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The Secret of the Stone

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Kira walked home, thinking about the project she had to work on for school. She stopped briefly to grab the mail and let herself into the house. She sat down on the couch, taking her backpack off, and glanced through the mail. She saw a piece of mail from the same place the survey had come from. She pushed her hair behind her ears as she opened it, curiosity rising. Inside was a note which interested her. She pulled out the necklace, eyes sparkling. "Wow, this looks like it could be worth a lot," she said to herself. She put it on and got up to go look in the mirror. She swayed. Her thoughts became panicked. She grabbed at the fine silver chain of the necklace, but not in time. She fell like a tree at the mercy of a lumberjack. Her last thought was, The necklace... It must have been a trap!


(Will skip first day since everyone else did...)


Kira's eyes slowly opened as the sunlight shone into them. Her head rested on a forest floor. She felt the last push of a fading memory. She wasn't supposed to be here, and everything looked different. Something was wrong. Her mind grasped desperately to keep the rest from sliding away, but it slipped her mental fingers. She sighed. She was Kira, 13 years old, a female teenager. She had taken a survey and gotten a necklace, which she was still wearing. She couldn't remember anything else about herself. She sighed again and tried to brace her wing against the ground to sit up. Wait a second... Her wing?! She sat up quickly and put her wings in front of her. She stared at them, shining bright gold on top and black on the undersides. It was as she had feared. She was a dragon, a Golden Wyvern to be exact.

Edited by slp0001

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Darren watched Marley open her mouth to further argue about the unlikeliness of this being a dream, when something interrupted her. He jumped bhack quickly with a tiny yip as a huge blue dragon crashed into the clearing, the icicles that were apparently attached to it shattering and spraying all over. His legs were carrying him as fast as they could before he could be killed by that... thing. He wasn't waiting for his certain doom to beset him, like everyone apparently was. Marley called after him a few times, but only took a few steps before turning on the blue dragon.


He stopped for a brief moment to see what she would do. That was another thing Darren remembered about Marley: she was a rabid beast when angered.


"That was quite possibly my only family here you dunce! Darren was right, you're all mad!" He only saw her tackle the new dragon head on before he had turned and began running again. If only he could fly. Then he'd be gone in a flash. But there was no chance of learning how now. Not from anyone else, at least. He'd just have to teach himself.


As he flitted through the forest he realized how feral the place actually was. Thank goodness he was so small, or he would have crashed into every tree, rock, and hole by now. Several small animals parted to make way for him, while others just sat there and watched. Maybe they knew he was too small or to scared to hunt. That annoyed him, and, to some extent, terrified him. He was a dragon after all, but ironically, also an extremely easy meal. He didn't like being pygmy sized. Maybe there was a dragon species known as a pygmy, and he was just unlucky enough to be one. And if dragons were divided into species, that meant Marley was unlucky enough to leak oil. And on top of all that. they were all unlucky enough to be attacked by some ice dragon. He pondered over the thought as he dashed along.




When Darren finally stopped, he was far, far away from the clearing he had been in, and maybe a little ways off from even the clearing him and Marley had been in. He was certainly nowhere near the center of the forest. The necklace, which he had until now forgotten about, seemed to know too, as it was shaking violently. "No way am I going back there," he said out loud. It shook more, and suddenly he was being pushed. He jumped and looked behind him to see an orange hand shoving him. "No!" He yelled a bit louder. "Look at me, talking to a necklace. This place is full of crazies. I just want to go home and be a human again. The dragon life is overrated." Darren sighed and sat down, the hand still pushing him as hard as it could, but his legs stayed firmly planted in the ground. Eventually he did have to get up, though, or he'd be bowled over. He walked purposefully slow, still reluctant to go back to those other dragons. And then he saw it.


A flash of gold. The scales of yet another stranger. And this time, he had no bigger relative to protect him.

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Zeditha watched, unspeaking, as the pygmy ran off. Shaking her head. she wandered back towards the clearing. "This dream is crazy," she muttered as she walked away. "I'd better wake up... Make some more of those stupid clay models..."

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Kersti perked up as she heard rustling in the leaves nearby, but there was no knowing how distant it was. She ducked behind the tree she was sitting at, which was useless because of her size. The clearing was empty, she was sure of it, but it seemed that someone- something - was coming. "Hello?" She called out, stepping into the middle of the clearing. There was no way that she would appear to be a coward now.

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Kira pricked her ears. It felt weird to do so, but it was kind of instinctive. She heard a male yelling. "No way am I going back there. No! Look at me, talking to a necklace. This place is full of crazies. I just want to go home and be a human again. The dragon life is overrated." Then silence. Be a human again? Was there another dragon out there that used to be a human? "Hello?" she called. "Were you a human once too? So was I! Do you know what's going on??" She struggled to her feet, using her tail for balance. If there was someone else... That changed everything!


