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seacatsmew's mind [Nightmare Edition]

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Caroline simply stared at the needles, unconsciously edging away. She wasn't afraid of them, she simply disliked them a lot. Her experiences with needles had never been very pleasant. "Oops." She said. She relaxed when the clown vanished. At least she could fly now. Ish. She didn't think she would be able to do it again. Whatever. Time to go through that black and not creepy at all tunnel! Walking awkwardly over to the door, she ventured into the hall. As she entered, she said "Not killing each other is good! Why would we kill each other? Wouldn't being in a group help us not die? Well we could die of I dunno, overcrowding? Not likely though, there's not enough people. Or creatures. Whatever we are now. Hey, isn't nine the same amount of lives a cat has? Or is rumored to have?"

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"Yes, we're rumored to have nine lives. Why the heck is there singing in my head?" Whoever it was in my head was singing about a contract of evil. And... Secrets. I snapped back to my senses as I hit the wall. Then I realized... It was glass. The song vanished and I heard the sound of something breaking.

I spun around and saw... Felix. Outside of this hallway. Her lives were almost gone. "FELIX!" I yelled. She hesitated. Then she turned. Her eyes were white. Pure white. She smiled and suddenly fell over, lifeless. My face turned to horror and I turned around, now continuing faster. That... That's how we die?! I thought. I feel sick... I had seen something the rest didn't. It was my mind, after all. I had seen something... Too horrifying. Carrion paused, but continued. The song was easy to ignore. For King, not so much. But eh. He was too childlike.

And a song lifted from Felix's head. One that will never be known.


((...Just... No.

Felix's death wasn't like I had planned it. But the hallway is glass.))

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Almost. She almost did it. She almost burned them all alive. Oh so close! So close!! But not close enough.


Varandil shuddered slightly at the sight of Felix falling lifeless. Why? Why did that one have to die? He wondered if it had to do with the riddle. It probably did. Only one of them was supposed to die. Only one. That was it. Just one. So they were safe. Right? They had to be...


Venril shook her head, shaking the bird. "Hey wa-" She stopped and he didn't continue the remark, settling again. He felt her uneasiness now through the bond they shared. He understood it. But something else was bothering her too. Oh, he knew. Yes he did. He understood that too. Poor dragon. Couldn't get away from it no matter where she went.


It, too, had grown to accept the bird along their travels previous. They'd all gotten to know each other quite well in fact. But that also caused for suspicions. Crow and dragon never were together before. Crazy dragon at that. That alone could offer some commonplace for it. They had grown to become good friends, albeit any separation usually brought back the desire to smack the life out of each other in one shot. Well, for the Se'kal it was one shot. The crow- not exactly.

Legend did say they were too similar to be of any good to the other. Too similar to function properly as good friends. Too similar to stand for any lengthy amount of time. But over time again the desire to end each other's lives dissipated. Hidden. Buried away again until later when they had a few times away from each other.

So far they had survived considerably well. They made progress here faster than they normally would. By now Venril would have made seven attempts on Varandil's life. Yet, only twice had either tried to kill the other and that was when they first got here.


The crow tapped Venril's horn when he caught her mutter-scolding something quietly for a second. She flowed the repeated sentences into the crow's mind. Almost. She almost did it. She almost burned them all alive. Oh so close! So close!! But not close enough. The words faded with the eerie tone most common to that situation. She continued to walk on confidently regardless, hoping no one else noticed the small scolding.

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((Sorry for the longness. It just kinda happened))


He made no comment, but silently agreed with Venril that the sooner they got out of there the better. Well, maybe. Probably not. He'd probably run off the end of his chain before then, but maybe. He didn't say anything to sea despite how much he was beginning to despise her and how unhelpful she seemed (coupled with her admission that she only brought them here because she was a coward, too afraid to face penance on her own). He pursed his lips in distaste at her transformation. Whoever she was in the real world, he guessed that she was on heavy medication. His reluctance was clear as he faced the dark hallway, but he went in anyway, trusting the pure dumb luck he seemed to possess to save him.


