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Kanya started shivering as her mind showed pictures of how she will die during the fight. She was so scared, she doesn’t even know the first thing about fighting. The nuns did tell her about wars and mighty battle when they were teaching her history but that’s all she knew.


Finally gathering up the courage the young girl turned around only to notice some people leaving the room. Her eyes were wide as she took note to some of their features; they looked a lot stronger than what she was. Sitting up right now against the wall, the girl looked at her bracelet. The man said the number on it would be her cell.


“Three.” She whispered to herself still looking at the bracelet.

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Lance overheard the commotion from down the hall. He watched from his location and listened intently to all that was going on.


Great, so my greater physical characteristics are magical? Oh well, should've seen that one coming. Dragon's blood IS magical after all. But sitll... why can't I use magic the way many others can? He thought. NO, I will NOT let myself be associated with them. Just because I was born of two doesn't mean I am one.


Lance then heard about the numbers on the bracelets. Looks like I'm in 12... which is... this one. He walked into his room and claimed the bed in there. I need some time to think for myself...




Summanus didn't like the idea of being a test subject. In fact, it quite bothered him. So now my powers are toys to some ass who thinks he's in charge of the world? He scowled. Fine then. I'll play this game for now.


He then looked at Evangeline "You missed a detail. It's lightning, not fire. The lightning of the night was controlled by Summanus, while Jupiter ruled the daytime equivalent." He then searched his mind for information on the name he'd heard. Zygard. He only had come across it a few times. Though one of which was for a video game, which probably didn't apply here.

Edited by DragonlordJT

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Eli risked looking up again when someone knealt down in front of him. It was the demi-goddess Evangelina. When she suggested going in search of his cell she looked concerned, then a moment later her features changed as somethng dawned on her.


"Wait, wait, wait. Zygard the vampire?" she asked with a scowl.


Thinking Evangelina was asking him directly Eli nodded, feeling wretched. If she knew about Zygard, then she would understand the gravity of the situation too.


"Yes" he managed to whisper, his voice cracking. "Everyone is going to die."

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Andromeda tossed and turned on the bed, the mattress not even comfortable enough to be comparable to rock. She huffed and opened her eyes just in time to see those named Siren and Hector enter the same room. She narrows her eyes. There are plenty of open cells still, why they would be so special as to share one is beyond me. Unless they shouldn't be. Andromeda decides that she couldn't trust them, immediately making assumptions.


Something struck her as off though. Why were they free to walk to and from their "cells" so easily? Were they not supposed to be prisoners? It seemed strange that they could make their way to their supposed imprisonment as they pleased. Perhaps that'll change, but for now Andromeda felt silly for leaving the common room behind.

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A flushing sound could be heard from within the bathroom, causing Luc to turn his head slightly towards the door which separated the two rooms. He hadn't seen anyone else enter the room, which could only mean that there was someone else here, besides those present for August's speech. He watched the door handle, as it slowly began to twist, the occupant of the room deciding to exit.


Jack stared at himself in the mirror, no longer remembering how he had looked when he were once human, maneuvering both hands towards his hat, he began to adjust it slightly, turning it around slightly and straightening it., Next he began to tug at his shirt collar, doing his best to make himself look presentable.


Finally satisfied, he turned towards the door and placed his hand on the handle, slowly twisting it and pushing against the door.As the door opened fully, he took a step out, noticing that pretty much everyone had awoken now, unlike when he had first come to and everyone was still knocked out.


Luc's stared at the comer, his expression one of slight disbelief. What came out the bathroom was something he had not expected, nor mentally prepared himself for, however after a few seconds he took a breath and reassured himself that there must be some explanation.


"What's with the costume..?" Luc finally asked.


"Costume?" Jack replied.

Edited by TotallyDrow

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Lance overheard the commotion from down the hall. He watched from his location and listened intently to all that was going on.


Great, so my greater physical characteristics are magical? Oh well, should've seen that one coming. Dragon's blood IS magical after all. But sitll... why can't I use magic the way many others can? He thought. NO, I will NOT let myself be associated with them. Just because I was born of two doesn't mean I am one.


