatical, I don't care!" He extended his massive wings and shot back up toward the mountaintop.


Jeanette sighed and extended her arm to Solomon, rubbing his head when he settled. "Looks like play time's over, boy."


((I don't intend to have either of Jeanette's parents return soon, if at all.))

Edited by Fangirl05

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Zeditha nodded. "That makes sense." Realising that she was still hovering, she lowered herself back to the chair. "I still think the little girl would be the better choice, though. Would her parents throw me out once the girl died, or keep me? I can always run away after being very mournful of her, or I could stay for another year or so and drain them a little bit before running away... But it's helpful to have an idea of what will happen."

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The game was lost, she knew. That was if Oz was smart, and she highly doubted a witch would be such a fool that would blotch this up. Jacquelina debated following the game's simple rules. How easy it would be to cheat, but to break the rules with a witch was rather risky business and she wasn't keen on annoying the child. Eyeing the teacher, who was currently babbling away about upcoming events, she allowed for her flames to spring to life between the younger male's plan to foil her win.


Risking a glance to the white haired warlock, she dipped her head in silent approval. At least he was not a blind fool like most humans.


Immediately, boredom set back in and the fae leaned forward to take out a note book. Idly, she pressed the tip of a red tipped pen to the white surface and she began to draw aimlessly while she waited for the other male to make his move.




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((Oz is blonde tongue.gif))


Oz knew that there was no way to win this game, her pattern of play and lack of mistakes had guided this game towards a draw, Oz simply playing along with the chosen flow of the game and seeing it to the end. With his next move obvious to even a pre-schooler, the next series of moves were all but cemented. The game would end in a draw and that was a fact.


Oz sighed and played out his role in this game to perfection, pointing towards the middle row left most square to block the girls attempt at victory. His next move would be one of the central squares, blocking her once again.





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The flicker of her opponents flame caught her attention within seconds. The game from here out was an obvious one. Their next few choices were clear, so Jacquelina saved them both time. Turquoise eyes shimmered, beckoning the tiny fire to lick hungrily across the smooth wood until each space was filled in an array of sapphire and crimson hues.





Their game was a draw as predicted, but at least a good five minutes passed. The game reset, but this time a blank sheet of paper filled the space the fire once burned bright for their eyes only. It was less flashy as an invisible pen scrawled across the blank void in invitation to a second game.






{{rolleyes.gif Oops~ For some reason, I got the photos of Jin and Oz mentally mixed up. My apologies. Feel free to skip ahead if you desire. Say that it was another tie?}}

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The girls next actions confirmed that she was no fool, already realizing that the game could not be won if it had continued further. The grid filled itself in, taking the next moves as well and confirming the result. It was indeed a draw... no surprises there. Oz glanced towards the clock noting the time, then back at the teacher who currently going through the details about an upcoming school event. Oz silently uttered several words as he glanced at the teacher, a 'recording spell' was cast.


A simple spell that he had mastered long ago... simply put, it was a spell that would record the sounds of his desired target and replay it at any given time. The downside however was that only one recording could be active, meaning whatever he had previously used the spell on would no longer be able to be replayed.



By now, a blank sheet of paper had appeared where the fire once was with a new grid signalling the start of round two. Oz looked at the girl in the eyes, a smirk etched across his face as he accepted the challenge.






Oz pointed towards the top right grid, watching the girl for any reactions. The most common move in Tic-Tac-Toe was to secure the central square, something Oz didnt particularly go for.

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Sensitive little ears picked up the whispers muttered quietly by the other. Curiosity once again plagued the smaller of the two as she pondered the phrase uttered so softly by the witch. No doubt it was a curse or some form of magic. That's what it sounded like, but what did it mean?

Her gaze flickered around the room as she surveyed heir surroundings. Nothing had altered nor out of place. The school loser still sat hunkered over his desk, and one of the kids behind him was currently kicking at the male's chair when the teacher wasn't looking.


Everything seemed normal. Jacquelina's pupils flickered back to the empty workspace between the warlock and herself. Catching sight of his smirk, the fae regained her curiosities with their game. The corners of her lips tugged back into a rambunctious smile and she waited impatiently for the other to move. The invisible pen followed Oz's direction and Jack's eyes widened slightly. Her lips parted in a silent 'oh' and she furrowed her brows in thought. Her little mind went into overdrive, already calculating the different outcomes of their new game even as Oz made his move. Bubblegum pink lips twisted back into a pleased smirkas she directed the drawing utensil to the desired spot for her counter attack.


Her excitement could barely be contained as she waited for Oz to make his move. Faes could be so easily to amused once their weakness was located, yet capturing their interest was a feat in itself. She would have to keep this witch around.





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Oz's move was a gamble, not many would have started outside of the center circle in a game of tic tac toe and that made sense... the center circle was the most vital position in the game, yet to Oz, its significance did not warrant an immediate action from him. If everything went to plan, that center circle would be his in his turn after this. He watched Jacqueline survey the paper and noted her smirk. It wouldn't be there for long.



As she completed her move, Oz could not help but break out into a grin. She had sealed her fate, effectively forfeiting any chance of victory she had in only her first move. He had won, the game was his; His victory. Now all that was left was to continue with this simple performance till the final curtains closed on t.is game In his next two turns, the game would be over.


Confident that there was no counter attack she could possibly make, Oz made his move, he pointed towards the bottom right grid and looked the girl square in the eyes, challenging her to prove him wrong.





