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Behind Bars

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Location: Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

Date: September 17, 2342

User: Michael S. Thompson.


I really don't know how long I've been here for. To be honest, it probably doesn't matter. I also don't know why I still make these damn things.

I guess maybe it's because I don't have many people to talk to here. Things aren't exactly friendly. They don't like letting the prisoners talk to each other too much.

Mom, if you're still listening to these, I wish I could prove to you that I didn't do it. I've said it over and over again, to lawyers, to judges, to you, to Dad, and everyone else on this goddamn planet.

I didn't do it.




Welcome to JUSTICE (Jail Under Sea Targeted at Incarcerating Criminals of the Extreme Species.) Created in the year 2103, the prison is invisible to the public and the location is only known by those who need to know. Not even the guards have any idea how far from land they really are. Only the warden seems to know.

The prison was created for one specific purpose - to remove the truly unsavory and despicable men and women of the world and place them somewhere where they can never return to cause problems. Due to the nature and security of the prison, no one has ever escaped, and that is how it is going to continue to be if the guards have anything to say about it.

The prison isn't limited to humanity, either. Alien races which visited Earth in 2150 also had a few immoral ones among them. These aliens were quickly rounded up and shipped to JUSTICE as well.

The prison is humongous, capable of supporting up to one million prisoners, though the numbers aren't nearly that high. Currently at last count there are 132,535 prisoners held within the cells and bounds of the prison.


The prison is comprised of cell blocks, one for each letter of the English alphabet. The entire prison is arranged into three concentric circles, one inside of the other, the most notorious criminals being on the inner ring. There are 10,000 spots inside of the inner ring, 100,000 cells on the middle, and 500,000 around the outer edge. Each cell is capable of supporting two people, some capable of three.

The prison is surrounded by an air bubble maintained by ten humongous stasis generators. There are no windows in the prison - no one even knows they're underwater.

If they do, they're probably already dead. The warden doesn't like secrets ...leaking out.


The cells of the prison range in size from the inner circle to the outer circle, from the size of a small kitchen to the size of a medium living room, respectively. Each cell has two barriers: a stasis field generated by two parallel generators and thick iron bars made to withstand explosives and ramming.

Every cell contains a bathroom with two toilets, a pair of beds (comfort depends on ring), a kitchen area (only in the middle and outer rings), and a dining area of sorts. Cells in the outer and middle rings also have electricity, the outer rings also having access to television and radio. The prisoners in the middle and center rings depend on the outer ring for outside communication and news.


























Actoxens - These highly intelligent creatures (dubbed Braniacs by the humans) have proven themselves quite capable in the fields of science and mathematics. They are only about half the size of the average human. They are a basically pacifistic race of creatures but some of them thought humans deserved a little fraction of what the Actoxens were capable of. They basically resemble the "little green men" from most science fiction movies. However, they have four eyes and a tail.


Venoza - Reptilian beings equipped with a very dangerous and potent poison. They shared a homeworld with a bunch of large and mighty predators who waged war upon them in every nook and cranny. Slightly unintelligent and medieval in their actions, the Venoza live in tribes which are fiercely protective of their own. In some cases, local cities call them "Gangs."

The Venoza do not hesitate to kill if they feel threatened. Though many of them have learned to be more lax, some of them who still hold true to the old ways of honor have found themselves brought to JUSTICE.


Windoan - These large, furry beasts resemble a mix between the fabled yeti and the gorilla. They like to walk around on all fours but are capable of standing up when possible.

Most of them are ignorant and blissful, as kind as can be. However, about 1 in 100 of them are born with self-awareness. Back on their planet, these gifted Windoans would lead their tribes of less intelligent ones. Here on earth, such tribes are either impossible or simply unnecessary. Most of the intelligent Windoans have decided this is better for everyone - a few of them have decided it isn't.

Some of the unintelligent Windoan have forgotten their own strength and done things they regret. If they are reminded of what they did, they will probably immediately burst into tears. They're very kind beings. Non-intelligent Windoans also have a tendency to seek a more intelligent friend to be a sort of leader to them. They can be very defensive about their newfound leader but also extremely helpful and depended on.


Zorans (submitted by Raindash)

These creatures resembled felines most notably, earning them the nickname Katzorans among humans, or simply Kats. Most of them are carefree, earthbound creatures who wish no harm to humanity. However, due to their restrictionless lives, the rules of humanity have angered some of them.

