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The Dimensions of Time

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[As long as 2 TARDIS don't try and occupy the same place at the same time.... that just creates Paradoxes...]

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((He might leave, or maybe stay with Leftinant. It depends on how the story progresses.))

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[okies though the 2 TARDIS in 1 location still applies as a 'please don't make brain hurt while it unscrambles paradox'. I should make an IC post too...]


From her vantage point Janet could see the lab facilities and so far nothing had stood out as being odd.


Unless you count the fact she was on her 6th coffee already.... Stakeouts weren't meant to be this boring.

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Sherlock's gaze darted to where Leftinant was looking, his eyes narrowing slightly. All he saw was a man, but whoever it was seemed to upset her. Deciding not to ask, he paused. "Before we head off, do you mind if you can run me back to my old flat? My coat and scarf are there, and there's no telling how long I may be." A small smile flickered on his features, though it was just as awkward as his very few smiles.



She looked distractedly back at Sherlock. "What?" the man stopped paying attention to her at that point and she took a moment to process the request. "I'd love to see your place." She said with a tense smile, pivoting and bounding quickly down the road back in his direction and then passing him. "Right this way then." she snapped her fingers and there was a locking sound a bit away. 221b baker street. She could find that. She could sneak in to that if it was needed. Sneaking was overrated, but she could do it if it meant getting away from that man. What was he doing here on earth? Even if he was following her, the ship was now locked. She was confident of that.

Edited by ArchiosLukos

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He appeared from nowhere. The mystery man apparently had the nasty habit of teleporting. She nearly had a heart attack when he asked her if she found out why they were there. "Uhhh...Yes?" Wait... did the girl say Sherlock? "Well for starters, the guy is Sherlock Holmes and he's supposedly dead. Second, there some kind of watch-like handwriting on the statue. Thirdly, since the man is Sherlock Holmes he's clearly impressed by more than stupid writing." She just hoped that this was enough to not be annihilated. She peeked out and noticed that the girl was facing the statue again.


[Not off the face of the earth, just didn't want to post a one liner or something boring.]

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Sherlock ran after Leftinant, somewhat surprised how eager she was to get away from that man. She clearly knew him, though it seemed like she didn't want to. "Yes, well, we'll haw to go in through the window. If you recall, I'm dead." He replied. 221 Baker street was just like any old flat, except it had been surrounded by reporters about five too many times. Pedestrains passed it and murmued tales about a psychopath who murdered people for the fun of it. None of it was true, but nobody knew that. Upon reaching the flat, Sherlock climbed up on a perfectly placed closed dumpster, and hopped up onto the roof. A small ledge was what kept him from falling, until Sherlock slipped into an open window. Once inside, he made sure the coast was clear, and then poked his head out the window. "All's clear, come on."

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She watched him carefully as he climbed up the building and backed up to see as he disappeared inside. His dark curls bounced back out of the window and she swung up onto the dumpster, then the building, then she slipped. Left rubbed her hands together and tried again. These muscles were unused for climbing, but she did manage to get inside. She imagined that Sherlock set this up specifically so that he could get in and god was he athletic. embarrassingly enough she was panting for breath by the time she was in, but she quickly stood tall and brushed off her uniform, sitting gingerly on the arm of a chair. "Coat and Scarf was it?"



He inhaled deeply and forced it out slowly, flexing his fingers. He waited, and waited, and sighed. One of his hands brushed over his slick black hair. It was beginning to curl tightly at the edges. "We'll work on that, Kara." he said warmly and smiled. He didn't know or care who Sherlock Holmes was and his new assistant hadn't seemed to pry much of anything out of them. At least he saw that they were heading down the street and. Maybe the name Sherlock Holmes would be useful. "You provided enough to start on for a first mission, but we will try harder next time I'm sure." He strolled down the sidewalk. "Come with me, Kara."

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"Yes, if John hasn't taken them and burned them or something like that." Sherlock answered. He rummaged about, searching for his infamous black trench coat and blue scarf. "Do you mind helping me? The scarf should be on the table, or maybe on the mantle. Do mind the skull there, it's yet another "artifact" I used in some studies that no one haspd the heart to remove. Even now." Of course, Sherlock didn't care for the dull little pocket watch that had gathered dust beside it. Why should he? The stupid thing wouldn't even open! Besides, clockwork was boring. In all honesty, it looked pratically ancient, but also in mint condition. Intricate, circular patterns were etched into its outer shell. "Aha! Found my coat!" The Detective walked out of John's room, where he found the black coat hung neatly in his closet. It was as if he was waitng for Sherlock to return any day. Poor guy, unable to let things go.