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A misjudgment had thrown the game and now her win was lost. Jacquelina's lower lip jutted out for an instant as she pouted like a sullen girl who had just been denied the toy she truly wanted. With a curse of her own uttered softly beneath her breath, she glanced to the other. Her smirk was indeed gone by the time she saw his gamble had payed up, but now a little amused smile tugged at her lips.


Ink etched its way through the paper already stained by their battle. First a 'x' blocked the Supe's imminent victory, and then an 'o' appeared in the lower left hand corner where she knew he planed to leave it. With her last move, he glanced to Oz with a fine crooked brow. There was always time for another game. He had tricked her fair and square.





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Oz waited patiently for Jacquelina to make her move, regardless of which of the six remaining squares she selected, victory would not be hers. It was merely stalling the inevitable at this point.


Finally making her move, Oz prepared to lurch forward to initiate the decisive move but was stopped as a circle quickly appeared in the spot before he had a chance to. She had realized his plan as well.






Oz pointed to the center circle. Victory was truly his.

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((Nice tactic. I'll go see if I can win a game now xd.png))

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Jeanette returned from the mountain in her plainclothes form, Solomon on her shoulder. A black Mercedes with tinted windows passed her on her way to her home. She'd never seen anyone in town driving this arrogantly-rich number, so she was willing to bet it belonged to Brookwood's new resident hooker. And that was most certainly not said hooker driving.


"Born with a silver spoon, eh?" she blinked through the tinted windows, probably at nothing, and continued walking. She raised an eyebrow at Solomon. "Seems the practice of sleeping around to spite daddy's finally crossed the gender lines" she muttered to him.

Edited by Fangirl05

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((Nice tactic. I'll go see if I can win a game now xd.png))

{{The terrible thing is that I used to use the same tactic. -sobs- There are so many tricks to use with this game, and I have a feeling that Drow knows all of them. }}


Once his last move was made, the invisible pen crossed a neat line through the three matching letters. Jacquelina hardly focused on this one loss. Tomorrow would be a new day, and perhaps she would find a way to pay the warlock back for besting her.


With her cerulean eyes locked on the teacher, she tore out a black sheet of paper from her notebook and she removed a red marker. Patiently, she began folding the parchment as it was needed. Once she held the finished product in her hand, she pressed the tip of the marker to the folded page. Ink soaked through the white surface like blood from an open wound, staining the once pure material.


By the time the bell rang, she held a neatly folded clown in her hand. Turning to the warlock, she offered him his prize for winning. "Good game." She congratulated as the students began to file out.

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Zeditha nodded. "That makes sense." Realising that she was still hovering, she lowered herself back to the chair. "I still think the little girl would be the better choice, though. Would her parents throw me out once the girl died, or keep me? I can always run away after being very mournful of her, or I could stay for another year or so and drain them a little bit before running away... But it's helpful to have an idea of what will happen."

"I don't know" admitted Kathy. "They are a strange couple, considered odd even by other humans. They do like animals though, claim to be in tune with nature and all that jazz. They may well decide to keep you on, or try to sacrifice you in some bizarre attempt to resurrect their child."


Kathy shrugged and closed down the folders on her computer.


"Like I said strange. You know the sorts, people who claim to be witches but wouldn't know real magic if it spat in their faces."


When she heard foot steps approaching she instantly spun her head towards the noise. While on her human form Kathy couldn't hear quite as well as she did as a wolf, but she could pick up someone who wasn't even trying to be quiet.


She make a gesture to Zeditha to conceal herself and rose out of her seat. Kathy walked around her desk just in time to see the mail man enter through the front door.


"Good morning Dr G" greeted the mail man with a smile. "Got a few packages for you today. Two need signing for."


Kathy gave him her own morning hello and reached out for the clipboard she was offered. Ah, the special supplies she had ordered had arrived.

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Zeditha pricked her ears as soon as Katie reacted, and heard the noise too. She melted into both of her disguises - fox and invisible - and slunk behind the desk. There, she became visible again, and poked her nose around to see what was happening.

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Kathy signed the clipboard, thanked the mailman and sent him on his way. She waited until his footsteps indicated he was out of earshot before speaking to Zeditha again.


"Okay, he's gone. Running a little early today."


She picked up the three parcels the mailman had left her and walked over to her desk. Kathy dropped the two jiffy bags on top of her keyboard but held onto the cube shaped box that she had been waiting for. Sitting down she started to rip it open, cutting through the tape with her nails.


"Been waiting all week for this."

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Zeditha dropped her fox disguise, and clawed her way up to the top of the desk. "What is it?" she asked, after sniffing at the two things on the desk and then the thing she was holding. She smiled. "Tape is hard to rip with fingernails," She said. "Want some help?" She held out a claw; it was as sharp as a knife.

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"Just be careful" she warned moving the box closer to the fae. "The contents are fragile."


While she held the box in place for Zeditha she explained further.


"It's a little something for our vampire friends, or at least I am hoping it is. You know they burst into flames in direct sunlight? Well we've been working on something that could make life a little easier for them. It won't give them complete protection but it could buy them a few extra minutes if the need arises."

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Zeditha carefully slitted the tape, and moved away the top of the box, exposing the contents... ((I'll let you say what it is xd.png)) "Cool," said Zeditha, sitting back. "So... what is it exactly?"

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