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- Nightmare - | A Werewolf vs Weredragon RP

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(Thanks smile.gif Promise! Forum posted in OOC)



Edited by aralyn27

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((you need to put that in the ooc thread for this rp; the link to it is on the first page))

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((you need to put that in the ooc thread for this rp; the link to it is on the first page))

(Sorry, moving it, I had them both open and clicked the wrong tab.)

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As Sita agreed that they should start Javon looked over at Tahon, "Where is your mate?" He asked respectfully yet not friendlily.


As Eridia untangled herself from Mystic she slowly got dressed as she thought of her new mate. Going back to his side Eridia gently shook him and whispered, "I'm going to the gathering, see you there?" before flying out of the small cave they had been in. Doing a flip Eridia turned towards the gathering with the strong, steady beat of her wings. Upon reaching the gathering place Eridia landed gracefully on her back legs, shaking out her neck from the fly. Now where is Mystic?

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(Okay, great, thanks)


Layla quietly entered the gathering, trying not to distract the others as she pulled her deerskin more tightly around her shoulders, more out for comfort than to ward of the chill. I have nothing to be worried about, just because I'm the newest member and I need to be all quiet and stressed. Calm down, Layla! This isn't at all your normal self. At least I'm not late. She took a breath and took went towards the back of the crowd. We are all similar, here for the same reason. Looking around in curiosity, she spotted the Kaiser and Kaiserin. Tahon and Rei, was that what their names were? Taking in the rest of the crowd, she saw that there was going to be a lot of names to remember, and that wasn't her strong suit. There wasn't a single face she knew, and the only names she could think of were Tahon and Rei, and she wasn't even positive those were correct. She could feel herself relaxing, and pushed away any nervous thoughts.


(Do we participate in dragon forms, or human?)

Edited by aralyn27

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((everyone is in their feral/turned form))

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((everyone is in their feral/turned form))

(Okay, just pretend she's in her turned form then, unless you want me to edit it. I'm not this annoying once I get into the swing of a roleplay, I swear lol.)

Edited by aralyn27

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Tahon felt his body heat up when everyone seemed to be asking the same question. Everyone asked where was his mate. And now the alpha of the Tribe of Green Leaves was asking him. Scowling, he turned his blue gaze onto him, and hated his teeth. Perhaps she is not coming. Perhaps she is late. But she is Kaiserin and is responsible. Don't think otherwise. he told him.

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"I never implied that." Javon said staring cooly back at Tahon, "I am just wondering where she is." As he said this Javon watched the skies for any sign of the Kaiserin. She should be here by now. Javon thought, Is Tahon not worried? As he said this Javon glanced at Tahon, but couldn't read his emotions because of the difference in his face and Javon's.


((Where is Moose!?))

Edited by Raven301

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((the post as Aiden is so cute user posted image))

((Awww... thank you!))


Aiden felt his heart lighten when Raven smiled at him, and he wagged his tail slightly, a bit of a smile coming to his eyes.

Of all the females in the tribe, Raven was the only one that seemed to tolerate his silliness. Kieran, if left alone, could charm snakes with his good personality, let alone females, but Aiden had never been interested in doing such. He had always prefered to be annoying, and Raven was the only female that understood that it was just his way. She actually liked it, most of the time, and the rest of the time, she would just put him into place. Honestly, besides the alpha and beta females, Raven was the only female that Aiden would allow to correct him and put him into place.

The healer informed Aiden that he was finished, so Aiden pushed himself to his feet and grimaces slightly at the soreness before looking back at Raven.

He decided to try something bold, just to see what she would do.

He walked across the space between them, then laid down right in front of her and looked her straight into the eyes, not saying a word otherwise. He had seen some wolves do this, and when they looked each other in the eyes, it usually meant......that they were falling in love.


Kieran sighed and followed Fenrir to the stream. He lapped up a drink also, then sat up and shook his fur out, taking note that the meeting was finally starting.

He leaned a little closer to Fenrir and whispered "Would you like to go on patrol with Aiden and I tomorrow? I mean, you are a scout, after all."


Narri had quickly dropped the buck off for her grandmother before hurrying to the meeting. When she arrived, she circled in the air for a moment before finding a nice place to land.

She landed quickly, but silently, and then tucked her wings and wrapped her tail around her feet. She looked around intently with curious eyes, taking in all who were there and quickly figuring out what was going on.