'go to sleep now, my dear child'

'may masks waylay your requiem'

He paled at the sound of haunting voices echoing through the void. The sound of women's voices, beautiful and enchanting and smooth. The song was that of a lullaby to him. This was his song, the one he'd written.

'and think of all the while'

'think of my love filling you'

The Apocalypse Lullaby, it had been called. He found it... somewhat soothing seeing as he had warbled the tune to himself so many times. But then there was that warning.

'think not of the dark of day'

'or of coldness' passing way'

He stared down at Venril's greenish-gold scales and tried to ignore the fact that they were all treading on very thin ground. Was this... solid? He couldn't tell and he didn't want to know.

'forget all things dark and drear'

'the rain can't hurt you here'

Just one foot in front of the other. Wasn't that how it went? Baby steps, one at a time, do what I say and it'll all be fine. Part of him wanted to sing along with the tune. After all, it was his and it'd help with the paranoia.

'go to sleep now my dear child'

'may your guardian shine on you'

The second verse began and he hazarded a look at the walls where things moved in unnatural displays. The walls shattered in that instant and there she was, the girl with the knife, dying.

'and think of all the while'

'think of what's beyond the sky'

He couldn't help but feel some grim satisfaction that at least it wasn't him. He hadn't known the girl very well and when he had, she had been silent or brandishing a knife.

'think not of the lights of night'

'or of monster's darkest plights'

He looked into her white eyes, her face which was smiling as she passed into the netherworld and he felt inclined to hiss at her, to bare his teeth. 'this is what happens to foolish people. they end in tragedy'

'forget all troubles made to bear'

'in sleep they can't, hurt you there'

he paused, finding himself at the edge of the hallway staring out at where she was. That was the end of the song... That was all he had written so was that it? Was that all that this place had to offer? He blinked slowly. How... laughably easy. If that's all it had taken then why was anyone worried at all. "Is that it then?" he asked none of his companions in particular. He turned up his nose and scoffed, letting his hands rest in the large pockets of his coat. The melody began again and in one fell swipe of his blade, it was silenced to him. If there were any more verses then they would never be known, but that was no concern of his. He strutted forwards through the hallway, leaving his companion's side. His business was done here. "Hmph"

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((HEY! I just got off medication, and it was to keep me from throwing stuff up, not because I'm insane. I have a reason behind this nonsense. Um. Kind of. I think.

No, Archios, I'm not yelling at you; I like yelling at characters. ^^'))


I suddenly hesitated. I looked back with longing. Wait.. By the contract... Did it mean...? I felt King picking me up. My heart? It wasn't close to pure. I was tainted. The contract of evil... I knew it. But I didn't fight back. The song was already gone. King, with me dangling from his mouth, looked over at Carrion with worry as he pushed open the door. Carrion said nothing.

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Caroline flinched at the sight of Felix. She hadn't known her long, but no one should die. Not like that at least. Why? Was this some kind of cruel game? They had been given warning though...warnings were good, yet bad. Warnings that told you something bad would happen would cause you to prepare for it, but would also make you unhappy. If she thought this way, then everything had two sides. Seacat likely had two sides to her. Carrion likely had two sides to her. The dragon and the crow probably also had two sides to them. Everyone likely did. Even herself. Well, it wasn't likely she had two sides. It was certain. A song started. It didn't have any lyrics, at least not ones she could hear. It seemed calm, peaceful and friendly. But, if she listened harder, she could detect a hint of malice and violence embedded within it. This song had two sides to it. You could hear it as a happy, serene song, or listen to it as a dark, bloody song. But there was a key word there. You. You could choose to listen to it either way. Perhaps this was an answer to a greater question, one she hadn't asked yet. It seemed deep and mystifying, like it gave you all the power in the world without teaching you how to use it. Suddenly, with this realization, she collapsed. There was a flash, then a brief moment of pain. Her vision went blurry for a second, and she couldn't get back up.


((Oooh, what's happening to Caroline? Guess!))

