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Pagos Epochi - The Time of Ice

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Iceburn watched in disgust as the Copper, she could now see that's what it was, tried to rescue another dragon. At least she assumed it was a dragon. What a sissy, helping others, in this land you take care of yourself. Well, unless you're a fanatic. She was so fed up with it that she didn't notice that it was coming her direction. She tried to hide but was almost sure she spotted it/. Muttering two curses under her breath she decided to be friendly, "Hello there!" She called, cursing again with her other head.

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((If anyone comes close to the entrance of the cave, they should see Kyu when she pops out of the snow and when she dives))


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Her melodic voice soothed him... Too bad she didn't talk for long. Leo's stories were about to be told! "I wonder what sort of exciting tale he had to tell this time?" He was originally just gonna listen from afar like he had played from afar, but Sylvi had got him a front seat instead.

Once he had realized that he was in the FRONT seat with all the other hatchlings his expression grew dark. He could've sworn he could hear the minds of the other hatchlings, mocking him and pitying him for his situation... Looking around, there was no way out. There was just too many hatchlings all around him and he didn't want to have to plow through them in order to escape. Against his will he stayed there with his head pointed towards the ground, often twiddling his paws.

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Doll stumbled through the snow, her broken tail dragging. She turned her head sharply at the sound of a voice.

If it's another dragon that needs help, I'm just going to leave them. This is enough work as it is.

"Yes?" Her voice was strained. "What is it that you want from me?" She shifted the turpentine on her back, and kept trudging onwards towards the cave.

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Iceburn Wasn't sure what to do really, she decided she would either help or kill this dragon, but which? she thought it over, killing ti would be a waste of energy, helping could possibly get her something in return. she shook her head sadly and called out, "You need some help there?" Immediately regretting it. Edited by MasterWeavile898

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((I could've sworn I posted here dang it!))


Kiran nudged his sister for the twelfth time that night, snapping her out of her stupor. "Leonardo's telling a story. Come on, I want to grab a good spot." He led her towards the front, sitting down and wrapping his tail around himself. Mitsuki, on the other hand, just laid straight down on her belly, flopping her tail and wings around lazily.


((Sorry it's short. D:))

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Bwriadol hissed, her tail catching on a snowdrift. She smiled weakly at the two-headed dragon. "Yes, I do. If you're willing." She slid Evie off her back, and took out the blanket. She scratched away the snow with her hind foot, and lay the fabric in the hole she had made. Carefully, she picked up the turpentine. She grimaced, pain searing through her body and up her spine. She wrapped up her companion in the blanket, and sat heavily in the snow. "Please, get to the caves. Tell Absalom we're stranded at the foot of Mount Giluwe." she closed her eyes and shivered. "And.. and that we need help. Immediately."


((Bad post is really bad. Forgive me.))

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Iceburn cocked one head and sneered with the other, "Who is Absolom?" She inquired, followed quickly by, "You mean the caves with all those fanatics, don't you?" The word fanatics came out in an especially vicious tone.

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Absalom fluttered his expansive wings and settled in his seat. He was lmost certain that he was looking forward to Leo's story. It could turn out to be one of his greats, but it was always hit or miss.

Absalom had noticed a change in his friend recently. The Wrapping Wing had been scatter-brained, forgetful, and indecisive. Briefly Absalom wondered if it was time to let Leo in on one of his best-kept secrets. It might solve his problems, or it could expedite them.


Doll shivered and shook her head. "I-I'm s-s-sorry. I took y-you for a cave-dweller." She huddled up in her wings and her teeth chattered. "I-if you would, c-could you get a f-f-fire going? I think- I think I can manage after that." Teh copper coughed and wrapper her wings tighter. She could feel the cold stab into her chest and sides. Her tail felt like it was on fire. For all she knew, it could be.

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Iceburn rolled her eyes, "Sadly I cannot make fire." She said, but also found, "I would be willing to carry your friend for you." Coming out of her mouth too. She avoided placing her claw upon her face, sometimes she was far too helpful. Edited by MasterWeavile898

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((And so it begins...))

Leonardo grinned, and finally began his story.

