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1x1 Doctortear and I

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With wide eyes, Merlin picked up the etch-a-sketch and began fiddling with it. He could make a house! No wait, he could make Butch. No, even better he could make mother! No, wait, he could make....



Short shaky breaths escaped Lucie as Austin pulled over. Matt seemed to be resting his eyes. He seemed to be lacking energy as well.

That's not good, that's not good, that's not good.

"Austin," Lucie said urgently. She didn't say anything else. Her eyes shifted over to where Trinity was sleeping with the gun. If Matt turned, then he would eating her first. Lucie looked back to Austin, her eyes pleading. She hoped he understand what she meant.

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He looked at Lucie, and saw that she was looking at Trinity. She looked back at him, and he decided that it might be a good idea for Trinity to ride in his car. It would be a little full, but at least Matt wouldn't kill anyone if he turned... He needed to know what happened. He nodded at Lucie, acknowledging that he understood her. Then he walked to Matt's car. The window was down, and Matt was lying back with his arms behind his head, relaxing in the seat. "What happened. You were bitten, weren't you?" He asked. Matt's eyes slowly opened. Matt looked him right in the eye.



"Yeah... But it's been more than two hours, so I know I'm not a fast zombie. Did your radio say anything about any other blood types? I know there are more than two. Maybe I won't turn after all..." He said, with hope. He motioned for Austin to move away from the car door, as he got out and stretched too. Now they were both standing in front of his car.



She stirred. She woke up a few minutes later, only to have the gun fall from her hand. It didn't go off, thankfully, but it made a loud thud as it fell on the floor of the car. She noticed that they were stopped, and immediately worried that Matt had turned into a zombie. She sighed when she saw both Matt and Austin standing in front of the car. She stayed in the seat, and rummaged through the backseat full of supplies that Matt had gathered.

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Lucie twiddled her thumbs as Austin and Matt stood in front of Matt's car. The little boy behind her, Merlin she presumed, was too absorbed in the etch-a-sketch to pay attention to what was going on around him. The dog, the one Merlin called Butch, seemed to be able to tell something was wrong. His lips were curled slightly and his eyes gazed warily around him.

I feel sorry for whoever tries to touch that boy.

Turning her attention back to the men, Lucie drummed her fingers on her hand. She was terrified something bad was about to happen, but she wasn't sure what.

Should I get out? I don't know... maybe I should stay in for a little longer. Perhaps they'll figure something out.

Looking at the window, Lucie saw a sign. It was a sign saying how many miles away they were from the nearest city. It seemed as though this was an old sign as the name of the exact city was dulled out. However, she could read that they were at least five miles away from it. This was somehow soothing.

Five more miles and we'll be out of the middle of no where. Maybe we can find some other survivors and band together. Maybe we kind find out if Matt is someone immune or something...

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He looked at Matt, wondering what to do. It would be a little full in his car if Trinity joined them, but he knew it would be the best decision. It looked like Matt could still drive at least, and would be able to carry tons of supplies in his car. He decided it would be okay to keep him with the group, at least until he turned. There was always that chance that he would be okay... "Do you think you can keep driving? Trinity is going to ride with the rest of us...for safety reasons." He looked at Matt, who nodded, but didn't say anything. He seemed to almost be out of it. He had started leaning on the hood of his car, as if he couldn't hold himself up...



He nodded to Austin. It would be better if Trinity rode with him. A wave of nausea rolled over him, and he held onto his car to steady himself. Why is it so warm out? It's October. He thought. He was really warm. Austin was looking at him as if he was some kind of freak. Matt glared at him, before swaying, and crumpling to the ground. His eyes rolled back into his head, and hit the road with a thud.


Trinity: She found a granola bar in one of the food suitcases, and started opening it up. She heard something outside the car, and looked out the front. Austin bent over to look at something, and she didn't see Matt. She put the granola bar down, and quickly got out of the car and walked around to the front. Matt was lying on the ground, and Austin was shaking him desperately. She kneeled beside Austin. "Matt?! Matt wake up!!" She grabbed onto his hand. It was burning hot even though it was a little cold out.

