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Do mass breeds still deserve their hate?

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View bombers have a right too, or at least there is nothing in place to prevent it, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't infringe on other players either.

Just wanted to point out that technically giving aide to other users without their consent is against the rules - so view bombers don't have a right to do what they do. And there are ways to prevent it, at least there's a surefire way and that is to fog your dragons. Inconvenient? Yes. But it can be done.


Is it possible to catch view bombers who decide to break the rules? Eh? I don't know how easy or possible it is. But the point I'm trying to make is that view bombers don't have a right and mass breeders (as annoying as they can be) technically do. It's not against the rules to massbreed eggs and until there is a rule against it, then massbreeders do have a right to do what they do.

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No it's not a huge problem on a regular basis, but it is a big source of frustration when it happens and it's more the attitude of being told to just deal with it because breeders have a right.

View bombers have a right too, or at least there is nothing in place to prevent it, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't infringe on other players either.

As far as refusing to acknowledge the good they do, again there are ways to lower times and affect ratios without creating a massive wall of one or two breeds. And notwithstanding the bandied about quote from TJ about the small affect that single mass breedings have, so I simply don't see that as much of a reason for a wall. It would have to be many walls repeatedly or a group effort in order to really have an impact, no?

Yes, and no.


The problem I have with TJ's post about mass breeding is that I've SEEN how a single collector can affect the ratios. As usual, TJ's post was couched in generalities and maybes and I-don't-thinks, whereas I'm a fairly constant lineage builder and I've *seen* what a single user can do.


When Tsuko started collecting Albino CBs, Albinos went from breeding 1:1 with Olives to breeding 1:35 with Olives. It was quite impressive! It might not seem like a huge difference.... unless you are trying to get an Albino from an Olive x Albino pair. That change to Albino's ratios, while very small (they bred like blockers with everything else) took a lineage that was, at the time I started, going to take two or three months to get to 5th gen and turned it into a 2.5 year ballbuster. In fact, I bred Green x Thunder (quasi-uncommon x uncommon), with miss-breeds AND a couple alts to 5th gen in 6 months!


Same thing has happened with Hooktalons. One more-or-less constant-but-casual collector has taken them from see-them-all-the-time to having to hunt for a half hour before finding one. Are they still common? Yep. Is the change in their ratios large? Doubtful. But it didn't take much *in relation to* other blocker breeds to make a noticeable change to regular hunters / breeders.


When the Common Collector's Competition was new (and so were Prizes), they set their sights on Nocturns. Over the course of 30 days, we managed to collect over 2,000 Nocturns, and by the end they were noticeably harder to find than they were at the start. Of course, it did not last that long because at the end of the month we stopped collecting.


The change Thu made to Balloons is far more extreme. She went on a collecting binge, and drove them from blockers to user-driven rare status. Like she said, they are really good at producing prizes and metals now! 42 managed something quite similar to Mints. They and Thu actually managed to get those two breeds to be more popular, by breeding pretty lines people wanted to continue!


Will a single mass-breed have a lasting affect on a breed? No. But constantly collecting a single breed to create walls will and DOES have a very noticeable impact. And breeding walls on a regular basis *will* have a lasting affect on the breed, to the point that like Balloons, you won't be able to form walls anymore. And keep in mind: I'm not talking about "walls" of 60 eggs, those pass with hardly a notice (I know, I've tried... and failed... repeatedly to form walls with 60 eggs). You need to get 100+ to 300+ *eggs* to really be noticed. Which means if you do x other breeds you need to breed 120+ to 400+ pairs just to get that many eggs. And you have to breed them to less common dragons, or you'll end up with mostly the mate's breed.


As for the annoying / frustrating factor associated with mass-breeders vs viewbombers, the viewbomber must seek out a victim whereas the mass-breeders are just doing the same thing as many other people: breeding their dragons.