"This is a tale of a creature known by many as 'The Krampus'. Legends says that Santa directs Krampus, a demon with a 12-inch long tongue, to the dens of naughty hatchlings. Krampus then licks them, beats them and carries them off in his sack".

Leo looked across the crowed and saw hatchlings faces contorted in fear and disgust. He chuckled and continued his story.

"Once in the sack, Krampus would drag the misbehaving children out into the cold on the surface, bring you to an ice pond, and throw you in. But not before beating you a second time with hot strands of metal, and blunt wooden clubs" . Leonardo let out a deep laugh and sighed contently.

"So remember children, listen to your parents, listen to the Elders, and most importantly, watch out for KRAMPUS!" . Leo grinned for a moment, but soon frowned once he heard the cries and howling of baby dragons. He could hear adults yelling and cussing at him, saying such this as "You monster!" and "You've scarred my child!". He couldn't understand what went wrong; Leonardo thought he ran the story by Absalom. He thought Absalom loved it, and thought the children would too! He was just so confused...

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Sylvi stifled a horrified gasp as Leonardo told his story, cringing as masks of terror spread over the hatchlings' faces. After the chilling story was over, she grabbed Leo by the arm and dragged him away, unable to control her infuriated temper. "Leo, what in the world were you thinking?" she growled through gritted teeth, her voice rising into a shrill cry of exasperation. She struggled to lower her voice, her legs trembling as she seethed angrily. "You've frightened those hatchlings to death! All the parents are angry with you! You've ruined Christmas!" Her last, accusing words were dropped to a mere whisper, but she was just too enraged with Leo to care much. She rocked back on her haunches, her mouth set into a firm, grim line. "Leo, what's gotten into your head these days?" she asked the confused Wrapping Wing caretaker as she ushered him over to Absalom.

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Absalom's mouth was set in a grim line as Leonardo's "story" progressed. He straightened in his chair and his eyes drilled holes in the Wrapping Wing's head. The Winter Magi stood, his wings draped around him like a cloak. His scarlet eyes glared from their sockets. "What- What were you thinking. There was a reason we banned that story!" His deep voice seethed with hurt. Silent, he cast his eyes around the room. Dragons were in tears. Absaom gripped his face with a claw, and refused to meet Leo's eyes. "I am... dissapointed." His last words weighed heavily on the minds of those around him. He had never, ever, said he was dissapointed with any of them. He had always smiled when they came to him, given them advice, and sent them on their way changed for the better. Dissapointing Absalom was not something you could do.


A claw still covering his eyes, Absalom brushed past Sylvi and Leo. He walked slowly to the front of the cave. The cries of infants and the wails of hatchlings came to a stop as the ancient dragon came to speak. He cleared his throat, and attempted a smile. "I apologize. I had not heard or realized the contents of dear Leonardo's story. I will ask the cooks to prepare hot chocolate for anyone who needs, or wants, it. If you have a question or concern or worry about whatever was said, please do come to me."


The Winter Magi held out his claws, and an icy orb appeared between them. An image flickered across it's nebulous surface, and everyone gasped. It was a vision of Santa and his reindeer skimming across the snow-covered wastes. The sheer beauty of the image soothed the mind of all who saw it. Krampus could not exist. Samta wouldn't allow it!

Edited by Ayesthine

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Saro scowled briefly at the story, pulling himself up from where he had settled onto the ground. Under his breath, he muttered, "Well, at least we know the hatchlings won't misbehave this year." It didn't sound like a good thing though, as he made his way towards the center of the group, occasionally dipping his head to let a hatchling play with the silver bells tied to his neck. His head tipped as he looked at the item Absolom held up, with the image of Santa moving across it's surface. "That's quite the trinket." He remarked, chuckling as he peered down to watch the hatchlings' tear-stained faces slowly gain looks of wonder and hope instead.


As for himself, despite the fact he didn't look pleased with the story, he didn't look too distraught or angry with the situation. Besides, the celebrations weren't quite over yet, and just like every year he came to the festivities to watch and have fun, there would be something to make up for any glitches or trouble.

