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Heraldic Tales

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Brail noticed that the hatchling had a hazy look in his eyes and was walking like he was in a trance. He wandered off the path and Brail hissed. He shoved the nebula back on course. "Sorry if I dissolved your, daydream," he hissed with a grin plastered on his maw.


He continued to guide him harshly and passed more hatchlings, but the silver dragon did nothing to even show that he knew that they were there. Only a golden four legged one caught his eye but he ignored the fleshcrowne again.


Axel was humming a high tune to himself as he practised to freeze over his red and green tail before swinging it around. He continued to do this, completely oblivious to where he was heading. He froze over his tail, this time adding a mace head shape on his tail end. Axel flung his weapon forward, hitting a black hatchling.


"Whoooopps!!" he paused in his humming. With apologetic eyes, he added, "sorry, wasn't looking." Axel gave a cheeky smile as the ice disappeared from his tail. He lifted a paw and a soft and cold breeze blew from his paw to his tail. Small chips of ice began to form in the wind and joined together to form an ice tail again.


He grinned as his tail ice melted, leaving no trace of ice or water anywhere. "I'm Axel. Nice to meet you," he introduced himself with a bow of his silvery head.

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((She's on an ice floe, but it's much smaller than Eliza or Keszpik's. Otherwise she'd be drowning!))

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Alique nodded faintly, not really paying too much attention. Yeah, Brail can be like that. Sometimes, he goes on about how teaching hatchlings about war is wrong, but other times, he has a huge temper. It isn't pleasant. But he's still a good tactician." She ruffled her wings a bit, mostly out of boredom, but she was having and easier time staying focused. Jiiva was incredibly interesting, he was almost as awkward as herself. Almost ignoring what he Fleshcrowne said next, she added her own question. "Do you have wings? Or are you going to grow them? She waited quietly for Jiiva's question, giving a small jump when she realized she had missed something he had said. "Oops, sorry. Sure, I'd love some help finding Brail I've been looking for him all day. It was hen I was looking for him that I crashed into you."

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"Kay then!" Jiiva replied happily. He led the Black hatchling out of the lobby, humming a small tune to himself. "To answer your previous question," he began. "No, I don't have wings. I might soon though. Or not. Nature often just does what it wants to. If I mature faster, I do. If I don't, I don't. If you already have small wings, well then I suppose nature choose you to grow them in early. Of course, nature isn't the only thing that can affect you. Maybe you'll die, and then you'll be frozen. I mean, when you think about it, death is just when you freeze in life. You're taken out of the circle, and you can't move forward. A very wise elder dragon named Prudentes Ultima told me that." He remembered Prudentes very fondly. Jiiva had came to him every day, and every day he had a new story. Then he was relocated to Menap. There were tearful goodbyes, to say the least. He wondered how that old dragon was doing now. This in mind he almost missed the sleek, grey mass ahead of him, but the sharp tone in its voice snapped him back to reality. "That Brail?" He asked. "If so, I must wish you luck, little 'black rat.' You'll need it if you want to avoid that name slapping you in the face."

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"Hmm, that's interesting. Nature chooses everything. So, does that mean that you won't have wings if nature decides that you won't. I have wings already, but they're really small. Alique stopped to shake them a bit before continuing. "But I've seen dragons without wings. I wonder what it feels like not to have wings. Would it just nothing where the wings should be? But then again, there shouldn't beings, so..." Alique drifted into thought, wondering what non-existing wings that shouldn't exist any ways would feel like. She couldn't quite figure it out; she had wings and it didn't really make sense that you could feel something that wasn't there. Then, Jiiva reached the part about dying, which surprised Alique. Even though they were at a war base, most dragons couldn't take death very well. But her... Well, she found it interesting. What would happen after you die? What did it feel like? It wasn't scary in the Black's opinion. "So, dying is like immortality. You can't move forwards. It's like... It's like being frozen; being forced to stay as a hatchling forever. Oh, thanks for helping me find Brail. I have to show him something now, but I can chat with you later if you like. I like you. I'll meet you at the willow tree by the base, it's okay if you don't go, I go there a lot for no reason anyway."


