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Our war, their burden.

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"Why...does...this happen...to me...?" She said in a depressed voice. Maybe I should just retrieve Corneille... She thought, and was about to call for her, but hesitated. That lady is with me...how am I suppose to call her now without making her ask questions?! She thought. She then heard her stomach growl. I'm hungry...!...I totally forgot about the scavenging...! Elly quietly sighed. Now what was she suppose to do?

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"Well, let's go back for it?" Irina asked, Alicia looked up at her "I don't know. We need it, but I don't want to go back there." she said, standing up again and looking around. "What if I go back, and you stay here?" Irina asked again, this time somewhat more helpful. "....We just spent I don't know how long walking through this forest, and we still can't find the end, possibly went in a circle, and everything looks the same. Why would you think you could find your way back here?" Alicia asked, not rudely but also not politely. Irina frowned and looked down, "Yeah, that's a good point. ... Which means we probably couldn't even find the village again without flying..." Irina looked back up, "We'll have to start over, then." Alicia said with a sigh as she began to look around, she pulled out her hunting knife and began to feel the edge with her fingers, making sure it hadn't been blunted or dulled out. "As soon as we get out of this forest, we'll see what we can do about food.... As for water, that could be difficult..." she continued, then began to walk in another direction with Irina quickly following. Edited by Sean175

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All Dahlia could her was a quiet voice from the other girl, but she couldn't understand what she was saying. She was unsure what to do now. It was unfortunate, because now she really wanted to know what was going on, but perhaps the best choice would be to leave the child behind and continue on her way to that little oasis in the midst of a world razed by a terrible war. Maybe there wasn't anything Dahlia could do. Then she heard what sounded like a stomach growling. Well, she wasn't hungry (at least for now) herself. Dahlia knew she shouldn't be asking so much but the question slipped out of her mouth. "Are you hungry?"

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Elly nodded. She wasn't sure if she should say anything else. Her eyes focused attention on Corneille for a second who tilted her head, but she soon focused her attention back on the older female. "I went scavenging for food, so..." She said quietly before drifted off. Elly tilted her head to the right. "Why? Are you hungry too?" She asked. She had a bit more courage now that she could see Corneille was near.

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As they continued further, Alicia simply stopped in her tracks. "Something is definitely wrong. It took us only a couple minutes to get in, but we can't get out!" she yelled, then began to look around. Everything looked exactly the same...over...and over... She quickly turned and began to run back the direction they had just come from, "Alicia, wait for me!" Irina yelled, startled by her friend taking off without warning she quickly followed. Almost immediately, they were back within the village. "I knew it, I knew it!" Alicia yelled and immediately held up her knife in an aggressive manner, looking around. Irina looked around in amazement, something most definitely was wrong here...

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"Actually, no. I'm not hungry, but I do need to find water soon." Dahlia explained. This time, the girl was speaking normally once again. Progress, maybe? She'd explain why water was more important than food but right now, said explanation would do more harm than good. "Well," the wanderer continued. "I asked because there's a place somewhat close around here that has water and food sources. And that's where I'm heading to." she said, looking at her sketched map. Dahlia estimated that, from her old shelter all way to her goal, she had gone through about one fourth of the way already.

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"Ah...Can I come?" She asked the stranger. If she says that there will be food, then that means me and my crows can eat! Elly thought. Finally, she can eat regular food rather than a dying corpse! I need Corneille in order to tell the others where we'll be going though... She thought for a moment. She needed a chance for the older girl to turn her back, unfocused on her. Or maybe I could have Corneille be sent off to tell the others when we arrive... Elly thought happily for a moment.

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Alicia began to cautiously go forward, looking around with each step and keeping her knife towards whatever direction she was looking. Irina began to head a different direction, her wings now opened up and her teeth showing as she snarled slightly, both of them felt that whatever was causing them to be trapped in the forest, must be within the village. They both continued cautiously forward, Irina began to tear through the rubble of one of the old houses looking for anything, as Alicia began to enter one that was still mostly standing.


