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- Nightmare - | A Werewolf vs Weredragon RP

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Somni started back to camp and soon found her self in a daydream. She was not watching were she steped and tripped over a small log. Picking it up she thought If I carve this right it will make a great dagger handle. Picking it up, she headed back to camp, this time more aware of her surroundings. Edited by Flamma

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As Javon snapped back to reality he wondered what had brought him back as he kept his breathing deep and even and to an outsider there would have been no change. his eyes keeping there unfocused look, Javon peered around the small clearing and stopped on a young buck deer that was grazing nearby. As he saw this Javon relaxed and stretched scaring off the deer. "Blood shall not be spilled in this clearing" Javon murmured to himself as he glanced around his hidden paradise that he always came to pray in. Turning Javon set out back to camp with a quick walk that few could easily keep up with. As he neared the edge of the Flame Wood something caught Javon's eye. Going over to investigate Javon gently picked up the bright red stone. So beautiful. Slipping it into a ouch on his waist Javon again set off this time in his wolf form. Edited by Raven301

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Somni got to the camp still holding her log. When she got to her hut, she got out her wood carving knife and started carving it. Hmmm . . . Somni thought as she scraped away at the log I should carve some kind of design in the handle, yes I'll do a leaf pattern. But first I will need to sketch it. coming to a decision Somni set down the now smooth log and walked out side to sketch. Edited by Flamma

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When Javon walked into camp he was on two feet again and his eyes were sparkling with excitement. Spotting Somni nearby sketching something on a yellowing canvas. Looking over her shoulder Javon saw it was a complex leaf pattern. "Thats nice" Javon said after watching her work for a moment. "Are you going to carve it on to something?"Javon asked imagining the pattern intertwining and twisting around a piece of wood.

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Oh hi Javon said Somni yes, I'm carving this into wood. The handle on my dagger broke so I'm making a new one. I thought making a design on it would be fun. she told him as she continued drawing. Edited by Flamma

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"That will be beautiful." Javon murmured to himself. Snapping back to attention Javon pulled at the pouch around his waist and pulled out the stone he had found earlier. "Take a look at this." Javon said rolling the bright stone into Somni's hand "I found it near the camp" Javon continued. It will complete the necklace I am making. Javon added in his head.

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"I dunno about Rei liking you, and even if I knew at one point, I've probably forgotten." She drifted on a thermal above the mountain, soaring up on the wind and spiraling down like a leaf when she left the thermal. "I'm not that good with people..." Clearly he liked Rei, and it was apparent, but she really hadn't asked the woman. She didn't have a mind for gossip, if she thought it was one person sneezing, it was that someone completely different had a baby. Aki thought gossip and the busybodiness of everyone was silly. "Why don't you ask Rei? I'm sure she'll answer you."

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Somni watched as Javon pulled out a red stone from his pocket and handing it to her. Wow this is beautiful. she told him Where did you find this? she asked rolling the stone over in her hand. Hmmm. What could I do with one of these if I found one. There are so many possibilitys. I'm going to go look for one of these. she thought handing the beautiful shone back to Javon. Edited by Flamma

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Tahon watched as Aki flew around some more. So she didn't know about Rei liking him? That was when he panicked. "If I ask her, she'll get angry." Tahon told her, flying smoothly across the sky. His eyes narrowed. "I don't know. Maybe I should play music to her."

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Remy silently tracked a deer that he had been following for about a hour now, knowing that he is nearing the Lycan boarder. Looking down he sees a few hoof prints and can easily tell that the deer is ahead of him by 5 minutes. Smirking Remy crouches down lower and holds on tightly to his spear inching closer to the deer's location. There is no need for me to shift and if I do this close to the boarder someone will see me and start hunting me down...... again He thinks seeing the deer and raises his spear to throw it at the unsuspecting herbivore.

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"It was about a mile from the north edge of camp." Javon told Somni as she handed the stone back, "Well see you later." Javon called over his shoulder as he turned towards the center of camp and his hut. As he neared his hut Javon slipped the stone back into the leather pouch on his hip and ran his fingers through his hair. As he stepped into the hut Javon untied is boots and slipped them off quietly padding to the sleeping area that was closed off by a sheet of thin cloth that could be run back and forth to make a separate area. Untying the thin string that kept the pouch on his waist Javon slipped the stone once again out of it's bag and set in a bowl filled with similar stones, altho none so bright, on the shelf built into the wall of the hut.

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Somni watched Javon go back to his hut with the stone. Hmmm, a mile north... I'll go there tomorrow. she thought putting the finishing touches on the pattern. Perfect she thought as she walked into her hut and got out a smaller, skinnier knife and started to whittle the pattern into the handle.

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(Dear School. You suck.)