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((you're welcome happy.gif))


Raven looked over at Aiden again when she saw him heading her way after being done with the healer. She had looked up at the stump when she she noticed that the meeting would start soon before she saw him coming her way. She continued to look at him when he laid down in front of her and just looked her in the eyes without saying anything. She looked back at him, making the silence a bit longer as she was trying to come up with saying the two things that she wanted to tell him. Thank you for saving me from that rogue wolf earlier, she finally said a few seconds later into the silence while still looking into his eyes. I also love you. As she said this last statement she wagged her tail a bit and then waited for both his reaction and his response to it.

Edited by Dragonpelt

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Aki waited behind Tahlon. When they were asking him for the Keiserin and where she was. Rei would show up, maybe she had simply forgotten and was simply busy. "She's sick. She is feeling unwell." She did everything in her power to keep from biting her lower lip. She looked at Tahlon, We're gonna have to play along without her... I just hope he's not too worried. He'd be fine. Right? He wasn't the leader for nothing anyway.

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Fenrirs ears perked up and his tail wagged ever so slightly at Keiran's question. He had rarely been asked to join in a patrol, often being shoved off and forced into a group by group organizer, much to the dismay and annoyance of the other group members.


"Su..sure" he replied, a hint of excitement present in his voice.




Vrael scanned the skies, Uraka and Xieri had flown off somewhere and had yet to return; likewise the Kaiserin was late. He wasn't concerned about their safety, the Kaiserin was the Kaiserin for a reason, she could handle herself.


Uraka was Spunky and could literally talk herself out of trouble; as seen by how she has driven off many males in the passed, as for Xieri there was the old saying, 'With Age comes wisdom'.


The only thing that annoyed him was the fact that Uraka and Xieri were able to ditch the meeting; perhaps he would play hooky as well and make his departure.

Edited by TotallyDrow

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Kieran nodded at Fenrir "Okay then. Tomorrow morning. I'll get you when Aiden and I are ready." He just hoped Fenrir could keep his excitement in check. As long as the meeting stayed peaceful with no hint of a conflict, taking Fenrir on patrol would be fine, and surely it would be good practice for him.

He turned around and scanned the area for his twin, but then paused and laid his ears back slightly.

"Wha....what's up with Aiden and Raven?" he mumbled. The twosome were making eyes at each other and....looked love struck.

Kieran knew that Aiden and Raven had always gotten along good but....in love?


Slowly, a smile crawled across Aiden's face, all his pain disappeared, and he began to swish his tail across the ground happily. She loved him. With those words, he suddenly understood that he loved her too.

He wanted to press his nose to hers and lick her face, but his dignity would not let him in front of everyone else. Not just yet anyway.

So, without saying much, which was abnormal, he stood up and sat down beside her. Close, but not so close as to be a distraction.

He felt like bouncing around the clearing like a pup, but he held his excitement in check.

This was the best meeting he had EVER attended!


Narri sighed and re-positioned her wings before pausing, letting her eyes rest on a golden brown Draykan who looked kinda bored.

"Ah.... Vrael." she said to herself.

She stood and nimbly walked over to him, sitting down next to him, noting that he was looking at the sky "Thinking about splitting the scene?" she asked, a hint of an ornery smile touching her scaled lips.

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Vrael's attention was drawn away from the sky as he felt the presence of another sit next to him. a fellow fleetling of similar age; Narri. He glanced at Narri, taking note of that smile of hers.


"I won't deny that I've flirted with the idea...once or twice today..." replied Vrael, returning his gaze skyward, a stray cloud cruising past the sun catching his attention momentarily. He watched it in silence for several seconds as it floated away from the sun. "Why do you ask?"




"O..ok" replied Fenrir, before taking another large 'sip' of water from the stream. The fur on his chin becoming soaked in the cool water. His ears perked up as he heard Keiran mumble; the words not really that clear. He resumed a neutral posture and walked till he was behind Keiran and looked in the same direction; noticing Aiden and Raven close to one another.


"Why.. why are they staring at each other?" he asked, oblivious to the meaning behind their closeness.

Edited by TotallyDrow

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Tahon let out a hiss as Rei said they should comtinue on without her. Fine. But he was not happy. Then let Javon commence the meeting.