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((I'm interfering probably. The Se'kal doesn't care xd.png ))


Venril stopped. Her head turned to Caroline and saw her flash and fall to the ground. A small growl emitted from the dragon as the one she knew as Raoul walked away. Something about him. Something about everyone.


Dismissing that, the dragon strode over to the girl as Varandil followed Raoul. She nudged the girl cautiously, before slipping her over her head and onto the crook of her neck. "Sea, your brain has to stop being so..." She didn't have words the cat-girl would understand. Not at all.

With a glare toward Sea and a quick jolt to get Caroline comfortably on her back, the Se'kal started down the hallway again. The song hadn't affected her. She was used to weird jumbles of songs and odd lyrics. She had worse things to worry about. Yet, of all those things, she didn't expect to become the caretaker of the group. Let alone the only sane one besides Varandil.


The crow, however, followed the different Raoul. He seemed less. Less the way he was not too long ago. He didn't get it. "You ok?" He asked, flying into the man's view for a moment before he walked past. They were gonna play that game then? Alright. He flew beside the man for a bit. "You know... you can't just leave us all here right? Sea's brain's dangerous. Plus..." Well, he didn't exactly have a plus. "You're probably one of the only ones not super murderous. Or dead. Or whatever happened to that one girl." He glanced back the way they had come, then glanced over to Raoul. "Besides the Se'kal of course, but she's one of three. Myself and you included. That's not much."

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"It's not my brain that's dangerous. I'm the dangerous one." I knew the room, the next one. I wasn't looking in. Why did we have to face it so early? It was not that scary, but... To me? It was possibly the darkest part of my mind. That I knew of. Those 'evil stepmothers' they talked about in fairy tales... Ha. The real ones were worse.

Then I remembered a trick. I closed the door, then my eyes. Then I whispered something. My eyes opened and I opened the door. Much better. Okay, minus the evil clown, but eh. "THERE'S A CLOWN IN THE NEXT ROOM WITH BLUEBERRIES AND NEEDLES!" I yelled. Blueberries were something I disliked. Clowns and needles, I was afraid of. And kind of tired of. But the net room looked like a circus. WITH A FREAKIN' CLOWN JUGGLING NEEDLES ON A GIANT BLUEBERRY. That's just terrifying.


((Hey look, another clown. Because I don't want to put in zombies because I'm terrified of them. Absolutely terrified.

...Pancakes were my other choice, or heights...))

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He did pause when the girl collapsed, but it really wasn't his problem. He exhaled slowly, seeing Venril grab the girl. If this was a dream, or even if he was in somebody else's mind, then she'd be fine. That other girl had died awfly quickly, but anyone who wasn't stupid should be fine. He smirked, continuing until the he-crow flew by, to which he matched pace. "I'm not leaving you," he mused "I like your friend too much, but let it be said that it would be much safer where dangers aren't manifesting to scare our host." he said the last part softly so that the cat girl couldn't overhear. He wondered constantly but could not act on the idea that maybe they would be returned to their proper places if the surrogate mind was terminated. He looked on darkly at the wolf who was carrying her. "Oh, sea-" he was cut off to her yelling about-oh Jesus Christ! She was doing it on purpose now! On-Bloody-Purpose! "What do you think you're doing?!"

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A sharp, piercing scream went through her mind as Seacat yelled. The only part that managed to be recognized was needles. Needles...needles...Needles! They weren't good! Suddenly bolting upright, she blinked a few times to clear her vision. She was on the back of a dragon, or so it seemed. Was this a dream? A dream within a dream? Was that even possible? It seemed real-dream enough, so she asked the dragon "I'm not dreaming inside of my dream, right? Oh cool, I'm human again. Being a phoenix is hard. But still awesome and cool." She then remembered what woke her up in the first place. "I heard needles. What has needles?" Realizing she was probably bothersome for the dragon to carry, she hopped off. "Thanks for carrying me. I wasn't too heavy, was I?"