Edited by skiddajane

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She got out of the car. Lucie headed straight for the back of the car and opened the trunk. There, she found a small pistol. She had spotted it from behind the counter in the gas station and decided that taking it would be a good idea. It wasn't good enough to stop a horde, but it was good enough to put a bullet through someone's head.

Please god, don't make me use this.

Lucie stuffed the pistol in her pants. She pulled out her shirt and made sure it was covering the pistol, making it look like the gun wasn't even there.

Oh god...

Slowly, Lucie walked away from the back of the car and over to where Matt, Austin, and Trinity were. She pursed her lips as Trinity kneeled down near Matt.

"You may want to stay back," Lucie warned, her voice not showing the terror flooding her mind. She put a hand on the pistol and gave a slight nod to Austin. If Matt came back, she would shoot. There was nothing stopping that.

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"Huh? What happened?" Matt asked a few seconds after he had passed out. Austin, Trinity, and Lucie were all sitting around him. What was wrong now?



He stared as Matt was passed out on the cement. This was it- he was going to turn. Trinity and Lucie came over, and they all stared at him for a few seconds. Suddenly, Matt regained consciousness. "Matt! You passed out!"



She knelt down closer to him. His eyes looked normal, if not a little tired. "Matt? Can you tell me what day of the week it is?"

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Relief flooded Lucie as Matt woke up. She kept her hand on her pistol, but change positions, making it look like she was merely grabbing the ends of her pocket.

"You probably shouldn't drive," Lucie said. "Who knows if you might pass out again."

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He thought about the question and answered a few seconds later. " Monday?" He asked.



She frowned. " No, Matt, it's. Thursday...." She said. She felt his forehead. It was burning hot...



" what are we going to do?[/i]

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All of Lucie's hope vanished when Matt said Monday. She couldn't shoot Matt if he didn't change. But he was in a strange state of getting better, getting worse, and so on. They had to move on before it got dark, but it seemed as though no one was taking action.

"Trinity?" Lucie asked. "Can you drive yet?" If Trinity could drive, then she could drive Matt's car while Lucie sat in shotgun. Matt could sit in the back, and, if he chance, Lucie could take care of him. If Trinity couldn't drive, then she would have to be the one to shoot Matt and, honestly, Lucie didn't think she could do that.

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"yeah, I can drive. I got my liscense last year. I don't think Matts going to be driving any time soon... Should I drive his car?"



he wasn't going to argue. He doubted he could drive if he didn't even remember what day of the week it was. He tried getting up, but was met with the same dizziness as before. He got to his knees, and used his car for support. He finally got to his feet. Be was out of breath, simply by doing that. Austin had to open the car door for him.



He watched Matt get to his feet, and helped him into the backseat of his car. He gave Lucie and Trinity a weak look. " he doesn't even seem like hes going to be a zombie anytime soon. Maybe he doesn't have blood types O+ or A.+. We might be able to help him somehow."

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"Yes, Trinity, you should drive his car," Lucie replied. She glanced nervously at Matt.

"I think Matt should sit in the back seat while you drive. He looks far too faint to do anything and he'll probably need more room to relax."

You also need to keep a distance from him just in case he turns.

Lucie looked over at Austin. He seemed desperate to help Matt survive.

"Perhaps," she replied warily. "I still think we should of gotten out blood taken, but it's too late for that now. Maybe we can find a way to take our blood somewhere in the city up ahead without people pointing guns at us. That way, we won't be gunned down if we are O+ or A+."

Truthfully, Lucie already knew her blood type. She remembered her mother telling her it when she got sick when she was around five years old. But, she didn't know what happened to the other blood types. What if she was one of the types that turned? The others would kill her before she had a chance.

"Austin? Do you want me to go into Matt's car or do you want me to stay with you?" Lucie asked, trying to pull her mind away from her worrisome thoughts.

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He wasn't sure. The more people around Matt, the higher chance of them getting infected. He wasn't really sure about having Lucie go with him and Trinity. On the flip side, Matt needed medical care. They had to do SOMETHING. If he turned, so be it. Until then, he wasn't going to give up on him. "You girls can take care of Matt, and I'll keep Merlin and Butch in my own car. I don't want the kid getting infected. Lord knows what that dog'll do to me if anything happens to that boy..." He said. He made sure that Matt was lying in the backseat comfortably, and closed the door. He saw the handgun that was set on the dashboard, and looked at Trinity. She looked back at him with a surprisingly grim face.



