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The Kingdoms of Izendornia

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Reminder from the Rules and Guidelines sticky: http://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?showtopic=82147


Only Post in Unapproved Roleplays if You Have Something Constructive to Add

The Unapproved Section is where roleplays get reviewed by peers, approvers, and moderators. If there is a large amount of conversation in a roleplay, approvers will often assume that there is already an approver there. This is not a place to discuss how great a RP will be, nor is it a place to say how much you can’t wait for it to be approved. Keep all character reservations to PMs while the roleplay is in the unapproved section. Comments such as “this looks amazing” doesn’t help improve the roleplay and only adds to the chatter.


Thank you. :3

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Yes I know, I read the guidelines. But all she was doing was commenting. It wasn't a whole long conversation. I'm still awaiting for this to be approved.

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If you know it is spam to post something, even if you don't start it, then it is still spam. In the future, please take it to PM or simply don't comment. :3


If you wish, you can take advantage of the fact that you can RP in Unapproved if you haven't been approved for two weeks.


If an approver-in-testing doesn't get to your thread, once their tests are over, I will come and give you some crit. ^^

Edited by SockPuppet Strangler

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((Ooh, i'm also wondering, isn't there this large castle/kingdom on each of the lands where the leaders sits?))

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The mint stalked through the swamp, her paws making sloshing noises as she trampled over mud and small reeds tugged at her scales. She occasionally lifted her head to the sky to smell for any good tasting vegetation as he tongue flickered to and fro like a snake, attempting to taste the air.

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((Theres a Castle In Dalanaaricarn and in Gilneacus. I meant to add that. Brb making my looooong posts.))

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Zafiri and Maluk:


The wind whips around her legs as she stands there, making no sound nor movement. Her stripes make it hard for her to blend in but she doesn’t need to. With a smirk and a lick of her lips she kicks into a swift gallop, the tail of her mohawk blowing behind her as she runs. And with a strong leap of her powerful lean legs she leaps onto the boulder and lets go of the arrow pinched between her dark fingers. ‘Fwwwp’ is all that can be heard as it flies through the air and into the chest of her target, an unsuspecting wild hog. She smirks and licks the gold stud on her lip and leaps from the boulder, slowly making her way over to the boar. “Mmmm Aye, that should be some good dinner, dontcha think Maluk?” She asks softly as she turns her head slightly to look at her mate. “Yes Indeed, ‘specially since you shot it!” And with that he embraces his wife and kisses her cheek before pulling the hog onto his stripped back. Tagging along Zafiri hums an old tune from their childhood, and Maluk just walks grinning at his wife’s antics. “Your Singing could sound more like the purring of a barn cat than a hyena cackling.” Maluk chuckles before getting kicked in the rump by Zafiri’s hooves. “Owww, I mean, Dear what lovely singing you have.” He grins and gallops off so not to get kicked again. Chasing after him Zafiri laughs and they head into the village of the centaurs that is located outside of the city Dalanaaricarn.





“Seriously! I SAID CLEAN THEM, NOT RUFFLE THEM!” Daimeoc Shouts angrily at the stupid human who was trying to brush his wings. He storms out of the shop and grumbles “Stupid human made me look bad! And I was going to be visiting the Mountains where my beauty lives. Now I will look awful!” He trudges through the city, his pure white fur and the pure black spots making him stand out like a sore thumb. His fluffy wings are huge, and barely able to fold completely, which causes him to become larger than he truly is. Though he enjoys that because it scares child time after time. “Master Daimeoc! Wait up!” Calls the young Gryphon child that is his student in flying skills. The young girl is barely hatched, her parents are both lions. Apparently that's the “norm.” he always thought. “What is it dear, if you can’t see I’m busy preparing to see my woman again after a week of being away. This is not the time for stories…..Sorry just stressed.” He turns and sits looking at the young cub. “Well Sir, I’ve been practicing my Ariel twists and flips, and will be showing you in class next morn. Would your woman like to come also?” She smiles trying to act cute for her Master. “She would love to, now I must go, Fare-thee-well.” And with that he leaps into the air and soars into the clouds to meet up with his Love.