Those zorans come from the eastern part of their homeworld. The western ones are more rule obedient, unable to do anything cruel without feeling extremely terrible and depressed.

(( May add more later. If you have suggestions, feel free to tell me. ))






Called the Xenolithic Era by experts and the Glorious Era by the common man, this era is the result of a new economy, better health standards, peaceful relations, the arrival of new races of beings, and better life in general. In this futuristic era, humanity now has moved on from using the gold standard and other standards and uses a type of currency based on diamonds from the home planet of the Venoza. They have a slight difference from carbon based diamonds and are quite valuable in most alien markets. With the rising usage of currency based on these minerals spreading across the universe, trade has boomed among humanity and its newfound alien allies. This also means immigration and emigration are at an all-time high, allowing humans to finally spread further than just the bounds of their home planet. With their life spans greatly increased, journeys to new worlds are the best way to spend much of their time as well.

Humans also have a new device, known as the HUD, to put to use. The name, of course, means Heads-Up Display. When a human is born, a disc as flat as a sheet of paper and as wide as a palm is placed comfortably on the spine. As the child grows, the sheet of paper connects to the nerves and spinal column of the person, giving them a secondary brain. It is capable of quick memory processing, larger long-term memory capacity, telepathic speech, and other wondrous adaptations.

The government and trusted sources have sworn there is no way to access the disc from anywhere besides close proximity. However, once accessed, the disc not only can show the memories of that person but also hurt the person or paralyze them temporarily. The Federal constitution strictly enforces that those with the ability to use the discs in such a fashion cannot look at those memories without some sort of valid permission from either the person or a forced waiver due to the nature of a case. Also, the person may choose to allow one of his peers (minimum must be three) to watch the video instead of the law officials, just as a jury would.

Other laws have been made in order to compensate for the growth of this technology.

The heads up display also allows a viewer to bring up a holographic screen, quite like a computer, in front of their face. They may choose to allow others to see it or not. This adaptation of the disc is why it is called the heads up display, and may be replaced with a stronger processor as technology continues to grow.

If you put TECHNOLOGY RULES in your other section of your character sheet, your character will earn a free illegal or legal disc adaption based upon your character's goal. :3

Several mods, both lawful and made on the black market, have been created for the disc. If a person is found with an illegal mod on their disc (which requires they have also first committed a crime or that the court gives a search warrant for a disc) they can be fined or incarcerated depending on how serious the mod is.

Many Actoxens have found talents here, creating mods to sell.

(( As I think of them, I'll write them below.))


--- CURRENT MODS THAT A PERSON'S DISC COULD HAVE (Illegal and otherwise. PLEASE have a reason why you would have them or how you got them. Some of them are immensely expensive.)


Prisoners - As listed above, Prisoners make up a majority of the prison. They wander the halls, they eat the food, they watch their TV, and the privileged ones even have modern gaming devices and communication arrays. Alien prisoners do not usually have HUDs, since either they have scales which prevent the installation of such things or that they deigned not to get them, not trusting humans. Still, some of them may have gotten them while in prison or could have gotten them while outside (in the case of Actoxens.)

In most cases, prisoners are punished corporally by having their discs "jolted." This term, coined by prisoners and civilians alike, is the slang term for the immense amount of nervous pain caused when a disc is overcharged suddenly. Though usually the discs don't overcharge naturally (requiring either an electric shock from another source or just perhaps a small zap in the system), the government caused an outrage when they found out a coding stream which causes a malfunction in a disc for a brief moment or two. That small amount of time is unforgettable.

As described by a prisoner after receiving it for stealing a pair of scissors from a sub-warden's desk:

"It's like that moment when you... Well... It's like having a red-hot iron spear shoved up your ass slowly but surely, pain spreadin' up your backside til it reaches your brain. Then it REALLY hurts. It's like your mind almost exploded. You can't help yourself - you cry. Hell yeah you cry. I cried. I've been shot with tasers, filled with three bullets at one time, and punched from both sides by brass knuckles, and none of them compare to that censorkip.gif. I broke down. I laid on the ground, quivering. I begged them not to do it again - yeah, I BEGGED. I ain't afraid to admit it. And when I was layin' there, shaking all over, he took the scissors and he shook them in front of my face.

