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Star hunter landed and Khalon jumped off his back. "You guys go hunting, I have a meeting to attend" Khalon said smiling. Wrath nodded and flew off with crimson. Starhunter stayed behind and asked "Are you sure this is wise?" "Just go" replied Khalon. She sat on a log and sharpened her knives....waiting. Starhunter flew off with the others.

Edited by chicbecause

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Draugr narrowed his eyes down at the warlord in confusion. He might have understood if she had kept her right-hand with her.


"Wait here" he orders the females, "I will bring Master Arikade."




Draugr returns quickly with Arikade in tow. The man raises an eyebrow at the warlord seated on the log, but wipes his expression quickly.


"I assume you want to speak with me?" he asks her.

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"Yes, you do assume." Khalon said with a wry smile "Is it that or is it you who wants to speak with me?" She threw her knife onto the ground. She put her elbows on her knees resting her chin in her hands "Hmm?" she said raising an eyebrow.

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Kaylyn knew she needed help the number of vamps that had been folowing then had grown and soon there could be maybe even 8 dragons. "Well of nothing I might as we'll tell titus. We're bringing the party to him!" With that they took off to titus's teratory .

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Arikade raises the knife between his first two fingers. He has replaced Khalon's message at the hilt.


"You left this a few inches from my foot" he points out, "Seems that you wanted to get my attention."

Edited by Fangirl05

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Khalon smiled. "Oh, but a lot of people want your attention. Why give it to me?" She said "unless, of course, you also want mine. Which is understandable." She stood up and walked toward him.

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((aww. I missed all the fun. Oh but nimbus and jade eyes, I was on my way to the attack and was waiting for a response about the dragon leading me to it))

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Arikade raised his eyebrows at Khalon's words. He still looked bored. "You overestimate your value" he told her, "I've brought my dragons out here to expand my territory. You had no need to make your presence known." He narrows his eyes. "I am many things, woman, but I am not a fool. Explain to me why I would accept the alliance of a cutthroat such as yourself."


He watches Mhera and Tulahy land at his sides and rubs Tulahy's muzzle. "Now please leave my land" he orders the other warlord, "I have a clan to tend to. Tulahy will escort you to our border." He waves the young female forward, and she goes without complaint. Mhera growls at Khalon as Tulahy approaches her.

Edited by Fangirl05

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Khalon laughed. "If you know me well enough to place a value on me, then you know I never come emty handed. Right now my clan carries 5 eggs. All stolen of course but that's besides the point." She waved the dragon away carelessly and walked towards Aikade. "And as you said your no fool, so you wouldn't turned away a woman with information that, if fallen into the wrong hands, would be fatal to your clan. So let me leave you with these words: If a foot-soldier has the power to change the tides in a war, then what could a warlord do?" She plucked the knife from his hands. "I can either be on your side, or against you." She handed him a note and whispered into his ear "call me." She walked into the shadows. When she was out of ear-shot she called for Starhunter

Edited by chicbecause

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Arikade incinerates the note and shakes his hand in disgust. "Brat" he mutters darkly, "I never did like children, particularly ones with such swelled heads."


He motions for Tulahy to come forward. He strokes her head once, then mounts her back and turns his attention to Mhera.


"Hide the young ones" he orders her, "Warn the winged hatchlings that they may have to fight. Whatever that stupid brat intends to bring, we will be ready."


Mhera nods and smiles. She still has blood on her teeth.

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Khalon mounts Starhunter. "Its all according to plan." She said smiling. "Are you going to go meet him somewere?" Starhunter asked. "Of course not! I would be suprised if he even opened the note" she stated. Starhunter grined and took off.

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1] Username: ET4242

2] Warlord Name: Lady Kiacha (although those close to her will sometimes call her by her first name Cia)

3] First dragon: Lorcc a male Tri-horn wyvern

4] Other dragons: Estora, a female swallowtail dragon : Xano, male hellfire : Belle, female day glory (she is pregnant) : Pesca, male seawyrm Pygmy : Shade, female olive dragon.

5] Territory: Kiacha's little band has no territory of their own, they are nomadic, spending time here and there but never staying long. However she is most comfortable in the woods and jungle.

6] Dragon's personality: Lorcc is someone who is used to being in charge. Very commanding he takes hold of most situations with a calm level head. It is this same cool trait that makes him so deadly as an opponant. Typical of his breed he is not prone to joking, laughter, or really any other form of goofing off. It seems that the only sense of humor that he has is an almost undetectable sarcasm. As a leader his is fair if a bit harsh if he catches you doing something wrong or bad. With hatchlings and eggs however he is surprisingly tender. Against foes, unless Kiacha calls him off, he is absolutely ruthless giving no quarter and expecting none.