“Will someone alert me when Daimeoc arrives? I MUST clean this cave, it looks rancid.” Chessayia says, even though in reality it sparkles like a gem-stone. Her Servant, Reginold the Sparrow Gryphon, Nods and leaves her cave to watch for The Lord of the cave. Chessayia bustles around quickly, “Dear Gods! This place is a mess..” She starts to quickly dust and clean again for the thirtieth time that day. Her black color blends in with the shadows of the cave, but it doesn’t matter that moment because that’s when Markus decides to present himself. “MARKUS!” She yells, the little bear cub stops from shredding the blankets and turns to look at her sheepishly, She glares and he goes to lay in his down bed. ‘OH boy..’ She thought, ‘Mister Markus is in a fowl mood.’ She rolls her eyes and continues her obsessive cleaning.

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Vorthal walked through the bright streets of Dalanaaricarn. He much preferred this city to Gilneacus. It just didn't seem as grand to him. Sadly, he couldn't come here often because those who called it home did not welcome him. The only reason they haven't realized what he was yet, was because he had learned how to disguise himself, his wings and tail hidden in his large rucksack. It was incredibly uncomfortable, but it was what he had to do to blend in. People just didn't like what he was; half human, half dragon. They saw him as either an abomination, or a traitor. And so, he always traveled, never settling down in one place for too long. However, there was always a need for money for supplies, so he did need to travel into a town in search for work. That he would do tomorrow however. For now, he needed to rent a room to stay for the remainder of his visit.

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((Sorry about the bad coloring I'm fixing it now))


Luna and Roark walked down the streets of Dalanaaricarn, looking for a place to stay. They had come to visit their parents after living in Gilneacus for so long.


They still didn't know what had happened to Luna the night she moved away, nor why she always wore that odd black trench coat that was several sizes too big.


"And they never will know. I'll make sure of that." The young werewolf thought.


Her companion, Roark, grabbed her shoulder, turning her so that he could say something.


"Luna, we should get some food before we find a place to stay." Roark said.


"Why? I'm more tired than I am hungry right now." She replied, stifling a yawn.


The dark-haired Angel smiled at his friend. "Yes, but I'm starving and there's a market right over there." He replied, gesturing down a small alleyway that led into an open-air market.


"And look! That looks like an inn!" He exclaimed, pointing out a spot between the brightly colored awnings of the vendors.


Luna's werewolf sight automatically kicked in and she read the sign aloud.

"The Inn on the Market? Very original." She smirked and followed her friend into the busy place.


Gibraltr the demon watched them from a safe distance. Each time that filthy angel touched his precious, Luna he cringed. Wishing he could do nothing more than rip each and ever last feather from that over-grown chicken's wings and rip him to shreds, then he and his beautiful Luna could run away together, back to the dark little village he called home outside of the big city.


"Soon, my dearest, you shall be with me. I know that our love is true, so why do you continue this silly game of "hard-to-get"?" He asked nobody in particular.


The pair then headed into a small open-air market, and he watched in disgust as Luna huddled closer to the Angel, knowing that her semi-new werewolf senses were probably making that market place much more overwhelming than necessary.


"I'm sorry, my love, but you were supposed to stay with me in my village. I never anticipated you being kidnapped by him." He thought to himself as they disappeared into the crowd.

Edited by makenziec123

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As Vorthal walked through the streets, he saw an inn by the name of "The Hunted Dragon." Seemed ironic, but it would have to do. Pushing open the doors, he found himself walking into a darkened pub. It was lively though, as the room was filled with the loud murmurs of the many people inside, swapping tales, and drinks. Walking through the busy inn, Vorthal was careful as to not be spilled on by a patron's careless swing of the arm as they held their drink, or run into any of the waitresses carrying large platters of food. The last thing he needed was someone wanting to take his clothes to clean them, as it would reveal what he really was. Sometimes, the kindness of people was just too much. Sitting down at the bar, he waved over the innkeeper.

"What can I do you for sir?" Asked the large balding man.

"I need a room for the night." He said. "And any possible information you have that could lead me to a job."

