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"Mine." It wasn't a word, so much as a feeling that rose up in Biru's chest and set her teeth and tiny claws on edge. Her brightly-decorated tail swished back and forth while she stared the other hatchling down, sweeping trails of dirt and shell in its wake. The other baby didn't challenge her for her shell-house, but neither did it back away. Instead, it stared at her, as though expecting something. Biru felt the slow drain of fight leave, and she sat back. It became a staring contest, and she was not about to blink first. Instead, she used the time to study her...friend? Enemy? These were concepts she understood inherently, but how she did, she couldn't say. But there were things in studying another that she knew to look for: color, size, the set of their body, the glint of light and how it hardened or softened their eyes. This hatchling's eyes were gentle. Was she going to have to feel bad about hissing at it?




He made his way across the cave, toward the large mouth. Sounds and smells guided him as he ate up the ground in front of him. He couldn't seem to completely fill his belly, though the growls from inside had stopped a while ago. But he had discovered that he could make the food warm by breathing on it, and that delighted him. He'd also turned several broken shells and rocks into little more than clouds of gas as he lumbered by.


He wasn't the first to have woke, it appeared from a group of others something like him gathered around things they were stuffing into their mouths and happily chewing. There all types of whatever they were- one with purple scales whose long neck hair blew behind it in the wind as it rose into the sky, yet others were tiny and chirped at one another, and more that stayed to themselves, eyeing him warily, and everyone else, too, not ready to gather with the group. But his curiosity got the better of him and Sumpor plopped his mass next to the bright (like the color of the thing one of the tiny dragons had in its arms) dragon who had asked him about eating the ground before. He had not known how to answer her, so he listened for a few minutes, then attempted to imitate some of the sounds the others made at one another.


"H...huh...llo. Hullo. Gud."

Edited by blackdragon71

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"Oh, that's no problem, Malkan can have it", said Airean in reply to Eriadna, "He's looking a bit famished, he probably needs as much as he can get right now." Then he turned to Malkan, "Do you eat berries? I'm wondering just in case the bird isn't enough to satisfy your hunger. If you need some, feel free to take them from the pile. Airean then noticed a rather peculiar sight in the stream, it looked like a fish. "I'll be right back, in case you need me." he said to Eriadna and Malkan.


He then took flight after the fish, slithering above the water until he could see the fish right below him. I'm going to have to go under to catch it..., he thought to himself. He then dived into the water, and caught hold of the fish with his front legs. However, the stream was picking up speed, and Airean was directly in the path of rocks. It's getting too heavy... he thought to himself, and was forced to let go of the fish to reduce his weight. He then rose from the water right before the rocks approached.


As he took a moment to breath air, he realized the fish had been smashed against the rocks, killing it. "Better not waste the opportunity." he said to himself, picking up the fish. It made for a fine meal, and he felt very proud of himself. However, he realized he had gone too far chasing after the fish, and found himself in unfamiliar territory. He looked around, and found a beautiful waterfall from where the water was coming from. I'd better return... thought the Blusang, so he began to go back to where he came from, following the stream.

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Catalyst's mind blurred for a second after another body collided with his. Shaking his head and turning to see what had hit him. The male didn't expect the being to be a female, never the less one that looked like him! Calmly blinking, he nodded accepting her silent reply and lightly cracked his neck. Turning away from the fellow hatchling, Catalyst glared at the water thinking of something to do to somewhat get back at the other. Finaly a idea hatched in his head as the male lifted his tail and front leg and slammed it on the rivers surface. A medium size wave headed toward the female. With a , what he thought as friendly, smile on his face the hatchling spoke. "Revenge."



Eir's eyes closed and her head turned as she spoke back to the male. "Thank you~ Spyro," The female giggled as she opened her light violet eyes, staring at the purple scaled hatchling. "I'm Eir." She finished, shifting to sit on the ground. Her wings opened aside her as she got comfortable and moved her front legs into the grass of the forest. Her movement stirred up a small bug that was mostly trasnparent wings, it fluttered around. Eir followed it with her eyes, she noticed how gently it flew, how the wind seemed to carry it but not control it. How peaceful.. the hatchling thought, as the butterfly landed on the tip of her snout and she stared downn at it with widened eyes.