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Zeditha pushed through the leaves and made her way towards the daffodils at the other side of the clearing. She remembered daffodils: they were very important to her. Curling up among them, she finally noticed the nebula dragon who was also in the clearing. "Oh," she said, slightly surprised but resigned to the fact that there were lots of dragons here. "Hello... My name's Zeditha, what's yours?"

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After finding many berries and eating them all, Caroline decided to fly around and scout. She hadn't seen any other dragons or humans, but she might if she flew higher. Taking off ,she glided higher and higher until she could see far away. Just as she was about to look for others, the necklace she was wearing gave a strong pull. The pull shifted her balance quite a bit, and before she knew it she was plummeting towards the ground, the necklace pulling her the whole way. She flapped her wings as hard as she could, but gravity and the necklace were stronger. As she flailed desperately, the wings suddenly changed, providing her with lift. She angled her wings to catch the wind, but she was too late and crashed into the ground, her efforts only softening her fall. "Oww..." she groaned. Then the realization hit her. She was talking as a dragon! But her voice didn't sound the same. It sounded more...dragonish? But she couldn't really remember clearly how her voice used to sound. She was human, right? Or at least used to be. Unless she was a dragon all along having a very long and vivid dream. There was a very good possibility, since she often confused her memories with her dreams. Thinking about the details of how she was either a human or a dragon only led her in circles, so she pulled herself from her thoughts and observed the clearing.


The clearing wasn't too small, easily fitting about nine more copies of her. There were some flowers near the edge of the clearing, and a couple mushrooms. There were also some other dragons. At least she wasn't alone then. But she had no idea what to say or do. Hiding was not a option, nor was wandering away after her spectacular crash landing. Did the other dragon know how to fly? Were they humans once? They all had necklaces, but maybe that was common on this planet. Stupid necklace, now all the dragons probably noticed her and thought her strange. She decided to just bury herself under her wings and wait for one of the dragons to do something. Wrapping her rather large wings around her slightly too skinny body, she soon became something that was reminiscent of a long blue striped pillow.

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Kersti blinked a few times, examining the dragon in surprise. She wasn't sure how to react, but the dragon seemed friendly. "I'm... Kersti. Nice to meet you. I see you have a necklace too, did you mysteriously teleport here, like me? I don't remember much, but it seems like I don't belong here..." Her eyes settled on another dragon-ish blob further down the clearing, towards the middle. "Hello?" She called out, risking her luck if this other dragon wasn't friendly.

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Zeditha chuckled, amused, as the other dragon crash-landed. She guessed it was the dragon she'd seen flying about earlier, although she couldn't exactly tell. "Hello," she repeated, getting tired of the word. "You're the... fifth other dragon I've seen today, if I count right... Anyway, my name's Zeditha. And hiding under your wings isn't really such a great idea."

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Noah threw Marley off and pinned her up against the nearest tree. "Maybe if you had common sense, you'd know that I had no clue I could even do that," he said through gritted teeth. Noah let her go and said in a sarcastic tone, "Sorry for almost killing that midget brother of yours," and flew off to find a river to wash off that disgusting oily stuff that got all over his claws when he touched her in.

Edited by MrSpyro

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Marley drew her lips back in a snarl. "You don't even know if he's my brother or not, you ass!" She yelled after him. She was so furious that, although a few scratch marks and bits of bark covered her back, she had hardly been fazed by being slammed into that tree, even though the tree clearly had. She didn't care if he had meant to or not: she was going to give that arse of a dragon a run for his money if it meant she had chase him down to the corners of the Earth, or whatever draconic planet they were on. Even if she couldn't fly, which right now only seemed like a minor setback. "I'm leaving now, if you couldn't tell," she growled, turning around to face the rest of the group. "Don't wait up. I can make it on my own, even if whoever that was thinks otherwise." With that Marley spun back around and blitzed out of the clearing, tail lashing behind her.


As she ran through the forest, it was clear there were many obstacles that didn't plan on giving her an easy time. Thankfully most of the plants just glided across her skin with ease, on of the perks of always being wet. But then there were things like boulders and trees, things that would not be so kind. She kept going though, determined to make sure she didn't go down without a fight. Then she'd look for Darren, and hopefully get back on track. She pushed this to the back of her mind, though, putting the situation at hand once more into priority.