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Leftinant stood and looked around the room from a distance. The flat felt a bit like a sanctuary that might collapse if she touched it. She saw a scarf hanging in the front hall from where she was rather than the table or the mantle. She took it, folding the fabric neatly over her arm. Sherlock hadn't quite come back from the bedroom, so she decided to look at the items displayed above the fireplace while she was here. The skull reminded her of Shakespeare rather than war and she glanced casually over the few pictures there as well. A few of them seemed new, all of the ones that were being pictures of Sherlock. His friend 'John' must have put them up. It wasn't until the moment before Sherlock came in that she saw the watch. Her hearts jumped erratically and there was an uncomfortable broiling in her stomach. She grabbed it and wiped away the dust with her thumb. Where the hell... She looked up at Sherlock, feeling suddenly weak. There had been a Timelord here. Sherlock had met-or had he? "Where the hell did you get this?" she asked ludicrously, holding up the watch.

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Sherlock raised an eyebrow at the watch, walking up to stand beside Left. "What watch-Oh, that old thing. Stupid watch quit on me ages ago. I thought I threw it out...John must've found it and put it there. I've had it for God knows how long, though it's just a useless piece of trash. You can have it, if you want it." He answered. "I don't even know why you sound so concerned about it-it's just a broken watch." He had lost interest the watch almost as soon as he saw it. Instead, he slipped his trench coat on, buttoned the only two buttons, and reached for the scarf that was hung on The Leftinant's arm.

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She held the scarf out to him so that he could take it and began to polish the watch so that she could see the markings better. They seemed authentic. She muttered to herself as she read the designs on the front and then saw the picture on the back. No, this was definitely Timelord technology. "Have you ever heard of a Chameleon Arch, Mister Holmes?" She had every reason to be concerned about it and he did as well. The question was who this Sherlock Holmes used to be and where he had found an arch if that was in fact what was going on here. It could be equally likely that some Timelord yet unknown to her had given it to him for a memento, though she didn't know why anyone would give one of these away. She finished with her examination and pocketed the watch for now, as Sherlock seemed likely to just throw it away if she gave it back to him.

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((I even found a picture! Link.))


Taking the scarf, he folded it in half, slipped one end through the looped one, and put it around his neck. There, that was much better. He wrinkled his nose at The Leftinant's question. Chameleon Arch...why did that sound so familiar? It felt like he should know what that was, but he just..didn't. "I know I've heard that before...I just can't figure out where..." he answered slowly. "I'm sorry, that really sounds familiar, I just don't know why..."


((Hmm...what should his real name be?))

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((I based Leftinant's real name on a Greek letter and I think some other Timelords are inspired by ancient earth civilizations as well. However, we're sort of drifting into future episode stuff now ^^.))



"That seals it then." she buttoned her breast pocket where the watch now sat safely until she could use it properly. It was around this point that she felt every sound in the old building might be someone coming up the stairs or turning a doorknob. She looked back to the window. Sherlock was probably going to insist they leave that way so she might as well get it over with. Left walked over and jumped out the window, holding onto the ledge and then sliding the rest of the way down a pipe running up and down the building. She didn't think that anyone had seen her. Wouldn't that have been wonderful? "It's all clear down here."

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Sherlock walked after Left, but the door opened before he was to the window. John Watson was carrying an armful of groceries, and had struggled to het the door open. At the sight of Sherlock, he dropped everything. Literally. The plastic jug of milk busted open, then white liquid spilling out on the floor. "Sh-Sherlock?"

The look on Sherlock's face was mix if regret and self-loathing. "I'm sorry." Those were the only words he said, before leaping out the window and jumping onto the dumpter.

"Sherlock! Wait! Please don't leave!" His best friend's voice cluld be heard clearly out the window. He didn't look back, but instead grabbed The Leftinant's hand, and took off running.


((I'm considering the name Sol. It's the Spanish word for Sun. Or maybe Almoro, which I based it off the Spanish word Almozar [which means to eat lunch. xd.png]))

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((I keep telling myself to wait for RainDash, but the urge to RP Wholock keeps becoming too strong. Here's some music:



She yelped and stumbled as Sherlock yanked her along with him. "What are you doing?!" she yelled in surprise and afterwards gritted her teeth together for saying it so loudly. The whole block must have heard her perhaps including John who she didn't actually realize had found out about about his friend's intrusion. She had given an outburst at about the same time as him. Footing regained, she stayed on level with Sherlock, rushing around corners. They didn't stop for quite a while until she tugged back, skidding on one foot for traction. "I think we're good. We can stop. Right?" She looked back the way they came, expecting police to come chasing them or something.

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((Beautifully fitting music.))


Sherlock looked behind him a few times, like he expected John to right behind him. He relaxed a bit, before letting go of Left's hand. Then, he skidded to a stop. "Yes, we can stop. I'm sorry...It was John. He came back early." He agreed. A heavy sigh escaped the detective, and he relaxed. "Now then, why are you so keen about a old, broken watch?"