They jolted me again. I couldn't take it. I passed out and I woke up in my cell. I don't remember what happened and I don't want to. I never want to go back ever again."

Jolting can also be caused by an electrical shock. Some of the more sadistic prisoners in the central ring have discovered that by using frayed wire and the right positioning they could create effective torture devices. As such, a lot of the electrical devices and wires in the central ring have been removed. Now, the prisoners in the other rings refer to it as the "dead zone." It's rumored that HUDs don't even work in there.

On the topic of rings, the Warden has been known to take prisoners who have been on constant good behavior and move them to the outer ring, where security is slightly less strict, the food is fresher, the recreation rooms are free to use, and the prisoners are allowed to leave their cells as they choose.

As such, prisoners in the middle ring are normally VERY jealous of those of the outer ring, and those of the outer ring are normally spoiled. In fact, there is even a legend that those who continue to do good in the outer ring are rewarded by being freed, allowed to leave the prison forever.

With the class wars of the middle and the outer ring, the center ring an unspoken hell, and a Warden who is never seen but always present, life is an eternal struggle of submission and atonement for most of the prisoners, eyes always upon them, whether they did it or not. They are being watched and they know it.

In this case, JUSTICE isn't blind.

If you have read all of this, write JUSTICE isn't blind in the other section of your character sheet. You'll get a present!


In accordance with the codes, Prisoners are required to have/do many things, as listed below.


Suits for each prisoner are designed for a specific species and gender. Each color is strictly for that class and that class only. Navy blue is for human males, light blue is for human females, purple is for Actoxens (they're asexual), red-orange is for Venoza females, yellow is for the males. Windoan males must wear a pair of white pants, Windoan females wearing black. This is because it's very expensive to make a suit for a Windoan.

Windoans who are known to be intelligent are marked by wearing light grey or dark grey, depending on sex.


Each prisoner must be clean and orderly before each inspection. This includes both clothes and body. Showers for each species and sex can be found in each ring, at four corners of the rings. Going into a shower of a different species is punished by removal of a shower card, going into a shower of the same species but different sex is punished by removal of two shower cards.

Of course, men will be men, for better or for worse. Human and Venoza males are known to try and spy on their counterparts, much to the anger and frustration of the females and the Warden. If you put "BROS 4EVER" in the other section of your character sheet, you will earn a free fraternity card amount of my choosing when you begin.


Each prisoner, at the beginning of the month, is given thirty-one shower cards, thirty-one food tokens (valid for breakfast, lunch, and dinner), five laundry cards, soap, shampoo, and three shop cards. Shop cards, among all others, are HIGHLY prized.

Shop cards are necessary in order to buy things at the prison shop. There is only one prison shop and it is a legend among the prisoners. Besides the basic necessities, it also holds luxury goods of both the moral and unsavory blends, an amazing amount of merchandise. As such, prisoners are known to gamble and fight over their shop cards in particular. Losing a shop card like a dagger to the chest of most prisoners. Prisoners who perform jobs and duties for the guards and officials may also be rewarded with shop cards. Prisoners also consider material things a notification of that prisoner's reputation.


However, all other cards pale in comparison to the so-called fraternity cards, almost a myth to most of the inmates. They have almost never been seen in the middle ring, and no one has ever heard of them in the central ring.

These cards allow cell mates of any variety and any background to not only leave their cell but also privately enter the cell of someone else. In fact, if one gains twenty fraternity cards, which only one man has ever done, they may change cells permanently regardless of whatever cell block, ring, or species it is. They also gain immunity to most of the commandments which regard talking, sexual actions, tattooing, and have their telepathy adaptations reactivated.

As such, fraternity cards are coveted and almost never seen. Those with fraternity cards are immediately targets if they are discovered. Most of them are found dead the day they receive them. Those who take the risk and accept them should be prepared to survive. These are only earned through the greatest of actions, the greatest of behavior, or.. the murder of another inmate. The last one is normally not going to be acceptable if you're discovered, for obvious reasons.






Guards range from multiple species and multiple backgrounds but all of them were chosen for this job after great time training and preparing for this moment. They don't know where the prison is, though they have their beliefs. Some of them think it's on another planet, and this is the accepted theory.