If we were to try to organize a way for "walls" to have the best affect, from what I've seen the ones that would go over best is breeding 2nd gens x Holidays or using many breeds as mates. Even when I send 100+ or 200+ eggs to the AP, I've never gotten a complaint (and hardly form a wall) because all are decent looking 2nd gens from a variety of mates. People snatch up (and keep) the eggs too fast for a wall to form (much to my eternal disgruntlement). And it always seems its the pure breds who sit, the ones with other breeds go the fastest.


So to get to the point, perhaps instead of raging at walls, we should work together to 1. drive the most annoying wall-building-breeds into uncommon status and 2. encourage mass-breeders to vary mates / not do pure breds / breed 2nd gens, because its the pure-breds and messies which, in my experience, sit.







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I've been following the discussion over the days and for the most part everyone has given their opinions in an acceptable manner except for the name calling. Please refrain from using disrespectful terms such as "haters", "selfish", "kindergarten", "immature" etc along that same line. We should be able to express ourselves with out insulting or demeaning others. This is a very polarizing topic with strong feelings on both sides but please try to keep the conversation/discussion civil and without name calling.


Consider the above a thread warning. Those who continue to insult and name call will get a warning.



Also, take any off topic discussions to PMs please.

Just bringing this to the new page as a reminder to not call names or insult each other.

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Well... what I get here is that is not possible to tell mass breeders that their "invasion" of the AP, for hours or days, is not pleasant for some of us, without starting an endless debate... I also understand that many think that the AP is a pile of trash... Got the message, thank you. Will do my best to stay away from the AP. And since the nice 2G, that I've been breeding for the AP, are NOT trash, I will avoid to breed. Thank you for your input, learned the lesson. The more I read the forum, the less I want to be around. So long...

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The thing is, Hawkster... It isn't EXACTLY dictating to others because,while said individual MAY be able to breed as many neos as they want...they cannot force any PARTICULAR individual to take those neos if said infdividual really hates them for whatever reason.

Well yes and no. We could prolly debate that for ever. Your use and bolding of "exactly" favors your argument and makes it harder to debate. However, take Tawanda001 for example who already has all CB they need or want, it is impacting their playstyle since that only leaves the AP to really hunt in. They could do breeding projects, but if that is something they dont do, that is still in turn impacting and dictating their playstyle, trying to force them to do something they might not do in order to keep playing.


Anyway, I agree with Cyradis4 or Tawanda001, is this a problem? Sure to some players. But is it a huge problem? No in my opinion. Once in rare while the AP is blocked for many hours, think it has even been blocked for half day or longer, but those are very rare and extreme cases. For most part in couple hours they are gone. Usually I have come back only hour later to find them gone. In my view, this is just simply part of the game.

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So to get to the point, perhaps instead of raging at walls, we should work together to 1. drive the most annoying wall-building-breeds into uncommon status and 2. encourage mass-breeders to vary mates / not do pure breds / breed 2nd gens, because its the pure-breds and messies which, in my experience, sit.




This. Right here.


C4 pretty much summed up everything we could say about this debate. Rather than argue about massbreedings, it's only fair to everyone if there's an attempt at communication rather than an all out hissy fit about how other players "should play" the game.


Massbreeders enjoy creating walls for whatever reason they decide to create them. (I, myself, have always enjoyed sad pathetic attempts at walls by massbreeding my Reds. Obviously those fail because Reds are popular, I don't have enough of those, and I am the most finnicky of people when it comes to breeding. No messies, even if they're for abandoning.)


People who hunt in the AP enjoy variety, cool lineages, the chance at some amazing rares (My friend has been one of the lucky few to get second gen prizekins from the AP).


However, this topic has literally became a circular debate over mechanics and technicalities. Is the AP a trash dump or an extension of the game? (My opinion is that it's both. When I was newbie to the game, I saw the words "Abandoned Page" and saw it as exactly that: a page where people abandon stuff they don't want, like the Giving Tree in Neopets where you get walls of dung all the time and the occasional good samaritan offers a paintbrush and you're just screaming to get it) Is massbreeding fair to other players? (Does it matter as long as it's following the rules?) Etc. Etc.


