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1x1 Doctortear and I

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She laughed as Butch shook water all over the bathroom. She liked Butch. She and Zoe had had a dog just like him- her name was Matilda. She had run away when she was younger, and they never found her. It make her happy to be around a dog again. But since Butch didn't like her, she didn't try to make him mad. Matilda had hated their dad, and he always tried to be nice around her. It never worked though, since Matilda still didn't like him even before she ran away.



On her way to the truck, she picked up the gas cans. She walked to the back of the mall and filled up the truck with all the gas that was left in the cans. Now her and Juliette could leave. She stole a glance at the two cars that were out front. She could faintly make out Austin in the back, and the two girls. One in the car, and one outside.



He stood up, and looked curiously at Zoe. She appeared to show him sympathy before he was conscious. She was really confusing. He assumed that that was his cue to leave, and walked out the shop front into the mall again. He saw her by a big black suburban. It was huge. He didn't think much of it was he headed towards the two cars. All they had to do was wait for Merlin to finish washing Butch, and they could leave. He figured that the two other girls were going to be leaving soon too. He saw Lucie and waved as he neared the car.

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((Still trying to figure out how we could get them all to go to the mountains together.. I'm thinking maybe something with Juliette and Merlin.))

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"Butch is all clean now!" he chimed as he began to head to the door.

"Now we can go back to Austin's car." Butch, who was now clean, followed Merlin. He gave the girl a hard glare. She knew what would happen if she overstepped her boundaries.



Lucie looked up as she saw Matt wave to her. With a piece of beef jerky in her mouth, she waved back.

"Want some jerky?" she called to him as she offered the bag. She hadn't eaten many of them, and there were still some savory, salty, pieces left. Lucie wasn't sure if Matt had eaten any time recently.

Not since he was bitten. Maybe he's not hungry. Eh, either way, I see no reason to offer him some.

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He eagerly accepted her offer on the jerky. He nodded, and reached into the bag and pulled out a handful. He bit into a strip, and nodded to her. "This is good." He said. "Hey, are we going to go soon? It'll be getting dark in about an hour... We could always just sleep in the cars tonight after a while on the road."



She smiled, and followed Merlin out of the bathroom. Then she had an idea. If he went with her group, they probably wouldn't see each other again. By this time, she considered Merlin to be a friend, and didn't want to leave him. "....Hey. You and Butch should come with me and my sister! Zoe's really nice when you get to know her. Plus she likes little kids. I think she would REALLY like Butch, because he is tough like her." She smiled. Merlin was too shy. She tried her hardest to be nice and make friends with him, and he still acted like he was scared of her.



She hopped into the truck, and pulled around to the front of the mall. Leaving the truck running, she hopped out and began putting supplies into the way back part of the truck, behind the 3rd row of seats. There were the 2 front seats, 3 seats in the middle, and 3 seats in the back. She and Juliette could sleep in the back 2 rows of 3 at night. It would work out perfectly. She smiled, and kept shoving supplies and medical equipment into the back.



She smiled when Matt came back. She would gladly be the one to drive his car, and started getting out to head for it. She was sure that Merlin and Butch would be back shortly. "Matt, I'll drive you, and Lucie can drive Austin, Merlin, and Butch." She said. On her way out, she looked at the bag in his hand, and gently pulled out a piece and took a bite. "Ooh, bring that too." She suddenly went into a cheerful mood. It was a mixture of relief that they were leaving, and pushed over the top by the surprisingly good-tasting jerky.

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Merlin blinked at Juliette's words.

"But... she yelled at us," he protested. "She yelled and sounded really mean. I'm not entirely sure, but I think she took Butch. If she didn't take Butch, then Butch followed her. Butch doesn't follow strangers unless she suspects something. He's a police dog, that's that he does. Why would he follow her if she wasn't up to something bad?" Merlin didn't realize he could be hurting the girl's feelings. He was far too young to realize he could be doing that. All Merlin was focused on was how Juliette could say such a thing. He liked Austin. Austin gave him a toy to play with. Besides, Austin said he'd take Merlin to see his mother. He needed to find his mother and that was that.



Lucie watched as the bag was snatched out of her hand and, the jerky inside of it, transferred between Austin and Trinity.

