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Survival of the Youngest

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Survival of the Youngest


OOC topic here.


Chatzy room here.




If this RP seems like it’s going to be difficult, that’s because it is. I’ve been in multiple RPs similar to this before where it seemed trivial for the hatchlings to survive, because the animals were plentiful and easy to kill. With this RP, I plan to change that. If you don’t like that, read no further. If you do appreciate the challenge, though, give it a shot.





You are a hatchling that has just hatched inside of a small, damp cave whose floor is covered with eggs. You have no idea where you are, there are no adults to be seen, and you have a primitive grasp on language. You are just barely able to communicate to the other hatchlings around you, and have the immediate instinct to explore. You know that something is not right around here, but you have no idea what’s wrong or why the area feels strange. Of course, before you figure that out, you’ll have to quell your own hunger, slake your thirst, and find a better shelter for you and those around you. Are you up to the challenge, or will you die off before you find out what’s going on?





The cave you have hatched in is small, humid, and cramped since eggs cover almost every available surface. The inside is dark, only being lit by sunlight, and the floor is uneven. Just outside of the cave, which opens to the north is a small plains, bordered on the east and north by a sparse forest and on the west by a river. The water there is fast-flowing, but clean. To the south is an insurmountable cliff, in which the cave has been formed. The edible plants are few and far between in the forest, as insects have been ravaging the larger berries. Most of the wild animals are adults, and require the combined efforts of at least three hatchlings to take down, if not more. Beyond the immediate surroundings the terrain varies greatly, but it is not a place the hatchlings are likely to get to any time soon.





1) Follow all Dragon Cave rules.

2) No Mary/Gary Sues, god-modding, or overpowering a character.

3) You may only use Dragcave dragons.

4) Keep mating and romance subtle. Remember, this should be PG – 13 at its very worst.

5) All posts must be three good sentences long. (by good, I mean sentences like “Character X sat down.” Don’t count.) Keep grammar and punctuation in mind when writing.

6) When fighting, remember that your dragon is a hatchling, and should have great difficulty taking down anything bigger than a fox pup alone.

7) If you are planning for your dragon to seriously injure or get romantic with another person's dragon, PM them to make sure they are okay with you doing so.

8) Respect other people in the RP. Try to avoid being crude and remember that they are actual people, not text on the computer screen.

9) PM me all character sheets. Do NOT post them in the IC or OOC thread. This will help to avoid confusion

11) You may have three dragons, unless you prove to me that you are capable of handling more, and give a good reason to have the fourth. If this occurs, I will require that you post with each dragon at least once every five posts. This rule does not apply if you are waiting for someone else’s character.

12) Don't curse. These are hatchlings with a very basic grasp on vocabulary as it is.

13) Remember, unless they are a special breed, your dragon will not have usable wings for at least a week.

14) I am not limiting the amount of a breed, though I reserve the right to ask you to change the breed of your dragon on the application should a problem arise (E.G. Too many dragons of one breed, over-powered breed like GoN, etc.)

15) No dragons may eat objects other than meat or plants for sustenance (E.G. the Grave dragon). If you wish to make a dragon that would normally do so, you must put in the other section what they will eat instead.

16) At any given time, the rules are subject to change. If the rules are changed, than all RPers will be notified by PM and by a post.



Character Sheets:


[B]Forum Name[/B]: (The name you go by on the forums. Mainly for record-keeping.)
[B]Character’s Name[/B]: (Something creative, don’t use famous characters or names like ‘Bob’.)
[B]Gender[/B]: (You know the drill.)
[B]Breed[/B]: (Only breeds in Dragcave, thank you very much.)
[B]Appearance[/B]: (You can leave this blank if your dragon matches the sprite. No scars, since those make no sense on a hatchling.)
[B]Picture[/B]: (Post the [I]adult[/I] sprite here, using the correct gender if your breed has multiple sprites.)
[B]Personality[/B]: (At least two to three good sentences for this section.)
[B]Crush/Mate[/B]: (For if you have something planned out.)
[B]Other[/B]: (Anything special? Powers go here: remember, nothing too overpowered or you will have to change it. I don’t give out second chances lightly.)



Accepted Character Sheets:




Forum Name: Shibadruid

Name: Madlia

Gender: Female

Breed: Canopy Dragon.

Appearance: Madlia is a standard Canopy dragon, though her wings are a touch more vibrant than others of her breed.

Picture:user posted image

Personality: Madlia is extremely friendly and extroverted, and loves to make friends with just about anybody. She is courteous and polite, and will forgive others if they mess up or accidentally annoy her. She is a bit naive, preferring to think the best about her friends (who happen to be just about everybody) and letting minor offenses slide. She prefers not to hunt, but is still very fit and energetic. Madlia is also a joker, and tries to lighten the mood whenever possible.

Crush/Mate: None, though she can hide it well, since she is friendly towards just about anyone.

Other: Madlia doesn't really think about things in romantic terms, and will pretty much be oblivious to the fact that somebody has a crush on her until they tell her.


Forum Name: Shibadruid

Character’s Name: Calearn

Gender: Male

Breed: Royal Blue

Appearance: His spirals are closer to grey, and the blue on his scales is faded out.

Picture: user posted image

Personality: Calearn has a very fiery and quick temper, and is easily angered. He prefers to fight out any arguments he has, and tends to not make friends as a result. He tends to calm down very slowly after a fight, and is dangerous to be near just after he's exploded.

Crush/Mate: None.

Other: Calearn sometimes sees ...things in the water. This power only manifests itself after five days, though, and is uncontrollable.