Alique trotted ahead to see Brail, who was calling some unfortunate hatchling a "black rat" and muttering to himself about punishment and "overgrown snakes". Oblivious to what was going on, she stepped right in front of the gruff Silver, and started speaking in a ridiculously cheerful tone considering the situation. "Brail, I made the battle plan you wanted! I don't know if it's good or not, because I'm still in training, but you're the trainer, so you'll know!" Alique had lost the dreamy-ness that she often possessed after the invigorating conversation with Jiiva, but she was just as awkward as ever.

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((This post is to bring in Vorgi and make up for the lack of well... posts.))


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"Well, right back to square one..." Eclipse muttered. She could freeze things easily but unfreezing them was not a quality of Eclipse. She looked at the hopeless situation they were in. One collapsed, one is half-frozen, one was about an inch of movement away from a watery and icy death, and she herself was floating gently with only her head poking out. That's it, they would starve to death as long as they weren't killed first by the harsh and unforgiving environment of Menap. Despite Eclipse's normally cheerful attitude, she could be quite the pessimist in dire situation like this.


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Eliza tried to thaw out of the icy shell that covered half of her body. Although the ice looked thin, it was quite tough and no matter how much she moved or squirmed, she could not break out. She was still lightly spinning in circles on her floe as she felt her body temperature slowly start to drop. "I know you had to stop me from sinking Keszpik and myself but did you really have to doom me to a certain icy demise?" She asked the new hatchling. She shot the cube of ice with a head sticking out a sharp glare. She made a futile to turn her head quickly to signal disapproval but failed and only ended up giving herself a neck pain. She thought to herself of how many days she had to live. Not long she imagined.


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Vorgi slowly walked up to the icy river and chuckled when she saw the four hatchlings. "My my, aren't you all just a pity to watch." She smirked softly in amusement and continued, "I would help but, I'm quite tired from all that flying. Plus it's entertainment." She concentrated her powers into one spot on the earth beside the body of water and made all the snow melt. She even created a barrier of heat around it to keep herself warm. She padded up to the spot and lay down. "Tell me when one of you is about to drop dead and I might consider saving your sorry backsides." She laughed to herself once more and continued to watch the hatchlings with a snide look on her face.

Edited by Drakonspite

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Sepisc nodded kindly, but didn't take his eyes off of the young dragon he was treating.. "Yes, these dragons were very foolish to challenge the Tro without any strategies. In fact, it was foolish to challenge them at all. But they did it, and they need to be healed. You need rest more though, Somniall." Sepisc's eyes crinkled into a warm smile. "You have talent, but you can't overwork yourself. If you can, though, find another healer to take your place. Eliza, maybe. I'm getting old; don't think I can handle too much work anymore. And you're too young to be working day and night. How would Heraldic function with only a young healer in training? The White dragon finished with a small chuckle, then quickly realized what it sounded like he was saying. "I'm not saying that Eliza isn't a skilled healer, of course!" This was added rather quickly, with a tone similar to one where a funny joke is being told. "And you aren't particularly er- particularly talented or anything! I'm just saying that one healer isn't enough for an army!" Sepisc's lie was unconvincing. Actually, the feeling it gave was borderline sarcasm.

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Luxiphere's eyes shot open. She knew that voice. She knew it very well. "Vorgi," she thought, an appalled look spreading on her face. She faintly wiggled in dismay, but she didn't even have the energy to speak. She could only glare at the Nebula as it smugly sat down in its toasty dome. "Things'll only get worse now. I hope this freezing ice kills me before that disgusting hag claims the pleasure." They were all going to die now. Even Keszpik, who at least had a glimmer of hope in his future, unlike the other imbeciles of the base. And she might have felt a tiny pang for Eliza. Yes, wretched, pestering Eliza, who, though at the pinnacle of annoying, didn't deserve to die. Not like this, anyways. Luxiphere hated Vorgi. She always had, but watching mere hatchlings die without a care was exponentially cruel. "So like Vorgi..." She thought angrily.