"I think we need to get Merlin and Butch and get out of here," Lucie replied. "I don't want to be here any longer than we have to. What if those two try to steal from us again? I'm not risking it." Lucie glanced over at Austin's car.

"If we're going to be sleeping the cars, then I'll probably be crammed in the front seat," Lucie mused. "Austin will probably sleep through the rest of the day and I'd rather not wake him." Lucie turned back to Matt and shrugged.

"Not that I'm complaining," she added. "I'm just trying to figure out what needs to be done."

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He nodded, and started walking to his car, hoping Lucie would follow. He turned, and saw Merlin, Butch, and that little girl walking out of the mall.



She smiled when she saw the two kids and Butch. Now that they were all together, they could leave in a matter of minutes.



She saw Juliette walking out with the little boy and his dog. She quickly walked over to them. "Juliette, we're ready to leave. Looks like his friends are ready to leave too." She motioned to Merlin, and then to the rest of the group. "Come on." She gently nudged Juliette away from the boy, towards the car.



"But.. I want Merlin and Butch to come with us! We're friends now! You can't just take me away from him! We still need to get to know each other, and maybe even someday Butch will like me maybe!" She whined. She realized that she was starting to lay out their whole life story, and shut her mouth. Especially since a friendship with Butch seemed unlikely.

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Lucie gave a short nod as she saw the children leave the mall.

"Trinity," Lucie called over to the younger female. "Which car are you driving again? I just want to double check just in case." Lucie was pretty sure Trinity was driving Matt's car, but she just wanted to make sure.



"B-But I need to get back to my mother!" Merlin cried. "Austin said he'd take me to my mother." It didn't matter how Merlin felt about Juliette. As long as she couldn't promise she'd take him to his mother, he couldn't go with her. If she did, however, find a way for him to go back to his mum, then he'd go with her.

But family is first. Family is first and friends are second.

Edited by Doctortear

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"Fine. I'll give you two 5 minutes to say your goodbyes. Juliette, come to the truck when you're done."



She nodded quickly to Zoe, and turned to Merlin. "We could take you to your mother it you wanted. Do you know where she is? We're headed to the mountains." She whispered, as Zoe walked away.



"Yeah, I'm driving Matt." Because I can't stand to look at Austin.. She thought.

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"Got is," Lucie called as she hopped into Austin's car. She started the engine and pulled forward on the road. Once a little further ahead, Lucie turned off the engine and waited patiently for the other two to follow.



"You can?" Merlin asked excitedly. "Austin said she was in the mountains, too! Do you think we could find her?" For a moment, Merlin's mind was clouded with thoughts of finding his mother. But then, he remembered something.

"What about the others?" Merlin asked with a frown. "Shouldn't I say goodbye to them before leaving?"

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She didn't want to take the chance of his group not letting him come with them. "If we're going to the same place, I'm sure they'll be following us. And when we all get to the mountains, everyone will meet back up." She said cheerfully. "Come on, you can sit in the way back of our truck so Zoe doesn't see you and Butch. Plus you can look out the back window and see your friends!" The plan was foolproof in her mind.



She hopped into Matt's car, and waited until he got in. She looked over at the two kids, and saw that they were still talking to each other. They were across the parking lot, so she decided to go pick Merlin and Butch up after Matt got into the car.



He climbed into the backseat. "It's getting dark soon, we're gonna need to haul a**.

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Merlin thought about this for a moment. He still wanted to say goodbye, but he remembered that in school, the teachers would always yell at the other children that there was no need to skip in line because they were all going to the same place.

"Okay," Merlin said with a nod. "If we're all going to the same place, then it doesn't really matter, does it?"

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She smiled at him and started leading him to the truck. She opened the back, and cleared a seat for Merlin and Butch to sit comfortably among the supplies. Nearly half of the stuff was medical supplies. Haha, leave it to nurse Zoe to pack this much stuff... She thought.



She was trying to configure the GPS, and barely paid any attention to the 2 hitch hikers sneaking in back. She really only noticed Juliette.



