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Striving For Survival

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Yuri got up for a moment. "Excuse me." he said, walking to the cash register, gliding his fingers along it. He then went to the corner that tucks behind the bathroom and pulled a radio from his go-bag. "The dog is in the cage." Yuri muttered into the radio. There was a short pause, but then a response came. "What is the dogs Leash?" the response came back. Yuri, without skipping a beat, responded "Fido." Another brief pause. "Welcome back to us Agent Petrovich. Have you news?" the voice asked. "I am in the town, and the Doctor I have noticed is not welcomed here... I am gaining the trust of the locals, perhaps they can help me find him." Yuri said. "Is that all Agent Petrovich?" "Yes, for now it is. Signing off." Yuri twisted the radio, tucking it in his backpack and letting out a low sigh, running his hand through his hair.

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Sarisha watched (I totally forget your fake name.) go into the bathroom. 'Hmm. I wonder...' She thought to herself. Quietly, Sarisha went out of view of Lien and Pocahontas crawled to the bathroom door. "Is that all Agent Petrovich?" "Yes, for now it is. Signing off." She just heard the last bit of their conversation, but she now knew why she didn't trust him. 'He has to be a spy of some sort. What does he want with that creepy old Doctor?' Before she could get caught, Sarisha crawled back to her back pack and started organizing the shelf closest to the floor. She worked her way up so as to avoid suspicion.

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Yuri walked back out, eyeing both ways. Something didn't settle right in his stomach... He held on to the gut feeling, but instead set out to find the girl. She seemed like the set leader of the group and probably had something for him to do. He needed something to bide his time, and hopefully increase relations with the people here.

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When he came out of the bathroom, Sarisha had just finished arranging the shelf she was on. She didn't want to confront him about the conversation that she had only heard the end of, but she wasn't going to just do nothing about it. She kept on her guard.

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Lien had gotten bored and started drawing swirls on her arm with a pen that she found. She was humming some random folk song to herself blocking out the rest of the world. At least it seemed somewhat safe in this shop.

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Yuri approached Sarisha, his hands behind his back. "I am strong and able-bodied, is there anything you need me to do?" Yuri asked. However, what he was really doing was using the extensive training in interoagtion he had on her, checking her for any sort of facial or vocal twitch that might illude her as nervous, or guilty in some way. He didn't trust her either.

Edited by azseanster

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Sarisha looked up at him when he approached her. His hands were behind his back. 'Hmm.' she thought.

"I'm sorry, what was your name again?" She she in reply to his question. She attempted to make it seem as though she had forgotten, but was curious to see if he would change it. She crossed her arms in front of her and shifted her weight to her left leg. She slid the right one behind her a bit, prepared to strike his mid section if he produced a weapon.

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Mak looks up at Winston then remembers that he is holding a beer. "Oh want a beer since I have one right here unopened?" He says holding up the beer toward the soldier.

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Winston gave a kind smile to Mak, cigarette hanging limply from between his lips. "Heh. Depends on the brand, I guess. I'm picky. Then again, given the circumstances, I'd probably be liable to drink Bud if someone offered."

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"Sure, I'll have some. You coming up or am I coming down?" Winston asked, taking a brief drag on his cigarette and blowing out the smoke slowly, allowing it once more to dissipate in to the Canadian air.

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Mak shrugs. "Ah I'll come up no need to force you down here just to head back up there right?" he says putting the Lager in his tool belt then climbs up the ladder onto the roof. "Here you go there partner just don't let that bootle go to waste I could use it later." Mak states handing over the Lager to Winston smirking.

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Winston took the bottle in one of his partially gloved hands, rotating the glass container around to look at the label quite curiously, peering at each little design and text on it. After a moment, he sat back on the air conditioning unit and adjusted the sleek, streamlined rifle in his lap. He hooked the overhang of the bottle cap on one of the strap loops and quickly jerked the bottle to the side, sending the cap flying off with a 'ting'. He replaced the rifle across his lap and took a sip.


A moment passed and he glanced at the bottle again, smirking pleasantly. "Heh. Strong. I like it. Thanks, uh... what'd you say your name was?" The soldier asked kindly, tugging his pack of cigarettes from a vest pocket and holding it out, offering Mak a cig as he took another gulp of the lager.