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"I'm not thinking of anything. Also, that clown is." I pointed a paw at the door. Then I transformed, forcing King to put me down. "Clowns are fun." "I could care less." "Don't make me use my special attack against you two." King backed up a bit. Carrion was silent, now nervous. "Watch." I stepped into the room. The clown looked at me. I sighed and closed my eyes. Then I turned back and smiled, eyes open. "Don't open the door." The door slammed shut and there was... Silence. Then screaming. Such horrible screaming. When the door opened, feathers fell from the room's ceiling, and everyone in the circus was gone. Flicking blood off myself, I looked over. "Done." I transformed and walked to the next door without a care in the world.


((You don't want to know what my special attack is.

You really don't.))

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Venril stopped to let the girl off. "You're not dreaming. And you were fine." She stated, soon glaring and roaring at Sea. Her wings outstretched, just past the phoenix-girl to not hit her. She was pissed now. "Stop yelling!" Fire spurted from her mouth for a second. She hesitated to charge. Killing the girl would kill them.

Regardless, the quick dragon sprinted forward and stopped inches away from Sea. Teeth barred to their fullest, sulfur could be smelled easily and her stance showed she wasn't going to hesitate to pounce this time if Sea tried anything. If anyone tried anything. Her tail lashed dangerously as she growled. "You control your mind. Get rid of the clown. Get us out" She threatened, easily capable of burning everything within sight by now. She didn't care if everything was gone. This was enough.


Varandil was going to say something when he started to hover as Sea screamed- interrupting his words. He turned and saw Venril, wincing slightly as the largerthanthedragon roar emitted from the small dragon. That could even challenge the largest of dragons he was willing to bet. "Venril!!!" He yelled, hoping to stop her from killing everyone. She didn't- thankfully. But she was in danger of doing so now.

Seems like the dragon hit her wits end.

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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"Done. I'm not getting you out. That's your problem, not mine." My eyes narrowed. "Wake up for a start." I turned away, tails twisting together. "This is the last room for the night. Good morning." King collapsed, asleep. Carrion followed. I looked back. "Well? What are you waiting for?" I asked.

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Deep shadows fell over his features and he snarled in time with Venril, fingers splaying out as if he had claws to protract. If Venril didn't bite her head off, then he would chop it off himself. The air in front of him wavered, materializing a smoky black figure. It snapped sharply into reality, becoming an obsidian colored scythe that glinted ominously as he stalked forward towards the two. I am going to murder that little wench. I don't even care if I die, because anyone THIS insufferable would be more than deserving of my sacrifice! "We're.Waiting.For.YOU!" he roared "It is your moronic, selfish, short sighted cowardice that got us all here and if you dare think for one moment that we are impressed with you and your attention-seeking then you have another thing coming!"

Edited by ArchiosLukos

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At this? I smiled. "And I'm waiting for you to wake up. I could care less about attention." I kept my face turned away. Don't show weakness. Who had told me that...? Keep your tears hidden. Ah, yes... It was coming back. You're seacatsmew, are you not? Her voice was so light. I know the pain, but... I held my breath. ...you need to stand tall. The world turned black.


I woke up, and my mind world shattered, causing the others to forcefully wake up.

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She gasped, bucking violently before slamming her skull back against the headboard of her bed. Alexa rocked, cradling the back of her head in her hands and letting out a choked sob. Tears collected at the edges of her eyes and she squeezed them out. With a shuddering breath, she lay back down against the old rose and teal patterned pillow she'd been so rudely taken from. Her alarm called shrilly in a be be be beep! be be be beep! She twisted her arm back to grab it out of the bookshelf to the side of the bed and clicked the snooze button furiously. The back of her head throbbed from the impact and her body shivered from sweat. She forgot for a moment what it was that had startled her. There was... A man. She had been a man and it was scary but not too scary. With a bath towel from the floor she wiped herself down so that she was more cool and less freezing.


That dream was way too vivid. She only remembered bits of it, or perhaps it had been really short, but that was definitely not something on the normal venue. Usually she was doing spy missions or getting... Um, well... Nothing anyone but her closest school friends would be interested. She turned her alarm completely off and set it back on the shelf, swinging out of bed and throwing on a tank that counted as a bra for that day and her green military jacket just for the extra insurance. Add some jeans with a quick comb over and she was done. At that point she had almost completely forgotten what this bad dream was, but she considered all of her dreams to be awesome, even the nightmares, so the previous night was quietly filed away under the category as well. She had about an hour for breakfast and the internet, so she kicked back in her bed and relaxed.