Forum Name: Shibadruid

Character's Name: Seraza

Gender: Female

Breed: Black

Appearance: Just like the picture

Picture: user posted image

Personality: Seraza has little respect for anything but power. Though she is not intentionally harmful, she can cause problems by simply ignoring the wishes and feelings of other dragons. She is an excellent fighter, and despite her many flaws would die for her friends. She also has quite the penchant for sarcasm, a trait she picks up on quickly and uses often

Crush/Mate?: Do you know who I am?

Talents/ Abilities: She can breathe fire, however it is more like a fireball, and it requires long periods of focus, large amounts of energy, and an emotional outburst to set it off.

Other: None




Forum Name: maident

Character’s Name: Refrar

Gender: Female

Breed: Harvest dragon


Picture: user posted image

Personality: Always hungry, this harvest dragon is very restless, and is constantly on the move except when asleep. When possible, the dragon loves to collect a hoard of food made of berries, fruits, nuts, and etc. She likes to be with other dragons and is usually pretty chatty, unless she is particularly hungry. Unskilled at flight, Refrar is a little quick-tempered when it comes to things too high for her to reach.

Crush/Mate: None

Other: The harvest dragon is capable of instinctively knowing whether food is edible food.




Forum Name: Doctortear

Character’s Name: Nein

Gender: Male

Breed: Electric

Appearance: Nein has a slim and slender body. His horns curl upward and are a bit smaller than normal. He has piercing yellow eyes that are so light that they seem white at times. His body is a deep navy blue with yellow veins clashing against it. His tail is exceptionally long for his breed, although, it is quite thin.

Picture: user posted image

Personality: Nein is an cowardly soul. His grasp on reality is firm, and it terrifies him to no end. He is scared of the simplest things and flees in the opposite direction should something spook him. Nein is not brave on any level and can even be considered a coward. He finds it hard to protect himself and will almost never be the one to speak up. He mumbles all of his sentences and flinches whenever someone says his name. Nein depends on others to support him emotionally. However, physically, he is completely capable. Surprisingly, Nein is a fierce fighter and uses his electricity to kill prey. Nein is one of those people who can be the timidest person you know in one moment, and then turn into a ferocious killer in another.

Crush/Mate: None, yet

Other: Nein will sometimes have electricity spark off of his body when he's feeling a great amount of emotion.


Forum Name: Doctortear

Character’s Name: Venus

Gender: Female

Breed: Pumpkin

Appearance: Venus is a muted orange. Traces of yellow and a darker orange are explicit in her skin. Her two evergreen eyes swirl with hues and highlights of green; they contrast darker as they reach towards her pupil. Just like the rest of her species, Venus is very small. However, she is quite large in the aspect of her breed, even if she isn't considered large to other hatchlings.

Picture: user posted image

Personality: Venus is a ball of joy. She is bubbly and always wanted to explore the world around her. Her curiosity will spark at the smallest of things, and she always wants to figure out how things work and what they do. Venus doesn't mind being insulted or getting yelled at, she merely nods and smiles and goes on her merry way. Venus is quite intelligent when it comes to how things work, but she isn't so good at figuring out people's emotions and thoughts. Venus is strained between choosing the morally right choices and the logical choices. When a big decision is out hand, Venus will have a very hard time picking a side and determining what choice is best.

Crush/Mate: None, yet

Other: Venus is good at figuring how things work out. However, this perk can often leave Venus staring at an object or animal for a long period of time as she tries to figure it out. Venus isn't strong nor good at hunting. Without her brain, Venus would be practically worthless.




Forum Name: Narath

Character’s Name: Tenebris

Gender: Male

Breed: Alt Black Dragon


Picture: user posted image

Personality: Tenebris is a very brave and outgoing individual, which is good since he is rather competitive as well. This dragon will always voice his opinion when he can, and he doesn't care what people think of it. Ultimately, he will think for the good of the whole group, but he has a tendency to put those closer to him first.

Crush/: What is love?

Other: Very, very stealthy (practically blends in with the shadows), can create an aura of fear or similar feelings.


Forum Name: Narath

Character’s Name: Efflorere

Gender: Male

Breed: Seasonal (spring)


Picture: user posted image

Personality: Very excitable, kind, helpful, generous, shy, pacifist, easily frightened.

Crush/Mate: not yet sad.gif


-He has an aura about him that causes plantlife in his area to grow at a rapid pace (twice as fast).

-Can talk to animals!


Dream Dragon:


Forum Name: Dream_Dragon

Character’s Name: Sparkly Scaler

Gender: Female

Breed: Horse dragon

Appearance: -

Picture: user posted image

Personality: Sparkly Scaler loves running rather than flying. She likes to feel the wind along her scales. She's friendly by nature and she likes eating flowers, which makes her power incredibly useful when she's hungry. She is a herbivore, not a carnivore. She is quite generous but is very short-tempered. She will sulk when she is moody and give somebody a hard kick with her back legs if that particular person is disturbing her. She is unable to breath out fire.

Crush/Mate: Tenebris (right, Narath?)

Other: With a sweep of her tail, she can cast sparkles that will make beautiful natural creations - trees, flowers, things like that. Plus, she is also able to control them, ordering them to protect her if necessary.


Forum Name: Dream_Dragon

Character’s Name: Rale Rock

Gender: Male

Breed: Guardian dragon

Appearance: -

Picture: user posted image

Personality: Rale Rock is a peaceful, quiet dragon. However, do not mistake this for shyness. He will retaliate if needed. He can be patient but he does have his limits. If in a conversation, he will stay quiet and just listen, occasionally speaking up to put in any suggestions or opinions that he has. He is sensible and feels foolish if he ever makes a mistake, even if it is a minor or small one. He is much more independent and does not rely on those he protects to feed him. He loves to hunt and loves the taste of fresh meat. He can camouflage himself by making his skin colour turn grey and covering himself with his big wings and his shield at the end of his tail so that he looks like a boulder. This is very useful to him when he is hunting.