"Well, the room be costing you a shilling for a night. As for the information, well, me memory be a bit groggy on that lad."

Vorthal sighed as he handed over a silver coin for the room, and another to help 'clear' the man's memory.

"Will that do?" Vorthal asked.

"Aye, that'll do. Well, as for you wanting a job, what type is it you are looking for? I can tell ya', there's many a man in here that's willing to pay to get a little something done, but it all depends on what you want."

"Mercenary work. Any kind. I'll steal something, fight a pesky monster, escorting, transportation of goods, even healing work. Just about anything of the sort really."

"Well ye' be in luck sir. There's a group of men right over there in the corner that was wonderin' if I could send one of your sort over to 'em." Said the innkeeper, pointing him in their direction.


Vorthal tossed another shilling to the innkeeper as he walked over to the men.


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The strange pair walked into the small, bustling inn. Luna could feel a headache starting to build up behind her eyes from all the stimuli that she was getting, so she pulled the collar of her jet-black trench coat up, blocking her ears from some of the quieter conversations.


She looked at Roark, who just nodded in response and put his arm protectively over her shoulder. They walked up to the front desk and rang the bell for the innkeeper.


"We need a room for the night." Roark explained to the middle-aged man. He had a pinched, squinty face and a large pot-belly.


"Why, of course! Anything, for such a lovely young couple~." He crooned, his eyes giving Luna an uneasy feeling as they passed over her. She flashed her fangs at him, briefly letting her eyes turn to that of her wolf-form. But only long enough to make him think he -might- have seen something. He obviously did, but didn't say anything. Luna heard his heart rate increase.


"N-no charge..." He grumbled, tossing them a key and skittering away.


Roark just caught the key and smiled down at Luna, before they quickly went up the stairs to get settled in their room.


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Zafiri and Maluk:


"Must we go to the Angel city now?" She complains in stupor. Maluk nods and finishes up the hog steak he was eating.

"It's not like we have anything else to do, besides I have some furs I need to sell." And that he stands and gathers his things. Rolling her eyes Zafiri Trudges over to their "Bed" and picks up her saddle bags, tying them onto her back.

"Let's make this quick, I'm not feeling to well." Nodding Maluk and Zafiri leave their tent and emerge out into the busy life of the Centaur village. The village is surprisingly pretty big and busy with all sorts of breeds of centaurs. Of course Zafiri and Maluk are the most exotic, but Zafiri ignores it. She nods and starts to gallop along the main path towards Dalanaaricarn.


They pass all sorts of wildlife and different creatures, and actually spot a Ember dragon bathing himself in the sun. "Vile Beasts..." Mutters Maluk as he gallops, his strong build moving gracefully as if made from water. "MALUK! Calm yourself, it is simply a dragon." Zafiri growls at her mate before slowing to take a short break. "Must you always comment on dragons?" She asks as she pulls her water skin from her human hip and takes a swig before handing it to him. "Well, No. But it is still better to make one than to shun one." He takes a swig. "That made no sense what so ever Mal." She rolls her eyes and sips more water. "Come, we must go to the Hunted Dragon and get us a room before we sell anything." And with that their off again.

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Luna unlocked the door and found a small, but lovely room. It had two small beds and a dresser, but that wasn't what she liked most about this place. It was the walls. There were a beautiful mahogany wood, with carvings etched in around the top and bottom borders of an angel in flight.


"Hey Roark, look! I guess he knew we were coming!" The redhead laughed, sitting down on the far bed and taking her travel bag off her shoulder.


Roark just smiled, leaning against the doorway.


"She's acting just like her old self again..." He thought with a smile.


Luna tossed him a few shillings, leaving him with a confused face.


"You said you were hungry, right? Drop your bag and go get us something to eat." She smiled, stretching and yawning as she curled up on the bed.


"I think I'm gunna take a nap for a little while, so take your time"


"But what about G-"


"he wouldn't come to this city. He hates Light things. Besides, I've got my charm." Luna reminded the angel, holding up the necklace he had given her. It was enchanted by a warlock so that they could always find each other. The necklace was a small gold shield, with a crescent moon and an angel wing etched onto it.


