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Our war, their burden.

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As Drakaht listened to their conversation, He began to feel sleepy. He almost never felt sleepy at night, but the day had been extremely eventful. He had made friends, enemies, had fought an orc army, and experienced a vampric bloodrage in just a day. He curled up and went to sleep


Nar spurred his boar on faster. The rebel orcs behind him were gaining ground. Reasoning with them had failed, and he did not want to kill them. He spotted a town up ahead and headed towards it, putting on a huge billowing cloak and hood as he rode. He charged past the town border, alarming the guards. He shouted" Orcs are approaching!" and jumped off his boar. He entered the town on foot as the guards shut the gate and fired at the orcs, killing them instantly. He headed to the nearby inn, mourning the loss of two of his old friends.

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Lou chuckled. "They may like me very much. Why not give it a try?" she gave Elly a hug. "I was scared today you know. I was afraid they'd kill you. That I wouldn't be able to save you." Lou chuckled at the sleeping Drakaht.

Edited by Lothuialel

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Dahlia looked at the medallion. That sounded handy, but she looked up at Lou after hearing the name of a race she was very much familiar with. "Goblins aren't dangerous or savage beasts." she said almost defensively. The girl then took out her waterskin from the backpack and took a drink from it. If there was no other sources, Dahlia would have to go back into that forest to get water and materials for a bow. She looked around, maybe she could just ask to see if anyone had what she needed. "I have to craft myself a bow. Is there any spare wood or string I can use here?" she asked.

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Drakaht stirred in his sleep and mumbled" Vines on the ceiling.. Not sure if strong enough... try it.. Snore..."


(Goodnight!apparently, me and Drakaht have the same sleep schedule. )

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(fun! Lol)

She walked to Dahlia, "Goblins are not savage no. But some hate humans. I can get you a bow..." she drew a rune on the ground and spoke some words.


When Lou finished, she stood and handed Dahlia a silver bow.

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Dahlia looked at the new bow with surprise. She didn't know a bow could be summoned that easily, and that one looked more durable than her wood ones. "Huh. That works, too. Thanks." she said taking the bow and examining it. Arrows weren't much of a concern as she still had some from her old bow before it broke. "And you're right, some hate humans. But not all of them. I owe my life to those little critters." Dahlia said as she pulled her new bow's string to test it.


((Sorry, have to 'poof' now))

Edited by MetalDragon

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Lou smiled. "They came to me in a time of need as well. Stay safe Dahlia. And if you ever need help, don't be afraid to call." she winked

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"Well, I said I probably am not staying. But you all seem like a trustworthy bunch. Who knows, I might change my mind..." Dahlia said, folding her arms. And she wasn't lying, so far she had seen no real problems with them. Now with her new bow, she could hunt something to eat. "I'm going back into the woods, to get food and water. I'll even make sure to hunt and get something to eat for all of us." Dahlia said and ran off back into the forest, with the silver bow in hands.

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"I'm a vegetarian!" Lou called after her. She sighed and walked over to the sleeping Nendir. She placed a hand on his forehead to check for sickness. When she found his position satisfactory, she walked over to the sleeping heap of Drakaht. She sat down next to him and laid her arm across his back to help steady herself.

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Dahlia barely heard Lou's words while running, but she could somewhat make out what was said. She entered the woods once more, and hopefully there wouldn't be any more orcs still roaming around looking for her blood. That forest wasn't anything new for her, after all, for her to have marked it on her map, she certainly must have been there before. Dahlia knew her location there, and while wandering the forest, she quickly made her way to a lake. Upon reaching it, she crouched and, one by one, she took out her empty waterskins and filled them up. She also filled her half-empty waterskin with water. Lifting herself up once done, she put the water containers back in her backpack and headed off. There it was, she had water, now for the food.


Before going off hunting for prey, she remembered what Lou said, she was a vegeratian. Dahlia roamed around until she found an apple tree with mature fruits. Her agility and flexibility proved to be useful in moments such as this one, allowing her to climb the tree up without real problems and collecting some apples. She stored those in another part of her backpack, separate from the main one as the charcoal would certainly stain the apples. But just those fruits weren't going to satisfy Dahlia. She'd need a bigger meal, and with her bow out she went off looking for prey such as deer, elk or perhaps a wild boar. It took maybe three minutes for her to come across a deer, grazing on the grass. Dahlia readied an arrow, hiding in the nearby bushes, and shot at the wild animal. It quickly reacted upon hearing the sound of the projectile flying at him and fled, but not without getting hit on one of its rear legs.


"Darn. This is what I get for not practicing enough with bows." Dahlia thought as she went after the animal. The blood dripping from the arrow wound onto the ground allowed Dahlia to stalk her prey and found it again, it had stopped to lick its wound, despite the arrow sticking into its leg. The girl prepared another arrow, aiming carefully at the deer's neck. She let go of the string, firing off the arrow at it.