Marley ran for quite awhile, eventually getting accustomed to the pattern of the various items in the forest, becoming far more nimble than when she had started off. At least she had that skill up her sleeve in case she didn't learn to fly any time soon. It didn't matter though: the sound of rushing water was getting louder with every step she took. The river Noah had flown to couldn't be far now. She put a final burst of energy into the last few hundred yards, and then, with one massive push of her hind legs, leaped into the clearing with an outraged roar. "Look at you," she scoffed, "so tough you can't even get a little dirty. I can tell you're younger than me, you know. In the way you act, by the way, not your size. You know why? Because I was impressive in my past life. Not even I know what I did, but it was certainly better than whatever you did. You're not supposed to give the people older than you crap! But since you did, I've come to return the favor." She dug her wide claws into the ground and roared again, this time louder. It was fun to play dragon during moments like these.




A "hello" rang out in the clearing, coming from somewhere close. Darren froze. If he'd had any doubt that the flash of gold he had seen was in fact the scales of a newcomer dragon, he was definitely wrong now. "This is not good," he thought, panicked. "No, in fact, this is terrible! I just got away from everyone but here I am, met with yet another stranger..." He hoped it wasn't that blue dragon from before who had ambushed them all. Well, actually, it couldn't be as the color was gold. But really, who knew? Maybe that gold coloring was just being used as a distraction while the blue dragon prepared for another attack. As soon as the thought hit his head he instinctively looked up. Nothing. He sighed an almost inaudible breath of relief, but remained on guard. This gold thing could be anything. A raider, perhaps, wanting his necklace—speaking of which, had began pushing him again. He guessed his yelling from earlier was probably what had attracted whatever lie hidden in the brush.


"P-please, I really don't have anything for you," Darren squeaked. "I just got here and... oh, just get it over with! I've had with this place anyways." He flopped on his belly in defeat, rolling over in full exposure. Dying with dignity wasn't his concern. He just wanted it to be quick.

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Zeditha sprang back as Marley crashed through the clearing, and looked down the trail she made. "What's up with her?" she wondered out loud.

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Noah turned to see that annoying wet dragon he'd dealt with earlier. "You say I act like a kid, yet you chased me all the way here to try and insult me with that. Real mature. And by the way, I could freeze you solid any second now, but you think you could take me down easily. Maybe you're more oblivious than I thought," he said smugly.

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I have changed the rules, please look at them.


I put one here too just in case people didn't see the other one. Also, is everyone at the clearing or at least near it? I want to make a plot progressing post but I can't until most people are at the clearing.))

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((I'm in the clearing! tongue.gif I probably won't write any since my keyboard is broken... I have to click on an online one...))

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(Kira's kind of near, but she just woke up, really.)

Kira blinked, rather horrified at the dragon's assumption that she wanted to kill him. "What?! I'm not going to kill you! How horrible would that be?" She came out of the bush and blinked again, surprised by the newcomer's size... or rather, the lack of it. He had a necklace, too, which although was not exactly like hers, it somewhat resembled it, at least in the chain, shape and size. He seemed to have 4 legs and 2 wings, while she only had 2 legs and 2 wings... "Huh. You have a necklace, too... Maybe it's making us dragons?" She bent her head, grabbed it in her teeth, and hauled it off her neck somehow. Suddenly, she felt weaker. She had a headache, too. "Ahh..." she moaned. She kept it off, but when the side effects only increased, she replaced it. "Hmm... Maybe not..." Then, to Kira's surprise, it began to glow! "W-what?!" she squeaked, surprised. It seemed to be... Directing her?!

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((I'm in the clearing, greeting everyone who comes.))

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((Ok, post something in the OOC when you are there. I'm holding off on interacting until my plot post, so you might be waiting for a bit.))

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Seeing as he got the oil off his claws, Noah took off and headed back to the clearing.

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Zeditha turned around a bit, and curled up among the daffodils. Snaking out her head, she adressed everyone in the clearing. "Well," she said. "We've all been brought here by these stone necklaces, if I'm correct. And seeing all of you are wearing one," (she peered at them, remembering the patterns) "I think I am. So, my name is Zeditha. Welcome to my dream. Or it might not be a dream, but I remember being in this dream a lot. Took me a while to learn to fly." She chuckled. "I'm fairly sure this is my dream, but whether you lot are just figments of my imagination or people brought into my dream world I have no idea. But back to names, I'm Zeditha, and what are all your names?" She stared hard at the nearest dragon, they were black with lots of starry patterns. Nebula, a voice in her head told her. Intruigued, she glanced at herself. Neotropical. With a shrug, she resumed staring at the Nebula dragon. She didn't really care who spoke first, but staring at someone tended to work. Plus, those wings were fascinating.