Alicia entered the old building, she noticed almost immediately that the inside of the house was quite warm, and that there was an old stone stairway to the far left of the room, but the room itself was empty, other than the remains of totally rotted cabinets. She explored the house more, and found nothing. They both continued to search around, both continuing to find nothing. They both headed back towards where they had first entered from, "... I don't understand. There's nothing here, not even our bag..." Alicia said, quite puzzled. She still had her knife out, as she still had a bad feeling. "Yeah..."

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"I suppose you can come along." Dahlia replied, standing up and putting her map back into its storage. Allowing the little girl to come along was a strange decision. Dahlia was used to hike all by herself, after all. Sure, there were times she had some sort of company, but few were those occasions. And none of them were with a child. She fixed her backpack and chains to feel more comfortable as she looked down at the girl. "By the way, what is your name?" she asked, ready to head out at any time given.

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"Elly!" She replied. "What's yours?" She asked, curious. Elly's friend, Corneille, was still watching the two talk to each other. The crow was a few meters away from them, and was on the ground. Its eyes fixated on the female stranger, although occasionally she stared at her friend Elly too. It was her mission to pay attention to this female stranger, as said from her friend. Corneille tilted her head as she spied on the older female.

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Celariel yawned as he woke up from his nightly rest. After devouring the old carrot and sipping some water, he packed all everything up and set out in search of the life-giving materials important to his survival. I hope I can find some place to get plants from, or I may just eat an animal...

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"Right in the head"Said Nendir,He was training on targets which he me made out of wood from dead trees.He looked in his bag to check his things,He carried 2 water-skins with him,some fruits and some arrows.He picked his bag and started moving.He heard a voice to the east of where he was,he unsheathed his sword and moved to the east carefully,he found a tent and an elf moving away from it,he moved slowly till he was right behind the other elf,he grabbed the elf from the neck and pointed the sword towards the back of the elf."What Business brings you here,speak or ill dig the sword into your back".

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"My name is Dahlia." Dahlia answered, not noticing the crow that was watching over her. Despite her past experiences, it still felt a little strange to be accompanied in her travels. The girl then looked at the direction she was originally heading towards, north-east. "If we head this direction," Dahlia pointed to the north-east with her right hand. "We should get there before it begins to get too late. Then we can get food and water." she said and began walking off, back on her tracks before she stopped to see the child. "Let's get going. I don't want to have to spend the night out in the open."


((I feel so sleepy and I gotta study for tests... Sorry if I happen to not be so active today.))

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Elly flinched for a moment before rushing towards the human whose name was Dahlia. She looked at Dahlia's hand. For some strange reason, she wanted to hold it. "Uhhh...!" She slowly reached out to try and grab Dahila's hand. She hesitated for a moment as she walked with the other female. Elly turned towards the crow, who was "walking" towards them. The witch only stared and did a tiny nod before focusing her attention back on Dahlia.

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Dahlia felt something grabbing onto her hand, and she immediately turned her head to look. To her surprise, Elly had just grabbed her hand. "Huh...?" she mumbled rather quietly, a puzzled expression on her face. A situation that was already odd to Dahlia just got even more awkward with the child holding onto her hand. She wanted to pull it away from Elly but she didn't want to look rude or aggressive. Dahlia just continued on her tracks, hoping they'd hit the destination soon enough.

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Elly smiled in excitement. She never held hands with another human for a long time! This is one of the happiest moments in my life! She thought. She liked the warm feeling in Dahlia's hand. She was sure she had felt that same kind of warmth somewhere before, but it was forgotten until now. Elly felt a bit of a confidence boost. "S-so...where's your family?" She asked. She hoped that the question wasn't too personal for Dahlia.

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Celariel grabbed the arm around his neck and twisted it. Leaping aside, he sprang up with an arrow knocked. "I'm traveling through, and I don't see why your trying to kill me. Now explain why you attacked me and why you are here. One move though, and your dead!" Oh great, a fellow elf. Why does it have to be an elf?