Lance then heard about the numbers on the bracelets. Looks like I'm in 12... which is... this one. He walked into his room and claimed the bed in there. I need some time to think for myself...




Summanus didn't like the idea of being a test subject. In fact, it quite bothered him. So now my powers are toys to some ass who thinks he's in charge of the world? He scowled. Fine then. I'll play this game for now.


He then looked at Evangeline "You missed a detail. It's lightning, not fire. The lightning of the night was controlled by Summanus, while Jupiter ruled the daytime equivalent." He then searched his mind for information on the name he'd heard. Zygard. He only had come across it a few times. Though one of which was for a video game, which probably didn't apply here.

((I typed lightening... o.o

Did my auto correct mess up? *grumbles*


Ohhh, I know what happened...there are a couple words missing. It should have been fire of the heavens.))

Edited by evangeline5432

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Kanya was still looking at her bracelet, to afraid to touch it and the words the other boy spoke cause her to freeze in fear. What am I going to do she thought to herself trying to keep her tears away. Her attention was brought back when someone else spoke. At that moment her eyes fell upon a scarecrow man and she found this very hard to believe. Her fear slightly subsided due to her curiosity of the strange man.


“You- you’re a scarecrow man.” She finally spoke out loud still finding it hard to believe. “Straw everywhere.”

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Jacks body suddenly stiffened and he held both arms out wide, imitating the posture of a regular farm scarecrow, tilting his head down slightly to the left, he peered down at the white haired girl,"...and your a human girl.." replied Jack. Not blinking.


A few seconds passed before he moved again. This time walking over to the girl and placing his straw filled arm on her head, using her as a makeshift arm rest. With his other hand he placed a piece of straw in his mouth whilst simultaneously looking over everyone else.


"So.. now that we've established that I'm a scarecrow and this one here is a human, can someone fill me in on the details? I was a bit pre-occupied..." he pointed towards the door. "So I think I've might have missed something important..."


Luc raised a palm to his face and shook his head slightly. "Demigods, animated scarecrows, super villains and who knows what else..." he thought to himself. Sighing he decided to fill the scarecrow in on the details as quickly as possible. "Zygard, evil villain. Kidnap. Everyone. Duel one another. Panic mode." a hint of sarcasm could be heard in his voice as he said the last part.



"Zygard?... you mean that movie actor/pop idol?" replied Jack, referring to the Zygard from his world, he had yet to realize that this world and his own were vastly different.


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Kanya felt numb from fear when the Jack took the pose of a scarecrow. It freaked her out slightly knowing that one actually lives. She used to set fire to those as the monastery because they always made her feel unsafe. She noticed the “man” walking towards her and Kanya started to panic. Why is he coming this way she thought to herself.


Closing her eyes she wished him to go away instead of she felt pressure on her head. Quickly she opened her eyes noticing Jack was resting with his hand on her head. She looked up at him with fear; her eyes were starting to get watery. Quickly Kanya looked way, her eyes falling on his legs that were next to her. Sniffing slightly she tried to prevent from crying when a thought came to mind.


“So scarecrows need bathrooms too? Even thou you’re straw.” She asked slightly pressing with her finger against his leg.

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Jack looked downwards as he heard the girl speak, he smiled slightly as she inquired about his 'business' in the bathroom. With his hand still planted on her head, he leaned over, so that he was looking at her from an upside down perspective "I can't speak for the other Scarecrows... but I certainly do..." replied Jack, who paused for awhile, letting the others come to their own conclusion.


Satisfied that he had paused long enough, he spoke once again. "It would be embarrassing for me If I were to exit with loose bits of straw sticking out here and there..."


"Then what was with the flush.." interrupted Luc, slightly interested in the topic.


Jack turned his head to the right, so that he was now looking at Luc from a sideway's angle, a cheeky grin spread across his face."Someone left a mess..."

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Kanya frowned finding what Jack was telling her hard to believe. The monks always told her she was to innocent and almost believed anything someone told her. She was still pressing slightly on Jack’s leg listening to the straw move as she made contact with it. She was wondering if scarecrows needed bathrooms then they need most likely need other things humans then need.