7] Dragon's abilities: Lorcc doesn't really have any special abilities besides the fact that he is a very good fighter, and he can breath fire. Estora is an exceptionally good flyer and so while she is not the best fighter she can hold her own through just her shear speed. Xano as odd as it seems is the battle magician of the group, while for the most part he is very even tempered in battle he can be very explosive so he channels that to cast strong spells. Belle is the diplomat and breeding female of the group, she is known to be able to talk her way out of almost any situation, her mate was a golden wyvern named Valavingi who was killed recently. Pesca is a medical magician, while he is very good at the healing arts he is very timid and often speaks with a slight stutter. Last but not least is Shade, she is another fighter who is none to fight using anything at her disposal, exspecially her poison spines, she will also guard the groups camp when needed, burrying herself under piles of leaves to keep from being seen.

8] Warlord's abilities: Kiacha's abilities are that she can firstly hear the voices of and tall to trees, however to get anything coherent from the trees she has to actually go up to one and either touch her forehead to it or press both her palms against it. Even then trees are know. To be very vague or very unconcerned either way they can be very infuriating to talk to. Second she is a very good shot with the bow making her a very deadly force at long or medium range, she is not bad at close courters and hand to hand combat however she believes that if she let an attacker even get that close she must be doing a bad job. The last thing is that Kiacha is a bit of a monkey child, once she makes it up a tree she will be gone before you make it to the first branch.

9] Decision on plan of action: Kiacha wish to keeps her small group out of as much trouble as possible however if push comes to shove she will do what she has to, to protect her clan.

Edited by ET4252

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Amacules was still on her way back to the main kingdom and malifica's physcic senses sensed another dragon coming, but unknown. She gave the message to Amacules and the magi dragon turned around to see a dragon from Rakayah's clan. From the look of the dragon something was off, and already they were needed.


"you've come here to ask for our help because your clan is being attacked by another clan" malifica quickly said, yet again, the mind read. Amacules narrowed her eyes and looked at malifica. Then raised her hand at nub unique and the sun song.


"fly back as fast as you can nubunium, get our wyvern soldiers, including starlight from the intelligence, and esspecially adulfi. Prepare the guards incase of of an attack on the kingdom, then come back" Amacules explained, "we will keep them back for as long as we can."


Nubunium obeyed and flew faster than he ever had in his life, the sun song stayed.


"lead us" we're the final words from Amacules

((aww. I missed all the fun. Oh but nimbus and jade eyes, I was on my way to the attack and was waiting for a response about the dragon leading me to it))


((Oh sorry, that was Blossomdear the Flamingo Dragon, X3 sorries, I'll go find your post and fix my blarg, again.))


"well then" Amacules started,"I will just let you guys pass." she flew off n the direction of the Rayakah clan.


From the distance Nubunium was coming back with the wyvern army, althought it is not much, their size is immense.


Rakayah's clan was in sight, but the dragons and warlady were in flee while the attacking clan ran off with their catch; the rescue was too late. BlossomDear soared in circles, watching helplessly as the specks in the distance headed off with the bitten Ochre Drakes' egg. "I'm sorry Amacules," BlossomDear murmured wretchedly, "I was too slow, it's all my fault."

The crest fallen mother dragon coasted on the updrafts, biding her time on returning to her clan.



As soon as the ridge where the incident had happened was far from sight, from both dragon and human, the sky was lightening, and dawn crested the mountain's edge.

Frostsheild slowed the clan's flee, and let Madamblue run on ahead while she could.

Morning was well upon them when they found MadamBlue in dorment form, some hours later.


"This vampire problem is real." Reefninja commented finally, as the clan settled.

Frostsheild nodded disgustedly, "Its unclean and dishonoring." He muttered.

Reefninja's neck froll was torn, and Frostsheild had a scratch on his tail, from fleeing with his back to the fray that had occured.


EmeraldLeap scrabbled off of Rakayah's lap and started pacing, mumbling what could have been done to save the egg; Blossomdear was a speck in the sky, returning a shroud of dragons behind her, a cloud that blotted the sky in the distance.

"She was too late." Reefninja guessed, "Poor thing."

Rakayah sighed, rubbing her face, "I wonder how my half-sister is doing." She wondered, "And what her clan is doing."


"I truely hope their faring well." Frostsheild admitted, looking at his warlord.