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Gysentia swished her tail, pleased that there was going to be a meeting. Maybe they would start figuring out all of their questions about why they had all hatched at the same time. It would probably be better to wait until we were all a bit...bigger before we ventured out too far away from the cave. She thought. When Eir starting speaking she turned her head to listen, glad to know the names of at least two of the hatchlings now. She looked over at Spyro, then back to the pygmy who was about the same size as her. Spotting the small bug Gystentia felt the almost irresistible urge to eat it, but she felt that would be rude. She would have introduced herself to Eir as well, admiring her pretty wings, but as she had addressed herself so directly to Spyro, Gystentia didn't want to be awkward.




Having filled his stomach, and finished off the bird, Ferovan felt the curious desire to meet other hatchlings. He looked around, but wasn't sure how to introduce himself to anyone. I'll just work on my flying He thought, not feeling up to the daunting task of picking someone out to talk to. He was finding walking easier, so he tried running. It felt strange using two legs on the ground, there was something unnatural about moving over the ground like this. He stretched out his wings and gave a few hard flaps and was able to stay off of the ground for a bit. His wings weren't used to bearing his weight however, so he could feel them giving out and he landed the best he could...running for a second but soon tumbling over himself a few times before he settled onto the grass without having hit anything. He straightened himself up quickly, feeling a tug of embarrassment at having messed up in front of his fellow hatchlings, especially since some of them were such skilled fliers already.

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The young Bright-Breasted Wyvern continued to stare at the wide open space beyond the cave with an open mind until she found her thoughts interrupted at the fluttering of wings. She turned to see another fellow who look similar to herself, well, in the sense that he had only two legs and a pair of wings for arms. She watched as he attempted to perfect his walk, run, and flying capabilities, but staggered most of the way. In a small giggle to herself, she lifted her snout once more and crawled towards him, not nearly having the strength to attempt the skills he clearly had inside. "I--aaa--muh---Estra." She tried to communicate with him, never having spoken her first words until now.

Edited by Wyvern_Oliza

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Malkan hurriedly thanked Airean, and began to examine the bird. Hmm, I guess I just bite off a piece and chew, not like there's any other way to do it. Seems a bit forceful, though. Oh, well, why not? After swallowig down a piece of the bird, his instinct kicked in, and he easily devoured the rest. Now all he had to do was determine how to drink water. Malkan dipped his snout in, immediately started sputtering, and jumped back. Well, I guess this stuff doesn't act the same way as everything else. It's much more ... liquid. Malkan decided to wonder about why he knew that word at a later time. Trying a second time, Malkan managed to sip some clear, cold water from the stream.




Eriadna watched Malkan figure his way around eating and drinking. Wow, he sure knew what to do right off the bat! He seems smart. After wondering what to do for a couple minutes, Eriadna made an offhanded comment about 'looking around for a bit', and then flew over to the tree where she had met Fern. As she was gliding over, she saw a wyvern hatchling trying to fly, but ending up on his face. Eriadna felt sympathetic, and landed next to him. It's okay, Eriadna said in what she hoped was a consoling tone, it's harder for some of us. You'll get the hang of it eventually, I'm sure.

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(sorry that looked longer when I typed it)


Estra turned to see a small blue dragon fly towards her and the red/brown hatchling she had been talking to. Estra smiled at the new hatchling who approached. "Hi!" she chirped. She plopped onto the dirt beneath her clumsily, tired of trying to stay on her own two feet. She looked up at the other two hatchlings, admiring how they all looked so different from her. So far, her curiosity was getting the better of her.

Edited by Wyvern_Oliza

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The wave crashed upon her as he heard him speak. Underwater, she cracked a mischevious smile and started spinning, creating a tiny whirlpool. She did the same thing he did while it was spinning as a bigger revenge and started giggling. "You're fun!" she said quietly, but happily.