It would be 100x more productive to come up with a solution beyond "HEY! MASSBREEDERS STOP MASSBREEDING" or "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DEAL WITH IT!"


Now, I know nothing about ratios because I am the most casual of DC players on this site. (The reason why my scroll is so low on dragons is because I literally just go on to breed for departure, the AP, or to hunt for the occasional nice dragon to gift to friends.) But I can see the logic in what they are saying about massbreeding affecting ratios. I remember a time when I really wanted a CB Balloon Dragon and was driven up the wall trying to find one in the caves after there was a massive Balloon Wall.


But ratios aside.


For those who are unhappy about massbreeders, why not take the advice to possibly talk to the massbreeders and offer up suggestions? Varying mates. Clean lineages. Possibly holiday mates because who doesn't love a good 2nd gen Holiday-Kin for checkered lineages? "Who keeps breeding that one dragon to abandon?" is a thread that talks about massbreedings and from what I see it's a place where some of the top massbreeders congregate. It's only a few keystrokes and a several clicks away, might as well give it a shot and make a few suggestions?


As for massbreeders, maybe take a step back and consider how you're breeding your dragons? Or maybe put up massbreeding notices for users on the DC forum? That way people know when you're massbreeding (or planning on coordinating one) so they can prepare to spend the day relaxing or the day waiting for the wall to show up because that's a species they enjoy? Advance notifications would be *fantastic* actually.


All in all, the best thing to do is to find some sort of compromise. Massbreeders are not going anywhere, not unless they find a sudden interest elsewhere on the internet.


The abandoned page is a trash heap. It's a place where dragons are abandoned various reasons. Some people use it to get rid of dragons they accidentally misclicked during a new release. I think a good majority of breeders use it when they get a species they didn't want from a certain couple. Breeders probably use it because they accidentally made a messy and didn't want it on their scroll. But as someone pointed out earlier in this thread, that's not a bad thing. Plenty of people abandon beautiful lineages in the AP because sometimes it's fun to share the love and not everyone has access to the forums.


However, the AP is also an extension of the game and it's up for grabs on how players want to utilize. Some players want to use it as hunting grounds. Others want to massbreed walls. However, until TJ implements a rule stating "MASSBREEDING IS NOT ALLOWED" it's not within any player's rights to tell another player what they should or shouldn't do if it's not explicit stated in the rules. On the other hand, consideration is key, and it's not fair to tell other players to "deal with it."


At the end of the day, however, it's as Hawkster says:


is this a problem? Sure to some players. But is it a huge problem? No in my opinion. Once in rare while the AP is blocked for many hours, think it has even been blocked for half day or longer, but those are very rare and extreme cases. For most part in couple hours they are gone. Usually I have come back only hour later to find them gone. In my view, this is just simply part of the game.


As long as there are massbreeders are around and it's not against the rules, massbreeding walls are simply part of the game.

Edited by noxlyx

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Just my two cents: I have very slow connection. Hunting on biomes is no option to me, as I haven't even SEEN a CB metal since summer and the best dragon I have caught was xeno. I managed to get a nice collection thanks to generous players, kudos to them. biggrin.gif


However, catching a CB rare is a great feeling and it's sad that I propably won't ever be able to have such a dragon. I tried to create lineage, but after avatar changes my humble and fresh lineage was ruined. I decided to stop and I won't create another line, as there is a possibility of future changes.


So, the only way of playing left is catching dragons on AP. With those walls of dragons it's less exciting and kinda unclimatic. This is a weekend, after hectic week I turned on my comp ready to play dragcave for an hour. It's not possible. I don't hate massbreeders, but they kinda ruined my playtime and I wish they stopped.

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This. Right here.