"Being hunted, and having rescued, innocent eggs captured for who knows what, is putting an aweful lot of stress on us as a clan."


Reefninja nodded at her mate in agreement, sighing deeply.

"We must protect these three eggs left." She vowed solumnly; the dragons in the clan nodded.

Rakayah bit her lower lip, wondering if swords costed much. "I wish my brother was still with us." Rakayah reminiced.


"Nimnaro?" Frostsheild remarked dryly, "How so? He was no born warrior."

"Yes," Rakayah agreed, sitting down on the cold, hard stone, "But he was sneaky, and could gather information and spead it quickly, like a colony of gossiping rats."


Reefninja chuckled, "The boy was certainly a character."

The dorsal dragon stretched, reaching up to knaw on her wing tip.

Frostsheild snorted, "Nimnaro was little more then a nusance who bothered to many people." He grumbled, looking away to stare at the country side.


The vista that could be seen from the spine of the mountain was breathtaking, and Rakayah absent mindedly promised that when all was well again, she would come back here to trade.

"So what is the plan?" Emeraldleap asked, curling her little body around the remaining eggs.

Rakayah looked at the den-mother and healer, carressing her triangular head, "We will start moving by mid-day, and leave Reefninja with Madamblue." The warlord said softly, "And then wait for them when dusk falls. In the meantime, we will try to travel as far as we can."


Emeraldleap nodded, as if agreeing, and turned to tend to the eggs.

Rakayah drew in a deep breath, and let it out in a blow.


Rakayah rode on the back of Frostsheild, her guardian dragon second in command, with the healer Canopy Dragon nestled in the warlady's lap, with Blossomdear the flamingo dragon still with Amacules. Reefninja, the dorsal dragon and Frostsheild's mate, remained behind with the Nocturne dragon Madamblue, the two most battle skilled dragons, who were unable to travel, due to the fact that Madamblue would periodicly change to an imobile state.


For the time being, though, the two members of the clan and their leader progressed through the territory that Amacules and her clan owned, heading up the barely visable trail that was marred through the stone mountainside; the cool, thin air and the distant, shrill calls of eagles were peaceful, well, no, it was normal. The uncharted wild, no matter who's terrritory it fell under, will always be a place of serenity, even if families fall victom of death; hunters must eat, and so prey must depart from family, and with out knowing, the balance between nature remains.


Everything a creature needs to survive is there, that is how the ancestors made it, and with that logic said, what else was there to discuss?

Rakayah and the clan settled down about ten miles away from the spot where they had left Madamblue and Reefninja, and began to make camp. It was a little after sunhigh when they were settled, ready to wait for the rest of the clan to return.

"The Magi Egg, Waterhorse Egg, and the Sunstone egg are showing signs of cracking," Emeraldleap speculated, watching the eggs from the overhang of her wing; the canopy's tail curled around them, and the Waterhorse egg wriggled a little.


The Magi egg was a brilliant golden amber, and was thin and oblong; the waterhorse egg was clear and shaped like a pinecone sized pearl. The Sunstone egg was the largest, the size of a Rugby ball and the shape of an ostridge egg; it's color was a liquified sunshine color, and sparkled in the light.

"The ochre egg was like a hens egg, but bigger." Emeraldleap reminiced, "And smelled a little like mustard."

Rakayah smiled, running a hand down the dragon's neck.


The following night, Madamblue and Reefninja returned, and the clan set off again on their quest to find the territory of Rakayah's sister, and her clan of dragons. They traversed nearly 20 miles more, walking through a consistent, gentle cascade of snow fall, curtains of white that obscured vision of dragon and human alike. Dawn probably crested the skyline on the trek, but Madamblue had not been exposed to sunlight, and curiously, could carry on the following morning. The offwhite, grayish illumination provided a blurry way to see the path the clan was following, but they reached with in sight of the end of Amacules' Kingdom by dusk.


"I'm so tired." Madamblue huffed, "Can't we just, I dunno, hang out here for a sec or two, so I can relax my legs?" She flopped down, not waiting for an answer; Reefninja chuckled. "It looks like we have no choice."

The clan settled again, stretching aching wings and legs, and digging into the packs and satchels for food.

"Bless the ancestors!" Emeraldleap squaled, "The Sunstone egg is hatching!" Madamblue and Rakayah hurried over, and Reefninja and Frostsheild glanced up from their meal of rabit and dandilion greens.

The shell of the egg split, and a tiny nose peered out, sticky and moist; Emeraldleap lowered her nose to the little fissure, and the tiny baby with in made a quiet, happy noise.