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All was (semi) quiet.

Then a scream broke the silence.


Her expression was the same. So were her eyes. Doctors couldn't save her. No one could. Felixandra was dead... Both in this world and in any other world.

But such was the fate of one who died in my mind.


The girl was boarding up her windows. A small house, out of the city... She was nervous. If they knew... Her skin was crawling and the shadows seemed to be growing, moving. The room. Spinning? She heard scratching at her door. Nononononono, she thought, eyes widening in fear. Another long, slow scratch. Without thinking, she broke through the window she hadn't finished boarding up. Three seconds to get up. The creature was nearing, and she ran.


((Got bored, decided to mess with a NPC(?)...))

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Venril woke with a jolt, nearly clamping down on Varandil as he squirmed out of her open maw. "Why were you in my mouth!!?" She asked angrily, lifting her head up and peering down at the crow.

He dusted himself off, looking up. The tree was still here. It was a very big tree. A very odd one. He had never seen a tree that had olive colored leaves, two big trunks and slightly smaller branches in an orderly spiral all the way up both trunks after two feet for the base where the trunks met. Where the branches would have run into each other, they connected the middle so it almost looked like DNA if you took off the leaves and extra branches on the 'outside'. Venril has stated it was "her" tree.

"You tell me!?" The crow retorted back suddenly, bouncing out of the way of some ice she fired off. "I woke up in your clenched jaws... and managed to open them enough to squirm out. You tried to eat me."


Venril stood, towering over the bird even though she stopped at 4ft to the shoulder. She shook herself, a few leaves falling off her back. Looking up, she saw a small nest in one of the off-shoots of the branches. "Your bed." She pointed. "Mine is anywhere I want- just not your nest."


Varandil shrugged, flying up through the spiraled branches to the nest. Venril took the branch "stair case" up instead. Being in a neat spiral, they did create a type of staircase that spiraled in different directions depending on what side you started.

"So how did you find this place again?"

"Someone took my cave. A big group of humans actually. Said they were going to use it for 'research' and such. Kicked me out. Gave me tons of money however.... but you spent that- remember?" His downward gaze answered yes. "So I ended up here. Luckily for the humans, I'm the only one who knows where to find this beauty of a spot!"


Varandil mused as the Se'kal sat proudly on a 'floor' she had created for her home. He chuckled a little. "No no, not everyday you expect to walk through an accidental slip in the world to get to here draggy! Nope! Not every day!" He cackled and followed after her as she glided down to the ground. They slipped through the special portal, coming into an open park where humans ran and played. Young ones. Luckily though, they did not notice the dragon and crow standing near the edges of the forest they stood in as they entered completely out of the dead tree that had shown signs of lightning strikes.


"What do you say we cause some terror of our own and attempt to find that blasted cat-shifter?" Venril's snarl scared a flitting bird. "I'm for it! Even though from what Sea said, half the town should be destroyed at least."

"Even better. It'll make easy pickings to find her then."


The Se'kal strode forward, starting into a run as the crow hung on for dear life. She was fast- he'd definitely give her that. Though he appreciated warnings so he could get into proper streamline position before she burst into runs with him on her. Too late for that now.


Many screamed as the saw the dragon and crow duo rushing through the park. Someone daring enough even attempted to ram into them with their car. That merely got jumped on and severely scratched as Venril used it to aid in gaining enough air for an easy take-off flight.

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Half the town was destroyed... Along with some nearby towns... Mirror shards covered the broken areas.


The girl was stopped when she felt like her ankle was on fire. She looked at it. Purple flames wrapped around it. She screamed and pulled away, crying as the pain grew worse. A growl came from the beast, and she ran until she reached a city... Well, a destroyed bit of it. She stumbled, then tripped and fell, wincing at the glass. Well, it could be worse... The burn on her ankle stung. It was the only thing keeping her awake.