Suddenly distracted by Matt's comment, she turned to answer him. "Yeah. I'm sure you'll be comfortable back there in that big roomy seat. I'm stuck up here. Wait- You should sit up here and let Merlin and Butch sit back there. When it's time to sleep, you're hauling your butt up front." She said. She meant it, but there was a casual and a bit of a humorous tone to it.

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Merlin squeezed himself into the truck. He managed to get into a seat in between in the supplies. Merlin looked up at his friend in confusion. Why did he have to hide? Did he do something bad?



Why were they in here? Butch didn't like getting crammed in between all of these supplies. Why did he have to be near the girl he didn't like and a stranger? What was Merlin thinking?

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"You'll have to stay back here for a little bit- my sister doesn't know you're back here. If she finds out, she'll make you go back to your group. She said, and frowned. "I'll sit in the seat right in front of you, so you can talk to me and won't get lonely. Plus there's food back there if you get hungry." She was glad that it was an open trunk. The kind that you can reach back and pull something out, rather than getting out and opening the trunk. She gave him a reassuring smile, and gently closed the trunk. She ran and opened the door, and climbed into the last row of seats. She peered over the back of the seat, and smiled at him. She felt bad for squeezing him in the back, but she didn't want to lose a friend. And she had now made it a personal goal to befriend Butch. Although it didn't really help that she basically just shoved him into the trunk...



She turned back to look across the parking lot. Merlin and Butch weren't there! She saw the back end of the girl's truck just peering out from behind the mall, and saw Merlin and Butch getting into the back!! The little girl appeared to be the ringmaster of this little trick. She suddenly floored it, heading for them.



She looked back and saw Juliette in the backseat. She smiled. She turned on the truck, and started pulling out of the back parking lot, heading for the road. "This is it, Jules. We're going to find a nice home in the mountains, just for us. And I know exactly which house. You remember Great Grandma Lydia, right? She had a huge house up where we're going. 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, an apple orchard, and she supplied her own water by the river running through her backyard."

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A high-pitched yelp escaped Lucie as Trinity suddenly floored it.

"W-What?" she asked herself as she stared at Trinity. What was she doing? Quietly, Lucie turned the engine on and began to follow Trinity, being careful not to go as fast as the younger girl.



Merlin and Butch pushed towards each other as the two sisters began to speak. This was going to be a long drive.

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They were kidnapping Merlin. That was her only thought as she followed the now moving truck. She could just see the top of Merlin's head peeking over the back window. The truck was moving faster now, and she wanted to keep up. She realized that she was moving extremely fast, and slowed her pace. Just a bit. But the truck sped up to highway speed, and eventually drove out of sight. Her heart sank.



"No, I don't remember. But it seems like Grandma's house would be perfect. She replied.



He didn't say anything to Trinity- He already saw what she saw. He was going to yell at her for not moving faster, but it would only piss both of them off more. What would they want with Merlin and Butch? He thought.

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"What the hell is she doing?" Lucie mumbled to herself as she sped after Trinity. Why would she be speeding that quickly? What was the purpose of it? Why would she be speeding when she had a child in the-

"Oh god..." Lucie breathed as she realized she never saw Merlin and Butch entered Matt's car.

"They took them. Those monsters took them!" Feeling the agitation, Lucie began speeding as well. Those beasts! How dare they steal a child? How could they?



Something smelled good. Butch pushed his nose through the supplies as he tried to find the scent. He pushed his nose through bugs and let out a small bark. Merlin turned his gaze onto the dog, but Butch didn't notice. Wanting to get to the food, Butch began to rather nosily tear at the supplies with his claws. He ignored all of Merlin's attempts to make him stop and continued to claw at the bags in front of him.

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She heard noise in the backseat. She glanced back. "Juliette, don't be rummaging through everything just yet." She said.



She froze when she heard all the noise in the back. It must have been Butch shuffling around. The noise didn't stop, so she looked back. He was digging around in the supplies. "Please, Butch, my sister will hear you!" She whispered desperately.



She continued to drive after them, and saw that Lucie was following behind her. They weren't going to force them to stop, so they would have to wait until they stopped or ran out of gas. After all, the girls had less gas than the two cars did. They would HAVE to stop before them.