"It's a little male." Emeraldleap murmured delightedly. Madamblue bent down to sniff the egg, "I'll train the little twerp to be a battle trained warrior." She vowed, a glint of amusement in her eye. "Right, twerp? You're gonna be a killer!"


The thing inside the egg retreated from the crack in the egg, and Emeraldleap batted Madamblue's nose playfully, "You scared my crimson little jem!" She accused. Rakayah laughed, getting down on her knees to hold the egg. The warlady could feel the warm little body wriggling around inside, uncertain of coming out of it's shell. Rakayah smiled down at the egg, wondering if it's aprehansion was wise.



Blossomdear meandered with Amacules and their army, following them as she wondered what she could do. "I'm sorry I could'nt get to you fast enough, maybe if I did we would have been able to rescue my clan." She sighed apollogeticly, crest and ears drooping as she thrusted her wings down in her flight.

What mysterious force had dampered Blossomdear's mission to find Amacules? And what delayed her while leading the rescue army back? Blossomdear shook her head, not knowing the answer.


((There, all fixed? Sort of? Sorry I keep missing posts! I'm not used to RPing with so many members! xd.png It's awesome!)

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"it's all right" Amacules said, "your still in mountain territories, there is no loss." malifica turned her head to look at the coming army, Just enough She thought as they closed in.


"nubunium, set one guard to watch rakayah's clan," the magi dragon ordered, "get as many dragons to guard the borders, land and in the sky." malifica continued with her orders to ensure full security, "and then you make sure everything is in order, got that?"


"yes malifica" nubunium said as he repeated the orders to other dragons.

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1] Username: ET4242

2] Warlord Name: Lady Kiacha (although those close to her will sometimes call her by her first name Cia)

3] First dragon: Lorcc a male Tri-horn wyvern

4] Other dragons: Estora, a female swallowtail dragon : Xano, male hellfire : Belle, female day glory (she is pregnant) : Pesca, male seawyrm Pygmy : Shade, female olive dragon.

5] Territory: Kiacha's little band has no territory of their own, they are nomadic, spending time here and there but never staying long. However she is most comfortable in the woods and jungle.

6] Dragon's personality: Lorcc is someone who is used to being in charge. Very commanding he takes hold of most situations with a calm level head. It is this same cool trait that makes him so deadly as an opponant. Typical of his breed he is not prone to joking, laughter, or really any other form of goofing off. It seems that the only sense of humor that he has is an almost undetectable sarcasm. As a leader his is fair if a bit harsh if he catches you doing something wrong or bad. With hatchlings and eggs however he is surprisingly tender. Against foes, unless Kiacha calls him off, he is absolutely ruthless giving no quarter and expecting none.

7] Dragon's abilities: Lorcc doesn't really have any special abilities besides the fact that he is a very good fighter, and he can breath fire. Estora is an exceptionally good flyer and so while she is not the best fighter she can hold her own through just her shear speed. Xano as odd as it seems is the battle magician of the group, while for the most part he is very even tempered in battle he can be very explosive so he channels that to cast strong spells. Belle is the diplomat and breeding female of the group, she is known to be able to talk her way out of almost any situation, her mate was a golden wyvern named Valavingi who was killed recently. Pesca is a medical magician, while he is very good at the healing arts he is very timid and often speaks with a slight stutter. Last but not least is Shade, she is another fighter who is none to fight using anything at her disposal, exspecially her poison spines, she will also guard the groups camp when needed, burrying herself under piles of leaves to keep from being seen.

8] Warlord's abilities: Kiacha's abilities are that she can firstly hear the voices of and tall to trees, however to get anything coherent from the trees she has to actually go up to one and either touch her forehead to it or press both her palms against it. Even then trees are know. To be very vague or very unconcerned either way they can be very infuriating to talk to. Second she is a very good shot with the bow making her a very deadly force at long or medium range, she is not bad at close courters and hand to hand combat however she believes that if she let an attacker even get that close she must be doing a bad job. The last thing is that Kiacha is a bit of a monkey child, once she makes it up a tree she will be gone before you make it to the first branch.

9] Decision on plan of action: Kiacha wish to keeps her small group out of as much trouble as possible however if push comes to shove she will do what she has to, to protect her clan.


You're good to go smile.gif.

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(thanks! Could someone tell me where everyone is. I've got an idea about what happened hiwever I am a bit unsure about where people are going.)

