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Winged RP

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"Oh you can't trust me," Connor said bluntly.

"Names Connor and I don't get along with people, especially new people and little kids who wreck my property," He said.

"However, the rest of these folk you can trust. Because they're all about keeping the fellow winged safe. Which is why I am currently carrying you to a safe shelter," He continued.

"And you can defiantly trust them more then the humans who are probably planning on pulling off your wings and finding out how you work," He said, nimbly hopping up onto a rock. He turned and looked at the others around.

"This is Rena," He said nodding towards her.

"And this annoying man is James," Connor said nodding towards James.

"In any case, we'll keep you safe for now. After this has all gone over, you can decide whether you want to stay or not," He finished, continuing towards the shelter.

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James just shook his head lightly as he heard that from Connor before he then spoke, " It was just a prank from a little boy." He then continued to run with his own pack on his back before he then shook his head at how the man introduced him to the little girl. Turning his head to her he then spoke, " We'll keep you safe until you decide on where to stay."

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Shiko gasped when she heard about wings being pulled off. "Yikes!" She said, dropping back down to the ground. "I don't want my wings to be pulled off!" She looked at Alice and did notice it was quite cold..."Would you like a blanket? I've got some that could warm you up." She shook her head and looked toward the sky, swallowing hard. "I just hope those humans don't find us. I would hate for them to."

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((I don't mind.))


"Hello, Alice. Don't be afraid, the moment we are in the shelter, I can explain you everything. After that, like Connor said, you can choose whether you will stay or leave. But I'd suggest you stay with us until the humans leave." Rena said.


They soon reached the shelters and Rena went inside. There were many winged people, but it wasn't crammed. Rena was grateful, she hated tight places. The shelters were comfortable enough for them to stay there even for a week, but she hoped they wouldn't need to. Rena walked to a quiet corner, where they wouldn't bother anyone and no-one would bother them.


"Come here. We can talk in peace." she called out softly to Connor and the rest.

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Connor quickly moved Alice into one arm as they entered the shelter. He knew that the place could get very stuffy due to the large number of winged in one enclosed space. He pulled off the large collar of his coat, stuffing it into a pocket. He then placed Alice down, gently.

"Pleasure working for you m'lady," Connor said. He reached up and removed the long sleeves of his coat tying them together and wrapping them around his forehead to soak up the eventual sweat. Lastly he pulled off the coat and quickly and expertly folded it, ending up with a waistcoat like attire. He slipped it back on, grunting in annoyance as the many lengths of cord got caught. He looked back again at Alice.

"Feel free to follow if you want to learn more about what goes on here... and what is going on now," He said, walking towards the corner that Rena had chosen.


(Connor can sow very effectively BTW, he just doesn't bring it up)

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She was definitely going to stay here but where? "This is a pretty big place." She said in a small voice. Alice followed Connor and hopes she doesn't do anything to make him made.


((Shortest post I will do. I'm on my phone right now because of the computer.))

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Shiko sighed happily when she was in shelter. It was warm and safe. And not to mention it was also away from the humans! She turned to Alice. "If there's anything I can get you, be sure to let me know!" Shiko took off her cat ears and put them in her pocket. Hopefully they wouldn't fall out.


((Also I shall be making a new character soon, I just gotta think about some things.))

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Rena saw as Connor approached, the newcomer Alice trailing carefully behind him. When they were closer, Rena smiled to them and started talking to Alice.


"So Alice, how are you feeling? No broken bones or anything? Are you hungry? Because I'd better explain to you all of this after I'm sure you are okay. After all, I'm a healer of some sort." she chuckled.

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Connor walked past Rena and dropped to the floor, his legs extended out in font of him. Pulling out his harpoon he gazed at the tip, he hadn't checked it since he returned from the last hunt. There was some dry blood still on the head, he turned it and ran his finger across the edge, it felt too dull. He pulled out a whetstone and began running it along the spear his eyes occasionally flicking up towards the new girl as Rena "interrogated" her.

"I hope you haven't got any more broken bones," He said casually.

"Not that your very heavy, but walking around carrying a small girl sort of ruins this harsh, antisocial image of mine," He continued.

"I might have to knock a few of James teeth out to keep it," He said quietly, though still loud enough for others to hear. He grinned, the image of a toothless James fixed in his mind.

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"I'm fine other than my arm. I broke it way before I came here and I refused to tell anyone because then they would find out about my wings... That's sort of how I came here. It still hurts but not as much as before." She turned to Connor. "You seem like a nice person. I don't see how you could ever do that."She spoke softly. I have a question. None of my friends are here so is there any kids around my age?" She asked. Alice looked around trying to find another kid. Of course it was going to be hard to introduce herself, but oh well. She might even try to make friends with the adults. They seemed nice.


((I think I changed my mind about making her grandpa... For various reasons.))

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((Are everyone in the shelter? If yes, I can do (rp) something with the humans.))


Rena laughed at Connor's retort of knocking some teeth out from James.

"You're such a meanie!" she laughed as she quickly but carefully examined Alice's arm. Rena's sharp eyebrows were in a frown, as always when she was into her work, giving her an angry appearance for no reason.