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She wiped the sweatiness from holding hands off on her uniform jacket. Then she pulled him to the mouth of an alley for the bit of privacy it gave. She unbuttoned the pocket and pulled out the watch. "This is a fob watch, extremely old." She played with the winding and opening mechanism, demonstrating. The watch did not open for her however. "There are..." she trailed off in thought of how to word this. She didn't want to completely loose him in the process of explanation. "Well there are people like me with wonky machines and we use these to keep a sort of backup of ourselves after we use something called a chameleon arch. I'm 98.76% sure that this is one of those and it means big things for you. It means that you might be just like me and that I need to fix you. However, it's painful and it can wait. I have no clue how long you've been living here so the change could be devastating if you are what I think you are and you did what I think you did..."

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Sherlock, although brilliant, did not grasp the whole picture Left was getting at. Certain crazy people run around with a marvelous machine, and of they can save their identity in a little watch using a thing called a Chameleon Arch? And he was just like her? Did he have a crazy machine too? And how was he broken besides the obvious reasons of 1) he's supposed to be dead and 2) he basically has no life? "I'm trying to grasp this...it just doesn't make much sense." he said slowly. This was a whole lot to process, even for him. A watch that you could save yourself into..that changes you in a painful manner if you opened it. Why would somebody do something like that?


((hmm..backstory should be interesting...Any ideas of what Timelord Sherlock's life would be like?))

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((Hectic most likely and possibly he made the choice to live as human because he did something the Time Lord Council didn't like?))

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"You're not supposed to be human." she said bluntly. God help her if she was herded into a discussion about the Time War. He didn't need that. She had never used hers so she had absolutely no idea... And he might be an entirely different person than now. Could he have been here for hundreds of years? Accounting for current age, Sherlock couldn't have been human for too long. He was off on potentially dangerous assignments all the time. Then again, this was time travel. Both of them needed to get on a different subject. The case of the missing archaeological team was best. "That dig. I think that we should go there." she said, once again putting the watch away. "I might need you to guide me back to my TARDIS though." Edited by ArchiosLukos

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((He could be a wanted criminal against Gallifrey, because he broke the first rule: don't temper with the affiars of others in time. This lead to a chain of events, where he also spoke out against the oligarchy Gallifrey was. He was so wanted for telling others the truth about the government, and pushing for rights, thatbhe was hunted down. The only way to escape? Become human.))


Sherlock, for once, was shocked into silence. She ws joking, right? No, the look on her face said she wasn't joking. The change of subject was relieving, becaus ehe didn't think he'd be able to handle much more information. "Yes, the archelogical site seems like a great place to go. And I can show you exactly where your TARDIS is." he agreed. Memorizing streets was a useful thing, really. He walked down the alley, making a right, then two lefts, and kept going straight. His path wound this way and that, until the museum was in view. "There, see? Your TARDIS is right there."

Edited by shadow_claw

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((So a wanted rebel - that might imply his TARDIS was stolen like the Doctor's one is. Though the Doctor's model was a decommissioned one - so he did save it from the scrap heap... xd.png. I can work with that - powered down TARDIS so he couldn't be tracked - the last power use was the conversion process....))

Edited by Takhesis

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((I edited, Lukos.

UNIT could have sound his TARDIS, and took it. That would have leverage for your character to come in.))

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((Just so I'm not always OOCing here...))


Janet observed the lab as it shut down for the day - most of the staff left, leaving only a skeleton staff to monitor any on-going tests and experiments. Most of it was computerized from the information UNIT had given Janet - so those inside would just push buttons if needed.


The security lights came on as night fell, most of the building went dark except for what could be termed the nerve center.


After a while, lights could be observed in a remote corner of the facility. Possibly security guards with torches - apart from the fact they remained stationary and weren't there minutes before. Guards usually patrolled and kept their torches pointed to the ground to avoid tripping over anything left in odd places.


Also most torches weren't blue.


Making a quick decision - Janet chose to make a closer investigation. Perhaps it was nothing - but perhaps it was something that needed attention.

Edited by Takhesis

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END EPISODE 'Discovering the Future Past'


And so ends episode one. Each of our groups now has a lead, a single string possibly leading to the same ball of yarn. There are other strings crossing your path, so try not to get lost or mixed up in other's ways. Some of you have a companion to help you along and some are not so fortunate. However, I'm sure that someone as brilliant as yourself wouldn't need a companion. You can get about and solve this mystery on your own. Let's sum up the episode shall we?



*Janet: None

*Kara: Mystery Man, partnership

*Leftinant: Sherlock, partnership

*Sherlock: Leftinant, partnership




--Dig Case

--Possibly ties to lab


--Dig Case

--Mystery Man

--Sherlock's State



--Dig Case

--Sherlock's Past

--Mystery Man's State

--Sherlock's Watch/Species


--Dig Case


--Timelord Technology/Time Travel


--Mystery Man

--Not Human?





--Sherlock's Flat

--UNIT Base




The next episode will focus on arriving at your next destinations wherever they may be and if you happen to have a companion to meet, you might meet them. If you do not yet have a string tail then worry not. You will be receiving one and you will go to your next destination. Your episode title is 'Ripple in the Dunes'

You may begin whenever your heart so desires to.

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