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"What?" Keszpik said furiously. "Who do you think you are? A worthy, respectable Trainer?" He sneered. "Hardly. I might even dare to say Brail wouldn't be so selfish. Not you though. No. In fact, I would be more likely to trust a Mint with my life. I have news for you, you galling mass of idiocy: we don't need you, nor want you. Actually, you can go now, if you'd please. I look at you and want to gag, you're so revolting, which makes you a distraction to my grand rescue." "Which I am just now planning," he added to himself. He glanced at the woozy looking Luxiphere, who was cockily smiling at the Nebula. The look on her face told Keszpik that she had a good amount of trust in him. "Your expectations are not misplaced," he thought, grinning. He shot a blast of electricity near the Nebula, showing that he had the power to do this. And so he sat down and quickly scanned the area with a Tactician's trained eyes. An idea slowly formed within his mind.


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"G'bye then, Alique! I had a great time with you. I'll be there if I can." Jiiva smiled and turned, his tail twitching with glee. Alique was nice, and she had a lot in common with him. She was pretty and smart, and she told the honest truth with a smile on her face. She was only a little older than him, and saw many things eye to eye with the Fleshcrowne. She was so perfect he almost forot his affinity for Somniall. Only almost. Now however, he reminded himself, things would be different between them. He assumed that the hatchling had seen and interpreted his odd gestures of love, and he realized now things would be very awkward. Would she be relieved of his fading love? Would she hate him suddenly? Would she just stay the same. Troubling thoughts mingled with his happy ones, and Jiiva felt a little disoriented. He got so lost in thought that he didn't really pay attention to where he was going, and promptly walked into a wall. "Ow!" He yelped.

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"Oh my," Vorgi said, unflinching from Keszpik's electric shot. "Tut tut tut, that is no way to speak to a trainer." She smiled in an enraging manner as the floe Keszpik was on grew smaller in size, up to the point where Keszpik could only move slightly without plunging into the river. Vorgi scanned the Sunsong and the Thunder as the two exchanged glances. "Aww, why is little bitsy Luxiphere looking so angry? Aren't you pleased to see me?" Vorgi taunted. She glanced around and saw that every single hatchling in the river was shooting her dirty looks. "Come on then little hatchlings. Show me what you've got."


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"Ouch..." Del said quietly and with not much reaction. "My accomplices call me Del..." he said. Del looked up at the ceiling and looked lazily into the source of light. He had an unexplainable attraction for gleaming lights as long as they were above him. Del blocked out all the other sounds coming from around him. Ever since he coined the phrase 'overgrown snake' not too long ago, Brail seemed to be using it a lot and every since Brail coined the phrase 'overgrown black rat', others seemed to be using that as well. He imagined a battle between a snake and a rat. The rat scratched and wounded the snake a few times but the snake triumphed in the end by keeping eye contact with it whilst reaching behind it with its tail. It seemed like a good tactic so Del made a note of it and saved the tactic in his mind palace. Alphabetical order. Categoric storage. Del was not even aware of his OCD since it did not bother him that much, but he liked his organisation methods. It orked very well for him.

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Keszpik was unfazed by the melting ice. Instead he gathered himself and rehearsed his plan mentally, the events unfolding in his mind like a movie. He slowly closed his eyes, and then, with a sudden roar opened them and leaped off his tiny island. He hopped from floe to floe with swift movements, never jumping on the same one twice because it would likely break or already had. Soon he got near Eliza. He grabbed the frozen hatchling and heaved her up. He could feel the ice cracking beneath him, so he had to hurry. He made a massive effort and managed to thrust Eliza straight into Eclipse, shattering both of their ice casings. As he got ready to help Luxiphere, however, the ice under him split and he involuntarily roared, shattering it. "Luxiphere! Wake up. Wake up!" He screeched. "You're going to die! Get up!" The Sunsong suddenly opened her eyes. She made a clear effort to get up, but could only squeeze out a moan of pain. Keszpik growled in frustration. This would never work. If only ice weren't such a terrible combination of heavy and fragile. And all the while he never forgot that this was Vorgi's fault. He wouldn't be in such a rush if that imbecile Nebula hadn't come along and agitated him.