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Kiran flinched as Leonardo finished his story. What the heck? What was he thinking, telling a story like that? He glanced over at his sister, but saw that Mitsuki had drifted off again, practically falling asleep. "Hey! Wake up!" He growled in exasperation and thwacked the Soulpeace.

"Murr...?" Mitsuki shook her head. "What happened? Why is everyone so panicked?" Kiran rolled his eyes and retold the story to Mitsuki, in a low voice so no one else would hear. She widened her eyes. "Why would Leo pick a story like that? Didn't he know he would scare the hatchlings?"

Kiran shook his head. The orb that Absalom created calmed most of the dragons down, but Kiran could see that Mitsuki was still a little shaken and confused. "Want some hot chocolate?" He asked her, concerned. She nodded. "I'll go get some for us later."

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He was absolutely horrified with the story that the elder had told everyone, despite not really listening much in the first place. But then something occurred to him and he intended on making his thoughts known. He ran forward to confront Leo, puffed himself as large as he could and attempted to make the bravest and most aggressive stance he could. Of course because it was coming from only hatchling, even if he is a mature hatchling, it was rather a laughable and maybe even an adorable sight. That is until he angrily and desperately spewed out his malicious question "So then is THAT why my parents are dead! Because this-this... This guy named Krampus kidnapped them and killed them and took them away from me! Is that why? TELL ME!" He didn't know the reason why his parents were dead. The elders told him they had died of sickness, but he didn't believe one bit of it. On the other hand this... Krampus story sounded more legit to him.


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"Kyuuuu~!" She had traveled quite far away from the cave, despite being in her younger form. "Just a few more moments, then I'll head back to the cave~." If things were going as she thought they were, the others may need her help in calming down everyone with her illusions... But for now all she had to do was enjoy herself! Kyu leaped out of the snow and did a wonderful corkscrew spin before "splashing" back into the snow.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Nightingale had been frightened slightly by the story, but she kept her calm. She looked at the orb, and became calm again. Just then, the ultraviolet hatchling that she had talked to stood up and demanded something from Leo. It seemed he was angry about his parent's deaths.

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Bwriadol nodded, but couldn't reply. It was getting harder for her to move. The joints on her wings were frozen stiff, and her membranous skin crackled in the cold. She stood up, grimacing as her legs creaked. She pulled a torch out of her bag and set the end in the snow.

Her neck contracted; a sac near her lymph nodes compressed and sulfane flooded into her maw. The volatile gas was lit, and the copper dragon spat out a fireball. The noxious flames melted the snow around the torch and the pitch-covered end burned. Doll coughed, and picked up the flaming stick. She motioned to the two-headed, and carefully stepped over the unmoving turpentine. She pointed off into the blizzard with a wing, and croaked, "The cave is off that way. Y'd be welcome to wait out the storm there."

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Iceburn gave herself a glare and picked up the Turpentine. It wasn't very heavy and she had no trouble at all carrying it, she followed the Copper in the indicated direction. She didn't intend to stay, she needed to get back to her own home and she hated all these stupid fanatics and their Santa. Ha! Santa was an old pedophile who watched children in their sleep and gave them gifts to make them like him, disgusting. Iceburn had to admit that there was one religious story she had heard that was almost believable. It didn't have Santa in it like all the others, though she had heard it twisted so it did, it was a story about a baby- Her thoughts were interrupted as she almost dropped the Turpentine, she steeled herself to concentrate on the task ahead, she could think about religious nonsense later.

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Doll wheezed into her wing. The racking cough made her neck convulse, and she nearly tripped over the lumpy snow. Every breath was heavy and rough. The cold seeped into her muscles and slowed her heart. A far-off noise caught her waning attention. She looked up from her feet with bleary, frozen eyes. "Is- is that Kyu? Oh thank Nicholas." The wyvern pumped her wings and rose a few feet into the air. Her broken tail dragged on the ground, but she was past caring. All that mattered now was getting the Turpentine, and herself, into the blessed warmth.