Finally she stopped pressing his leg and looked back up at him with a worried expression. Why am I thinking these things, I should worry about the fight, the one that will happen soon. I might burn him she continued the think.

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Eva glanced back at Summanus with slight annoyance, "I'm sorry, I was referring to lighting. I meant fire of the heavens, surely you've heard the stories where fire fell from the heavens? I know who Jupiter is..." she turned back to Elli.


The demigod cursed in Latin this time and didn't feel the need to translate.

"Well this could be problematic. He was around when I was a kid..." she said almost light-heartedly. The woman tilted her head slightly and tried to meet Elli's gaze.

"I said those exact words a few hundred years ago, yet I'm still alive. Not all is so hopeless." she smiled, "Tell me Elli, have you ever fought using your abilities?"


It was then that yet another figured walked in. Eva chuckled, "Our dear host has a sense of humor. And so does our two "friends", the music lover and the scarecrow over here." she glanced at Luc and Jack.

"I'm sorry, I don't believe I caught your names." she commented, aiming her comment at all those who had still decided to remain nameless.

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((It's just one 'l' Vang xd.png))


When the demi-godess asked if he had ever used his powers in combat before Eli gave a small nod. He hadn't wanted to, but his father had insisted. Necromancy was one of the most dangerous types of magic. If you didn't know what you were doing you could put yourself in terrible danger. Therefore Eli had been made to practice every day, usually for an hour or two.


However before he could explain any further the attention of everyone in the room went to the scarecrow that walked out of the bathroom. Eli was one of the few that didn't seem surprised, although to be fair this wasn't the first time he had seen it. He had witnessed the scarecrow rise from the floor and enter the bathroom to start with, although he had remained silent and not alerted it to his presence.



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Andromeda decided that her cell wasn't exactly the right place to be. Half an hour wouldn't amount to much rest, and she could gather some much needed information on the others if she paid attention. She sighs and swings her legs over the side of the rock hard mattress and gracefully walks back to the common room.


She soundlessly opens the door, hoping she could go unnoticed as she takes a seat nearby. Tilting her head to the side, she scrutinizes what appears to be a scarecrow situated in the middle of the room. He must've just come out, I would've recognized someone like that. She took no further notice of him however, as he seemed very arrogant and cocky. Besides, it was just a scarecrow.


The sparks seemed to be continuing to fly between the demi-goddess and the other two. Not surprising. Eli also continued to be quiet in the corner, and she smiled quietly. Something tells her he would be a good ally if she could convince him. Perhaps Evangelina's persuasion would be enough.


She sighs and crosses her legs, tucking them up onto the chair and laying her head down on one of the arms. She closes her eyes and pretends to fall asleep, resting and storing energy. Probably good for her, if anyone happened to notice her presence they probably wouldn't pay much attention and she could hear as much as she likes. After all, who cares about a sleeping girl in the corner?

Edited by Rarek

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As most people left the room that they first came to themselves in, one young man remained. He was on the sofa, his hand thrown over the back and his legs stretched forward. He was probably just practically thrown on there, as almost nobody found themselves like that when they woke up. Suddenly, the boy's eyes fluttered open as he came to his senses and memories rushed.


It was the middle of the night and peope were sleeping peacefully in their houses. The only ones outside were the occasional dogs wandering around and a couple of travellers that seeked things like fortune or an adventure that they could start or join. As if thunder struck the village, it was not even minutes later that the fires burned brightly. Vex woke up from the calls of his father to both him and his mother to get away as fast as possible before a painful groan came - that was what he heard of him for the last time. His mother screamed as she was dragged out and two men came in - they set the houses ablaze. They quickly walked through the rooms, finding nothing. When they were coming out, though, Vex was in front of the entrance. He watched the bodies of his parents, tears spilling down his eyes. Turning to these unknown and foreign men, he suddenly released a Zero Core straight at them, making them fall unconcious. He wasn't focused, though, so he simply fell on the floor with a thud. One of the raiders had found him and taken him to become one of the fighters in the experimets of Zygard.