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Somniall drifted off, trying to figure out Sepisc's confusing words. Maybe she wasn't the only one hiding something. However, the difference here was that she knew what her Trainer's secret was. Was he really picking favorites? Or did he think the Daydream hatchling just couldn't defend herself in battle? Okay, so maybe she didn't know Sepisc's problem, but this only furthered her confusion. She decided to give him a break. She was planning to nap anyways. All she needed was somewhere quiet. Of course, in Menap HQ, that was like asking for a live human right there and then. She decided that maybe the calm Tactician room would have to do. But as she went there, a Silver Dragon passed by with a menacing expression painted on his face. "This must be the 'Brail' Keszpik is always complaining about," she decided. Okay, so maybe not there. "There has to be somewhere here I can sleep!" She thought in dismay.

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As he saw Somniall just turning to leave, Sepisc realized he would have to find Eliza himself. And that means leaving these injured dragons behind. Though Eliza would have to be trained anyway, and it was in fat her turn to receive some attention, the elderly white was rather reluctant to leave and find her. But of course, he, as a trainer, had to. Now where might she be?... Didn't she say something about a river? There's only one close to base... That must be where she is. Sepisc slowly rose to his feet and began walking towards the exit of Heraldic's base. As soon as he was far enough, beat his wings as hard as he could and lifted into the air.


Sepisc's old wings were barely enough to carry his large body. The only way he could stay aloft was to hold his wings in a position that caught the air, so he was more gliding than flying. It was the White's good luck that there was a strong tailwind, or he would never have reached the river where Eliza was, but by the time he landed, Sepisc was exhausted. It wasn't a long distance. Without wind, it would only have taken him a few minutes of flight. But still flying was tiring. Lighting down carefully on the icy ground, he ventured closer to the river, and saw a large, black and red figure. Vorgi. "Why hello there, Vorgi! Have you seen Eliza anywhere?"

Edited by KoalaNoob

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((Sorry, on my phone, no pics this time))


"Senpai is so cool! Freedom!" Eliza shouted as she landed perfectly on the shore after doing a front flip in the air and pirouetting before touching the ground. She smiled joyfully but her expression quickly dissolved into horror as she saw the hopeless situation Keszpik was now in. Vorgi was next to her but she ignored Eliza and watched in amusement as Keszpik desperately tried to pick up Luxiphere. "Why don't you help them?! They're gonna die!" Eliza screamed in desperation. She saw that the Nebula was just going to ignore her. Eliza tried to hold back a year but could not when he saw Luxiphere tried to get up and then collapse. "Please... I beg you..." She said quietly, years streaming down her face.


"That's what I was looking for!" Vorgi cheered, "Those three words 'I beg you'." She got up to her full height and looked at both of the hatchlings. Red aura surrounded the two as they were gently picked up and moved towards the ground. However, before they touched the ground, Vorgi roughly moved them above the water and dipped them both in for ten seconds. Then, she placed them untidly onto the ground. 'That would teach you some manners." She smirked. Vorgi turned around to fly away but not before Sepisc suddenly appeared and asked her where Eliza was. "Oh, you blind old goat. She's here!" Vorgi shouted. She then lowered her voice and muttered to herself, "Can't believe I use to love you..." She said before closing her eyes softly to prevent tears from showing.


Eliza's face lit up as both hatchlings were picked up and placed onto the shore. Sure, they had been dipped under icy cold waterbut at least they were safe. She tackled both of them to the ground and started to jump around. She looked up to the sky and saw her mentor, Sepisc flying through the air. "I'm here sensei!!" She yelled.

Edited by Drakonspite

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"Sensei?..." Though landing to hear himself be called "sensei" was largely amusing, Sepisc couldn't help but wonder why there was a pile of wet hatchling at the river's shore. Ah, never mind. At least I've found Eliza. I'll ask Vorgi about this after I send Eliza back. "Eliza, could you please go back to Heraldic? I need you to take care of some injured dragons. I don't remember where they are, but you'll find them. There are lots of them, but Somniall has treated most of them. Speaking of Somniall, I'd like you to make sure she's okay if you can." Sepisc twitched a wing in the direction of Heraldic's base. "And you, Vorgi..."