"That doesn't make me worry any less and you know it." He joked with a sarcastic smile.


She stuck her tongue out at him "JUST GO GET SOMETHING TO EAT ALREADY!" She cried, grabbing the pillow from the other bed and tossing it at him. He laughed and tossed it back, then left for the market.



Gibraltr watched from within the wall; like a person would watch a wolf from a window. Undetected, silent, and safe.


He didn't fear the angel, but he did fear that his beloved was falling in love with her captor.


"Luna..." He muttered, but the fair-skinned beauty was already fast asleep.


"Hmm... perhaps I should help you see things as they truly are?" The demon smirked, allowing his Talent to activate. He delved into her sleepy mind, planting what he believed to be a dream, and then sat back to watch. But what was a wonderful dream for the handsome demon, was a horrible nightmare for the poor werewolf.


"AAAAAHHH!" Luna shrieked in her sleep, transforming into a wolf purely on instinct.


She growled and her wolf-legs kicked as she slept, snapping every now and then at the pillow. Finally, the nightmare became so bad that she actually stood up and started to run around the room, stopping only when she crashed into a wall.


Roark came back in just in time to find her unconscious on the floor, still in her wolf-morph.


He dropped the bag of apples he had bought and held Luna in his arms. He had taken his tan trench coat off earlier in the market, knowing that here it would be safe to show them. He quickly covered his friend in his wings, cutting off any link Gibraltr had with her.


The demon hissed inwardly, and decided that now would be a good time to leave.


"Someday, dear Luna, you -will- see things my way. And you -will- be mine!" He roared as he departed.


Roark quickly grabbed their things, laying Luna on the bed as she reverted back to a human now that her nightmare had ended.


Once she had woken up he picked her up in his arms and ran out of the inn, throwing the key back to the innkeeper.


"We need to find somewhere safer..." Roark explained to the groggy girl as he wandered through the streets, looking for another place to stay until he could find somewhere better protected.


He saw another inn and quickly stepped inside, not even noticing the name of it and paying the owner without any questions or Luna's tricks.


"I knew I shouldn't have left her alone!" He scolded himself.

Edited by makenziec123

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Daimeoc and Chessayia:


He lands heavily onto the ledge and goes into the Cave, "My Dear!" He grins goofily and goes to her, purring and nuzzling her. "Come we must go to the my City! Have a room to ourselves! Eat and Drink with the two legs!" Chessayia looks at him with a weird look, "You mean get drunk?" Tilting her dark head, staring at him blankly. "Yes get drunk, Have fun! We haven't done that since in flying school!" He grins and lightly tugs on her wing. "If you insist." She giggles and runs towards the cave entrances, spreading her wings and swooping into the air. He follows suit and the fly swiftly to the Inn's still trying to decide which one to go to.



Zafiri and Maluk:


They reach the city and head to the Hunted Dragon. "Come." She says as she enters the tavern, wiping her hooves on the mat. She notices one man out of everyone else, he has a darker more animalistic aura to him. Shaking her head she notices another man and a woman there. Maluk sniffs and wrinkles his nose "Who let the barn animals in here." She growls and he shuts up. "Be Nice!" She whispers harshly going to the balding man behind the bar. "Two Rooms, and two Mug of Mead Please."


"That'll be Twelve Shillings and a kiss on the cheek lassy." She glares at him and notices that his eyes were focused on her chest. "My eyes are up here unless you want your head smashed in." He grins and fixes their mead and hands her two keys. She gives a mug to Maluk and a key. She sips her mead and stares at others in the Tavern and Inn.

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When Luna came to, all she could see was a soft, fawn-brown color. Everything felt warm and soft, and she felt a strange, fuzzy sort of happiness. She blinked again and realized that she had a face full of angel feathers.


"What the-" She was was cut off by her own coughs and sputters as she tried to push her friend's feathery appendage out of her face.


She sat up, seeing that she and Roark were now in a different room. She didn't know what happened, but she did know that Roark was always there to keep her safe and so she didn't freak out.


What did make her freak out was that when she looked over to the side... She and Roark were in bed together.