C4 pretty much summed up everything we could say about this debate. Rather than argue about massbreedings, it's only fair to everyone if there's an attempt at communication rather than an all out hissy fit about how other players "should play" the game.


Massbreeders enjoy creating walls for whatever reason they decide to create them. (I, myself, have always enjoyed sad pathetic attempts at walls by massbreeding my Reds. Obviously those fail because Reds are popular, I don't have enough of those, and I am the most finnicky of people when it comes to breeding. No messies, even if they're for abandoning.)


Why do mass-breeders form walls? A lot of it has to do with this thread. When this thread kicks up over the once-in-a-blue-moon mega mass-breed, it brings the rest of the big collectors out of the woodwork to breed huge masses of eggs. And I know of at least one person (not me, btw) who was inspired to start collecting a blocker just so they *could* start forming walls!


So the complaints and demands for restrictions actually CAUSE follow-on walls, for something which really occurs less-frequently than the Holiday breeding walls. I'm not talking about the "walls" which have most of the AP as one egg for a half hour or less, I'm talking about the walls that last for well over an hour. THOSE are very rare.


And I know this thread causes walls, because I do it, I egg others on to do it.... And I'm *egged on* to do it. Sadly, while I have 6200 dragons, I don't have enough of any one breed to form a true wall (my Sunstones yesterday didn't even draw a comment sad.gif ) And my 2nd gens seem to be too in-demand, I've never succeeded in forming "bred by me" walls, either. Cuz nothing short of 100+ eggs is going to draw any real notice. sad.gif





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So the complaints and demands for restrictions actually CAUSE follow-on walls, for something which really occurs less-frequently than the Holiday breeding walls. I'm not talking about the "walls" which have most of the AP as one egg for a half hour or less, I'm talking about the walls that last for well over an hour. THOSE are very rare.

Last time that I saw a wall that lasted a lot of time, it was with Neos. IIRC, the massbreeder was "commemorating" her birthday and people started complaining about the commemoration. Nothing to do with previous posts. I think you are confusing cause and effect.

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So to get to the point, perhaps instead of raging at walls, we should work together to 1. drive the most annoying wall-building-breeds into uncommon status and 2. encourage mass-breeders to vary mates / not do pure breds / breed 2nd gens, because its the pure-breds and messies which, in my experience, sit.


So, I thought maybe there was some real attempt at communication happening, encouraged!

And I know this thread causes walls, because I do it, I egg others on to do it.... And I'm *egged on* to do it.
The retaliation factor, not quite so encouraging. Wish this could be talked about without people feeling like they need to prove something. Edited by Tawanda001

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I just bred all my dragons(about 300-400 eggs I think, I cannot be sure). This time I tried to make most of them clean ones.

The Falconiforms are mostly 2Gens. Have fun hunting them all.

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Why do mass-breeders form walls? A lot of it has to do with this thread. When this thread kicks up over the once-in-a-blue-moon mega mass-breed, it brings the rest of the big collectors out of the woodwork to breed huge masses of eggs. And I know of at least one person (not me, btw) who was inspired to start collecting a blocker just so they *could* start forming walls!


And I know this thread causes walls, because I do it, I egg others on to do it.... And I'm *egged on* to do it.


From what I've seen, cyradis4 speaks the truth about this. It seems that these mass breeders do gang up to punish the peaceful collectors if we even dare to speak an objection to their controlling ways. We are told that some of them see the AP as a trash pile and that we should be happy to get whatever their leavings happen to be. They say that they can control the AP just because there are no rules to prohibit them from doing it.



The mass breeders also claim that they do it to adjust the ratios of the breeds appearing but they admit that any change they make is very temporary.


With these facts in mind, isn't it time to call for TJ to reevaluate the situation and try to devise a solution that would take this great amount of control out of the hands of the few so that the game can be fun for all once again?