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Raven looked at Aiden curiously when he didn't say anything, since she had expected him to, and then just smiled a bit more when he sat down beside her while letting the curious feeling disappear. She then looked ahead again as she waited for the meeting to start, feeling happier than just a few minutes earlier. She also felt very accomplished for telling Aiden that she loved him since she had been a bit shy in doing that and wasn't sure if he had felt the same way. Now she knew that he did and that made her very happy. She was a bit oblivious to the fact that Kieran and Fenrir were behind them since she was only aware of Aiden being next to her. She then had her full attention be on Sita, Javon, and Tahon when she heard the latter say to let Javon start the meeting.



had always gotten along good...


"good" needs to be "well" Stormy tongue.gif))

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((oh-ho! Correcting my grammar now, eh DP? tongue.gif Well, I have a good excuse: fast fingers, slow brain. Hahaha...))


Kieran shrugged "Oh they're just....connecting." he said in reply to Fenrir. He wasn't exactly sure how he felt about Aiden and Raven together. If it made Aiden happy, it made him happy, but if Aiden took a mate....that meant the two of them would be.... well, split up. There had never been a day where they were not together, and a mate for Aiden would surely put that to an end.

Kieran sighed "Let's find a place to sit down and get comfortable." he said, walking toward a tree with tail and head low.

What did he expect though? He knew this would happen to one of them someday.

He glanced at Aiden and Raven, wondering if they were really good for each other.


Aiden sighed as he watched the meeting coming into order. He wondered briefly what he would give Raven as a gift. He remembered the bright red beaded necklace that his father had given his mother, and he wondered if Kieran would let him give that to Raven.

Kieran! Aiden suddenly remembered he had a twin and he glanced behind his shoulder to see Kieran and Fenrir together. Kieran glanced his direction briefly before laying down under a tree, looking somewhat.....perturbed.

Aiden bent down closer to Raven "I completely forgot about Kieran." he said "Does he look....eh....upset to you?"


Narri shrugged her wings "I just wanted to know if my assumptions were correct. I guess they were." she smirked again. Honestly, it was kinda obvious. If someone saw a wolf looking at the sky, they wouldn't ask if he was going somewhere. But a dragon looking at the sky was a sure sign that they wanted to be in the sky.

Narri sighed and laid down, trying to ignore her grumbling tummy "Where is our Kaiserin?" she asked quietly, looking around, noting that the meeting was starting without the female leader.

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Vrael only looked at her through his peripheral vision as she made that comment about her assumptions; perhaps it was obvious to those who saw him; that he would much rather be somewhere else, then to sit here in a meeting... it was even more obvious to those that knew his personality and his lack of taking anything serious. This meeting was no different; regardless of what the implications were if this meeting was successful or not the only thing that Vrael cared about was what else it was he could be doing.


"I have not see her since the festival... and even then I only got a glimpse of her as she and the Kaiser went about their own thing..." he replied, looking at where the Kaiser and Alpha's were.




"Connecting?" he thought, confused. But he did not pursue the matter further. He simply followed Kieran, and laid down, letting out a yawn before resting his head against his paws.

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Freda took her time to think of an answer for Vrael when she had one, the draykan turned her head only to see him talking to someone else. Sighing she spread her wings and jumped into a tree curling around it and using the branches to lay down on. "Hopefully this meeting starts soon people are getting board." She thinks out loud yawning slightly.

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((yep tongue.gif; you should look at my profile on here and see all of the nicknames i have for real life...one of them has something to do with spelling and another one for grammar wink.gif; lol laugh.gif))


Just a little bit but it might just be the fact that since you have a mate the two of you are split up, Raven said in reply to Aiden's question when she looked over at Kieran with Fenrir under a nearby tree. You should go over there and talk to him in order to cheer him up a little. I'm not going anywhere. She added these last two statements after her first one and after she thought about what else to say afterward. She then nuzzled him a bit in comfort with a smile and then had her attention go back to the Kaiser and their alphas. She hoped that Kieran was okay and that he would approve of her and Aiden together.

Edited by Dragonpelt

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Layla waited, slightly impatiently, for the gathering to start. She tried to get herself to speak to someone more than a small hello to someone to looked at her, and she looked around for perhaps someone who wasn't talking to another group for her to talk to. Uncertain that the gathering was just seconds away from beginning, she considered going to talk to some dragons nearby, but her unusual shyness kept her back.


(Lol, this is like me on my first day of school...first posts are always the most frustrating for me.)

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