She suppressed her surprised squeak, and rather than attacking the Angel with a pillow, tried putting the pieces back together of what happened instead.


She remembered having a terrible nightmare with Gibraltr in it...


"He doesn't usually fall asleep in the middle of the day... he only ever gets this tired after he..." She paused, realization dawning on her. She looked down at Roark's sleeping face for the first time in a long time.


His dark brown locks hung in his eyes, the cream pillow under his head making him look even paler, and by contrast his fawn-colored wings looked darker. Both of their trench coats had been hastily thrown on a chair in the corner, along with the rest of their things.


Luna smiled and went around to the other side of the bed, cuddling with her life-long friend like she had when they were still little kids.


"Goodnight Roark. Sweet dreams." She whispered, eventually falling back asleep herself.

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Her skinny tail flicks side to side as she watches men and a few woman trickle about as they trickle about. Her ears move sightly as she listens to the whispers from the drunks at the edge of the counter, "Lookie! It's a slave! But with a horses rear end." They boisterously laugh and she sneers at them, walking over "Well, If I'm a slave then your drunks who need a lesson." She snickers and kicks them off their stools before heading to her room with a laugh. She heads up the stairs and goes to the room, entering she hops onto the mattress and lays down. Yawning she throws her stuff to the side and runs her fingers through her stripped Mohawk, grunting about her hair growing back. She yawns again and closes her eyes quietly, falling asleep.


Chessayia and Daimeoc:


The two Gryphons reach the tavern and Enter, now normally gryphons don't go in buildings like this unless they mean to do something, which is the case here. Daimeoc Heads to the Counter and stands on his hind legs, putting his taloned feet on the edge, "I would Like a Mead, and she would like an Ale." He nods to Chessayia, the Balding man grunts and fills up two pitchers and lays them in front of him and Chessayia. He lays some shillings on the counter and starts to lap up the mead as Chessayia does.

"Wow Ne'er seen a Gryphon and Gryphoness drink before. SUre ya can handle that?" The Bar Keep asks as he watches them. They don't say anything and continue lapping the alcohol up.

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Rosali continued on walking, her turquoise eyes flickering side to side warily now as she came closer to the edge of the swamp. Catching sight of a left over carcass, she quickly and silently bounds over to it, her blunt teeth managing to rip the thick flesh and strip the carcass clean until there was no more. With a satisfied smile, she swept her tongue over her lips, savoring the taste of meat as it slid down into her belly. She learned not to be picky especially when there was rarely any food in the swamp. Slowly standing up from her meal, belly full, she trudged into swamp as the long reeds grew shorter and the mud started to harden. 'Almost there.' She assured herself as the large dark trees loomed up in the distance. The forest.

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A little while later, Roark woke up. On the floor. With Luna stretched out across the bed. He laughed loudly, making his friend grumble as she opened her startlingly bright green eyes.


His laughter stopped, and he quickly stood up and walked over to the bags that he had hastily thrown into the corner earlier and pulled out two things: a collar and leash.


It wasn't the most appealing thing in the world, but Luna couldn't always control the will to turn into a wolf as much as she'd like to admit. In fact, sometimes she couldn't control it at all, which is why they had bought the collar and leash.


She quickly morphed while Roark wasn't looking and then came and sat by his feet.


Easing the collar over his friends head, he smirked. "Come on pooch, time to go for your walk!" He laughed as Luna nipped at the hem of his trousers in response, glaring daggers at him with her wolf eyes.


He laughed again. "Now seriously, let's go." He smiled and opened the door.

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She starts to feel woozy, she backs up and sits in a wobbly state. "Wooooaaaah." She purrs and looks at a man in a hooded cloak over near a group of guys and goes over to him, purring like a big house cat. She nuzzles his ankles and gives him a goofy drunk smile "Mew" She makes a sound like a cats but has a birdish tint to it. She paws at his bag playfully. "Show yourself Mishter! I know what you are, I can shmeeell yooou" She coos before passing out on the feet of another man. Drool trickles from the edge of her beak.




He passes out at the bar, all that you can see is a spotted lump fur and feathers. He groans and rolls onto his side and the bar keep sighs. "Never let a Gryphon drink.." He shakes his head and rolls his eyes.



