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I'd answer, but I'm going to have to wait until later...


I wash clothes about every three weeks (run out of Tee's and underwear) and dishes once a month (mostly use paper plates).

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One thing i'm very good at procrastinating is coursework. I did it for my History coursework and then I did it for my Geography coursework: months wasted because I could not be bothered.


I seem to have gotten out of my procrastinating cycle for the time being but I bet i'll jump straight back in to it once I get another coursework task! Gah, coursework. :( 

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I'm a notorious procrastinator. For example, just last night, I did an entire project and turned it in 8 minutes before it was due when I had weeks to work on it. A lot of the time I procrastinate because I just really don't want to do something and take forever to convince myself to do it.

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I'm really bad about procrastinating with chores that really should be done regularly, especially dishes and taking out the trash. The trash is partially because it gets too heavy for me to carry, so I have to put it on my chair and wheel it out to the dumpster, and that's a real pain. Apparently not enough of a pain to make me take it out before it gets too heavy though. The dishes, we eat dinner relatively late, 8pm or so, while watching tv, and by the time the shows are over and the dishes actually make it into the kitchen it's usually 'eh, just do these tomorrow'.... Except 'tomorrow' ends up being 2-3 days later.

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Emailing higher authorities or people I need/want to talk to. It is because I always overthink what i write and I want to sound as professional as possible and it quickly stresses me out even thinking about what/how to write to somebody.

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