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"There is a trade convoy heading out in about an hour" said Terrance as his mob of servants caught up with him. "I'm sure they'll be more than happy to give you a lift. You'll be on your own for now, I'm waiting for some reports to come in, but I'm sure you can manage for the time being."


He gave a small chuckle.


"I doubt they will be doing anything too dangerous in their first few days."


With a dozen people all fighting for his attention Lord Terrance strode away, issuing orders and instuctions.




Helios saw a girl appear outside the door to the entrace hall, but she did not come inside. Instead she veered off to the right and moments later Helios heard sounds of splashing that did not fit in with the fall of the water in the fountain. Was she playing in it?

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Bella was still looking at the signature of the artist when she heard a sound. Looking up she noticed a guy standing there and looking at her. She blinked a few times before she realised where she was.


“Oh my.” She spoke while smiling. “I seem to have gone a bit weird there for a minute or two or maybe even three.” Eventually Bella started to move back to the side and climbed out of the fountain. She tested the grass first before she completely got out. She didn’t want a thorn to prick her, that would just be awful.


“This statue is neat, isn’t it? Well designed. A bit creepy in some aspects but its really well done. The designer is also creepy. Haha funny how personality reflects one work.”

Edited by DragonSpirit009

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Helios glanced over at Diana. She was a teacher right? That meant rounding up loose students was her job. Helios wondered how she would do it. Everyone came running when Imari called, but then again the children had all known her for a while. Would Diana command the same level of respect?


By the sounds of it the girl outside had been joined by someone else. It seemed everyone was more or less arriving at the same time. Helios was happy about that at least, as hopefully it meant they could get the initiation over and done with.

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"Oh, you're from Tehgrimm Suda too? Neat! You might've heard about me then." Jake said, smiling mysteriously, then turning to the other person. "There are different elements? Cool. I'm not sure what my element might be." he said. Jake never learned things like that, he grew up on the streets and this was the first school he's ever been too. For learning at least, he had been in some of the normal schools in Niefir to steal some food. Once he noticed there were more people arriving, he got excited. "Oh boy, more people. That's good. A school could use more than two students, right?"

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Taking notice that the were people outside just messing about, Diana walked to the door. A hand gently rested on the doorframe as she looked at them. A shy boy from the looks of him and an excited girl splashing about in the fountain. For some reason, she was reminded slightly of herself. "Are you two here for the school?" she asked. "If you are - good! Please come in here. I'm gathering up your class," she said warmly.


Elise was late for the start of term, and she knew it. The sun was far too high in the sky, considering she was only at the start of the winding, lonely, path to the school. It wasn't built very close to Niefir; about a kilometre or so away to allow for at accidents happening. Deciding she didn't like the look of the lonely way, she summoned up Genra. "Ignite," she murmured. And ignite he did. In a whirl of spectacular orange and red, he landed gently, elegantly, on the dirt floor. The two headed on in silence, not needing to say anything to eachother. They just needed to get there.

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Bastian was planning on checking up on Isabel when he suddenly heard voices. The new students must be arriving already seeing that he only recognised one out of the couple. He wondered if he should greet them or not. It would be good to see what they are dealing with this year. None the less Bastian strolled closer but stayed hidden in the shadows.

With the entrance all in clear view he leaned against the wall watching as Diana went to gather more students outside while two remained inside.

Edited by DragonSpirit009

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((Just posting OOC to say that I'm not feeling very well this week and may not be on a lot, sorry))

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Jake caught Helios' attention again by saying he might have heard of him. This made Helios a little confused. Was Jake some kind of celebrity? If people were supposed to have heard about him, then he must be well known. Helios couldn't figure out why though.


Diana crossed over the entrance hall to the doorway and called out to the students still hanging about outside. When Jake spoke next Helios wasn't sure if he actually wanted his question answered, but he shrugged his shoulders anyway.


"I guess. Isn't the point of the decree to get as many Summoners trained as possible?


((Thank you for the heads up Ears.))

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Bella turned around when she heard another voice and smiled. So this must be their teacher or one of them. It’s not at all that she imagined. She imagined a man with a big beer belly and a long grey beard. Not to mention also a lot shorter.


“Ok I’m coming.” She spoke quickly grabbing her shoes and walked towards the entrance hall bare foot.

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A small crowd of people had begun to form around the fountain. Most of them young children pulling their parent(s) along by the hand to watch the weird creature play around in the fountain. A couple of the kids, no older then 5 where being held back by their parents, who were not so willing to let their children get wet this early in the morning.