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Butch turned and growled viciously at the girl when she spoke to him. Merlin had the sense to not touch him. If he did touch Butch, the dog couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't bite his boy. Just hearing this girl speak aggravated him to no end. How dare she try to command him! Spitefully, Butch tore at the bags louder and let a low growl escape his throat.


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She turned around in her seat in defeat, with worry written all over her face.



She was focused on driving, and didn't hear any of the growls.



She had lost sight of them. The only thing to do now was continue on the highway after them. She glanced back at Matt.



"I knew we couldn't trust them. You tried." He said, looking down.



"And I'll KEEP trying." She replied.

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A loud pop sounded as one of the bags broke open. Small yellow chips flew out everywhere. Happily, Butch began to nosily chew on the chips. He planned to get more once this batch was done.



Dammit! They've gone out our sight!

Lucie heaved a wary sigh as she continued to follow Trinity. Today had been rather strange. Zombies and now this. What next? Godzilla destroying the city?


(Little old lady on the street can happen now. As long as they're in the city.)

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They were only on the road for abut 20 minutes, before she saw a figure on the side of the road. Immediately thinking it was a zombie, she swerved to hit it. She couldn't see quite as well in the dark. When the headlights of the truck shined on the figure, to her shock, it was a living woman. She swerved to the left, and slammed on the brakes. She cussed at herself for almost hitting her. On purpose. She quickly jumped out to make sure she didn't actually hit the woman. "Oh my god, I thought you were a zombie! I'm so sorry! Are you okay??" She asked her.



Suddenly the car swerved right, then left, and came to a sudden stop. She would have flown right through the windshield had it not been for her seatbelt. Merlin and Butch might have too, if it weren't for the tall seat. She leaned back over the seat. "You guys okay??" She asked.



She continued on the road, when she saw the truck arked on the side of the highway. I KNEW they would run out of gas. She thought. She slowly pulled up behind them and waited to see what they were doing.

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Old lady:

"O-Oh!" The old lady turned to the strange woman.

"D-Dear old me!" she cried out. "You nearly...." The lady trailed off as she trembled. She was holding a cane that was starting to shake. She looked faint and almost looked as though she was about to fall over.

"Where... am I?" she asked herself as she stared off into the darkness around her.

"Jen?" she called out, looking around her. "Jen? Are you there?"



"We're... we're okay!" Merlin called to his friend. Butch had landed on top of him and was growling at the female.

"I think I hit my head..." Merlin whined as he rubbed his temple.



Lucie pulled over as she saw Trinity to so before her. The truck with Merlin and Butch in it had stopped.

They must of ran out of gas...

Lucie was tempted to get out, but decided to wait until Trinity made the first move.

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She ran out of the car, and flipped open the trunk of Zoe's truck where Merlin and Butch were. "Merlin!"



She held out her hand to steady the poor woman. She seemed like she was about to fall over. "Are you hurt? Have you been bitten? You shouldn't just be wandering out on the road at night." She scolded her.



She heard the trunk open, and peered over the seat right into the face of the girl named Trinity. She wanted to reach out and grab Merlin to keep him in the truck, but either Butch or Trinity might hurt her if she touched him. "Please don't take him away. We just wanted to be friends..." She peeped.



He got out of the car behind Trinity, and started making his way to where she was standing, when he heard the car whine and die. Austin's car really didn't make it very far. He looked back at his own car where Lucie and Austin were. He kicked Austin's car and tried starting it again. It didn't even make a noise. Apparently the large dent in the front did as much damage as it looked.

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Lucie stopped her car a little ways behind Trinity. She turned off the ignition and watched from the window as the others got out. She couldn't leave Austin alone in the car, so why get close?

I'm sure Trinity and Matt can handle it.



"Hi, Trinity!" Merlin said cheerfully as she opened the trunk. "Juliette said we were going to the mountains. Are we still doing that?"



She did not just touch him. His boy, she touched him. Butch let out a low growl and turned on the girl. If she didn't let him go, then he would make her let go. Starting with the biting of her hand.


Old Lady:

"I'm not wandering..." the lady said warily. She wavered for a moment before getting a good footing. "I know exactly what I'm doing." The lady weakly tried to remove her arm from the stranger's grasp, but found out that she was too weak to do so. She stopped struggling and looked out absentmindedly towards the sky.

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