They are equipped with a laser pistol, an electrical rifle, a blade and bullet resistant vest, a helmet with a HUD scanner, and the standard "jolting" wristband. Activating the wrist band without prior authorization can be met with harsh disciplinary actions but it's not unheard of.

Each guard is given a group of prisoners (2-8) and keeps them in check. Each guard reports his group to a sub-warden who handles the groups of up to twenty guards during inspections and other special events. Each sub-warden controls a cell-block.

Each guard, however, knows to fear/respect the head warden. Though none of them have ever seen him, they don't need to. His orders are law, whatever they are. Some speculate he lives in the inner ring, the Lucifer of the demons within that ring of hell. Others say he lives outside of the prison, far away, an omnipotent being of great power. No one truly knows where he is or who he is, just THAT he is.

The guards are allowed to give cards to those who they believe have earned them. Guards who are known to give out cards very regularly are beloved by the prisoners and normally respected in kind. Guards normally carry 10 laundry cards, 10 shower cards, 15 food tokens (these are the most used), and 5 shop cards on them at all times. It is unknown if they carry any fraternity cards on them when they're walking around.

In reality, most guards fear taking the fraternity cards with them. They know what greedy prisoners are capable of and normally lock up their stock of fraternity cards when they leave their respective offices. Those who take fraternity cards with them are either foolish or extremely brave.

(( If you wish to be a guard who carries his fraternity cards around, be prepared. I have the authority to suddenly make you be attacked by any number of inmates at any time, at any place. I can also give you benefits and gifts for doing so which you will never know about unless you do.

Make your choice. ))



These legendary beings only serve one being - the warden - and enforce his laws when they must. Some of them are spoiled off of their positions, treating prisoners like nothing more than dung. Others are kind and benevolent leaders, known to give out cards and passes so long as their prisoners are obedient.

Most of them are heavily equipped with weaponry, even moreso than guard. Heavy weapons armor and a light-machine gun are part of their arsenal. As such, they are known to strike fear into prisoners during inspection. There is even the story of one prisoner who showed up to inspection dirty as could be and unable to provide an excuse. The warden tore so many bullets into him that there was nothing left to bury besides the fragments of his suit.

Whether this is true or not remains a mystery. Regardless, the sub-wardens normally do not wander around unless it is inspection time. When they aren't busy, they normally can be found in the luxury warden offices and sleeping in their expensive beds. Some prisoners dream of being able to spend one night in there.



I will assign you a guard, either NPC or character. You must stay with that guard. The commandments above must be obeyed.

The guard listens to a sub-warden (a player or NPC). Sometimes, the Warden will send down orders to the sub-wardens. These must be obeyed.

Guards choose where to go, what to do, or what happens during the day. During the night, prisoners are free to do as they will until night time.

YOUR CHARACTER CAN DIE IN THIS. Now I'm not saying a guard is given authority to simply shoot you on sight but if you do enough things wrong or are discovered doing something extremely illegal they have the right to shoot you. If your character is killed, you may make another character. However, all cards your original character may have had can either be stolen by an unknown individual or taken by the people you were with. You probably won't get them back.

There are three goals in this roleplay.

- To escape. Some of the prisoners dream of escaping JUSTICE once and for all. If you make a plan to escape, please make it pretty intelligent. Also know that your characters would need to find out more about the map and surroundings, and find out that the prison is undersea. You can't just say "I broke the wall with a spoon." Another way to escape is just to roleplay until you manage to get to the outer ring and collect one hundred shop cards. This will allow you to "buy" your freedom from a black market hidden somewhere in the prison. This black market moves around the prison in order to avoid being found. If your character gets free, keep the sheet. I'm doing something with that later.. :3

- To get fraternity cards. Many prisoners have decided to stay in the prison and fall in love. Marriage and childbirth in the prison is only allowed in the outer ring. As such, the dream of some prisoners is to get enough fraternity cards in order to move to the prison cell of their beloved.

- To simply exist. Some prisoners don't even care about anything anymore. These prisoners can do anything in the prison, from exploring it, to trying to find the legendary warden. Hell, if you wanted, you could even just be the worst prisoner ever and hope you could go to the inner ring.