"Oz... get out of there... your drawing too much attention to us.. and we need to get to the school before we are late.." groaned Kasper, twirling the map around several times in a futile attempt to magically woo the answer he was seeking into existence.


"Ex..*cough* Excuse me young man.." creaked an old man, wobbling over to the odd pair as fast as he could with his oak wood walking stick. "Are.. are you by chance looking for the school?" he asked, his right hand twirling into his ridiculously long silver goatee.


Kasper took awhile to respond, as his attention was drawn down to the goatee. "Is it that obvious..?" he replied, his brow raising. "This map I was given has been absolutely useless... this hole.." he raised the map so that the hole was eye level and looked at the man through it. "...just makes finding the school that much harder... "


The man chuckled before walking towards Kasper, placing a hand on his shoulder and forcefully turning him around 60 degrees. "What you wanna do is..." he paused in thought... "... right.. just walk along this path and when you see the flower stand take a left. It should be a straight path from there on.." the man patted Kaspers shoulder before walking off.


"Come now Oz.." spoke Kasper, beginning to walk off before stopping again. "Thanks!" he shouted back. The old man raising one arm into the air and giving it a wave. Kasper continued down the path, Oz plodding behind him leaving a trail of wet footprints. Several of the kids that were watching were waving goodbye to the goofy fiend before being led away by their parents(s).






Zen looked down from the schools rooftop, one knee bent with his arm resting across it. He stared at the newcomers as well as the teacher that had exited the building. The teacher aside, the others did not seem to be anything special... let alone a challenge if they were to spar.


Deciding that any further observation of the other students he would soon be calling class mates was just going to be a waste of time, he leaned back against the roof and closed his eyes as he basked in the morning sun.


Apart from the chatter below, it was a nice peaceful day... one he experienced on many occasions when travelling with his 'family'. Days he would not soon forget.

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Bastian was still looking at the group of kids when he suddenly got a bit of news. There was someone being lazy on the school roof. Bastian only smiled and gave the order. It wasn’t long before the red dragon crawled out of the training area on to the roof.


Luckily the new building was well built and could keep the weight of large fiends like him. One of the many new perks of the new school.


Drawing closer the fire fiend looked at his pray and gave a little grin. With a quick pounce, the dragon’s jaws were upon the boy. Softly having him in this grip Areo tossed the boy up in the air waiting patiently to see what he would do.

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With another salute, Wes strode away toward the trade convoy. Upon reaching the carts, he greeted each driver personally and assisted in loading up the luggage. There were definitely some interesting trade items this time around; expensive metals and great-smelling food were packed tightly into the wooden caravans and his stomach enviously rumbled. He pondered what Lord Terrance said to him earlier, he really did hope that the students wouldn't be pushed too hard in their first few days. He remembered when Ceil had released a swarm of large bees in his first large battle. Thankfully, their teamwork was what helped them to win that day. He made a mental note, he did have to stress to them the importance of teamwork...


Without much more of a delay, Wes summoned his fiend and sat atop a young trader's cart, idly making conversation with him about his work, as Torn flew overhead slowly.




Nataya nervously tried to squeak out any words he could, but he couldn't do anything in his state of stunned confusion.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh..." He stammered at the obnoxious girl, before quickly glancing at the gate behind him. Thankfully, something else broke the tension for him.

"Are you two here for the school? If you are - good~ Please come in here. I'm gathering up your class." Oh, this must have been a staff member, hopefully she was nice. He feared that the teacher here would be mean and uncaring, letting only the best get through and not bothering to help the worst. Thankfully, that didn't seem the case...he guessed.

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Helios wondered how many more students would manage to arrive before Diana started...whatever she was going to start. Would there be a tour? The school looked quite large and he didn't want to get lost. Helios had heard that the old school had been rather simple in design, but this new one had been built with increased funds. After the Titans had been destroyed the temple in Tehgrimm Suda had been flooded with donations from grateful survivors, a large portion of which was given to train future Summoners.


Shifting his weight to one leg Helios raised the other to use his foot to rub a small itch on the back of the standing leg. Just standing here making idle talk was making him nervous. He'd much rather just be able to get on with things.


((Can all students yet to arrive and enter the entrance hall please do so?))

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Meaghan finally found the gates of the enormous school, her eyes wide with their enormity. Back home, there was rarely anything this massive unless you were either rich or working for the head of state. Coming from the mining town of Zurt Lyordeur, nothing was big there, and there were so few people that everybody knew everybody. Well, assuming of course you were given the chance to.