((Short post, I'm sorry Dx ))

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Leonardo was so confused. So many people were talking to him, scolding him, and he didn't even know what he had done. Of all the things that were said to him, the fact that Absalom was disappointed in him hurt him the most. "B-but you said...". Leonardo didn't know how to explain himself. He had a fairly good memory, or at least he thought he did. But that was the underlining problem: He couldn't think. His memory was so bad he often forgot his birthday, what time it was just after he checked, and even where he was at times. Leo broke free from the Snow angels grasp and flew away in tears towards the nearest exit. Christmas for him, and just about everyone else had been ruined, all thanks to his story.

Leonardo's stories were supposed to bring Christmas spirit and joy to all who heard them, but alas, his story brought nothing but sadness.

Leo landed in his chambers and sobbed. "I will never tell another story again...".

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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Iceburn cringed at the word 'Nicolas'. It was so agitating, even the story she had been thinking about a little earlier was just some mumbo-jumbo from an old book. It wasn't even a very good book, it had no plot and was too confusing. She hated it all. She dropped the Turpentine, she was done with this, "Goodbye you pathetic bunch of fanatics." She said as she turned to go, these idiots weren't worth her time. She supposed some didn't actually believe all this and just wanted out of the cold, but in her mind that made them even more pathetic.

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Evie felt her body drop suddenly. She couldn't let out a yelp, but a soft grunt escaped her as she hit the ground. She had heard these two speak, but only barely. She was on the brink of death, and she couldn't do anything about it. She couldn't even open her glazed over eyes that stared blankly into the distance. Her heart beat was slow and she was completely still. Just let me die already... Edited by Doctortear

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Absalom sucked in a breath as he watched Leonardo storm off. "Oh, have mercy. I think we were a bit hard on the old sod." He scratched the back of his neck. "With any luck, he'll feel better before the elves come with the presents."The Winter Magi stood, lost in thought, before abruptly walking away. He ambled out of the Hall, pausing to smile and chat with a few other dragons. He walked up a side-tunnel, and found Leo's room. He stood stone-still outside the chamber, listening to the Wrapping Wing's pitiful sobs.

I suppose I should comfort him, but he has a meltdown like this every year. First it was the undercooked fruitcake, then the dead tree, and now this.


Doll hissed angrily. "You just dropped a mostly-dead hypothermic dragon in the snow, and then you have the nerve to just walk away? I'm glad for your help, to be sure, but I didn't expect a rude attitude to be the price." She hobbled over to the Turpentine after she heard it groan, and wrapped her wings protectively around it. Her snake-like jaws snapped on the retreating Split's tail. "If I wasn't frozen, I would rip you apart. You nearly killed the poor thing." With her shoulders hunched, and her eyes glowing red, the copper was a menacing sight. The few impudent dragons who had dared to threaten her suddenly came to realize how the scrappy wyvern had managed to stay alive.

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Iceburn didn't turn back to face the Copper, she simply yanked her tail out of the weakened dragon's jaws, "Would you even be here without me?" She said, "It's quite likely both of you would be dead without me."

She didn't wish for thanks, that was about the last thing she wanted, "I could have chosen to not help you at all, then what would you have done?" She was probably out of earshot by now, "Maybe if you hurry you can still save it."

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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]Flare woke up in the fireplace again Dang it! I fell asleep in the fire again! He decided to do his early routine even though it was, from the activity of the dragons about 2:30 but he might be wrong. He decided to sneak out of the cave. Like he normally does Maybe I should stop sneaking out. I nearly got caught yesterday. As he made it to the cave exit he activated his "ability" as the other dragons called it. He just thought it was normal for a hellfire to you know, be engulfed by a feeling of heat and light up the area, it was normal right? Yes it is He reassured himself. Just then after walking for a while he saw a shadow. Not as large as the ones in his dreams of "the Flock Monster" but large nonetheless like the size of a, say, large copper? Oh and another dragon, one that looks sort of like... Kyu? I should go back home He got back home then decided to tell the story in riddles like for example A large shadow is descending yet the closer the shadow comes to the ground it becomes brighter. How is this possible? I am known for the unsolvable riddles that are secretly about my adventures of the outside. It'll be ok! No one will ever solve these riddles! He said this quietly under his breath accidently so, he got odd looks of confusion from dragons in the halls, luckily they didn't understand what he was saying. He got to his "den", wrote down his riddle, then went back to bed.

Edited by TurtleDragon

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