The Beta hated mornings. Well, most mornings. Not this one. She had left early and went to the Wildflower Keep. She lay there, embraced by the planets, as the morning dew started to dry. She opened her tired eyes and yawned, sitting up. "A day of peace is the best kind of day."


Honestly, she hated all of this fighting. She wish that everyone could get along, but apparently they couldn't. So as she got up, she turned into her wolf form and ran away, panting.

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"I bet that she'd like that!" Aki said, excited. "What change gonna write for her? Something romantic?" She wondered how she would react to the song though. It would be fun to watch, but that would be rude. Maybe Aki would ask Rei about it later, it would be a little creepy if she was hiding somewhere when he seranaded her. "So what are ya gonna sing to her? Something about her artwork?"

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"... Maybe about how beautiful she is?" Tahon decided to land on a rock and curl up. He glanced up at Aki and sighed. "... It is time for the mating season again... I was working on something very nice for her." he admitted softly, tucking his tail over his nose.

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Aki's mind froze for just a moment. Mating season? Ugh, not again. She was going to be all alone again and go to all parties for the happy couples. "I bet its beautiful, and that Rei will love it!" She was trying to soothe the embarrassed Tahlon. She hoped that Rei would like what he made. "So what is it? A portrait? A song? What is it?" She curled around him, excited by the prospect of a guessing game.

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Angello sighed softly as he sat on the couch in the main room of the Beta House. On the table in front of him were layed out many different items and materials, with which he obviously attempted to create something but failed badly. In the middle were pieces on paper with crude drawings of what seemed like a female red-haired humanoid with the skill of a child.

"Why the heck... didn't I focus on art... when I was young?" He said as he crushed the piece of paper into a ball and tossed it into a pile of around ten more before he hopelessly fell onto the couch and sighed one more time. Even though his drawings did remind of a person, they were very far away from a realistic drawing. Angello rose again, though, and his hand went for another piece of paper - he'd practice, just like in the military, and practice made perfect. Sure, the mating season was only days away, but as long as Stern didn't find out he could prepare something very special for her.

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As Javon collapsed onto his bed he sighed and turned his head to look out the small window. I wonder where Sita is. He thought to himself. As his gaze drifted around the small sleeping area one of Javon's many inventions caught his eye. "What!" Javon exclaimed leaping out of bed staring at the water calendar that counted the days until the next full moon. Mating season was in four days and I still have to carve out the stones for Sita's necklace, string them together, and set up the spring festival. Javon slowly sat back down and thought Hmmm . . . I'll ask Angello to help me with the set up for the festival. But I still need to make the necklace. Coming to a decision Javon dumped the contents of the bowl of rocks into a bag made of fine netting and headed outside.

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Somni put the last little details on her dagger. Perfect she thought admiring it, Now I need to make a slot for the handle. she said cutting a slot at the top of the handle. She took her blade out of the broken handle and fit it into the slot. I'm going to need some sap to glue this in. she thought I'll just have to do that later. she told herself, settling down on her mat to go to have a rest before finishing her dagger. Edited by Flamma

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"... Maybe a poem, not a song. I sang her a song last time." Tahon landed on a rock and spread out his wings to look up at her. "... I can't draw for my life."



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Somni finished her rest and waked outside with a bowl and a skinny knife to collect sap. She looked behind her and saw Javon working with a basket of stones. Oh ya, iI need to find a stone like that. I'll look for it after I get my sap. Somni then contenued into the forest. Edited by Flamma

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As Javon reemerged from his hut he swung on his cloak and pushed back it's cowl, shaking out his hair as a dog or wolf would. Walking swiftly Javon soon reached a small brook that ran just outside the camp. Squatting down Javon gently set the bag into the stream to wash the stones. He then pulled the first out and started carving. As he finished the first stone Javon rolled it over in his palm admiring the way the light flashed and glimmered of the stone, making the ridges he had carved look like they were flowing and crashing like the sea on a stormy day. As he gazed at the stone his mind wandered to a day years ago when he had reached the end of the Unknown lands and saw the sea, something he had before only heard about in stories.

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Somni walked until she saw a tree that looked like a sap tree. She got onto her knees and drilled her knife into it. Sure enough, sap started to dribble out and she put the bowl under it. Soon, she had enough sap and and she plugged the hole and hurried back to camp to finish her project. Edited by Flamma

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Sita walked to the stream. They had said that her mate was there... "... Hello." she greeted.



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"Aw... that's adorable! What are ya gonna write about? Is her hair or her scales?" Aki guessed. She did another circle around the rock Tahlon was sitting on. "Or something else? Like her wonderful personality?" She swooped around a bit more, looking for the woman of which they spoke. Maybe they would be able to talk, and stuff while she scouted out the east end... kids were throwing rocks at the walls...

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