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Mifoki went off to scavenge for more food, leaving the others chattering. She heard something rustle in the shrubs and pounced on it. It was a very large rat, almost bigger than her. After a moment's struggle, she killed it. "I need something to carry this rat..." she said to herself. Her intelligence overtook her instincts as she found a giant slab of wood with a hole on the back with a bottom to the hole. It was perfect. She gathered some berries, mostly red with some black berries sprinkled here and there, and some oranges with some crescent shaped yellow fruit, and a large orange animal with a bushy tail, and put it all in the hole with the rat in it. The cave was down the hill, so she climbed atop the front and gave a hard push to the ground and took off. It was so exhilarating, so intense. She realized she would crash, so she put her paw on the speeding ground and slowed the natural sled, slightly burning her paw. She pushed her slab into the cave, near the pool in the center. "Hey guys, I found a lot of food! Probably more than enough for all of us." she called out, seeming to know how many there were.

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"Hello," Alla replied, smiling at the yellow hatchling.

She was delighted that she was spoken to by another. She always hesitated when approaching the other dragons in the area. She was a bit cautious and shy, she supposed. Alla observed that the ground-licking hatchling had difficulty speaking. That was perfectly logical, considering that he was newly hatched. They all were. But why hadn't she had difficulties? Another question added on to her list.

"My name's Alla," she said, clearing her head of jumbled thoughts, and introducing herself. "What's yours?"

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As Airean made it back to the site by following the stream, he noticed a exhausted Pillow pushing a slab of wood filled with food. Once he noticed the black berries, he went into immediate shock. He raced on over to the Cave and smashed the black berries with his wing, while the shocked and confused hatchlings watched. He then realized he didn't tell them why he was depleting the berries. "Those black berries...I guess nobody told you guys. They're deadly, they killed that animal you have right there.", pointing to the fuzzy-tailed creature, "Sorry for being so sudden, but I had to make sure you didn't have any, or you'd have been dead." He then picked up the animal, "You probably shouldn't have this either. It's probably full of poison".

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Ferovan was glad he had straightened himself out quickly, because it wasn't much longer before a green hatchling made her way over to him. He listened carefully as she introduced herself, just able to separate her name from the sentence. A dark blue dragon came flying over from a near-by tree, and Ferovan felt a touch of jealousy, which grew slightly when she said "It's harder for some of us". He restrained himself from snapping at her, and tried to calm himself down by looking at the bright green dragon, which he realized was built a lot like he was. It made him feel better to realize that he wasn't alone. He swallowed, preparing to speak. "Fer-o-van. My name...is...Ferovan." He began tentatively, starting to settle into his voice towards the end. He smiled at Estra, glad she had spoken to her. He looked at the blue dragon again, feeling bad that he had gotten frustrated with her when she was trying to help.

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Estra turned at the sound of her fellow wyvern with a smile. "Fer-Fer-Fero..." she stuttered, having particular trouble with his name. The "v" was particularly tripping her up as she snorted. "Fer," she finally decided to stick with. "I can not say." She shrugged somewhat shyly at the male. Her speech would come with due time, surely, but for now, it eluded her. "And you? What is n-nyyame?" Estra tried to ask as she looked up at the blue hatchling. This was much harder than she ever intended. Blast this speech! Who needs it anyway? she thought to herself stubbornly with a small pout on her face.

Edited by Wyvern_Oliza

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Oh, me? I'm Eriadna. Also, it's getting to be pretty late, and I think we should go back to the cave. It's safer there, and I thought I saw a Pillow hatchling bringing back food. Anyways, if you want to follow, I'm going. Eriadna ambled off, consciously deciding to not fly, and therefore not anger the wyvern even more. It'll be hard for him before he comes to terms with flying, Eriadna thought to herself, but he'll have to get it eventually. I mean, what else will he do? Re-entering the cave, Eriadna could see Airean trying to explain to the others the dangers of the black berries. Finding the remains of her egg, Eriadna swept them into a pile in the corner, and lay down.




Malkan saw the bright sphere in the sky dipping below the horizon. Well, good thing it didn't hit the ground. That would have probably wiped out anything over there. After waiting a while, Malkan realized that since the sphere was dissapearing, there was less light, and for some reason, he found that he felt, well to be honest, scared. I guess I should return to the cave ... Malkan said aloud, in a rather shaky tone. Getting one last sip from the stream, Malkan glided inelegantly towards the cave, and just barely avoided a crash landing into Airean. Oops! Sorry! Malkan said as he dusted himself off.