Edited by Epic_Ninja_1

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Memories flooded back when she was asked about her family. Dahlia flinched and stopped upon remembering the flames consuming her old house as she was forced to flee. She looked down for a moment, those weren't pleasing memories to keep in her mind. That and another event marked when she started to be such a lone wanderer. After some seconds, Dahlia lifted her head back up and looked at Elly. "Last time I saw them was when dragon's fire was burning down the house they were in." she replied, though certainly not happy to talk about it.

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"...I'm beginning to think we should just try to fly out of here." Alicia stated, Irina got a funny look on her face. "... Maybe. But let's not be to hasty." Irina responded. When suddenly, a strange laugh began to echo around them. "Hehehehehe...!" Alicia immediately lifted her knife back up and looked around frantically, Irina opened her wings and snarled a bit also looking around. "Two lost little travelers, lost in my forest forever! Hehehehehe, we are going to have so much fun together in the years to come!" the voice continued, Alicia looked towards where the voice was coming from. It was from the forest itself, but opposite of where they had originally entered and tried to leave. Alicia quickly began to run that way, Irina following. "What's the matter? Did I say something wrong, my friends?" the voice asked, Alicia continued running dodging trees as she ran, Irina slowing down in pursuit because she was not able to dodge the trees as easily thanks to her larger size, regardless of her quick agility.

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"Dragons? What are they?" Elly asked. Although she did know that a war happened throughout the history, she was clueless on what had happened. "And why did they do that?" She asked. Although she sounded a bit sad for her, she seemed to be more curious on what has happened over the years.


Corneille was also curious on what has happened, and tilted her head. A war went on? Why didn't Elly tell me? Oh well, let me hear what this female stranger here had to say... The crow thought as she quietly followed along with them.

Edited by Jass

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Dragons. How to explain what they are? "Winged, overgrown lizards." Dahlia said with some spite in her voice. It wasn't like she could see them in a good light after what happened. "Those things have various abilities. There are many species, but I don't know what all of them are." she said to complete her previous statement. Elly's other question hit Dahlia. After all, why? Why did that happen? "I... I don't know why they did that to me." she replied.

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Corneille would've sighed in disgust if she was a human. She disliked tragic memories, not because of pity, but because that it was completely boring to her to hear. 'Oh no, my mom died of a fire, pity me! Oh no, I've become an orphan now that my parents abandoned me, pity, pity me!' Corneille hated tragic people with their bad past. Although she once liked them, she had been hearing tons and tons of 'sad' stories. She had gotten quite sick of them now.


'Elly, please abandon this female stranger after we get to the next city.' Was what the crow wanted to caw. But she held back. She needed to observe this female stranger which she disliked.

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Dahlia didn't hear any more questions from the other girl, to her relief. She didn't really feel like talking about herself, she just answered because otherwise she was sure she'd just be bombarded with more questions and insisting. Dahlia continued walking, the place she mentioned that had food and water should be very close by now, she thought. Though she wasn't sure of what to do about Elly when they get there. She thought of just going off in her own way afterwards, but she'd decide that when they'd hit their destination.


"What about you? Why were you by yourself when I found you?" Dahlia asked, her eyes looking over at Elly. Her suspicion of strangers began to kick in again. Perhaps the girl was alone, but what if she didn't need someone else to go ahead and pull something bad on Dahlia? She had to make sure she wouldn't just get stabbed in the back once they hit their destination.

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"Didn't you hear? I was lost." She replied. Elly wasn't exactly lying, she was lost. In fact, most of the time she never knew where she was at. She usually had help from her friends. "Why were you alone by yourself when you found me?" She asked. The question Dahlia had asked started to make her nosy. "Don't you have any friends? Are they mean to you if their not here?" She asked. "I feel like asking questions again!" She smiled.

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"Oh lord." Dahlia thought to herself as she was asked so many questions. That was becoming a test of patience, which she barely had. She wished she had remained silent when it seemed all the chatting was over. But she'd try to keep her short-temper in control and not snap at Elly. It was just a curious kid, after all. Well, Dahlia hoped it was just a kid, anyway. "Because I prefer traveling alone when I can help it. I feel safer that way. And no, I don't have any friends." she answered quite bluntly. Dahlia was about to ask something, but bit her tongue, in hope that the questions would come to an end. Edited by MetalDragon

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