"Wait here." Rena said, before disappeared for a moment. Soon, she came back with a splint and some clean bandages.

"Okay, hold still." she said as she started to put Alice's arm into a packet, to keep the bone still so that it could heal faster and without any disformations.

"Is it okay, or is it too tight?" Rena asked after she was ready. "I want the blood still flowing in you hand, but I don't want to risk any bad healing with the bone."

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Shiko sat down and covered herself in a yellow blanket. She shivered a bit, as it was cold outside. "So, guys, is everyone here? Just double checkin'." She said, wrapping her wings around herself to feel warmer. "I don't want anyone still being outside when the humans are there." She pulled out her comb and combed her frizzy hair.

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((okay, I'm just going to assume everyone's inside the shelters))


The helicopters hadn't even reached the mountains, before it started to snow.


"What in the bloody blazes? It shouldn't be snowing this time of the year, even up here!" one of the pilots exclaimed into his mic.

"Keep your course! We need to find those over-grown turkeys before the storm reaches us!" was the reply. The helicopters continued to advance towards the mountains and the ground forces were coming swiftly. They were prepared to capture as many winged as possible.


In the forest, there was a shaggy camp, where the captains had just moments ago made a tactic how to advance the mountains.

"No harm must be done to them!" yelled an elder man, seemingly a doctor of some sort. "Too many escaped the labs, I need all of them safe and sound for experiments!" The captains looked at each other, before one spoke up.

"Doc, we are not going to risk the lives of our men for these freaks. We will capture as many as we can, of course, but that's it."


"No, it's final. You will deal with the winged we get and then we'll get the heck out of here, before the storm comes. You might not know, but storms from the East are the worst, without any warmth. The temperature will drop rapidly and as the night comes, your butt will freeze if you sit down."

"That means the winged will also freeze!"

"Doubt it. They've been there for a couple of years, even over the winter. And now they've gone hiding somewhere in those mountains. We've gotta dig them out, before it's us who the helicopters will be carrying home."


The helicopters made it to Wind Keep, but the wind was very gusty and snow was falling heavily down. The men in the helicopters were ready to fight against the winged, but were surprised, as the Keep was empty.

"Falcon to Red Leader. The village is empty, I repeat, the village is empty. Over." the pilot reported into the mic.

"Red Leader to Falcon. Continue searching as long as possible, over."

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"It's fine. Why are we all crowded in this big building?" She asked. Her eyes sparkled with wonder. "And how long will we stay?" She asked. All these questions kept buzzing through her head like bees.


((Sorry for extra short post. Nothing to post really.))

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Chessayia looks out at the Helicopters and sighs "Nathaniel I think our home has been compromised." She whispers. Nate burries his head in her feathers as they go over to Rena.

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Scared, Shiko buried her head in her legs. She tried to keep quiet when she heard about the helicopters. If she was spotted....she couldn't even think of it. "I hope those helicopters go away. She said, looking up.

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The helicopters had been buzzing about, until the snowstorm simply became too heavy for them to remain.

"Falcon to Red Leader, we have to abandon the mission, over." Only static followed.

"Falcon to Red Leader, do you copy?" Still, no sound was to be heard. The pilots tried with no avail to contact their lead, until they decided to turn around and head back. The camp was there, but the ground forces weren't moving. The helicopters came down and the pilot and his crew hopped out. One of the soldiers came forward.

"What is happening?" the pilot demanded.

"We're not sure. The captains seemed to have some disagreement of some sort, but..."


The wind howled and the men shriveled, even under their thick layers of clothing.

"This storm is like a curse! It's autumn, for God's sake!" one spat.

"Heh, ya obviously haven't been up t' thee Icy Plains, eh! This ain't nothin' compared t' thee winter up there!" another laughed. However, the man's grin soon faded away, as darkness started creeping up.

"What's taking them so long?"

"I can't feel my fingers anymore."

"Hey, your cheeks are frostbitten!"

"Our cars are gonna get stuck into the snow soon."

"Why aren't we making a camp?"

"No orders yet."


Distress spread across the camp, until finally, one soldier had enough.

"I don't care if I'll get punished! We're freezing here!" and so he stormed into the leaders' tent. And what he saw would taunt him forever.

They were all dead, with long arrows sticking from their backs. Even the doctor was lying face-down on the ground. And right in front of the soldier, was a shady figure, clad in white and grey to conceal itself in the snow. It opened it's white wings striped with black and quickly flew away, silent as death, before the men even had time to react.


"Let's get the hell out of here! They're coming!" the soldier screamed in panic. Some tried to calm them down and urge on the attack, but ghastly noises came from the forest, alongside those huge arrows which pierced men, one by one.

Before morning, all that was left of them were a broken tent with dead people and the footprints of fleeing men.


((Dum-dum-dummmm~ Mystery character! biggrin.gif))

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(( blink.gif No sleep for me. But I don't sleep anyways so.))