Meaghan herself was labelled "the coal curse". She worked in the coal section of the mine, a section of the dual purpose tunnels. Usually, the orphan children worked in the mineral mines, since they were by far cleaner and healthier. But Meaghan, being misunderstood as she was, was assigned to the coal branch due to her "follower". The people of the mining town had mixed opinions on whether or not she was a Summoner, mainly since her Fiend never seemed to be under her control when seen by others. It was quite obvious to Sasha though, her best friend in the coal mines, that she was indeed a Summoner, and it was she that urged her to come here.


So here she stood, still marked with trace amounts of coal dust despite repeated washings. She took a deep breath and strode in, looking in awe at her surroundings. She felt so small in a large city. She discovered a small group a ways off, and decided that was her best bet to meet her teacher.


"H..hello? I'm the student from Zurt Lyordeur, Meaghan. A..am I in the right place?" Her feet shifted nervously as she wondered if this really was where she was supposed to be.

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In the air and caught off guard, Zen quickly adjusted his body so that he was facing his attacker. "Ariuz, Venite" he whispered, his hand spread across his chest. A cold rush of air invaded the air space as Ariuz came into existence, the serpentine fiend snaking its way around until it caught its summoner. With its piercing gaze, it stared down at the dragonic fiend as Zen stood along its body, a dagger held in his hand.


The pair of them had already worked out a plan of attack.


For size reference and also how Zen was standing on Ariuz






"This looks like the right place..." exclaimed Kasper, who was busy folding the map back into his bag and thus oblivious to the spectacle before him. Oz on the other hand was entranced by the two sparring fiends.

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Diana beckoned to the people still lazing about outside. "Come on you all, I have a schedule to keep to," she said lightheartedly. She knew that she needed to be tough sometimes, but she tried to keep it to a minimum. From the sounds from the roof, she could assume that Bastian was trying to round up someone. Hm. Not too much of an amateur teacher, then.


Elise and Genra reached the gates of the school, neither feeling the need to congregate near a group. They were not snooty or shy, just merely... Aloof. Neither felt the need for safety in numbers when it came to social means. The snow leopard glanced across at his Summoner, long tail flicking and a low rumbling coming from his throat. She inclined her head and dismissed him. For a moment, she took in the sight of some student trying to rebel on the roof with amusement, a slight smile on her features. Then she continued on, walking quietly past the black-haired woman and waiting in the entrance.

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As Helios' small group waited for the remaining student a girl with long hair walked into the entrance hall. She looked unsure about something, but when she spotted them she approached and asked if she was in the right place.


Helios gave a small shrug. "Only if you are a Summoner" he ventured.


It sounded like something was going on up on the roof. Helios looked up at the ceiling, as if expecting to be able to see through it. It sounded like something very large was up there. A Fiend maybe? Diana didn't seem too concerned. Maybe it was hers? Or Bastain's. Imari had said her cousin owned a dragon Fiend, about the same size as Drahaul.


Come on people Helios thought to himself. The rate this is going I'm going to be shaving before we get started.

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Areo looked up the summoner and fiend. He could tell they were ready to fight but today isn’t the day. They will get their chance on a later stage. The dragon fiend only snorted a few puffs of smoke before he jumped off the roof onto the ground. His weight caused a bit of a shake but Areo returned his gaze to the two above him.


Bastian was still standing in the darkness with his eyes closed, seeing everything that Areo saw clearly. This was a good way to see what some summoners had and he already noticed a few good qualities of this pair.




Bella was already inside smiling at the other two when she heard a couple more footsteps following her. A that same time she could feel the earth move a little causing her imagination to go wild again.


“Boy you sure can make a loud thumping entrance.” Bella spoke smiling to the girl that just entered.

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Meaghan initially looked unsure of herself as one of the boys in the group disclosed the only requirement to be in their class. But after shaking her doubt away, she nodded. Of course it was her Fiend, it went with her wherever she went. Some words were harder to displace and forget, especially when accompanied by the word "curse".


She looked strangely at the other girl who mentioned how she shook the ground. Without a single word, Meaghan shook her head and pointed up the rooftop at the dragon crawling along it. What a strange girl, she thought to herself.

Edited by Rarek

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"Oh boy, is this our first crash course or something?" Jake said, as he noticed the rumbling. "Man, I've got to check this out!" He yelled as he ran outside to see what was going on. "Whoa, cool Fiend up there. Whose is it?" He shouted back inside at the others.