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The wreckage looked terrible. Or at least the half of it that was destroyed. It was an odd sight; tons of survivors crowded into the other half of the town that was not yet decimated while the side that was looked charred and shattered. Almost as if someone slammed a meteor into it multiple times before leaving it alone.


The Se'kal lowered her altitude, flying closer to the buildings than Varandil liked for being on dragonback. She was flying much faster than he felt safe with. She slowed herself a little, her head scanning the area for any resemblance of Sea or anyone she knew. Varandil did the same.

We'll find her at least.

Yes because a psychopathic shape-shifting cat-girl is so easy to find when not in her own mind torturing and keeping others hostage. The sarcastic tone probably wasn't the wisest choice for the crow.

He held on very tight as she dove down steeply, crash-landing recklessly onto a smallish patio type place in what used to be someone's house.

"Careful!!!" He scolded, picking himself out of a charred tree as Venril chuckled. "Thrown off already?" She circled the tree a little. "Hop down. Come on. Got places to be. Murderers to find." The rather cheerful tone worried him. It would have worried anyone.

The crow watched the dragon wander through an open door into the opened house, burning what was left in order to flush out anyone where. It didn't take long before she was back out with a raging fire behind her.

"Come on! Down you go!" Still cheerful. Still worrisome. He obliged before she could push him out of the tree.

"This way."


Varandil flew slightly above the dragon as she walked out into the street, ignoring the roaring flames. She had started her own rampage in order to flush out anyone who had contact with them before. He supposed he should help, otherwise she might decide to kill him in her unrational way of thinking at the moment.

Small will-o-the-wisp-like creatures appeared around the crow before being sent off without him saying a word. Each targeted a different building. Each found a way inside with minimal effort. And as he and the dragon passed by, a satisfying explosion took place while Venril added her own touches to areas that may have been missed.


It was very destructive but also very fun.

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The girl flinched as she heard explosions. She closed her eyes tightly, then slowly pulled herself to her feet. She gasped, and let out a small whimper, opening her right eye slowly. The mirror shards had dug into her skin. shes and dirt clung to the open wounds. Her burn was getting worse, now also cut open and carrying both shards of glass, ash, and dirt. But she had to escape. She didn't know what was happening, but it looked and sounded like the apocalypse. Slowly opening her other eye, she leaned against a wall and began to limp. She had to stop every few seconds, and was making painfully slow progress. The explosions were getting closer. But she couldn't go back. Not where the monster was waiting. But if she went forwards... She closed her eyes. A tear fell down her cheek. She flinched at the warmth. She opened her eyes. She couldn't move. Voices whispered in her ear. She listened.

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She lay in bed for a while, completely oblivious to what had happened to half the town just before. It hadn't been made clear to her yet, but there would end up being no school today. This was, in part, because the beautiful gothic styled building was very nearly destroyed, just a few blocks away from being reduced to its foundations and a single floor of the massive bell tower. Even the large auditorium wouldn't have been spared with it's expensive movie-theater style seats and stage larger than even some of the local play houses'. The trojans were a very proud body and many of them, including herself, would have at least considered throwing themselves off of the capitol building in despair if it had been destroyed. The library with it's painted ceilings and fireplace, the third floor art gallery which held her livelihood, the iconic stained glass window tucked away in the recesses of the halls, even her teachers! She would have felt the worst for them. She had a career in front of her but the educators who were already treated like garbage by the state would have been completely out of a job. No stagecraft, no psychology, no art classes, no nothing.


However, this was not the case, yet. She lived in a quiet neighborhood with trees and chain-link fences. Hers was the bright golden house on the end with the biggest yard, the one with the white garage and the huge flower bushes along the side of the house and corn growing in the back. The two story bungalow with the roofed porch and that looked better on the outside than it did on the inside. Just down the block from the field and creek. Hers was a neighborhood where nobody ever saw anybody else and if they did it was to glare at them for being out on such a sunny day when they could very well be inside. The only people you saw were her family working in the yard and the neighbors driving off in their SUV to wherever it was they went on week-days.