Character Name:




HUD mods:




Current Ring: (( Keep in mind that prisoners in the inner ring are most likely demonic, evil, sadistic, and dangerous. Prisoners on the outer ring are normally spoiled on their position or thankful for it. Middle ring prisoners are the more versatile. ))

Goal: (necessary)







Username: Narath

Character Name: Menzak


History: Menzak has done many things in his life that he isn't proud of. Accidentally killing an old man during a robbery was one of them. He doesn't know why he didn't choose a life free of illegal activities. After all, he was more intelligent than most of those in his species. But instead, he did wrong, and ended up in prison. Now Menzak is just trying to earn his way out of prison honestly, saving whatever shop and fraternity cards he can get his hands on. All of them earned without violence, or thieving. Maybe a bit of gambling a bit here and there, but for the most part, they are given to him by guards. He wants to get out legally, and this time, he won't do wrong when he gets out.

Gender: Male

HUD mods: Vital scanners (legal)

Appearance: Has a long snout, somewhat like a Komodo dragon, with a row of short spines running from the top of his head to the base of his tail. His scales are an emerald green for the most part, his stomach, the insides of his arms and legs, the underside of his neck, and the underside of is tail are a golden yellow. Short black claws tip his fingers and toes. He has green eyes, and his pupils are vertical slits.

Species: Venoza

Personality: Menzak was kind and caring for the most part before he got into prison, and has become oven more so inside of it. He has been doing everything by the books so that maybe, just maybe, he can earn his freedom. Menzak has many hopes and dreams for his future, including having a family of his own one day. Who knows, maybe he'll find someone in the prison.

Current Ring: Middle

Goal: To escape, and become a good citizen (maybe to have a family afterwards, or along the way)


Username: Thaelasan

Character Name: Michael Sultan Thompson (Nickname among friends is Sultan)

Age: Looks 26. Current age (though he's not even sure of it) is one hundred and three.

History: Michael was born to a wealthy family that lived in one of the Sky cities of Earth. His close proximity to space and his easygoing lifestyle made him both kind and creative. He desired to see the world prosper and grow and had dreams of becoming an important part of the future.

However, Michael began to have affections for a woman who did not share his idealistic point of view. She was a lower class civilian, still living in the suburbs of one of the Undertowns below Michael's city. Still, undeterred, he decided he would follow this girl until the day she loved him the same.

Their relationship escalated until she revealed to him that she had a fiancée, a rich benefactor in the upper cities. Michael refused to allow her to leave him and she obliged, staying with him in the Sky city.

The fiancée, of course, was not pleased. He staged a horrible series of crimes which left evidence pointing to both Michael and his newfound lover. Unable to lose the authorities and without anything to prove they didn't do it, they were sentenced to prison.

Michael's lover was sentenced to the outer ring while Michael was immediately sentenced the middle. He thought the fiancée had something to do with that as well.

Now, biding his time in the prison, Michael - using his middle name, Sultan - has started collecting fraternity cards. He has lost a few, he has gained a few, he has scraped them together as much as he can, waiting for the day he can finally see her again.

Then, he'd be happy no matter where they were.

Gender: Male

HUD mods: Danger Modus - When damage to the body reaches a high level, the modus immediately attempts to shut down pain receptors.

Appearance: A man who seems to keep an optimistic outlook when things look grim. He shaves slightly, leaving behind a bit of stubble which gives him the look of someone who shouldn't be taken lightly. His years of exercising in the prison workout rooms have made him stronger and tougher. His hair is black. His eyes are light brown.

Species: Human

Personality: Optimistic yet determined.

Current Ring: Middle. Cell Block M. Cell number 3.

Goal: Fraternity Cards.


Username: cb

Character Name: Jasmine 'Jazz'

Age: 23

History: A suspect in over a hundred cyber-crimes and acts of terror, and is proven guilty of blowing up an oil plant. Also guilty of mass-murder. All of them she is very proud of. She doesn't remember most of her childhood, mainly because it was boring. When her life got interesting was when she was around 17. She was on the beach right after a big oil spill when she saw a pelican drenched in the fluid. It died in her arms. A few months later an oil plant blew up. The rest is history.

Gender: Female

HUD mods: She hacked hers up with an axe a while back.

Appearance: http://www.zastavki.com/pictures/1600x1200...son_020853_.jpg

Species: Human

Personality: She doesn't give a single censorkip.gif if anyone thinks what she's doing is right. But she honestly believes humanity is poisoning the earth. The richer they get the more crap they dump in the sea or fill the air and earth with and the more crap they fill the earth with the richer they get. Frankly, it sickens her. She has no problem with killing people as long as it lines up with her moral code which is basically "If it's not in the way, don't kill it."