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Estra listened to what Eriadna had to say, careful to try and pay attention. This hatchling was obviously taking charge within this large mass of eggs, so, not knowing otherwise, she decided to heed her warning. As night creeped closer, Estra had the slightest twinge to wander outside and explore a little further. If the land had looked that interesting with the bright circle, then how would it look with its apparent close relative lingering over? She turned her head to look outside, but sighed, deciding against it. Instead, she turned to Ferovan and tilted her head, "Follow?" she asked, indicating to the Royal Blue hatchling who was apparently leading the way.

Edited by Wyvern_Oliza

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Ferovan nodded to Estra. "Sure." He said, glad he had at least started managing walking decently. He made his way forward, moving his feet very deliberately, but trying to make it look like it came naturally. It was strange the way the colors changed slowly now that the yellow thing in the sky was leaving. How did they know it was going to leave? He was sure that night was coming before it had even happened. He shrugged, slightly bewildered by the world and what he understood. Once he had passed Estra he waited, not wanting to leave her behind.




Gystentia wished that the other pygmy had spoken to her, but as the sun set she wandered away to make her way into the cave. She didn't want to miss the meeting. Seeing another hatchling sweep their shell into the corner, Gystentia picked up one half of her own and placed it in the midst of the small pile, a little disappointed by how much smaller hers was. She trotted back over and carefully brushed the rest over with her tail. She was going to have to figure out how to use her size to her advantage.

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Estra tried her best to follow the larger dragon and managed to stick to his side for the first several steps, but his longer strides were too much for her much shorter shuffling. This constant shuffling of her claws and back feet irritated her because it appeared to be much harder for her, as a wyvern, than the other four-legged hatchlings. She threw back her head out of frustration, Screw this! she thought to herself as she began to hop the rest of the way. It was more of a leap than just a mere hop, but it suited her well. Her longer claws no longer dragged in the dirt and she made more distance in a shorter time. She didn't know it yet, but this "hopping" capability was a large hint to her natural habitat: the trees.

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Celestis ~ Night Glory Drake


Celestis nodded as Tike spoke, but part of her mind went off in another direction. Tike's okay, he's nice.....Maybe a bit too talkative, though. She suddenly shook her head in a flurry of dark brown and blue. What was the point of thinking about those things? Celestis quickly snatched another orange fruit from a branch and started chomping on it, even with the bitter skin. She noticed Mifoki coming over with a large dish of ripe berries and a large rat. As Celestis reached for a plump, dark berry, she flinched when a Blusang Lindwurm rushed over, swatting the rat and berries away with his wing. He began warning them about the dangers that the little berry could cause. Poison? Death? These words were new to her, but her instincts told Celestis that she should not be messing with either one of them. In a flash, the black berry she was holding was smashed under her foot. "Are there any more dangerous things out there that we should be watching out for? This really shows how important it is to gather everyone together to warn them." Celestis glanced around the cavern, looking at all the chatting and laughing dragonets that could be in serious danger.

Edited by SpiritWolfe

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(OOC: Does it make sense for Estra to eat the poisonous berries since Bright-Breasted Wyverns' have poisonous talons? That's how it often works in the animal kingdom, that poisonous animals food source consist of a poisonous source which creates their poison. I just wanted to ask before posting anything, thanks!)

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Airean turned to see a concerned Night Glory Drake asking him a question. "I don't know about other things that are a potential threat to us, but I'm sure they're out there somewhere.", he replied. Turning his attention back to the pile of food, he said "Do we know if any of this food is safe or not? We might only be endangering ourselves even more by having some. I suggest we make a list of what to eat and what not to eat." Turning back to the Drake, he remembered what she said earlier about gathering. " Also, I agree with you on how important it is to bring us dragons together. Maybe we should hold a group meeting for those of us who have already hatched. We need to start an established community, does anyone here have good speaking or convincing abilities? Also, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Airean."

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Adrisea watched the blood red sky with worry. It was very late, and time to call the meeting. She climbed down from the top of the cave and entered it. Inside, she found a ledge a few feet off the sandy floor. Scrambling up she called out, "All dragons, please come to the cave immediately. I have important information that everybody needs to hear." Her voice echoed loudly throughout the cave and into the night. The Thunder had no doubt that they would come.