Artur was praying in the Infirmary as he waited for Diana or Bastian to take the new students on their tour and pay him a visit. Then he noticed the commotion. This isn't just the usual commotion going on on the first day, he thought to himself as he stepped out of the infirmary and into the hallway, where he noticed Diana and the new students. He was about to ask them what was going on, when he heard a boy yell something about "a cool Fiend". Looks like we've got some troublemakers who'll probably end up giving me a lot of unnecessary work. He sighed.

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As the dragonic fiend retreated, Ariuz dived down towards the earth. Disappearing in a thin mist of cold air as he neared the ground. Without any hesitation, Zen landed on both his feet and brushed a patch of dirt off his pants before turning to look around.


It seemed that this little conflict had drawn a crowd, not that he cared. Shrugging it off, he made his way into the building. Making mental notes of everyone and every fiend he saw along the way.





Oz had placed two hands along Kaspers pant legs as he felt the cold draft emenate from the dispersion of Ariuz. While not directly affected, he shuddered at the icy touch.


"What is it Oz?" questioned Kasper, looking up and not noticing anything out of the norm. He shivered slightly but otherwise acted normally.


With no response from Oz, Kasper began to walk towards the school entrance after the others. Kasper clinging tightly to his leg, the grip increasing with every step.

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Areo looked down at the young summoners all finally approaching the school. Giving each one a welcoming growl, well sort of. The dragon fiend slightly turned his head towards the road that lead to the city further on. There didn’t seem to be much more coming today but there might still be hope that more would come on a later stage.




“Oh its really big isn’t it.” Bella spoke as she went to peek outside as well. “Look at those talons and those spikes. Very sharp indeed and very red as well. Oh and look at those muscles so strong. Oh who’s is it? I must tell that this person has a cool fiend!” Bella stated as she pointed out all the features but suddenly fell silent. A sudden of fear appeared on her face causing her to step back.


“This is a fiend right?”

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Kasper finally made his way into the hall where everyone else was gathering. Oz's vice-grip around Kaspers leg not loosening one bit. To say that Oz was a bit shy/terrified was an understatement, however Kasper had long since grown used to this behavior and had simply carried on with what he had to do.


Not even the wet patch around his trouser legs would deter him, Oz's natural slimy film that cooled his body soaking the area in which he was currently straddling.


Maneuvering as best he could, Kasper sat down on one of the empty seats and waited for the procession to begin. Oz's eyes flickering from ornament to ornament as he took in the many new things this room had to offer.




Zen was slouched against the back wall, his eyes flicking between person to person studying their individual behaviors and already making assumptions to how they would fight or what their fiends most likely alignment would be.


During his two years spent training under his adoptive father, he was always instructed to study his target from a far. To understand how they behave and from then on formulate plans to counter their potential actions. Granted this training was to help him fight monsters they had to hunt/kill for various odd jobs, but the same concept still applied here.


Fiends were just monsters called into existence via their connection to a gifted human. Besides that, there was no difference between a wild monster and a summoners fiend.


His eyes shifted towards the water fiend clinging tightly to its summoners legs. Zen already dismissing it as a weakling... not just due to its apparent water element... but due to how it behaved... could something so terrified even be useful in a fight?... Zen almost felt sorry for its summoner.

Edited by TotallyDrow

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While everyone else was distracted by the large Fiend outside Helios turned and looked around at the man who had just entered the room. Out of everyone Helios had seen so far he looked the eldest, so obviously not a student. Helios took in the long flowing robes and was reminded of the monks at the temple. Was he a visitor? Or perhaps a member of the staff. There was no Fiend that Helios could see, but that didn't mean anything.


Seeing as he was the only one who had seen the man so far Helios gave him a small nod of acknowledgement. It would be rude to ignore him completely.

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Nimlos had finally made it to Niefir. It had taken her a sea trip and a road trip before she got all the way here. Now she just had to find the school!

And quickly - her backpack was getting quite heavy and she was tired and hungry. Nimlos blinked her blue-green eyes and started walking the road. Luckily the town was small, so she could find the school quite easily.


Anxious and a little bit nervous, Nimlos looked at the grand building with twin fountains. Between them, was a door. She heard some sound of training Summoners from her right and left side.

Nimlos quickly licked her lips, took a deep breath, and entered the building.

Nimlos stood in the entrance hall for a moment. Where do I go? she thought, looking around, seeing some students. She wasn't sure where she should go.


Nimlos could feel how her Fiend, Khelek, tried to comfort her by feelings. Be brave, it's only a school. Everything will be clear. That was the silent message Nimlos could feel from Khelek.

She smiled a little and touched her crystal in her chest, but didn't say the word to summon Khelek.

Nimlos sighed. She should probably ask a student where she could inform about herself to the staff and teachers.

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