Crush/Mate: Nah.

Other: He can camouflage himself by making his skin colour turn grey and covering himself with his big wings and his shield at the end of his tail so that he looks like a boulder. This is very useful to him when he is hunting.


Forum Name: Dream_Dragon

Character’s Name: Dream Dell

Gender: Female

Breed: Daydream

Appearance: It's a dragon with a cloud! biggrin.gif

Picture: user posted image

Personality: Dream Dell is a friendly dragon. She, like other Daydream dragons, has a short attention span. She is shy to strangers but once somebody gets her to open up, she will become very chatty! She will give sarcastic answers to any question that she thinks is silly and obvious. She can also be a bit annoying to others. She sees the world through rose-coloured glasses and is very optimistic. She does have a very fiery and short temper. However, she will always be ready to apologise if she is in the wrong and she will defend her friends fiercely if they are being bullied or teased.

Crush/Mate: Love? Are you kidding me?

Other: Her cloud is sentient and is also the one that emits an aura that distracts others (not Dream Dell, in this case). Instead of breathing fire, Dream Dell can blow out wisps of white smoke that can daze or confuse her enemies.




Forum Name: KitKat10

Character’s Name: Tahbaki

Gender: Male

Breed: Balloon Dragon

Appearance: His tail is longer and the crest that runs from his head to his back is sharp and sleek. His skin pale, and it has a tendency to glitter in the sunlight when hit at a certain angle.

Picture: user posted image

Personality: Tahbaki is a curious dragon. He may look sluggish and maybe even a little lazy to some others, but he is intelligent and interested into even the slightest of things. He wants to know more about the world and the creatures around him. Tahbaki can get a bit nosy and he likes to watch others from a distance. He mostly keeps to himself and tries his best to avoid arguments and fights. But once you get to know him, he is very hospitable and friendly.

Crush/Mate: None yet, open.

Other: He is excellent at tracking.




Forum Name: Skiddajane

Character’s Name: Noelle (Elle or just Noelle)

Gender: Female

Breed: Swallowtail


Picture: user posted image

Personality: Noelle is a natural leader.  She will definitely fight if she needs to, and likes to get things done.  I would compare her to a drill Sergeant. She is good at analyzing others' feelings as well.  While she is kind-hearted and caring on the inside, she doesn't often let her feelings show.  She may actually hurt another dragons feelings for the greater good.  Her main goal is survival, and feels that without her leadership, the group of hatchlings will crumble into nothing.  She often struggles with internal issues, and feeling that she has to carry unlimited burdens on her shoulders. 

Crush/Mate: None anytime soon, unless there comes a dragon with a similar personality.

Other: Because of her breed, she will probably be one of the better flyers when she grows wings.  She also has the ability to hide easily and "blend into the shadows", as if she were invisible, which is great for hunting.  What she lacks in strength, she makes up for in finesse, speed, and stealth.


Forum Name: Skiddajane

Character’s Name: Madeline

Gender: Female

Breed: Swallowtail

Appearance: Albino.  She has a white underbelly, with shades of gray leading up to the tips of her wings, which are visibly, a much darker gray.  Red eyes, and almost clear wings.

Picture: No approved picture yet.

Personality: Madeline is Noelle's twin sister.  They hatched out of the same egg, although Noelle hatched first and unknowingly left her sister behind.  Madeline isn't shy, but rather simply prefers to work on her own.  She is full of great ideas, and is able to solve problems relatively easily.  She invents things, and likes to see how things are put together, and how they work.  She likes examining and exploring.  Not so much of a leader like her sister, she is more strategic.  She plans things out for others to follow.  Noelle's niche is working in the field (e.g.:hunting, leading) While Madeline prefers working behind the scenes, making complex plans.  (e.g.: hunting strategies, and food supply strategies, and solving disputes)

Crush/Mate: None, not really interested.

Other:  Her eyes glow in the dark, and she can see really well in the dark.  She's really light, allowing her to jump farther.  This will be a problem when flying though, as she will have a harder time against wind currents.  She's not very strong, and prefers to work in one place, specifically the cave.




Username: LegendOfKorraFan

Name: Kummaline Väljend

Gender: Male

Breed: Spotted Greenwing

Personality: Kummaline, or Kumma for short, is a very observant dragon. He prefers to sit back and watch rather than being in the front lines of anything. He's an extremely curious dragon, but Kumma's always safe about it. Kummaline isn't afraid of much at all, but even if he was you couldn't tell. Kumma shows little to no facial expressions, regardless of how he feels. Kumma is quiet, but speaks his mind when absolutely necessary. Kummaline is slightly adventurous however, constantly jumping over fallen logs, climbing trees, but once again, is always safe about it. Everything that he does is for the sake of knowing about it and how it works. Kumma is a dragon with a lust for knowledge.

Appearance: Kummaline looks like a standard Spotted Greenwing, yet he's bigger and the green is more vibrant.

Picture: user posted image

Crush/Mate: None/None

Other: Kummaline can illuminate the green appendages that grow from his body. Also, he has excellent night vision.


Forum Name: LegendOfKorraFan

Character’s Name: Liliana Nalaar

Gender: Female

Breed: Hellhorse

Appearance: Nothing out of the ordinary

Picture: user posted image

Personality: Liliana is foul-tempered, spirited, and has a tempestuous and violent disposition. Liliana is highly aggressive and territorial toward others. She tolerates others as long as she believes the association to be beneficial.

Crush/Mate: None/None

Other: Liliana has pyrokinetic abilities, but it is fairly limited. She only control flames that don't come from dragons.