As he stopped the tears from flowing, Vex sighed in pain. He was unused to not having the company of his parents - though he did go hunting, he was back before sunset. He looked at his wrist as he felt something strange - a bracelet. Number 5? Interesting. Rising from his seat, Vex walked down the hallway. He simply missed number five and practically reached the first room. The door was open, strangely. Inside was a girl that was sitting on the bed. She was possibly resting, or thinking about what had just happened. "Um, shouldn't you close the door?" Vex asked with a calm tone as he leaned on the frame of the door, obviously confused what was going on. "... were we taken by Zygard?" He asked again, a sad look coming over his eyes.


(( Really strange post, yeah, but I have to do my dishes and post a few other places. Sorry ))

Edited by SkullKrusher

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Holly had decided to remain in the room, having no desire to go to her cell as of yet. To her delight, Zygard's minions had left her bag next to her chair. Why they hadn't confiscated it was a mystery, but Holly was very willing to take advantage of it. If whoever had taken her to this place had left her phone in there...hmm. That was unlikely, but possible. Besides, what if management decided to change their minds and take it later? Best exploit this now.


She bent down slightly in order to get her bag, and pulled it up to her lap. She opened it, searching through the contents. From the looks of things, her bag had been searched through. Some of her possessions were missing, such as whatever money she had put in there. It wasn't like she would need money here though. The redhead took out her Metahuman Studies book, placing it on the ground. It would be nice to read later. But where was her phone?


Huh? They had overlooked her phone, her means of possibly contacting outside help and alerting others to wherever she was? Holly took out the phone, triumphantly grinning. Why they hadn't removed this was beyond her, but it was time to make a call!


If the phone had been functional.


On closer inspection, her phone was in an unusable condition. The blue case had many large dents in it, the slide-out keyboard was in a similar state, and the screen was all but smashed. It looked like someone had danced on it, then run it over with a car. No wonder they had allowed it to be in here with her. Her grin turned into a deep frown, and she carefully placed the wrecked device back inside her bag. R.I.P Phone and A Slim, Perhaps Nonexistent Chance of Wrecking Zygard's Plans.


She set her bag down again and picked up her book. Hoping to have some means of escape, even if it was temporary, Holly began reading.


((I doubt she would've been able to call anyone even if the phone was functional, but yeah.))

Edited by Durppie

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Jack was half shocked to see the girls expression, as she looked up at him. Clearly his appearance was having a negative affect on the girl, however before he could attempt to change that, a womans voice could be heard, asking for their names. Jack returned to full height and looked around to see who it was that had issued the question.


Jack walked over to where the girl was, and looked at her for awhile, her presence felt odd, different to the other humans in the room. Brushing that aside, he began to bow, his left arm placed across his chest and his right holding his hat outwards, reminiscent to how a gentleman in the olden days would have bowed.


"Jack Hawkins is the name... but for a young lady like yourself.. you can call me Jack" he spoke, winking towards the end. Straightening himself up and returning his hat to its rightful place upon his head, he looked over his shoulder, towards Luc.


"As for my powers..." he paused slightly, noticing the small change in Luc's expression. "... I'm just your typical, everyday, walkin, talkin, living scarecrow... " he smiled. "Nothing special about me.."


Luc clenched his fist as the scarecrow's comments. "Are you telling me, Zygard brought you here.. even though you have no abilities?" he responded,


"What you see is what you get.." Jack replied. There was no need for him to reveal his abilities, just yet.

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Alia's rather somber thoughts were interrupted by a male voice. Looking across to the door, she sighed. "What does it matter?" she asked, raising her eyebrows slightly. Then, she nodded. "Zygard. Out of all the people in the world, Zygard," she moaned, flopping back onto the mattress. "I've never fought before!"

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“I-I’m Kanya.” She spoke softly but at least loud enough for them to hear. She remained seated on the ground against the wall, she had no desire to stand up. In fact her body didn’t seem like want to move anyway.


“Who is Zygard?” Kanya asked. She didn’t really know much of the outside world. They people at the monastery never let her out nor did they tell her who was who and so on. Even during her history lessons she noticed that they left parts outs. Why they wanted her to know so little she didn’t know.