Current Ring: Middle

Goal: Escape. Duh.


Username: cb

Character Name:

Age: 19

History: She has an array of crimes differing in extremity from disturbing the peace to involuntary manslaughter. Can I RP the rest??

Gender: Female

HUD mods: ????

Appearance: http://hdw.backgroundswallpapers.info/0005...-girl_42553.jpg

Species: Human

Personality: She's your average teenage rebel. Running away from home every two weeks and dying her hair colors of craziness. She is a genuinely sweet and caring girl, underneath all the crazy hair and tattoos. She feels incredibly guilty about the crime that put her in here and probably won't forgive herself anytime soon.

Current Ring: Outer

Goal: Currently- Exist. Later- Escape! (Esc-ap-ay)


Username: Pinkieseb

Character Name: Flague (Flay-Ge-Wa)

Age: 24

History: Was arrested for getting caught creating a mod for HUD's that allows mind control, not just telepathy.

Gender: Male (The species is asexual though, he just acts male)

HUD mods: All of his mods had been taken when arrested, but there is still one mod which allows him to move faster than other prisoners. He got it by creating it, he has a very high intellect.

Appearance: He is quite tall for an Actoxen, he is very scrawny and weak but his intelligence balances it out. He has cuts, bruises and scars all of his body from where guards or prisoners got too rough with him. Though he'd always get revenge using his intellect.

Species: Actoxens

Personality: Flague is a pretty cheerful guy, he was only creating mods because he knew many people felt limited to what the HUD could actually achieve. Plus it was a good pay, he can be very vicious if you get on the bad side of him. But very nice and helpful if you get on his good side.

Current Ring: Inner Ring

Goal: To break all the prisoners out and blow up the entire prison.


Username: mipuppy1

Character Name: Alice Silvia

Age: 21

History: Alice was an orphan who couldn't do anything right. Anything, that is but cooking. Adopted by a kindly old couple, who passed away when she turned 19, Alice's dream was to become a chef, and open a 5 star restaurant. She got hired to clean dishes at a modest restaurant with three stars, after awhile she was allowed to cook, she even gave in and fall in love with a boy.

Her future was looking bright, she was in a high school getting a decent education, a good job with many friends she trusted and a boyfriend who loved her. Or so she thought. An incident one day changed her life, customers at the restaurant had been poisoned. Who had been in charge of the clams? Alice's lover was, and he didn't hesitate to blame her.

Alice took the blame for the man who she thought loved her, heartbroken she was kicked out of the restaurant. The censorkip.gif didn't even bother to seek her out, to thank her. Falling behind on school because she couldn't afford to even feed herself let alone pay rent, Alice was caught robbing a bank, that and her record of the food poisoning sent her to JUSTICE.

Gender: Female

HUD mods: None

Appearance: Alice is a rather attractive young woman. Long, silky raven hair sweeps down her back, usually pulled back by a simple rubber band, though not a very curvy woman her facial features are a work of art.

Alice's skin is a porcelain white, there is a heart shaped birthmark on the back of her ear. Her nose is short and curved, like a button and her eyes are a distant brown, framed by long black lashes. Her lips are full and a reddish/pink. Makeup is a no-no

Species: Human

Personality: Alice is very shy and polite. She will always apologize, even if she didn't do anything wrong, and is a very soft-spoken girl. She is very sweet and nice and able to appreciate how kind others are. Though gullible, she is not necessarily naïve and know that people can be quite cruel.

Current Ring: Outer

Goal: Exist, (hopes to find a reason to) later escape. (And to find love, she just doesn't know that tongue.gif)


Username: RainDash

Character Name: Xenithra "Xen" Naa'ael

Age: 25


Gender: Female

HUD mods: Vital Display (Legal, required for all Zoran Warriors.)

Appearance: Xen.

Species: Eastern Zoran

Zorans often look like humanoid wild cats, and are one section of the rest of a planet. They come in a variety of colors and sizes, though most don't even break six feet tall, and bandage the space between their paws and ankles, since it is indecent to leave them uncovered. These guys can lie along two lines. Either they obey rules like worker bees, or they completely disregard rules. Western Zorans are rarely seen in the prison due to their compulsive rule following, and even if they do break rules, Western Zoran usually kill themselves after breaking rules. These are also more likely to be psychoaths who don't care about much.