Forum Name: LegendOfKorraFan

Character’s Name: Ryker

Gender: Male

Breed: Black Tea

Appearance: Ryker suffers from Albinism

Picture: user posted image

Personality: Ryker is a shy dragon that takes things too seriously. He is gullible, kind, and lacks self-confidence. He can be fairly silly around people that he knows well, but he isn't outgoing enough to make any. He is a natural born follower, and will follow anyone who makes a strong enough impression, or scares him bad enough. When Ryker believes in something, there is nothing that could change his mind, unless (again) he is scared enough to believe otherwise. Frightful, skittish, and stubborn- that about sums up this Albino Black Tea.

Crush/Mate: None/None

Other: Ryker can manipulate elements of earth, such as rocks and metals.




Forum Name: GreatDragon

Character’s Name: Rim

Gender: Male

Breed: Purple Dorsal Dragon

Appearance: Rim has a rather slim and feminine body structure, with a large purple fin trailing form between his eyes and horns to the tip of his tail. This fin can close and open at will and the membrane is slightly see-through. He has five fingers and toes with non-retractable claws that can be dulled if they aren’t sharpened daily. He also has two tiny white bumps behind his eyes that will grow into sharp curved horns. His skin is scaly black with a smooth grey underbelly, throat, and chin. Once his wings grow in, they are large and the membranes trail all the way to the tip of his tail.

Picture: user posted image 

Personality: Rim is an eccentric and curious dragon. He is naturally loud and frequently is moving around, which usually manifests into him rocking back and forth on his feet, opening and closing his frill multiple times, and shaking himself randomly. Sometimes he spaces out and ignores the things around him, lost in his own world. These are rare and far between, however, and Rim is usually a curious dragon who likes to be around others.

Crush/Mate: Open.


-Rim can flare his fin out to look a little larger than he actually is.

-He also has very thick saliva, which does nothing besides being sticky enough to act as some sort of glue.


Forum Name: GreatDragon

Character’s Name: Zyae

Gender: Male

Breed: Heartseeker Dragon

Appearance: He has bone white antlers and yellow pupil-less eyes. His tongue is short, milky brown, and forked. The fins on his back and tail are darker brown, while his scales are bright scarlet. His belly and throat are creamy white.

Picture:user posted image

Personality: Zyae is a rather light-hearted dragon. He likes helping out in any way that he can and gets put off when someone doesn’t want him around. When a dragon suggests something that he doesn’t like or agree with, Zyae just smiles and nods, pretending that he is listening. He doesn’t try to argue with them or change their mind. The Heartseeker doesn’t like to lie, and will tell the truth if asked up front; if he ever tries to hide the truth, he does so badly and always feels uncomfortable doing so. Because of how he likes to help others, he can be gullible. He places his trust with most of the strangers he meets, and, if he finds that they break this trust, he becomes saddened that they would do such a thing and will act moody towards them.

Crush/Mate: Open.


-Zyae has monochromatic vision. He can only see in white to black, with different shades of grey. This also makes him sensitive to bright lights, as well as farsighted. Though his eyes twitch involuntary, it is hard to see since he has no pupils.

-The scent that he excretes from his back and fins is chocolaty. It is a mix of dark and milk chocolate, smelling bitter and sweet together. This scent can attract other dragons, prey, and predators, so it has its pros and cons.

-Like most Heartseekers, Zyae does try to play matchmaker when he feels that something is brewing. He can identify scents of increased hormones when other dragons reach puberty, but he cannot 100% correctly pair up soul-mates.




Forum Name: Ayesthine

Character’s Name: Geriau

Gender: Female

Breed: Olive

Appearance: Sleek, dark olive scales cover Geri's trim form. Her legs are lithe and muscular, propelling her small, low-slung body forward with great speed. Her sharp, ochre-yellow spines rise far above her neck and back.

Picture: user posted image

Personality: Geri is a prickly little dragon. She immediately recoils from anyone she meets, not out of fear, but out of disgust. She abhors all of her fellows, hissing and spitting at any that dare converse with her. She is a vicious, self-centered, solitary dragon. Despite this, she often trails around groups of her peers, living off their scraps and relative company. She rarely speaks, instead using body language and shrill hisses to convey her meaning.

Her sense of self-preservation has reached the point where she talks to herself, cooing soothing lullabies to calm her temper. All of her guards drop, and she becomes almost gentle. When caught in such a state of self-absorption, she is easy to surprise and startle.

Crush/Mate: None

Other: Geriau's spines are filled with venom that causes painful irritation, sores, and possible rotting of the victim's flesh. This poison is not fatal, but it is severely uncomfortable. Geri is not shy to use it on anyone, for any reason, often depleting her venom sacks.




Forum Name: makenziec123

Character’s Name: Aladia

Gender: Female

Breed: Grave Dragon


Picture: user posted image

Personality: Aladia has firey temper and can be impatient, but she is fiercely loyal and kind to her friends. She likes to breathe fire and poke at embers with her talons, but usually doesn't do so in front of others because she is afraid they will think this is weird. She is lonely, and like all Grave dragons, her expression reflects this. She also will sometimes scare herself with her own wings, because of the creepy little faces on them.

Crush/Mate: open and looking. (I love rping these kinds of things xd.png)

Other: She is a strong fire breather because of her breed, but unlike the rest of the Grave dragons she eats meat and hunts instead of eating charcoal.




Forum Name: MasterWeavile898

Character’s Name: Aphas Tatws

Gender: Male

Breed: Gold Tinsel


Picture:user posted image

Personality: Aphas is hyper nervous. He's always worried he's going to make a mistake and what others think of him. He feels weak compared to others. He isn't smart, he's not strong, he can't use any form of magic. But he makes up for all his shortcomings with heart. He will do his best to help others, even at great expense to himself. And he has perseverance beyond belief; he will never give up on a task he is set to complete. He feels the need to prove himself to others, that despite his shortcomings he isn't useless.