The girl was curious of what was going on. She knew nothing for she recently got here. She wondered what it would be like if her grandpa was here. Alice looked around at everyone who was here. What was going on? She was hoping someone would answer her previous questions. She let her wings curl around her and remind her of her grandpa. "What's going on?" She asked once again. She kept thinking of the worst.

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Shiko was scared, but then it got worse. She heard a knock on the door. She hid her face in her wings. Suddenly, someone peeked in. "A-Aliko?" She asked, looking at her old friend. She last saw him when she was...maybe 11. "Hello, Shiko. Long time, no see!" Aliko said, walking over to Shiko. "How are you doing? It's cold out there. Veeery cold." "Yes, it is cold. I'm doing fine, thanks. Shiko put her cat ears back on and tried to keep warm with Aliko.

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Rena ruffled Alice's hair a little.


"Don't worry. The humans are searching for us, but we're under shelter. They cannot find us - there's a snowstorm outside." she reassured. "You can sleep, if you feel tired."

Rena's stomach grumbled a little. No wonder, she was really hungry. When was the last time she had eaten? Breakfast last morning?


"I'll be right back, I need something to eat. I'll bring you guys something, too." Rena said, before she stood up and started walking between the winged people. There was in one corner a food rationing spot, where some elder winged were giving out food for the hungry.


"Food for me and a few friends, please." Rena requested from an elderly lady, who gave Rena a few warm loafs of rich bread. She also gave a small chunk of goat cheese and winked.

"Thank you."

Rena walked back to her friends and started dividing the bread and the cheese.

"Okay, who wants food? I'm not sure is it lunch, snack, dinner, breakfast, but at least it's food. Can't see outside right now, so it's really hard to judge the flow of time."

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(Quick question, is there some sort of governing system in the winged village? Like a mayor or leader, cause Rena and James both seem to have authority)


"Ill be fine for now," Connor said holding up his hand towards Rena.

"Bloody humans," He said angrily to himself.

"If they hadn't shown up I might've been able to gather enough food before we were forced to go under," He continued. He pulled the whetstone away and looked at the edge of the blade it had returned to it's razor sharp state a while ago he had just been bored and continued. He sighed and ran his finger against the tip, drawing blood. He placed his finger in his mouth in a somewhat childish manner, and returned his harpoon back to it's holster. He reached down to the small holster at his ankle and pulled out his filleting knife. He sighed in frustration at the site of the 'nick' free edge.


Bored with frustration Connor leaned forward, taking the sore finger rout of his mouth and placing it in front of him. He separated his fingers, there was no way Rena would appreciate what he was about to do, but unknown to her he had performed this trick and earned money back when he was living on the human streets. It had been a while though...

Connor took a deep breath and raised the filleting knife above the gap between his them and index finger. He closed his eyes and brought the blade down, there was a small sound as it hit the stone floor, in quick succession Connor speared the place between his index and middle finger, back to the thumb, ring, thumb, pinkie. Connor opened his eyes and watched his small performance, picking up speed as he slowly closed his hand. There was a loud noise overhead and he faltered, the blade severed through the small bit of skin of his ring finger. Connor grunted in pain and quickly pulled the finger to his mouth.


"God," He said, the finger impeeding his speech slightly.

"'ow wong awe 'ey 'oing 'o be up dere?" He asked annoyed.


(Fun fact: I can do the knife game, even sing the song biggrin.gif )

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(Yeah, there's a leader, pretty much anyone can use him - except he's Aeio's dad, so keep that in mind. And you know, use common sense, if you RP him.)


Rena nearly gacked at her loaf of bread as Connor started to play the knife game.

"C-c-connor?!" she yelped but watched as he played the game, hypnotized with the speed he was going.

"Where did you learn that? And how can you even do it with a knife, so quickly?" However, she bit her lip as the blade slipped.

"Gosh, I kinda knew that was coming, didn't I?" Rena sighed, plucking Connors finger out from his mouth without listening to him and examined the wound.

"Well, you seem to have some real thick skin, because even though it's bleeding, it's not very deep. I doubt you even want a band-aid, but just say if you need one." she chuckled.


"Anyways, returning to your question, I don't know." Rena said honestly. But as if some magical creature had decided to help her, a Scout came bustling in.

"Hoi, everyone! It's safe to go outside! It's morning and the humans are gone!"

Sounds of cheering and joy could be heard as the people went outside to the fresh, crispy air. You could almost smell the snow.


"Why did they leave?" Rena asked the Scout.

"No idea, but it seems they left in a quite of a hurry!" he grinned widely and flew away.

"Odd." Rena muttered.

Edited by Kayrinda

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((Well humans where killed by a mystery character Alice is with Rena Connor and Shiko. Umm... That's all I know... Have to go see ya a bit later.))

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Shiko shivered but then she looked up at Aliko real quick. Shiko grinned. She had a small crush on Aliko, and Aliko had a small crush on her, but they never told each other. Shiko snuggled up with Aliko, feeling colder by the minute. "I'll keep you warm with my wings." Aliko said, wrapping his black feathery wings around Shiko. He yawned and decided to close his eyes for a bit, as long as he was safe.

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