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Err, let's see... Arikade's holed up in the desert off the volcanoes, Khalon's somewhere in that same area, Rakayah's on her way north to rendezvous with her sister, Kaylyn's on her way to help Rakayah... And I have no idea where Titus, Orion and Filari are.

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The sun was searingly hot, the very sand steamed under the glare causing the air to writh and shift as though alive. A pair of dark brown eyes peered out into the swirling air, they squinted trying to bring into sharper focus the unsure shapes of nearby dragons. The pair of eyes belonged to a young woman, tall and finely built she has long dark brown hair that fell in an uneven wave down stopping just below her shoulder blades, her eyes matched the tone of her hair, the one difference being that while her hair was now dulled by the fine sand dust that had been stirred into the air, her eyes sparkled brightly with a combination of mischief and liveliness. Dressed very painly in a pair of sand colored pants and a matching tunic, without any shoes to be seen, her one decoration was a necklace that hugged close to her neck. Though the string of the necklace was just common thread dyed black attached to it was a brilliant gold scale, about the length of a thumb the scale was gently pointed and even through the dust it glittered in a merry kind of way.


Kiacha was standing pressed up against the wall of one of the Spitfires side tunnels, using the contrasting shade to hide her from sight. At the vampire's attack she had woken sharply and even running as fast as she could there was nothing she could do, the odds were to great, and she was still to slow. Having seen enough she dodged quickly back into the tunnels. The paticular one she was in was a smaller side network that the spitfires had been letting her sped a couple days in until she moved on. Xano had had the idea, something about visiting some second cousins, Kiacha wasn't even sure of the exact relation but then neither was the hellfire. But whatever the case she know found herself racing through the now empty tunnels to the small sleeping chamber where her dragons waited.


"News?" Lorcc asked quickly as she sprinted into the room. The great tri-horn looked actually crest fallen as Kiacha just shook her head. At that signal most of the other dragons stood up ready to take off. However one remained lying down, Belle, her breathing was a bit shallow and her belly was greatly swollen. Pesca floated gently over to Kiacha landing on her shoulder and wrapping his tail around her arm.

"Will Belle m-make it? Her t-time is close." His voice was nervous and he stuttered a few times. Everyone glanced worriedly at the angelic day glory, loosing her mate had been bad enough but with their first egg on the way everyone was worried for the first time mother.

"She will have to." Kiacha said quietly. Then straightening up sharply she said in a more athoritative voice

"Estora you will carry Belle, the rest of you will follow them with a fe flying in front and a few in back. Me and Lorcc will follow behind at a greater distance giving the rest of you cover. We will be heading for the forest, it is about time we got out of this depressing desert."


With nothing more to be said the dragons went about their designated jobs, and then with Kiacha leading the way they started to weave their way towards the back entrance. A small opening coming out just beyond the crest of the dune the back entrance was not quite away far enough to keep their retreat out of sight but it would give them a few precious seconds, and besides with the sun glare and the fact that the vampires would be tired after the battle they might just make a clean get away. As the band reached the back entrance they all bunched up standing just within the tunnels shadow. Kiacha quickly swung herself up into Lorcc's back, and with a deep breath she drew out her long bow, loaded and arrow and gave a silent signal. Imidiatly the dragons lept into the air arranging themselves into an orderly formation. As planned Lorcc took off last positioning himself a good distance from the rest of the group. Turning skillfully Kiacha rode backwards so as to keep the threat in sight, this would let her shoot more effectivly and allow her to better warn Lorcc of oncoming attacks.

Edited by ET4252

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Titus and Thunderbolt decided to check the clan. Titus smiled as he wrote the number of eggs, which was better this year. He nodded to his scarred guard. No attacks yet, their clan might just survive. As long as he didn't join anyone, unless attacked.

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In the castle Orion and Alsia napped peacefully in their chamber while the rest of the castle was abuzz with life. Competitions, feasting and other festivities kept everyone occupied for those of all shapes and sizes, for there were big dragons, small dragons, and humans as well, big and small. Outside some of the greater flyer held beautiful air shows and inside the castle arena large dragons displayed great feats of strengths while the most cunning and intelligent dragons practiced war games and strategies. This continued far into the night. Eventually both Orion and Alsia woke up and joined in the celebrations for a time but they both knew they were only stalling their own announcement, but for now, they wanted to enjoy the night.

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"it's all right" Amacules said, "your still in mountain territories, there is no loss." malifica turned her head to look at the coming army, Just enough She thought as they closed in.