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Kersti returned Zeditha's gaze, assuming that she should introduce herself. "I'm Kersti, please to meet you all. I'm fairly sure that I'm real, but honestly with this chaotic turn in my life I'm not sure anymore. These necklaces tie us all together, and we all came to the same clearing by their guidance. A meeting, perhaps? I don't know, but what I do know is that it seems all of us are equally new to this situation. Well, maybe not you, Zeditha, since you've had a dream like this before, but in this supposed reality..." She trailed off, her thoughts draining out. "Anyways, you can call me Kersti, as I said before. Anyone else care to introduce themselves?"

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Zeditha nodded. "Hello, Kersti." she said solemnly, and her eyes turned to the next dragon. Although her gaze kept being drawn back to those wings... She unfolded her own wing, and positioned it so that it looked as though it was next to Kersti's. Her own wing looked plain by comparison, but it was still a nice pattern. Folding back her wing, she continued to sweep her gaze around the clearing, pausing on the dragons.

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Stumbling out of her car after a long, grueling day at school, Aria slammed the car door shut. In doing this, her enormous backpack nearly threw her to the pavement.


“Great,” she thought “this day only seems to get worse.” Sighing, she slung her pack over her shoulder and shuffled in the house. Immediately once she got to her room, Aria threw all of her belongings on the ground and fell face forward onto her bed. In that moment, she wanted nothing more than to doze off into a deep sleep and dream without worrying about school or family trouble or the nagging anxiety that followed her in everyday life, but she knew that wouldn’t solve anything. Just when she was about to force herself to start in on her hundreds of homework problems, Aria heard the all-familiar sound of the mailman dropping off letters in the family mailbox.


Though to the rest of her family it seemed silly, Aria loved receiving mail, even junk mail. It always made her imagine that someone out there was thinking specifically of her, so every time the mail came in, Aria raced to get it and check for letters addressed to herself.


Although the man she had met handing out surveys the other day had seemed a bit eccentric at the time, Aria was eager at the thought of getting a reply, so she filled out ‘yes’ hurriedly to all the questions on the form and mailed it. Checking through the mail she found a bulging letter addressed to her in scrawled lettering. Eager to discover what lay inside, Aria handed the rest of the mail to her mother and quickly ran to her room to open it. Peering inside, Aria noticed a beautiful, smooth crystal on a chain. Reading the note that lie in the envelope with the necklace, Aria did not hesitate to wear the gorgeous bauble. Admiring the crystal that almost seemed to glow blue from within, Aria suddenly began to feel lightheaded and collapsed.




Waking up, Aria was dazed, but soon a sense of acute anxiety began to set in as she looked around.


“I can’t remember…..” she murmured, trying to recall what had happened before she got here. Scared with night quickly falling, Aria tried to think of the best possible plan of action. Racing out of the clearing, she found a tree with branches low enough to climb and settled into the crook of a branch, mind racing. As she questioned why she had been transported here, what was going on, and what the necklace had to do with all of this, Aria eventually managed to fall asleep. Just before dozing off, she thought she could hear the beating of huge wings in the distance ….




Upon waking up, Aria was immediately disoriented. Looking out, she found she was on the ground lying on the burnt remains of the tree she had inhabited the previous night. Trying to find out what had happened; Aria attempted to stand and felt a weird sensation go through her body. Looking down, she found her body had transformed overnight. Trying to gain more of an understanding, Aria felt around and found she still had the necklace on and on her back were what felt like…… wings?


“Oh my God….” Aria intoned quietly, “am I a-a dragon??”


As a sense of anxiety began to set in, Aria tried to rip off the necklace that she assumed had caused this bizarre transformation in order to return to normal and get back to the life she had left behind somewhere, but immediately upon taking it off, Aria felt weaker, her body heavier, and her temperature began to rise exponentially, so she put the necklace back on. Almost instantaneously, the stone began to whisper in Aria’s mind, pulling her forward, glowing, and urgently trying to get her somewhere.


When the pull lessened, Aria resisted and managed to stop moving in the forest just outside of a wide, grassy clearing. Her eyes widened in shock and distress and her heart began to beat rapidly as she took in the scene before her. Though hidden among the trees, Aria spotted several huge creatures (and one smaller one), each with a necklace like her own. Each seemingly transformed into a dragon like her.


Unsure of their motives, good or bad, Aria remained near the clearing’s edge, shrouded by trees and brush, waiting for the reason the necklace had summoned her here, yet fearing to learn the reason.



((sorry, longish post to catch up! smile.gif ))

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Zeditha noticed a newcomer at the edge. The rustle gave her away. Getting up, she flapped her wings and skimmed across the ground over to the other dragon. "Hello," she said kindly. "My name's Zeditha. This is Kersti, the one with the starry wings." She waved her tail at the nebula dragon. "What's your name?"

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