Eastern Zoran act more independently and barely have any rules. Though they live an Anarchistic system of independent homes and bartering on traded goods, most are decent people and honest. The Eastern Zoran are more likely to be welcoming and open to visitors and less likely to commit crimes for the sake of it. However, when some arrive at Earth, they can often break rules unknowingly or sometimes out of spite, since they are often at war with the Western Zoran and view rules as binding their freedom and rights as a person. [Just wanted to post their full bio here.]

Personality: Exiled for killing her father, Xen lived on Earth for a year before the Council decided to inform Xen that she was in fact, a wanted criminal for slaying a general (her father) and needed to be put in the most secure prison lest she lash out at any nearby civilians. Unable to flee when commanded to stay put, Xen went quietly into JUSTICE. She is biding her time until she can piece together laws to bend them to her advantage and clear her name.

Current Ring: Middle ring.

Goal: Exist -for now.


Username: VampiricOmen

Character Name: Varan Carinata

Age: 27

History: As a juvenile, Varan resorted to a life of crime within a lesser tribe in order to sustain himself in the unforgiving environment that is the Venoza's home world. Petty theft and minor arson degenerated into assault, grievous bodily harm and manslaughter as his age increased, with no sign of changing his ways despite the occasional bout of moral whiplash. It wasn't until Varan committed an act of double homicide, in a calculated attempt to avenge the death of his sibling that his life of crime came to an abrupt conclusion, at the hands of a fellow Venoza he believed to be a trusted friend. Cunning and deceptive, his once friend fooled him into a trap designed to release him into the custody of those who sought retribution. This retribution manifested in the form of indefinite incarceration at one of the most enigmatic prison facilities, JUSTICE.

Gender: Male

HUD mods: None, his HUD is disabled, but functional and is in the same unaltered state that it was first installed in.

Appearance: Shorter than the average male Venoza, large russet brown scales form the main plating of this reptilian, useful for blending into tree bark and leaf matter within his home worlds jungles so not to become another creatures dinner. With an underside a shade of creamy yellow, the uniform colouration is only interrupted across his chest by an intriguing pattern of red and black scale. While his colouring is a throwback to his predecessors, whose line originated from the far southern jungle regions of the planet, the only defining features of his heritage is the extensive striping of dark red and black scales across the back of his head, torso and tail, and his vibrant goldenrod coloured eyes. Minor black striping and spotting is evident on his limbs, following no particular pattern if only to serve as camouflage, another reminder of his species inferior position on their planet's food chain. Closer inspection of his person reveals a myriad of scars, damaged scales and missing digits, forming a permanent reminder of his brutal history.

Species: Venoza

Personality: With a mean streak a mile wide, Varan is openly aggressive to those whom he does not trust or respect. His primarily hostile demeanour makes him easy to bait, for those that wish to be on the receiving end of his ire, a trait that has gotten him into trouble more times than he'd care to admit. While his approach on life remains in a state of decay, Varan has periods of enlightenment where his life decisions rush to the forefront of his mind, making him question just who he really is. Hidden below his acerbic attitude, an above average level of intelligence can be seen by those who know where to look.

Current Ring: Inner Ring

Goal: Existence, perhaps progressing to the Outer Ring.


Username: mipuppy1

Character Name: Safira

Age: 23

History: Safira's story starts before she was born. Her father a well meaning Venoza fled from his home planet with his younger (almost baby) brother, due to family problems didn't quite understand 'how the earth worked.' Watching a thief steal some food from a local bakery, Alpo figured that was how normal people obtained food. It became a normal everyday thing that he found no fault in, other people did it, plus those humans were probably slow on propose- it was a game wasn't it?~

Alpo was quickly proven wrong however, when one day he sent his little brother out to fetch food from the bakery that day. Police were waiting for him, the people of the bakery were quite fed up with the food being stolen from them, they had contacted the police a few times but noting had been done about it, well turns out the police chose today to FINALLY do something about the thief. Catching Alpo's little brother was no challenge, however the bakery's people chose to beat him, quite angrily as Alpo and his brother had cost them a lot of money. They accidently killed him in the process. Instead of arresting the couple like they would if they killed a human, they were left off with a warning. A couple of the officers were left in charge of cleaning up the scene, Alpo happened to be walking up to the bakery at the time, wondering what was taking him brother so long.