"nubunium, set one guard to watch rakayah's clan," the magi dragon ordered, "get as many dragons to guard the borders, land and in the sky." malifica continued with her orders to ensure full security, "and then you make sure everything is in order, got that?"


"yes malifica" nubunium said as he repeated the orders to other dragons.

Blossomdear tried her best to give a dragon smile, thankful. "I shall return to my clan now." She said, turning and heading away, waving her tail in farewell.


Rakayah, Emeraldleap, Frostsheild, Reefninja and Madamblue walked in single file down a ridge, their backs turned toward the breeze that pushed down from the mountains. It was late afternoon, with an ample amount of cloud cover to sheild Madamblue from the suns annoying rays.

They could see a blob coming closer, emerging from the blurryness of distance to become Blossomdear.

"She's back!" Madamblue exclaimed hapily; the mother-dragon gave a rankus, flamingo-like call of greeting, and swooped down into a land.


"Amacules sent a patrol to guard us." She reported, "and has her army protecting the perimiter of her territory."

Frostsheild nodded, "This feels like the old Guardian war, where they helped train other dragons to fight against the gryphon-kind." He digressed, thoughtfully. The clan headed onward, all the while Frostsheild began to drone on and on and on about his story about The Old War.


"I have'nt heard of teh gryphons in ages." He mused as the sun began to sing below the ridge line. "They live beyond the ocean, on the other side of the world where the Phoenix live."

Reefninja rolled her eyes, padding silently beside her mate. "Very good then, dear."

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Khalon rode Starhunter in the direction of one of her favorite hangouts, an inn just outside the forest. It had plenty of scoudrels, thugs, theives, drunks and cheats, they were her crowd, and she loved it. It was also an excellent place to gather information and find people. They neared the inn. "Sarhunter land here" Khalon said. "Khalon, are you sure? Last time you came here...." his voice trailed off remembering the last time she went inside that inn. She didn't come out of there for days, and when she finally did come out, she was drunk...very drunk. "Stasrhunter your supposed to e a merciless killer! Don't worry about me!" She said as she walked into the inn. Starhunter shook his head and turned to Crimson "keep an eye on her. I'm going hunting, come Wrath." He and Wrath flew into the forest.

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malifica returned the wave and flew back to the direction of their castle, if you would call it a castle. when they landed on the landing, they noticed starlight leave the castle. as amacules got off of malifica, the magic dragon flew down to meet up with the wyvern.


"where are you going now anyway?" malifica asked starlight.


"if you did not know, you have given nubunium orders for more guards, and one for the visiting clan," starlight reminded, "and nubunium asked me to be a guard for the clan."


"well he's made a good choice," malifica said, but was feeling herself blush when starlight mentioned her orders. a white dragon strolled out of the same exit as starlight, sanitat. "now where are you going sanitat" malifica asked the medicine dragon.


"just a stroll, im bored, i think we might keep peace for too long" sanitat remarked, and with that she flew away.


"i also should be on my way" starlight said, and with a flap of her wings she was off.

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Arikade threw up a protective barrier over his clan's new base. Not only did it shield them all from the elements and a majority of desert sunlight, it masked all their scents and even their mental presences. They were officially impossible to find.


It went without saying that powerful magics such as these took a lot of power, i.e. more than the warlord could drum up on his own. Tulahy supplied whatever extra energy he needed.


The young female sank to the ground when Arikade, seemingly unaffected, was done. Draugr darted to her side and caught her head before it smacked against the ground. He then lowered it slowly and lay down next to her, licking at one of her wounds from the spitfire raid that hadn't healed.


Arikade strode up to him. Tulahy lifted her head when she felt Draugr's tongue stop its work. Arikade ignored the female and spoke to Draugr directly.


"I don't know what Khalon's planning," he said decisively, "and I don't intend to wait to find out." He gestured in the direction the other warlord had flown. "You, Tulahy, Mhera and O'Raan find her" he continued, "Kill her nebula along with her if necessary, but she is your top priority."


Draugr's gaze lingered on Tulahy. She lifted herself easily, albeit slowly, from the ground and padded forward a few steps before extending her wings. She sat back on her haunches, tilted her head expectantly at Draugr, and flapped her wings once.

Edited by Fangirl05

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A few hours' flight later, Tulahy gestured with her talon at the familiar, seemingly sleeping nebula dragon curled up outside a nondescript tavern. Without checking to see if anyone else followed him, Draugr folded his wings against his sides and nose-dived toward his target.


"I've never tasted nebula before" he mused, "I wonder what it's like..."

Edited by Fangirl05

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