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((Sorry Fort! xd.png D= *disclaimer* When Vang is on her iPhones, posts may be attacked by typo fairies, autocorrect faries, or silly glitches. Just poke Vanf and she'll fix any mistakes. *disclaimer*))


Eva was still kneeling on the floor in front of Eli when the scarecrow sauntered over. She made no move to stand as the newcomer serveyed her. She starred back up at him, her dark brown eyes seeming yo pierce through him. He bowed a moment later and introduced himself. Eva incline her head slightly, "Evangelina." she told him with an amused smile. He was smart enough not to spout off exactly what he could do it seemed, he didn't tell what his powers were. Neither had Eva, there were many gods and so far the woman had only hinted. There were many gods that she could be the daughter of. Even if they did guess, her siblings each gained different abilities.


When she was sure the scarecrow was no longer talking to her, she looked back at Eli.


Out of Eva's side vision, she noticed another person stirring. A boy sat up, tears streaming from his eyes. Before the woman could even call out to the boy, he whipped away the years and walked out of the room. The daughter of Hades looked back at Eli. He hasn't moved yet.

"Good, then all hope is not lost. You can make it." she told the kid while holding a hand out to him.

"Why don't we go find your quarters? Hmm?" she said, glancing over at Andromeda in acknowledgement. Her gaze fell on Holly as well, the girl seemed to be handling it a little better...


Vampire, what are you up to this time? she questioned mentally.


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"Whatever.." replied Luc, returning his headset to his ears and walking off towards a corner of the room, where he began to slide back down against the wall.


Jack watched the boy walk towards a corner, before turning around to face Kanya as she asked the question about Zygard. He quickly walked back over to where she was and squatted in front of her, so that he was just above eye level with her.


"You don't know who Zygard is?!" he asked rhetorically, looking at her with a shocked expression. "He is only one of the best actors in modern media!... Haven't you seen the movie, 700:Casino Flush or 700:Night Flight?" he paused slightly, "hmm.. how about 700:Live another day?"


((Was trying to think of better movie names...for a parallel James Bond film, but I gave up. >.>))

Edited by TotallyDrow

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Kanya looked confused when Jack explained to her about this person that kidnapped them. He was talking about movies and actors. What is a movie she thought to herself. She had an idea what he meant by actor seeing that she played a role of a sheep once. She started to feel really dumb because she didn’t even know some of these basic things. She didn’t even know what those things were in Luc’s ears.


“I still don’t know.” She mumbled softly breaking eye contact with Jack. She didn’t want to let everyone know that she didn’t even know what a movie was.


((Man I'm really making this girl look dumb O.O))

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Kanya wasn't the only one confused by the Scarecrow's description. Eli stared up at the figure baffled by what he was saying. He knew what an actor was, but knew very little about movies. And what was a Casino? Anyway, none of it sounded like the vampire in question. Eli could never picture them as a thespian.


"I believe you are referring to someone else" he said quietly.


As Evangelina had suggested a second time that they try and locate his cell, Eli decided that perhaps he should comply. It wouldn't do him a lot of good to remain on the floor. He could feel his limbs going numb from expose to the cold stone.


He shakily rose to his feet, using the wall beside him for support. There was only about twenty or so minutes left before they would all be forced to fight.

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"Someone else?.." muttered Jack who was now looking over his shoulders at Eli, he began to rub the umder side of his chin in thought. "I'm pretty sure that actor's name was Zygard..." he mused to himself.


He turned back to look at Kayna, "Perhaps you just haven't seen his movies then..." he replied, misinterpreting her confusion. "Anyways.." Jack was now standing properly. "what would a movie actor want with all of us..?" he asked out loud.


After a couple seconds of thought, an excited grin appeared on his face. "Maybe we are all gonna star in his new 700 Film?"

Edited by TotallyDrow

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“I don’t think he is an actor. Evangelina there called him a vampire and the other man said we are going to fight each other.”


A worried expression appeared on her face once again when she said they were going to fight. If this man was an actor he would have asked them what to do, just like Kanya did when played the sheep in one of the plays at the monastery. Besides why would someone prevent them from using their powers from the beginning? Maybe they were just as inexperienced as she was? she thought to her herself. Her gaze went from one person to the other but she discarded that theory seeing that to her most of them look like they know how to use their powers.

Edited by DragonSpirit009

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