Crush/Mate: N/A

Other: When Aphas touches something he can feel their emotions. Because of this, he hates being touched. It also makes it virtually impossible for him to hunt, due to being able to feel his prey's terror before he kills it (or fails to kill it).




Forum Name: Spark-Dragon.

Character’s Name: Madness.

Gender: Male.

Breed: HellFire Wyvern.

Appearance: He is built slightly bigger than an average HellFire, and unlike the others the tips of his wings are a dull brown-ish orange colour.

Picture: user posted image

Personality: Despite his name and species, Madness is a calm dragon, for a Hellfire.

He loves fighting and winning, but loud noises often annoy him which is why he sticks to small groups rather than big herds.

He has a soft side towards those close to him, but he hardly ever shows it.

Crush/Mate: None. Yet.

Other: Can breathe fire.




Forum Name: Aether_Tea

Character’s Name: Emberthief (or just Ember for short)

Gender: Male

Breed: Pygmy Dragon

Appearance: Like most pygmy dragon hatchlings, Ember looks more like a little orange lizard than anything else. He's every bit as tiny and delicate as the rest of his kind, if not a bit smaller than usual. Ember can easily fit on a large leaf.

Picture: user posted image

Personality: Ember tends to put curiosity before safety, often adventuring too far, too soon. Worse, he's prone to stealing and other furtive behaviors; even going so far as to horde away a variety of "treasures" (e.g. - acorns, berries, feathers, etc.). This petulant pygmy also thinks he's much larger than he really is.

Crush/Mate: Currently N/A

Other: Due to his size, Ember's prey of choice will be small insects rather than hunting larger game (e.g. - birds or mice) until he's a bit older. However, due to his size, a bite from a particularly vicious ant or spider (or even a mouse or squirrel) could actually harm him quite a bit. It's also very likely that larger animals will hunt him.



Forum Name: Cendaquenta

Character’s Name: Thea

Gender: Female

Breed: Whiptail

Appearance: Pretty standard, except that she was born with a slightly misshapen lower jaw, and, as a result, several teeth in the upper left of her mouth protrude.

Picture: user posted image

Personality: Thea is highly energetic, and she always wants to be involved in anything that looks exciting or interesting. She also has a strong desire to befriend others, and can be quite persistent in this aim, sometimes not realizing when she is going overboard and annoying her chosen "friend". With all this, she may seem frivolous or empty-headed, but when she takes the time to sit down and think, she can be quite clever and has a knack for working out unconventional solutions to a problem.

Crush/Mate: Nothing planned.

Other: She finds it somewhat difficult to enunciate words due to her jaw's shape, so prefers to communicate non-verbally, with body language, gestures, and various growls, cries and squeaks. Her most common noise is a "pheep" sound, indicating curiosity or interest. Also, like most Whiptails she is quite agile, so is good at dodging attacks.



Forum Name: Onixthebunny1

Character’s Name: Halietus (Hali)

Gender: Male

Breed: Radiant Angel!

Appearance: He has golden-amber eyes, and looks like a normal Radiant Angel, except he sparkles! (Well it seems like it)

Picture: user posted image

Personality: Hali is a cheerful, energetic and somewhat conceited dragon who is obsessed with justice, and freedom. He has the habit of sticking his nose into everyone's business, which causes him to have difficulty making friends. Many tend to think he has the trait of not being aware of how "the atmosphere" is when he is around others, but it's not that he lacks the ability to "assess the situation", he simply chooses not to. On occasions, when calm or serious, Hali can become very logical, reading further into things than he usually would, and actually reading the atmosphere. He tends to prance around, annoying some of the more serious dragons. He hates seeing others upset, never leaving dragons alone until they're happy to the point of being obtrusive.

Crush/Mate: None right now, but being a V-day dragon, he could possibly be a ladies-dragon.

Other: He has an abnormal amount of strength. He is also an omnivore.


Forum Name: Onixthebunny1

Character’s Name: Velva

Gender: Female

Breed: Hellhorse Dragon

Appearance: Her claws are slightly longer than most dragons, therefore her paws/hooves are larger to proportionate them. She is sort of a runt when she is a hatchling, but grows into a normal-large sized dragon. Velva's eyes are a piercing, ice blue with (ironically) a fire in them.

Picture: user posted image

Personality:  Velva is a natural born hunter, and very arrogant about it. She is very stubborn, not listening to anyone but herself, and hotheaded, having the worst, and foulest hair-trigger temper. She isn't the bubbliest one and definitely not one to fool around. Although she won't admit it, she's a romantic at heart. She can be cocky at times, which can get her into a lot of trouble for being impulsive. Velva is also quite devious, knowing different ways to manipulate someone. She hardly ever feels anything negative about things she does, but she does regret sometimes. Velva loves to command, to the point of being able to hold tyranny. She isn't all that she seems, for it may just hold a lonely dragon.

Crush/Mate: With her violent personality, who'd ever want to get close to her?

Other: Fire is her strong point- she also learns semi-quickly.

Edited by Shibadruid

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((OOC: Okay, just a few more characters and I think we'll be ready to begin. Short post mainly so you can see how the hatchlings should speak/think.))


Madlia flicked open her eyes. Wuh ... where a-am I? Need to g-get out! Madlia started kicking at her egg, but only managed to roll into another, and probably annoying the other hatchling inside it. Suh-sorry! Madlia attempted to say from through her egg. Resting for a moment, she attacked the shell once more, this time with her claws. Still no budging. Aww ... I want to get out.

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Bump. The movement of the green egg hit another green egg, rattling the tiny creature inside. Bump. Again, the tiny Teimarr was rattled to her bones, the tiny movement vibrating every one of her little bones. No! I don't like this! I want to sleep! And be with my mommy! Why is it so cold? I don't like this! I don't wanna! A tiny wail came from the within the shell. Sobbing followed. The premature hatchling was awoken too young to hatch. She didn't want to hatch. She just wanted to go back to sleep, but she couldn't. She just wanted her mommy!