Spyro said to the Ridgewing, "C'mon, we should go," before heading off to the cave.




Fern abandon her chase of the butterfly to go see what Adri had to say.

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Estra heard the call of another and listened intently. When the new voice finally silenced, she turned to Ferovan, "We sh-should g-go." She managed before tugging on his wing lightly with her mouth in a soft grip and then turned to lunge away. She scurried over smaller hills and large rocks with some difficulty, but eventually found her way to the thunder hatchling who appeared to have called them all. Estra found a spot for herself on a couple of rocks and laid down to listen. She wasn't sure why, but she seemed to prefer to be on top of something, not actually on the ground. Being smaller than nearly everyone else there, it seemed less dangerous...another of her instincts.


Lance continued to converse with the much smaller pink hatchling until he heard the call of another. He snorted lightly, although it sounded more like a squeak, and turned to the pink dragon. "Let's see what i-its about," he told her as he began to wobble away. He found his way to the "meeting grounds" after some time and sat in the dirt a few feet from the ledge and towards the side. He didn't want to appear eager to be there, but seeing some sort of leadership finally seemed like a bit of a relief, even if he was reluctant to listen.

Edited by Wyvern_Oliza

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Eriadna turned, already in a prime position to see what Adriasea had to say. Lifting her head from between her legs, she looked onwards attentively.




Malkan saw the Lightning hatchling climb up the legde and issue the call. He decided to walk over and sit down. Since he only really knew Eriadna, he chose to rest next to her. Do you know the Lightning hatchling's name? He enquired of Eriadna. It's Adrisea, but she prefers Adri. Now I think we should stay quiet, Eriadna whispered quickly. Hmm, I guess that is a good idea, Malkan thought to himself.

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The Pillow was confused as he destroyed the berries and calmed when he explained. "We should. I'm Mifoki." She answered, then she heard the call of Adrisea and stood the nearest of the hatchlings to her. "What's this about?" she asked loudly, while nibbling on the strange yellow fruit. It was sweet and a bit tart. She turned to the blusang and handed him one of the yellow crescents.



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Ruscella heard the message after a fit of giggles and shrank back into the water out of fear of the new hatchlings commanding everyone to come into the cave. She didn't trust the strange hatchlings. She only trusted her first friend. She found a small opening inside the river bottom and squirmed in to surface in a half submerged cave with some land. She found something round, blue and glowing on a flat silvery rock. She had a heavenly feeling. It looked like a fruit, and it was one too. She sniffed it, the fruit filling her lungs with bliss. She immediately took a huge bite, and felt a strange feeling overcoming her. Then, she fainted, landing on the silver rock that thudded so loudly that the cave could hear it.

Edited by Onixthebunny1

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Celestis ~ Night Glory Drake


Celestis greeted Airean warmly with a light brush on his back with her outstretched wing. "Hi Airean, I'm Celestis." She thought about what he had just said. "One, let's talk about the dangerous foods once we get to the gathering. And two, I obviously don't have very good convincing skills." Celestis grinned and fidgeted with her wings until she heard a loud call and turned to see a Thunder Dragon calling for a gathering. "Perfect! Also, she probably has a persuasive voice!" Celestis raced over to the ledge, dragging the little stash of food along with her. "Come on, let's go!"

Edited by SpiritWolfe

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"Hi Mokofi." Airean said to the pillow. He then turned to Celestis, "Yes, let's go!". He was glad to know the Thunder he met earlier was taking charge. I'm getting so tired..., he thought to himself. Indeed, after hitting a tree, collecting berries, chasing a fish, and rushing over to warn the others, he was exhausted. So he decided to lean against a rock near his hatched egg and try to relax as he heard the speech.


He then heard a rather loud thud, and rushed over to see a small blue hatchling fainted on a rock. He was extremely concered to see berry around its mouth, but then noticed the blue. He was relived, and checked to see any injury. He couldn't find any, so he assumed it was just tired. He went back to his rock.


(OOC: Was it a berry that Ruscella ate? The black ones are the only poisonous ones so far)

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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