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She hardly noticed the water around her, Luxiphere was already so numb. Still, the phrase "That should teach you some manners." caught her ears. "Teach me manners!?" She thought indignantly. "All you did was teach me how to hate you. As if I didn't already." She sighed, a sudden shudder rippling through her body. The suspect was hypothermia, exactly what she needed. Sepisc was there, though. Why, she didn't know. Everything was going dark. Eliza tackled her, but she scarcely noticed. Words blured together numbly as she closed her eyes. "Keszpik," she whispered. "Help..."


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For a moment the Thunder hatchling was sure he was going to die. He was being held in the water, and that, of course, would convince anyone that their life was coming to an end. But, soon, he was lifted out. And who but Eliza would greet him with a massive tackle. "Get off of me you idiot!" He growled. Already he could feel the cold water on him turning to frost. He got off the ground and electrocuted himself, super-heating the water and evaporating it. "Much better," he said, shaking himself. Then he turned to Luxiphere. His eyes grew wide and he gaped at the limp shape. "In the name of Lotus, she's dying!" He turned on Vorgi, ignoring Sepisc. "She's dying! And you killed her! You killed your own student!" He roared. His booming voice caused the nearby snow to tremble, and the water violently rippled. Without thinking, he jumped at Vorgi, teeth bared in a snarl. Even if he died fighting this relentless Nebula, it would be worth it. He would avenge Luxiphere even if he had to die in her place. But it wasn't just that. Vorgi was the same as all the others. Another disturbing member of Heraldic. Another perfect example of power hungry dragons killing just so they could be in charge instead. "They should just go. The world can do better without them to worry about," he thought mutinously. Keszpik actually believed in Lotus's ways. Punishment was the only way you could purge the world. In some ways, Keszpik and Lotus were a lot alike.

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((I was ninja'd. Hold on, lemme edit))


"Yeah! Cos you're my sensei!" Eliza said cheerfully. "Sure I'll go! I found some pretty interesting grass on the way here, maybe I could test them on myself and then use them!" Eliza turned around and saw Luxiphere had collapsed again, but this time it looked more serious. She ran towards the amphithere and reached in to her bag. She was horrified to learn that the contents of her bag spilled out into the water. "Help her sensei!!" Eliza shouted. She desperately tried to pump water out of Luxiphere's lungs. Don't die on me... she though.


"Tut tut..." Vorgi smiled gently as her eyes began to glow red. She raised a pillar of snow before her and halted the Thunder hatchling in his path. She then shot a beam of pure red light at him, condemning him into a stream of illusions. She devised this spell a few weeks ago but she never though it would come in handy. She mused to herself as the thought of Keszpik trapped in endless despair from the illusions cross her mind. Vorgi knew it would be just illusion but she did not know exactly what illusions would he see. She then turned around to the White dragon and Vorgi snarled bitterly. "You have a drowning hatchling to save. Get on with it!" She said angrily. Vorgi then changed her tone and leaned forward to Sepisc. "Impress a girl."

Edited by Drakonspite

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((I have little knowledge of fighting in forum RPs so you'll have to excuse any errors tongue.gif. Please do point them out since I can't learn if I don't correct mistakes.))

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((Well as a Mage I suppose Vorgi just did what she thought best, though considering that during that entire ordeal she got out without a scratch is a little OP))


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Keszpik felt himself slam into the snow. It hurt, but not a lot. But before long a strange sensation came over him. Everything was the same, but also... different. He looked back over at Luxiphere. Eliza was hovering over her, doing something. He watched carefully. For a while she did nothing. He was so focused on the peculiar look in the Soulpeace's eyes he didn't notice how warped and strange the river was acting, twisting in knots and rising for no reason. And then, suddenly, she lunged down and ripped out Luxiphere's throat. Luxiphere hadn't even flinched, and Eliza turned around and walked into the river. What was strangest though was that Keszpik hadn't even cared. He just felt blank. Like nothing mattered. His best friend had died, his love was in the hands of monsters, and behind him a very angry Mage was likely ready to kill him. So why care? It was a weird feeling. But Keszpik was a wierd person. So, in acceptance, he just sat there and stared at the river. "You know what Heraldic?" He said out loud. "You do what you want. Ruin a perfect world, see if I care. Because you know what? I am beyond caring. There's nothing to live for. We're all damned to a world full of strife and misery in the end, so why suffer? Just speed up the process. You're doing us all a favor."