((We're allowed to start, right?)

Edited by KoalaNoob

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((OOC: Technically yes, but I'd rather wait for two other people who said that they'd join before going too far. That's why Madlia didn't hatch on her first post.))

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((OOC: I think we're ready to get started! Ironically just in time for me to have to go. I'll set up the OOC tomorrow.))


Madlia heard the crying from the other egg, and sorely wanted to help, but couldn't because of the two layers of eggshell between them. A few minutes of scrabbling later, however, and she managed to eliminate one of the layers, sprawling across the cave floor clumsily as she did so. She was about to go back to the crying hatchling to help, when she looked up and noticed the scenery. The sun was just beginning to climb in the sky to her east, and had just broken over the treetops. On the other side, she noticed a fast flowing stream whose gurgling reminded her of something she had been feeling since she'd woken up. I ... I'm thirsty, Madlia vocalized, and then began to stumble towards the water. Her movement was still far from graceful, but she was still happy that she could get around. Dipping a paw in the water, she pulled it back when it was dragged away from her and started to feel cold. Owie! Madlia yelped, jumping backwards slightly. She fell down onto her behind, and then struggled to regain her composure. Trying once more, she dipped the tip of her snout into the water. This time she got a tiny sip of water before it got into her nostrils, and caused her to fall back once more, coughing. Madlia hated the feeling of water in her nose, and snorted angrily while she was getting it out. Shaking her head for good measure, she mumbled, mean w-water getting in my nose ...

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<OOC: Annnnd, we're in action! biggrin.gif >


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Sounds. Coming from outside. With a soft grunt, the little Horse hatchling in her purple egg opened her eyes. Where was she? Why was she trapped in this small round space of darkness? She gently pressed a hoof forward. Nope. She was stuck. Well, no way, she was getting out of here. She shot a hoof forward and although it was a weak move, she heard a crack. Cocking her head, she immediately repeated her actions until a small beam of light went through. She froze. When the light didn't do anything except stay there, she sighed and gave her 'prison wall' another kick. This time, it all fell apart. She tumbled out, knocking into another egg. She squinted. Now where was she? Her ears pricked up as she heard the distant sound of crying. Sitting up on what little space she could find, she looked around.


"H-hello?" she attempted to speak, stuttering on the foreign-sounding word.



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The first thing he knew was that his name was Rale Rock. Whatever a name was. He just wanted to get out of this dark trap. How was he supposed to do that, though? He stayed quiet in the egg. Listening for any sounds of life.




He shifted, causing the egg to move a little, right before something knocked straight into his egg, making him lurch roughly to the right. He stayed still.



Edited by Dream_Dragon

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Darkness. That was what Tenebris opened his eyes to. It was all he had ever known, but now it was tie to break out. It was time to see what the outside world had to offer. Tenebris lashed out against his cold and confined prison, shaking it violently before breaking it in two. The Black dragon hissed as he saw the first rays of the morning, the brilliant light temporarily blinding him. He scrambled away from this enemy and into a dark corner, where he seemed to blend in with the shadows. Though he might have bumped into a few things, he didn't care. Tenebris just had to get away from this new threat. Maybe the darkness wasn't so bad after all.


((OOC: Blinded by the light...))

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The noise from the outside was foreign; alien to hatchling trapped within his egg. His pale eyes gleamed in the darkness around him. The hatchling curled himself up into a ball as the noises grew louder. A horrible sobbing sound was heard from not too far away.

Make it stop...

The hatchling rubbed the side of his head against the wall of blackness. The once calming silence was now being breached by this horrible screeching sound. The hatchling wanted it to go away. He wanted the silence to reign once more. He wanted to fall asleep and lay down in the eternal darkness around him. But he could not rest his head for the wails continued.

Please... it hurts to hear... make it go away...

The sobbing along with the muffled sound of speech was confusing the hatchling's mind. He didn't understand what was causing the noise, let alone why the sound was being made. But, at the current moment, the hatchling cared not for reasons. He just wanted to be free of the horror that was sound.

The hatchling flopped around in the darkness. His back legs lurched forward and kicked the emptiness wildly. Another strange noise came from this, a sound that seemed menacing and dangerous. The hatchling became terrified.

Go away!

Claws unsheathed and a long thin tail lashed against the area surrounding the hatchling. His faint eyes twisted in terror as light leaked into the egg from a crack formed from his struggle.


The hatchling's fear grew and he retaliated. Sparks flew from the hatchling's skin as his panic grew. He tried to flee from the light, but his actions worsened the situation. The egg tipped over, flinging the hatchling forward. A larger crack formed and yet even more light seeped into the egg.

Stop, Stop! Make it go away!

The hatchling curled into a fetal position and shielded his eyes. A whimper escaped his lips as the light consumed his world. Confusion and fear clouded the hatchling's mind. He didn't understand why the blinding light came. He didn't understand why he had to be in so much pain. In fact, the hatchling had no clue why anything was happening.


The hatchling rolled onto his side. He sniffled as his eyes began to focus. Everything was still blurry, but at least he could see a few shapes in front of him.


Yet more sparks escaped from the hatchling's horns and tail as he laid down upon the cold ground underneath him.

Why did this happen to me?