Finding a bunch of random man messing around with his brother's dead body as if he was a animal, Alpo was comsumed with rage and murdered the policemen, certain that they were his brother's killers.

Turns out that one of the policemen was a very close friend of a noble/rich man. He, obviously was very angry and wanted to destroy Alpo. Though he could have easily hired someone to kill off the Venoza, he didn't, instead he waited for the chance to strike, when he could mentally destroy the Venoza.

So, Alpo lived on, unaware he was being watched. He found a mate and settled down. He and his mate had a couple kids, only one hatched, yet a week after she had been hatched she was snatched away.


Afterwards, the noble killed Alpo, giving him nothing to live for. He raised the little Venoza to become an obedient slave, a assassin that carried out his every will. However, on one of her missions, she was caught and sent to JUSTICE.

Gender: Female

HUD mods:

Appearance: Safira has a humanoid form. Light black/tannish scales, like that of a common lizard covers her whole body save for her belly, neck and cheeks which are a bright blue. Her face is more or less free of scales but for the blue ones on her cheek, the ones near her ears are the bigger ones, they get smaller and stop altogether near the middle of her cheek. She has long black hair the color of her scales and a blue sapphire the size of the pad a of normal person's thumb is burnt quite cruelly into her forehead. http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4520462870906297&pid=1.7



Species: Venoza

Personality: Safira is put it simply is like a robot. The only feeling or need she had was to please her master, she didn't know what emotions were until recently, about a week ago. That is confusion and the hurt of betrayal.

A.K.A To be RPed

Current Ring: Middle

Goal: Exist, later escape.




Username: Narath

Character Name: Stark

Age: 26

History: Stark was a promising young soldier. He always completed his assignments outstandingly. His skill with weapons are very high, and he is even better in hand to hand combat. This is why he was chosen to be a guard at Justice, where he does his duty as well as any man can.

Gender: Male

HUD mods: Military grade combat aiding mods (Legal)

Appearance: About 6 foot 3 inches, muscular, short blond hair, angled face.

Personality: Cares greatly for others, will defend for what he believes is right.

Current Ring: middle ring guard.

Goal: Ensure justice.

Edited by Thaelasan

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Yeah, this thing got crazy popular just because Thael said to reserve spots.


I might make more than one character.

Edited by Techno_Elf

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((Dang! What happened here! I thought The Takeover was popular... Oh and when will you put up the character forms?))

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*raises hand* I have a suggestion (sort of) for a new race. They're called Stickles (they came from a planet called Sticklebat), and they're fairly humanoid, although they're generally taller and much, much more stronger. They're geniuses with machinery and robots and the like, and they have a tendency to blow things up, whether it's by accident or not. They have long, curly hair that looks like a lion's mane, lion tails, and long, pointed ears like elves. They're more buff (yeah, that's the wrong word; maybe "stocky" or "well-built?) than humans as well.


I got all this from a webcomic.

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(( I now reach the inevitable desire to continue editing the topic until it becomes a monster of a text post. MUST RESIST... Aww man I wanna do it. ))

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Go ahead. If you read my RP's page, the info on that is incredibly large. Sometimes it is needed.

Edited by Narath

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(( Not to continue the needless OOC for any random reason but who is this new text-wall challenger and why did no one inform me of his existence? I demand to know when people are attempting to challenge my rank! ))

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(Are romances between a guard and prisoner allowed?)

Edited by mipuppy1

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(( Of course. However, you'd probably want to keep them secret. Prisoners probably wouldn't like a guy hitting on a female guard and getting what they think are "free hand outs" from her and vice versa.


ALSO I am now making an OOC. Please direct all other questions to that. ))

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Those who have been accepted may now begin posting. Do not try to interact with each other as of yet as I'm going to bring us all together soon. Instead, just act as your character would getting ready. It's 6:00 in the morning. ))


EDIT: I forgot. Chicbecause, your character Jasmine will start in the Central Ring. Her cell block is J. Her number is seven.

Your other nameless character will start in block S. Her cell number is three. She shares a cell with an Actoxen named Wanss.


Narath's character is in Michael's cell.

Edited by Thaelasan

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