"Okay." She slipped into the driver's seat, and looked around to get a feel for the car. It was stick shift, thank God. It was similar to the one her mom owned, so she knew she could get used to driving it quickly. She felt something on the seat, under her butt. Matt's cellphone. She picked it up and checked for reception. 2 bars. She handed it to Matt in the backseat, and pulled out her own. 2 bars. "Austin, do you have a cell phone? Give me your number, and I can text you if anything goes wrong." She called over to him. He gave her his phone, and she programmed her number into it.



He suddenly felt better, but was still confused as to the date, and the details as to what had happened the past few hours. He remembered names, and general events, but nothing specific. He didn't even know his middle name. His phone was suddenly handed to him, and he checked for messages. Nothing. He laid back in the seat again, trying to think clearly.

Edited by skiddajane

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With a small nod, Lucie hopped into the shotgun of Matt's car. No one, to her knowledge, had noticed the gun. Thank god for that. Who knows what they would say if they realized she was prepared to shoot Matt need he turn. With a sigh, Lucie banged her head on the back of her seat. A chuckle escaped her as she realized the boy probably hadn't even looked up from his etch-a-sketch yet. He was so absorbed into that toy.... Why couldn't see be like that?

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He walked back to his car after Trinity gave him her number. He got into the car, and smiled at Merlin before driving ahead of Trinity. He constantly looked in the mirror, back at the other car.



He sat up as Trinity started driving behind Austin. A zombie was walking towards the car, on the road. "Hit that one." he said. He loved seeing those things die. More so now that he had been bitten. He looked at his ankle. It looked like his entire ankle was bruised. The bite mark looked like it had healed, but a large black bruise was left in its place. He touched it, but it didn't hurt.

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"Hm? What?" Merlin mumbled as he looked up from his toy for a moment. He blinked as they started moving again. Where was the other girl? What happened while they stopped. Shrugging, Merlin turned back his attention to his etch-a-sketch. Now, which know made the line go up again?



A shaky breath escaped Lucie as Trinity began driving. When Matt told her to run over one of those zombies, she paled. She didn't like this, at all. She didn't enjoy seeing what was once people walking around and getting murdered. She didn't like seeing blood splatter on the glass, nor did she like hearing the squishing of their bodies. Although she wished to be back into the quiet car that Austin drove, she made no comment about it. She had a job to do, shoot Matt if he turned. Lucie laid back in her seat with a sigh. She had an itching feeling mid-way towards her hands on both of her arms and her back. She wanted to scratch those parts, but knew better not to.

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She ran over the zombie, and flinched. It made the most disgusting sound! She knew Matt wasn't feeling too hot, so she decided to do it to please him. She focused on Austins car up ahead, and watched out for more zombies. She looked back, to see that Matt's eyes were closed. She didn't have to hit any more zombies, since Matt couldn't see them anyway. He looked so bad. His blonde hair was all matted down with sweat, and he winced every so often like he was in pain.



Tons if zombies swarmed the highway now. They must be getting closer to a city or something. He didn't really intend on stopping for supplies, since they had just loaded up at Trinitys house and the gas station. Abandoned cars were thicker here, causing him to have to slow down. A zombie rammed into the car, but was quickly thrown back by the cars force.



His head started pounding, and pain ripped through his skull. It felt like it was throbbing, and every time it throbbed, more pain ripped through his body. At the same time, he had the constant feeling he had to vomit. He let out small moans, expressing his pain. He wiped sweat from his forehead, and leaned against the window. He continued to moan, and his breaths became shallow.

Edited by skiddajane

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Please don't make me do this, please, oh please, don't make me do it.

Every moment Matt closed his eyes, Lucie thought he was getting closer to slipping away. His constant shifts from being okay to being horrible were tugging at her patience. He might survive, he might. If he died and turned, Trinity would surely freak out. She'd drive off the road or something, causing them to crash and possibly die themselves. Lucie simply looked forward and ever so slightly shifted her gaze to the rear view mirror.