Edited by Doctortear

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When Madlia noticed the other hatchlings, she scrabbled for purchase on the wet grass, and hoisted herself back to a standing position. She started walking back to the cave, and attempted a run but ended up sprawling across the grass and sliding into an Electric hatchling. Frantically attempting to fix the situation, she mumbled, S-sorry! Did I h-hurt you? Oh! I think I'm M-madlia. What's your n-ame? Words were still difficult for her, but she was getting the hang of them, or at least she thought she was. To the other hatchlings she was still stuttering just as much as them. Edited by Shibadruid

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The hatchling's heart pounded madly as something bumped into him. He scrambled to stand up, but his footing continually loosened. He feel over about five times before he managed to keep himself right up. Even then, the hatchling was in an awkward position. His front legs crisscrossed and his rump was in the air. A small voice spoke, and the hatchling became bewildered. He looked up and felt his heart drop. There was something in front of him and it was moving! Too scared to even try to decipher what the other being said, the hatchling waddled away and fled from the stranger. His paws slipped across the cave floor and the hatchling was constantly trying to keep himself from falling over. A small sense of relief came into the hatchling's mind as he came upon a rock of good size. He made his towards this rock and launched himself behind it. Petrified, the hatchling curled up behind the rock and pressed against it. He hoped and prayed to an unknown force that the alien creature would keep its distance.

Please go away... please go away.... please go away...

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W-wuh? But I just want to be f-friends! Madlia started after the hatchling, but quickly tripped on a pile of eggs and fell flat onto her face. When she eventually righted herself, she found that she had forgotten which way the Electric had gone. Shrugging, she looked around for something else to do. Eventually, she noticed a Horse hatchling and wandered over to it. Attempting to speak without scaring the hatchling, she said, Hi! I-I'm Madlia. What's your name? Since she had asked the question before, it was easier to say, but still stuck in her throat as if something were off. There was another feeling inside of her, too, but it originated lower down, in her stomach. It was starting to hurt ever so slightly.

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The pink hatchling opened his mouth in a silent yawn. He tried to shift in his small, dark space, but he felt... uncomfortable. What was wrong? He had tried to comprehend what had happen to him, but he felt a bit dizzy, and his head throbbed slightly.


That was the only thing that he could think of before he realized that he was upside-down. Panicking, the pink hatchling sent his hind legs against the nearest wall with the strongest kick that he could muster. A few cracks spread across the surface, but nothing more. He righted himself and tried to hit the dark wall again, a little too hard this time. The side of the egg shattered and collapsed. Gentle light seeped in, but all the hatchling could think of to do was just squirm.

He thrashed violently, came up to the edge of the opening... and fell out. F-finally.. He thought. At last, freed- He fell out of the sky and face-planted himself in the cool dirt with his rump sticking out. He slowly raised his head and cleaned off the dirt from his muzzle with his paw. W-w-whu-what happend? He spotted his egg hovering a few inches over the ground. What was causing it to do that? A magical force of some sort? He just stood, staring at the empty pink eggshell. He didn't understand.

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The Horse hatchling looked up as someone spoke. She tilted her head.


"M-Madlia?" she repeated.


"N-name...its...its..." she stopped. What was her name?


"Sparkly S-Scaler," she decided, "My-my name iss Sparkly Scaler." She smiled slightly. She was getting good at this speaking thing. Suddenly, the egg that she had bumped into earlier burst open and a grey and blue hatchling fell out, almost crashing into her.



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Rale Rock was processing. He was processing the conversation that was taking place outside of this dark prison. They sounded friendly. Rale wondered if he could speak too. Before he tried, though, he decided that he should probably get out first. Lowering his head, he rammed it at the shell in front of him.




Again. Rale headbutted the shell again. A little too hard.




He smashed right through and landed in between two other...hatchlings.


"S...sorry..." he mumbled, backing up a bit. He felt foolish now.

Edited by Dream_Dragon

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Suddenly, a hatchling appeared out of nowhere. It was emitting violent bright lights that hurt Tenebris' eyes. With a growl, Tenebris lowered into a fighting stance, though he was still a bit wobbly on his legs. After all, he wasn't all that old. Lowering himself though, seemed to lessen the unsteadiness, made him for firm on the ground. It felt like a good way to confront a potential threat.


((OOC: The hatchling Tenebris is growling at is Nein by the way))

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Inside her egg, Salta continued wailing. And wailing. And wailing even more. Though she was slightly underdeveloped, the sound showed no hint if beginning to die down. The Teimarr inside writhed and twisted, searching for warm thing that wasn't there. Where?! Where is it?! Where's familiar warm spot?! The tiny dragon could already tell that something was wrong. Something was missing, and she wanted it back. If she didn't get it back, she would...she would... She would do something crazy! Like break her egg to find the warm spot! Yeah! If it didn't come back before she fell asleep again, she would jump outside! And...it wasn't coming back... With the last of her energy, the turquoise creature gave a defiant scream, and rocked back and forth in her egg. I WANNA GET OUT! I WANNA GET MAD AT THE MEAN THING! WAAAAH!

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Madlia made a note of the Horse hatchling's name in her mind, and smiled kindly at the Guardian hatchling, and said, It's okay, just before being drowned out by another hatchling still in its egg. Scrabbling over, Madlia looked at it quizzically. What was she supposed to do? She didn't want to break the egg, and yet at the same time she knew that she needed to in order to calm the hatchling down. In a sort of compromise, she nudged it over slightly, and said softly (and unbeknownst to her, telepathically), I-it's okay. Y-you should come out. It's n-nice out here. In there it's j-just ... Madlia couldn't think of a word to fill in what she meant, so she just substituted another that she made up on the fly. After all, wasn't that what they were doing anyways? I-it's all hurty.

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So strange... what was this...? Pushing her snout forward, she managed to bump her egg a little. Bringing both her paws forward, she worked methodically at the strange substance in front of her. Finally, she was free! Tumbling out, the young harvest dragon looked around with a bit of a squint. What.. what's that smell?