Edited by Psycho Cat

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((I was worried you might say that tongue.gif noted))


"Looks like he snapped..." Vorgi said as the hatchling started to mutter to himself. "Ugh so cheesy, how boring." Vorgi walked over to him and absorbed the light back. "Please stop your speeches, you're showing yourself up." She mocked. "Calm down, Keszpik. No one is going to die." She reassured the hatchling. It wasn't like her but something was driving herself to do so. "No matter how much I may wish it." She quickly added under her breath. "I should have asked a Magi to come with us, easie transport." Vorgi yawned and turned away, softly padding away from Keszpik. "Drama queen alert. I know you hate Heraldic but bear with it. I did."

Edited by Drakonspite

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"A trick," Keszpik though bitterly. He watched as Vorgi walked away with rage in his heart. Someday he was going to get revenge. He knew that as an adult he'd be a powerful Trio dragon. Then they'd see who should fear who. "You know," he said coldly after her. "I may have been trapped in your lie, but I hold steadfast to what I said." He glared at the Nebula for a long time, before realizing he'd have to walk in the same direction. As his furious tember settled, a shiver passed through him. Even though he was back in reality, the empty feeling lingered, because what he had seen easily could have become the heartbreaking truth. And what would happen then? No. Keszpik knew what he had to do. He had to preserve this new state of mind. Without emptiness, the Thunder hatchling was vulnerable to things like sadness and anger. And these things caused strife. And strife fed Heraldic. And Heraldic tainted what could be beautiful.

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((I'm going to disagree with Psycho Cat here. Vorgi is a trained adult with powerful magic while Keszpik is a hatchling in training. He doesn't even do something that aids fighting; it's strategy he uses. Also, charging straight at a powerful, fully grown dragon might not have been the smartest...))


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Vorgi, what are you doing? And what's that spell? So powerful... Though it was odd of Sepisc to care more about the spell that had been used than the fact that she had harmed a hatchling, he was awestruck by the incredible power. But of course, he, as trainer, had to protect and help the hatchlings, even if the attacker was his colleague. Waving his tail, Sepisc created a translucent magenta crystal in front of him, large enough to encase most hatchlings. Then, with another wave, he sent it at Keszpik. The glass prison went through the Thunder hatchling, then solidified when it had him firmly secured, protecting him as well as trapping him.


Flicking a wing at the success, Sepisc continued on to treat Luxiphere. Seeing it was nothing more than hypothermia, he slowed down his originally urgent pace, not particularly worried about the Sunsong dying. When he reached her, Sepisc simply turned Luxiphere onto her back and pushed on her chest. Once he was sure it was clear of water, he waved his tail over her to warm her up. "So, Vorgi. Care to explain?"

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((Did I say it was smart? No. In fact, it was quite stupid of Keszpik. I was just saying that Vorgi getting out of the situation clear and clean was a little OP, especially since I got such a powerful retaliation. Plus Keszpiks character sheet says "Tactician, though not defenseless in battle," so he does occasionally do more than sit in a room and plan.))

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As life flowed back into her body, Luxiphere looked up at her savior. "Sepisc," she sighed gratefully. The only trainer who didn't mercilessly taunt hatchlings for fun. Eliza was there too, she noticed. As much as she disliked the annoying bundle of energy that was her acquaintance, right then there was no one she'd rather see. "Oh, thank you," she said quietly. "I'd make you two a rainbow right now, but I'm just... too tired. You'll have to take my word for my ecstasy. I'll make it up to you though." She weakly smiled. "And Eliza," she sighed. "Let's never leave on our own again. This... is not good for my health." She closed her eyes for a moment, letting any rest she could get envelope her in a comforting wrap. Then she opened them again. "Keszpik!" She thought worriedly. "I swear if Vorgi killed him." She glanced over at her friend, who was now trapped. She flapped her wings in distress, but winced when the pain reminded her of her state. "Keszpik," she half mumbled. "Get Keszpik out. Vorgi's going to kill him." "I wonder if she's done with me?" Luxiphere cringed at the thought of the angry red shape swiftly taking her life.