It was somewhat difficult to picture someone so well outfitted for war behaving so casually. Here was a United State Army soldier (no doubt here in an attempt to provide relief to the Canadian military) dressed in digital camouflage, outfitted with high grade hardware and with a pristine uniform. You wouldn't particularly expect such a person to find his place with a few teenagers and a couple ragtag survivors, let alone be comfortable or at ease with it.

Edited by Arctic

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Mak smirks and leans agenst the air conditioning next to Winston. "The name Makiya but you can jaut call me Mak." He says taking a Cig and lighting it with his own lighter. "Thanks partner."

Mak inhales the smoke then exhales through his nostrials chuckling slightly. "You know of all things to happen here I was expecting an ice age before a zombie apocolipse to be honest. Place gets cold enough for it that's for sure, very different from the heat of texas I can assure you."

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Yuri gripped his weapon by the middle, in a casual carrying style. Clever girl, trying to get me to slip up... I know something is curious about you now. Yuri thought in his mind. "I am Ivan." Yuri said in an offended manor, as if it were wrong to forget his name so quickly.

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"Ah, thank you." She pretended to walk it off as though she had actually forgotten. "Your accent, and mine, hinder me from saying certain words properly. Ivan, you said?" Sarisha stated clearly in her British accent. She looked down to her boot, checking the laces, and then returning her casual gaze toward him.

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"At the very least it isn't winter," the soldier replied calmly as he tucked the pack of cigarettes away and took another swig of lager. "I'd hate to be waddling through the snow with some biters in tow. It'd also make cleanup a helluva lot more difficult." He rested his elbows on his knees, exhaling slowly and gazing around the neighborhood, eyes briefly focusing on the occasional brainless straggler that made its way across a yard here or there. "I guess we should be more thankful we're not in a major city. If we set our minds to it, we could probably clear this town out. Not that we should, or that I'm in favor of the idea."

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"Yes, Ivan..." Yuri said, staring down at the girl. "Now, I'm sure there must be some sort of task you'd need me to do? I prefer not to wait around in one place for too long."

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"Yeah would be a pain. Hmmm will need to remember that." Looks at Winston. "Sorry tend to talk to myself when I get and idea. Though citys are harder to clear out they are a jungle of their own." Mak then inhales and exhales.

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"Why don'y you see if Mak want's any help with the truck?" Sarisha supplied. "Don't mess up my truck." She added, just in case.

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"No real upside to 'em as far as I'm concerned," Winston replied simple, swishing the alcohol around in its bottle. "Big, hard to defend, impossible to clear out, swarmed, lots of places for ambushes. Nah, I'm comfortable out here," he continued, smirking and taking a sip. "Anyway, you're from Texas? What're you doing up here, then?"

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Yuri stepped outside, his rifle on his back. He approached the two men, looking between them. "Little girl said to speak to Mak for help with trucks?" Yuri said, looking between them.

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((we are on the roof but ok))


"I can understand the feeling never was fond of cities and probably never will be ether." Smirks a bit at Winston. "Yeah, I'm from the Lonestar state. The reason why I am here is because I needed a job and that I needed a new place to begin. Couldn't stand the government at the time." Shrugs and taps some ash off the cig.

Mak looks at 'Ivan' with a raised eyebrow then sighs looking back at Winston. "Guess I got to get back to work nice chattin' with yea'." Stands up and looks back at 'Ivan'. "I could use a little help I guess, you said your name was Ivan right?" He asks climbing down the ladder.

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Lien looked up from her scribbling and blushed realizing that she was doing nothing. She quickly put the pen down and jumped down from her seat looking for something to make herself useful so she didn't get left behind. She walked over to Sarisha and asked, "Um. Is there anything you would like me to do for you?"

Edited by KyokoYei2

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"I can understand that," Winston replied. "The military was my 'new start', you could say." He paused, tensing a bit. As the sound of someone (or something) climbing the ladder met Winston's ears, he quickly shifted his HK417 up and aimed it steadily at the metal bars. After a moment, a new face popped up. Winston kept the rifle level, but said nothing. The man (most likely a little distressed from the rifle being aimed at him) spoke, and Winston lowered it at the mention of the 'little girl'. He took a drink of lager. "Yep. Back to work. Let me know if you need anything, man." He gave a nod to Mak, then went back to surveying the neighborhood in quiet contemplation.

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