This time, it didn't react fast enough thanks to its wounded leg. The arrow skewered its neck, and the creature dropped dead. "Gotcha!" Dahlia said quietly to herself, celebrating her kill as she ran to the carcass. A successful hunt! She retrieved her ammo as they still were in usable conditions, and she didn't have too many arrows either. She grabbed the deer by its antlers and, while it took some time, she dragged it all way back to where the others were.

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Lou looked up at Dahlia as she returned with the carcass. "Wonderful!" she clapped. "Now everyone can have a full belly. Dahlia, you are a wonder." she stood up to help with the deer. "We need to wake up Drakaht so he can drain the blood. The deer will be easier to handle with less blood in it."


Lou walked off in search for Elly. When she finally found Elly she said, "Elle, we have deer at the camp in the cave. Come and hurry, dinner will be served when Drakaht drains the blood and we cook the meat."


Lou came back with an arm-load of wood for the fire. She hurriedly fed the fire and went to wake up Drakaht.

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"I'm going to go search the woods for some tree branches for arrows after dinner." Celariel said. Taking an apple, he slowly munched on it as he thought about the other supplies he would need. Hmm... flint or stone should be easy enough, but feathers will be a real problem. After he finished eating, Celariel set off into the forest looking for branches and shafts for arrows. He found 5 branches. I should be able to hack these into arrow shafts... Celariel began to head back to the cave, but the branches were heavy. He got back to the cave a few hours before dawn, and put the branches aside. Celariel then went to sleep.

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"DO you know Elle means she?" She quietly told Lou. She wasn't sure why she wanted Lou to hear that. Maybe she wanted to be praised because she thought she was smart? Most likely. She thought. Hearing the word "deer" also made her sigh. If only her crow friends were with her. The crows wouldn't have to starve. For at least one day. She was lucky that her crows didn't die from starvation though.

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"I can handle the meat well enough even with the blood, but I guess he'd be more satisfied if he has blood." Dahlia replied, reminding herself that Drakaht was a vampire. It wasn't like she hadn't done that before, but it could be easier this time with others around. She watched as Lou fed the fire with more wood. "I'm not the best cook around, but if anyone's a cook here... Oh!" she suddenly interrupted herself as she took her backpack off and opened one of its containers. "I did hear you when I left. Here, I brought these for you." Dahlia said as she showed the apples inside to Lou.

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"I never knew that!" Lou smiled and laughed, "It's true! You could live for 3,000 years and still learn something new. Come on Elle, you must be hungry."


Lou turned to Dahlia. "Thank you Dahlia! I may not be much of a cook, but I can cook all the same. Anyone else want to try to cook? If not I will."

Edited by Lothuialel

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Elly stood and tilted her head. She looked around. Where did she put her scroll again...? She sighed. She didn't even draw on it. What a waste. At least she had the drawable ground. "..." She blinked.

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Dahlia looked at Lou. "Don't worry then. I'll handle the cooking." she said with a nod. She was getting hungry herself and couldn't wait to eat some venison. "You know, it's not terribly difficult to prepare the meat even if it's drenched with blood. I can do it whenever you all are hungry - I'm just concerned if Drakaht will get hungry if I do it." Dahlia said as she pulled out her map and charcoal from her backpack, reminding herself that she had to mark this cave. Her paper was almost out of space, but she calculated the distance she had to walk between the cave and the forest, then looked to check the direction, before starting to sketch on her map with the piece of charcoal.

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"Well... He might get hungry. I will go try to rouse him." Lou walked to Drakaht. "Wake up." she said gently shaking his shoulder.

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Drakaht woke up and saw the deer. " Thanks, I was starting to feel a little thirsty."

He bit into the deer and sucked out the blood.

Then he went back to sleep.

Edited by Melomancer

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Lou chuckled. She morphed to her dragon form and found a warm place to sleep. She promptly laud her head down and watched the cave entrance with a sence of protectiveness. She didn't want to see her friends get hurt. There had been enough mortal lives slain.

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She finished marking the cave on her map and looked over at the dead animal. The deer was drained out of its blood, it was ready to be butchered and cooked. Dahlia took out one of her chained blades. It was no butcherer's knife, which would be the ideal blade, but it would have to do for now. She dug the blade into the carcass' flesh, and started her job of cutting medium-sized pieces of venison ready to be cooked. Once done, she looked at the firewood and pulled out of it a thin, straight branch. The girl then carved a pointy tip onto it with her blade, and skewered the meat on her new barbecue stick made of wood. Dahlia then placed it over the fire, hoping it wouldn't just burn. "It shouldn't take too long to cook." she said as she could hear her stomach growl and her mouth watered upon smelling the scent of the meat cooking.

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Lou burrows her face in her wing as she tried to sleep through the smell. She couldn't stand the smell of meat. It made the knot in her stomach worse. Lou started to drift into a dream...


Halfway through her sleep she had somehow managed to morph to her human form. She tossed and turned. She hated nightmares. After about thirty minutes of this fitfully sleep, she woke up screaming in rage.

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Lou satdown with her head in her hands, sobbing. She had watched her father's murder replayed in her head. She gestured a no to Drakaht.

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