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((You're right, sorry. I was tired and made dumb assumptions. tongue.gif))


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"It's fine. Sepisc's tone was tired, like he had used up all his energy on healing Luxiphere and protecting Keszpik. Actually, he had. Ridding the young mage of hypothermia was easy; casting a shield for the Thunder hatchling was not. Though defensive and supportive magic was in his domain, the old White couldn't claim to have mastered anything but healing, and his magic wasn't nearly as strong as Vorgi's. "You have no reason to cast a rainbow. It won't do anything to help the situation, and you might need some magic later." Sepisc eyed Vorgi as he finished what he was saying. "Because some of us are a bit too aggressive."


Taking a deep breath to rejuvenate himself, Sepisc took a more commanding tone. "Eliza, take Luxiohere back to base and leave her with Somniall. Then go and do what I asked of you earlier. I'll be staying here and... talking things out with your lovely trainer. Keszpik, if you think you can stay still and not attack, I'll set you free and fix you up a bit."

Edited by KoalaNoob

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He nodded dully. Keszpik didn't really feel like attacking, anyways. He felt like sleeping, actually. He wasn't tired, he just wanted to. What else could he do? After today he highly doubted he'd do anything to aid Heraldic anymore. And he couldn't just wander the wilderness of Menap; he'd starve to death if he didn't die of the cold first. Of course, suicide was an option here. A plausible one, at that. But if he died here, he'd never have a chance to purge Havelia. He'd never meet Lotus, either. He thought about this for a moment, ignoring the fact that Luxiphere had survived. It only took a short while to settle the situation: he'd meet his two goals, then kill himself. An accomplished life with a painless ending. Isn't that what everyone wanted? In Keszpik's utopia, he'd grant everyone this.

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"Impressive, friend of mine... And don't be stupid." Vorgi replied, she turned away with a smirk and continued, "Even if I was going to tell anyone, why would I tell you?" Vorgi started to pad away before adding snidely, "Entertainment, Sepisc dear." Vorgi turned around again so she was facing the White. "Go on then. Talk to me."


"Right." Eliza picked up Luxiphere and started to carry her to the base. There were times where she wished she was more adept at basic magic, this was one of them. She could not run as fast as she normally could considering she was carrying a hatchling that was about the same size as her. "You okay...?" She asked after evaluating the situation. The cold Menap breeze tickled her chin as Eliza tried to fill up the awkward situation. Eliza was not a fan of silence. She didn't hate it because there were times when it was needed, but she could not help to try and break it.

Edited by Drakonspite

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"Yes, I'm all right Eliza," she said. "I've survived a tough go before, I'll survive this one." Luxiphere let out a heavy sigh. For a moment she was quiet again. She didn't have a lot to say, other than the fact that she was cold. So she just let her friend take her back to HQ.


"You know," she finally said. "I hope Keszpik's okay back there. He's so fragile. I don't know why. Maybe his life was terrible before joining Heraldic, or maybe he just is that way. Whatever the case, he needs care. What Vorgi did... was wrong, to say the least. I don't know what Keszpik saw, but it clearly broke something. You're so lucky, Eliza. Sepisc is kind and gentle. It makes me envy you healers. Vorgi is evil and Brail's favorite pastime is punishing hatchlings, and if that wasn't bad enough I don't even want to know what the Warrior Trainer is like. Jiiva says she's all right, but he likes everyone." Luxiphere sighed again. The uptight Sunsong rarely got this sad, but she found that this was an appropriate time. Maybe Keszpik felt the same. But instead of looking sad, he just looked done. Like he had stopped giving a crap. He was just out of craps to give. "I hope Keszpik's okay." She repeated. "We've been best friends since when we first joined Heraldic. We were both stationed in Paradice, waiting for our papers to be filled out, and miraculously we were both going to Menap, too. I was lonely, he was lonely. And we were so similar. It worked out perfectly. I'd be heartbroken if something had happened to him." Luxiphere closed her eyes and tried to imagine life without her friend. It was a lonely life, she discovered.

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