It was the nighborhood where you could just see the smoke rising in the direction of the city public library and her school if you looked high enough over the trees. The school which was very nearly burned down and the library which was the pride of the entire town, having so many wings and rooms and computers and even a cafe tucked off by itself near the entrance. Luckily for everyone who lived there, that treasure had not been destroyed. There were lots of beautiful historic places like those in the town. It's all the place had. History. An outsider would have called it the middle of nowhere and went just thirty minutes outside to the bustling artsy neighboring college town, but they would miss out on the rose gardens and the great park that so many of the residents had spent their childhoods in.


When it was time to go, her mother drove her towards her school, both worried because of the atmosphere and the fact that they could now see that black smoke rising and just down the street from the school, just over the hill that the road was on, pure and utter destruction. They stopped and parked a bit away, both exiting the car along with many of the other teens that had shown up for today's lessons on how to avoid letting the teachers see your phone. She furrowed her brow and looked over at her mom who looked back at her, both sharing that concern. They could see police investigating the expansive rubble that had once been people's homes and businesses. What was going on? What the hell happened? When did it happen? Nobody knew.

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((*is off dancing to the side* I didn't destroy the library~!))


"Sea's an idiot. Now how are we gonna find her?" a girl snapped, off to the side, watching the police. To put it simply, she was a thief. Known as Carrion to all but two. The boy chuckled. "I could always ask someone." Carrion glared at 'King'. "I still don't see why you have admirers." "Neither do I~" he said happily. She sighed. "Get out of my face. I have work to do." Crow feathers fell.

The girl was gone.

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Venril paused as Varandil started mentioning part of the undestroyed town up ahead. They were close to the end of it than she had imagined. Or had they really gone through destroying that much that quickly? The fires raged by themselves now, spreading everywhere. Even places they had not yet been. Deeper into the destruction.


Turns out- they had simply gone in a half circle. The park was not far off behind them now from where they had came. But up ahead sirens were blaring as the pathetic humans searched sadly through the rubble. The crow could read that look very easily on Venril's face.

"Fiiiine... let's go get on the news then." He gave in with a long drawn out distaste. He barely had to say it before Venril took off running making him fly as fast as he could behind her.


She slowed once they got closer and took the last half in stealth. Someone was yelling. It sounded familiar. "Sea's an idiot. Now how are we gonna find her?" She peeked from under a section of rubble just as crow feathers flew away and a boy was left there. Varandil peeked out with her, both soon retracting their heads. Jumping? It was more of a suggestion. He shrugged.


The Se'kal backed up in her hiding place and judged the distance to the nearest police car. Easily covered by a dragon with her athletic ability. She bunched up, readying herself for the leap as Varandil moved back under his smaller pile of rubble. She launched, landing heavily on the police car in a majestic pose. Her wings were spread wide, one right front arm held slightly off the ground as she roared louder than anyone would have ever heard a normal dragon roar. It should have sounded familiar. It was Venril's challenge to Sea before she had been put to sleep.



Now it scared everyone nearby. The police officer near the car had landed on the ground, frantic for his gun as his partner scrambled out of the car. Her arrow-head spade slashed his shoulder as he got out. They both aimed their guns when Varandil perched atop her head as if he belonged there. She snarled, scanning the surrounding area. "She wants to know where a girl named Sea is. She'll leave after that." He told loudly so everyone could hear over her growling. She snapped at the nearest cop, causing him to miss the shot. Others readied their shots as Varandil spoke again. "I wouldn't do that. Bullets don't do much to a Se'kal. Especially a very angry one..." Her tail still thrashed and smoke started to rise from her nostrils.

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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The girl froze. Why did she know that roar? Struggling, she began to move towards the noise. Each step brought more pain. Each step, her wounds grew worse. Each step... She counted each step.


Carrion paused as she spotted Venril and Varandil. Then she quickly flapped her wings to steady herself. "Like that'll bring her..." she muttered.


King, on the other hand, left his hiding spot. He paused. Now he just had to figure out where to go...

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