Looking over, she noticed a couple of other hatchlings. They looked funny. She took a step forward but miss-stepped and tumbled again. "Owch.." Blinking slowly, she picked herself up and sat still, trying to make sense of what was going on and how to walk properly.

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The hatchling, who had squeezed his eyes shut in terror, opened them. For a brief moment, he felt calm. The other creature wasn't following him anymore. He was safe. Just as a grin began to form on his lips, The hatchling's eyes trailed to the side. At first, he saw nothing but the steady trail of darkness lingering in the cavern. But then, he saw two bright green lights. His heart dropped.

T-Those are e-eyes...

A terrified screech erupted from the hatchling's mouth. He scrambled away, backing up from behind his rock before spinning around. He spun too violently, causing him to flop down on his stomach. He madly thrashed his limbs as he tried to stand up. The hatchling manage to to get and began to run away from the stranger as fast as he could; which, in reality, wasn't too fast. Several times, did the hatchling almost fall over, just like before, and only once did he manage to trip over his tail. When he tripped, he fell head first into a rock, smashing his cranium into it; causing blood to blossom out of his head. Nevertheless, the hatchling got up and fled once more. He stopped once he reached a side of the cave. The darkness consumed his body, leaving the eerie glow of white eyes as evidence of his existence. A whine escaped the hatchling's throat as a red liquid trickled down the side of his head and dripped down onto the ground from the pool that gathered around his chin. He had no idea why he felt pain, he didn't know why there were other creatures chasing him, and he most certainly didn't know why he had to escape his cozy home of darkness.

Why can't I just go back to sleep?

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((Personally, I like putting the picture of the hatchling on my post so others can more easily identify the species, especially in the beginning of the game like this. It actually helps me when others do the same, but I'm not gonna tell u how you should post lol. I'm just saying smile.gif ))


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Noelle was in a dark...something. She didn't know what. She was confused as to what she should do, as she neither liked nor disliked the darkness. Being the slightly curious dragon that she was, she experimentally stretched out. It felt so odd to move her limbs. She moved them again, this time feeling exactly how her muscles worked with one another, and how they coordinated. She moved her joints one by one, and flexed her....tails. She was only barely grasping emotions. Her main focus was to gain control of her body before she made any rash decisions. She was confident in her control, and stretched out further. The blackness was hard. She tried opening her eyes, only for them to be filled with a sticky liquid. Again, she neither liked nor disliked this. Trying over and over again to discover what lay beyond the blackness, she felt something give. Her right foot felt as if it had..broken through something into a new texture. This texture wasn't watery. She was beginning to ..like this. With a sudden burst of enthusiasm, she smashed her left foot out, and felt the same sensation. Next, her arms. This time, her whole body felt the new sensation. She was free. Slowly opening up her eyes again, she was hit by air. That's what it was. Her instincts told her to do something with her mouth. Suddenly sputtering and coughing, she realized that she had taken her first breath. The first step into an unknown world, full of mystery, hardship, prosperity, beauty, and death, as she would soon find out.

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Bewildered and confused, the hatchling watched his egg float from a distance away. After a few minutes, he gave up and decided to focus on something else... something less confusing. He noticed that his heart was pounding hard from his fall from the egg. 'D-don't worry... e-everything will b-be fine...' He took in a deep breath... and exhaled.


Before he knew it, the breath was knocked into him. Gas gathered around in his stomach and lifted him into the air. Surprised and dumb-founded, he yelped out. "H-eeelllpp meee!"

Edited by Kitkat10

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Tenebris ceased his defensive stance, and looked at the other dragon quizzically. Though he may have wanted it to flee, that wasn't quite what he was expecting. He was expecting it to challeng him, or something like that. That thought alone made Tenebris think that this other hatchling wasn't a foe, as no enemy would run in terror like that. Or at least that was what his instincts said. Tenebris watched the dragon as it frantically scampered away, and hit it's head. Feeling a little guilty, as he frightened the thing in the first place, Tenebris walked after it. Inbeknownst to him however, he was sticking to the shadows, nearly invisible. He sat down quietly next to the other hatchling and faced it.

"I apologize for frightening you back there." Tenebris said.

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The hatchling's whimpering turned into a cry as the other hatchling came closer to it. He backed himself up into a wall as the two green orbs closed in on him; his back legs scraped against the rocky surface.

"S-Stay away!" he squeaked, all the while mildly surprised he could speak. "I-I don't want t-to get hurt anymore!" The sparks excreting from the hatchling's body were increasing by the minute. The shadows no longer hid the hatchling as the white sparks were giving off much light, allowing others to see the hatchling clearly. The terror on his face was as plain as daylight. The hatchling was absolutely petrified.

Edited by Doctortear

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Refrar was tired of not moving. Moving was good - she took some steadier steps forward, lumbering towards nothing in particular when she heard a cry for help. Looking around, she noticed something pink... floating away? As quickly as she could, with a couple of tumbles along the way, she made her way to the pink creature and tried to grab ahold. "I... You're f-floating!" Her voice coarse, she stuttered a bit, also panting a little from trying to get to the hatchling past all the eggs - cracked open or not. "Grab onto me!" Raising both her arms, Refrar tried again to grab ahold of the floating creature.

Edited by maident

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Salta's violent movements jerked her egg back and forth, until it tipped over and cracked. The unborn hatchling continued to flail around, slamming her paws against the shell of her prison. Let. Me. OUT! Slowly, the crack began to widen into a small gap. As soon as she could, Salta burst out, looking wildly around for the missing something. "Where? Where is it? I want it back!

Upon opening her eyes, though, Salta found all the other hatchlings, and they were all emitting warmth. The thing she was looking for. The thing she needed. I found it! It's here! Scrambling onto her feet, the Teimarr stumbled over to the closest "warm-thing" she could find: a blue and gray hatchling that was slightly bigger than her.

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