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"Shoo!" Vorthal said, trying to brush away the drunk Gryffin at his feet.

It was going to ruin everything! He was going to get chased out of town! Arrested! Killed! He looked at the patrons he was talking to nervously, as they looked at him with sceptical looks. When she passed out on the floor, he took the chance to start dragging her towards the bar to where he saw another Gryphon, which he presumed was her mate.

"Here," Vorthal said, tossing the barkeep another few coins. "For a room for these two."

The bartender tossed him another key, and motioned for a few men to help him drag them upstairs.

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Luna padded through the busy streets, dragging the poor Angel through the city of Light as she went, sniffing at the ground as she did so.


She could definitely smell some strange creatures here, but she wasn't sure which scent she wanted to follow most. There was this weird human/dragon mixed scent, some griffins and some... alcohol? And she thought she smelled some more werewolves just outside the city too.


Still not sure which one smelled the most interesting, she decided instead to head for the closest one: The drunk griffins.


Or at least, she was. Then she got kicked in the flank by someone with heavy boots very, -very- hard. She automatically took off towards... she didn't even know where. All she knew was that someone had hurt her, and that the smell of grass meant safety. So she ran, leaving Roark behind on accident.

Edited by makenziec123

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Luna burst out of the forest, accidentally knocking into someone and finally tumbling to a stop.


The scared werewolf lay there on the ground, her belly facing the stars as she trembled and panted, still wearing the leather collar and leash, the gold tag sparkling in the moonlight along with her oddly still-green eyes.


She looked over at the person she had knocked into, trying to give him an apologetic look, but not really knowing how since she'd never been part of a pack before, and therefore didn't know how wolves body language worked. She just hoped she got her point across.







"LUNA! COME BACK!" Roark shouted as she darted away. The person that had kicked her had already moved on, and it was a good thing too. Roark would have beaten him senseless for hurting her if he'd had the chance...


"LUNA!" He continued to call her, but he had lost track of her a long time ago, and the necklace only worked if she was in danger...


"Luna, don't do anything stupid..." He muttered, his trench coat flying out behind him like a cape as he walked down the dark, empty street.

Edited by makenziec123

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Luna nervously looked up at the man that was talking to her, but decided that he seemed friendly and rolled onto her side.


She looked around at all the other werewolves around her, tucking her tail closer but trying to appear friendly none the less.


She perked her ears forward and looked up at the friendly man next to her again, trying to say "What's your name?" But instead making a bunch of squealing sounds like a pig.


She ducked her head under her paws in embarrassment and decided to just be quiet instead.





"Tch. At this rate I'll never find her!" Roark grumbled. He was getting hungry again so he stopped inside an inn- "The Hunted Dragon".


"Hmm... well, they look like they have some decent food here. The angel thought as he went inside to order.

Edited by makenziec123

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Luna took her head out from under her paws, wagging her tail slightly. Then, she shifted back into her human form, black trench-coat and all.


She sighed in relief and sat up.


"Nice to meet you, and yes, if you count being a werewolf for the past two years new." She smiled at Raoul. Er, Camomile?

"Hey, do you mind if I call you Camo instead? It's shorter. Plus with that black hair you kinda behind in with those dark trees behind you." She giggled.


"Oh, shoot! Where's Roark?" She asked, looking around and grabbing her pendant out of habit.




Upon stepping in The Hunted Dragon, Roark immediately noticed a pair of drunk gryphons being hauled upstairs, and a young-looking man watching as he passed the innkeeper some shillings, probably for a room for them.


Roark walked over to the man. He looked like he was dressed for a battle in a snow storm with all the clothes he had on, but hey, to each his own.


"That's awfully nice of you. Getting them a room and all, I mean." Roark praised him.

Edited by makenziec123

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"Um.. Thanks." Vorthal said nervously. "I should really get these two to their room now, as well as getting to my own."

Crap. An Angel. They could sometime sense what he was, so he was always uneasy around them, seeing as they could give away his cover. Turning away from the Angel, he resumed hauling the Gryffons up the stairs.

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