(my Sunstones yesterday didn't even draw a comment sad.gif)
BTW, I did see your Sunstones yesterday but instead of complaining I just left the site. sad.gif Edited by rubyshoes

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From what I've seen, cyradis4 speaks the truth about this. It seems that these mass breeders do gang up to punish the peaceful collectors if we even dare to speak an objection to their controlling ways. We are told that some of them see the AP as a trash pile and that we should be happy to get whatever their leavings happen to be. They say that they can control the AP just because there are no rules to prohibit them from doing it.



The mass breeders also claim that they do it to adjust the ratios of the breeds appearing but they admit that any change they make is very temporary.


With these facts in mind, isn't it time to call for TJ to reevaluate the situation and try to devise a solution that would take this great amount of control out of the hands of the few so that the game can be fun for all once again?



BTW, I did see your Sunstones yesterday but instead of complaining I just left the site. sad.gif

I agree with you, just not sure what TJ could do about those practices.

Edited by rubyshoes

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The mass breeders also claim that they do it to adjust the ratios of the breeds appearing but they admit that any change they make is very temporary.


With these facts in mind, isn't it time to call for TJ to reevaluate the situation and try to devise a solution that would take this great amount of control out of the hands of the few so that the game can be fun for all once again?


A) Not all mass breeders (dare I even say most?) are doing it out of spite. Likely most of them just love their breed and want to share it.


B) Some people love the walls. If it's a breed I collect, I am happy to pick through them and find the ones I like. I've found some really fun lineages that way! If nothing else, if I see the walls, I know it's the perfect time to breed my rare x common checkers because there is going to be a much better chance of getting the rare outcome. Even a temporary fix of ratios is a HUGE blessing to lineage builders! I LOVE mass breeders! When a person has tried for a year or more to get the right outcome out of a pair, you better believe they're going to be happy when a mass breed even temporarily alters the ratio in their favour!


I'm not a mass breeder nor likely ever will be. I like too many dragons and prefer lineages to collecting individual breeds. Walls can be annoying when they aren't a breed I like, but if the game mechanic is changed, then that's stepping on the toes of another player's playing style and how they run their own scroll. The difference is that people in the AP have the choice of whether or not to pick through a wall. True walls don't happen often enough to REALLY affect gameplay that much, whereas blocking mass breeds would permanently affect players. It would be especially bad for lineage breeders who are trying for the rare outcome of something and have a bunch of the common outcome produced instead. What do they do then, just keep the eggs they don't want? Don't breed? What if they only HAVE one day they can get on to breed and CAN'T spread it out over the week? Blocking their breeding is blocking how they play on THEIR scroll. If we enact a no-mass breeding mechanism, what is next? No messies? That wouldn't personally affect me much (other than I do breed messy BSAs because someone always needs them), but again, it affects a lot of users.


Where is the line in the sand drawn? Nothing but checkers and purebreds? A lot of people hate CBs in the AP and only want lineages, which is why they hunt in the AP. So a dump of CBs is annoying to them. Others only want CB, so all the lineaged dragons are annoying to them. No single one of these things, including massbreed walls, happen SO often that it can't be worked around with a little patience. If there's a wall of things you don't like, catch a rare or uncommon in the caves while you wait. Don't need any more CBs? Trade it for lineages. I regularly trade desirable CBs for nice lineaged eggs or hatchies I need/want.

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As with many things, they can be good and bad. I love some of the organized event related mass breeds on here (like July 4th, and the one where the prize for most commons is a 2g Prize), or when people mass breed nice lineages or uncommon / BSA dragons. Now, things like walls of messies or a bunch of 2g Mints... I don't get it. I understand wanting to share a favorite breed (I have 200+ sunsongs and I sometimes breed all the nice lines to the AP), but I can't fathom why some people seem to do it so often, especially with less desirable things. Breeding that many things takes a surprisingly long amount of time for just clicking a button, so why do it for hours on end if most people dislike what you're putting out there? O___o

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Now, things like walls of messies or a bunch of 2g Mints... I don't get it. I understand wanting to share a favorite breed (I have 200+ sunsongs and I sometimes breed all the nice lines to the AP), but I can't fathom why some people seem to do it so often, especially with less desirable things. Breeding that many things takes a surprisingly long amount of time for just clicking a button, so why do it for hours on end if most people dislike what you're putting out there? O___o

I do not get that either. I guess those mass breeders do that because they can. And do not give a damn about anybody else.