Don't change, don't change, don't change...

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She heard Matt moaning in the backseat, and dreaded that he would turn. She felt so bad for him. He was starting to curl up into a ball on the seat. He must be in a lot of pain..



He was in tons of pain. Eventually, the pain dulled down, but the throbbing headache was still there. He curled up on the seat, uncaring that he looked stupid. He moaned softer, complaining in between. "God, I'm..such an idiot...I shouldn't have let this happen to me...I feel like I'm dying....And..My head...hurts...."



He saw the town up ahead, along with more zombies. He avoided them. His main goal was to just pass through, and get to the mountains as soon as possible. He figured it would take at least 12 more hours.

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She wanted to do something, anything to make Matt feel better. But she couldn't. She didn't have the power to. Lucie felt helpless as Matt suffered in the back seat. She wanted to help him so badly, but she couldn't. If she went back there and tried to comfort him, he might turn. But... he looked like he was in so much pain. Letting him rest his head on her lap wouldn't help, but it was all she could think of. God, why couldn't she be more helpful?

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After a few minutes of being annoying and complaining, he finally shut up, and went back to quiet moans again. He closed his eyes, and tried to sleep, but it was difficult with the piercing headache.



She saw Austin slow down, and slowed down too. She couldn't focus too much on Matt right nos, since there were so many zombies around. They drove into the town, and she saw hoardes, attacking each other.

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Good god, the very mass of them! Hordes of corpses clashed into one another, tearing and clawing at each others flesh. Lucie, being her timid self, pulled up her legs and covered her face. The snapping of bones, the rendering of flesh, of it was just so... horrible. Lucie tried to block out the noise, but she just couldn't. It just kept coming...



Wide-eyed, Merlin stared out of the window. He had abandoned the etch-a-sketch when something slammed into his window. Now, that he looked outside, he was terrified. He whimpered silently to himself and rocked himself back and forth. Butch was going insane. He was leaping from one window to the next, his teeth pulled back into a snarl. Merlin had no idea what was going on and he had no intention on finding out.

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((New character! Not posting until the other one's done yet))


Even with all the commotion of what was going on outside, he managed to fall asleep. He laid down on the seat, and slept like a rock.



She passed shops, and saw zombies stumbling around everywhere. She grabbed the gun off of the dashboard, and put it in her lap as she drove.



"Merlin, put your head down. Don't look out the window, you don't need to see all this." He hoped the boy wasn't too scarred. He drove faster through the hoarde, unable to keep from hitting a few. They squished under the car, and he made a disgusted face.


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Merlin obeyed, but the noise... oh the noise. It haunted him. The noise never went away.



Breath, don't panic. There's no need for panic. Just calm down, and think.

Lucie grabbed her gun and kept her fingers trained on it. Should something happen, she would be ready.

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((last post tonight, im finally tired...))



He drove through the city, staring at the zombies. Some of them moved faster than others, just like the radio had said. One was actually in a tree, dragging up a dead body to eat. It was creepy, and disgusting.. Suddenly he jolted forwards. The car had smashed into a building. The airbags didn't go off. He slammed his head into the steering wheel, and was knocked unconscious. The front window was shattered, as well.



She saw it coming. Austin's car veered off the road, and crashed into the side of a mall. Did he get distracted by something?! She sped up and parked beside the wrecked car. "Austin!!"



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Merlin screamed as the car drove into a wall. The airbag when off and his head slammed into the chair in front of him. Pain surged through his jaw and a weak cry escaped him. Butch went nuts. He began leaping back and forth barking at everything that moved.



" censorkip.gif!"

Lucie hopped out of the car as soon as it stopped. Her gun was no longer hidden. She held it with both of her hands and ran over to where Austin was. She stopped once she reached the window of the diver's sheet. It was completely shattered and it seemed as though Austin's air bag didn't go off.

"Austin?" Lucie echoed, pushing his shoulder. "Wake up!" The zombies were getting anxious now. Several of them began lumbering over towards Austin's car.

"A-Austin!" Lucie pleaded. "Please get up!"

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