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I kind of enjoy mass breedings myself, especially when I find messy/inbreds. I've thrown "nice" things back for the sole purpose of seeing if I can hunt down some messies and/or inbreds. I understand that a lot of people can't stand finding such eggs, but I love them and sort of think of picking them up as a rescue operation. I know that it's no fun to see a massive wall of things you don't like- I don't like seeing walls of Olives, myself- but I enjoy searching through them to see what goodies I can find. (I found a couple of- I think- gorgeous inbred purple Ridgewings when the AP was a sea of purple. I was thrilled with my find! I know not everyone would be, but we all enjoy different things! smile.gif ) I don't really massbreed myself and it's rare for me to breed my really messy or inbred dragons for the AP, but some people do genuinely love the dragons and just want to share with others who might enjoy them as well.

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I don't mind massbreeding to each their own I guess lol let's be honest the only reason massbreeding gets so much hate is because they're uncommon/common breeds but if there was a wall of shinies I doubt anyone would be complaining rolleyes.gif

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I think there's absolutely no need for TJ to devise a new mechanism just specifically to limit massbreeders, if only to pacify strong feelings associated with massbreeding, in general.

I think there is the need.

Nowadays, you, massbreeder, dump hundreds of eggs in the AP because you can. Someone comes to forum and complains. You react, other massbreeders react, your friends react and well-intentioned mods react. It is time to ask TJ to do something about this. He can put a limit on place that would not allow more than 10 (or less) eggs bred by the same massbreeder to show on the AP. If someone bred a bunch of BSAs or nice eggs, they will be picked up and the others will show up. Someone bred hundreds of messies, there's a limit to what will show up.


I don't mind massbreeding to each their own I guess lol let's be honest the only reason massbreeding gets so much hate is because they're uncommon/common breeds but if there was a wall of shinies I doubt anyone would be complaining  rolleyes.gif

In fact, the difference is "breed what others could like" vs "breed a ton of crap".


I don't really massbreed myself and it's rare for me to breed my really messy or inbred dragons for the AP, but some people do genuinely love the dragons and just want to share with others who might enjoy them as well.

Sorry, I do not buy that. Did you ever see a wall on Reds or shinies? No. Because people pick them up. The walls are created when eggs that people do not care about are bred. The mass breeders know that and still massbreed, That's intentional and has nothing to do with "sharing", just a lot to do with "annoying" and "controlling."


Do you know what really bugs me more on all this? If and when I breed to the AP, I care. I do not think of the AP as my trash can. I think of it as a place where to share nice stuff with fellow DCers. The forum is too limited, if you want to give, the AP is the place. I got fantastic stuff from the AP and would like to give back. The fact that others, intentionally, create and dump a pile of trash, makes me sad.

Edited by SullenCat

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I think there is the need.

Nowadays, you, massbreeder, dump hundreds of eggs in the AP because you can. Someone comes to forum and complains. You react, other massbreeders react, your friends react and well-intentioned mods react. It is time to ask TJ to do something about this. He can put a limit on place that would not allow more than 10 (or less) eggs bred by the same massbreeder to show on the AP. If someone bred a bunch of BSAs or nice eggs, they will be picked up and the others will show up. Someone bred hundreds of messies, there's a limit to what will show up.



In fact, the difference is "breed what others could like" vs "breed a ton of crap".



Sorry, I do not buy that. Did you ever see a wall on Reds or shinies? No. Because people pick them up. The walls are created when eggs that people do not care about are bred. The mass breeders know that and still massbreed, That's intentional and has nothing to do with "sharing", just a lot to do with "annoying" and "controlling."

I'm sorry, but since when have you decided what 'a ton of crap' is? I think you should allow massbreeders to play the game as they enjoy it. And if it really bothers you, get out of the AP and hunt the cave or do something else for awhile.


I'd get this anguish if we had a wall of massbreeding every hour or so, but as far as I've seen, it only happens maybe a handful of times a day.


Sure, I find it annoying, but, I've never felt so bothered by it as to sound so mean and hateful to these people.


I think in the end, you should just relax about it. The wall will pass, and the game (yes, I feel compelled to remind you it is just a game.) will continue as normal.



Yes, there can a wall of generally undesireable eggs. But they go away eventually.

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I'm sorry, but since when have you decided what 'a ton of crap' is? I think you should allow massbreeders to play the game as they enjoy it. And if it really bothers you, get out of the AP and hunt the cave or do something else for awhile.

A "ton of crap" isn't decided by me. A "ton of crap" is something that stays on the AP for hours because people do NOT want to pick it up. And some of us still pick it up just to get rid of the wall.


Massbreeders have the right to play the game as they enjoy it? Guess what, I do too. People like me do too. For "awhile"? Hours when not days? Why? Why should some people have more rights than anybody else? I do not want them stop breeding whatever they decide to, I want limits on the percentage of the AP they control. They do not have the right of controlling 100% of the AP for hours.

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> not a massbreeder

> doesn't actually have enough breeds to create a wall

> just supports massbreeders because I respect them for what they do, and because this thread is turning into "Do massbreeds still deserve their hate" to "Do massbreeders still deserve their hate"


Now that I got that sorted...


I think that's a massive hassle on TJ's end (though idk much about coding so... idk). Again, like I said earlier,


" A new limit isn't going to stop them from doing what they like doing. If they genuinely just want to share, maybe a new limiter would prevent someone from dropping all their babies on the AP. But if the aim is to get a wall going, I don't think an egg limit would be a stopgap to that."


If their aim is just to shower the AP with their babies, that might work. But if the aim is to get a wall going, getting only a few eggs from the same breeder won't work, especially if they coordinated to bring that wall up. Basically, that's still a gamble on whether they're messies, lineaged, or whatever. The only variety you get, then, is the amount of similar lineages you're likely to find.

I've no idea if you, personally, are a massbreeder. The "you, massbreeder" was generic.

TJ is the only person that can decide what is a massive hassle or not, I was a coder most of my life but I still avoid giving my opinion on that.


Actually, the limit would not stop any massbreeder and that is not the intention. What the limit would stop is the impact the massbreeding would have on the AP. If only 10 eggs bred by the massbreeder show up on the AP, the massbreeder can control 33.3+% of the AP. If only 1 egg per massbreeder can show, the massbreeder controls 3.3% of the AP and that, IMO, would be enough.


Now... let's assume that there is a targeted massbreeding. So far, massbreeding initiatives work well. There is a mix of breeds and the eggs tend to be something that people would like to pick up. Still, if 30 massbreeders work together and the rule is "only 1 of your bred eggs show up at the time", each of them controls 3.33% of the AP and that is still acceptable, IMO.


Please understand me... I'm NOT against targeted massbreeding like the ones coordinated by Vhale. I can understand the rationale even if I do share it. Furthermore, that kind of effort is usually announced so people can avoid the AP if they want to.


What I really dislike is to see a massbreeder dumping hundreds of messies on the AP and gaining 100% control of it for hours or days. That, I "hate". Just to stay on topic.



Edit: any chance you could avoid that pinkish/reddish? It really hurts my eyes and I must make a lot of effort to read your posts.

Edited by SullenCat

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What I really dislike is to see a massbreeder dumping hundreds of messies on the AP and gaining 100% control of it for hours or days.

This seems a bit excessive. Has a wall that is not a holiday wall ever lasted for days?

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