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Striving For Survival

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Yuri tapped his fingers on the rifle a bit as he stood outdoors, staring outward at what ever he could. He was thinking back to the time where he had broken his drill instructors nose when the man decided to push the training exercise a bit far by insulting Yuri's mother, as he knew her personally. Yuri was taken from his thoughts as a pair of hands grabbed his arm and the back of his shirt. Yuri looked back, gritting his teeth and clutching the rifle tighter. The infected snapped its jaws at Yuri's nose. Yuri quickly head butted the thing, getting it's grip to loosen. He turned around, trying to aim his rifle up at the things head. However, the infected man grabbed the barrel of the gun and yanked it forward, then grabbing his shirt and arm. They both fell to the floor as Yuri let out a small grunt, his rifle sliding away. He held the things throat, keeping it's teeth just at bay from Yuri's throat, however this battle was shifting in the zombies favor rather quickly...

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Winston held up a hand to Sarisha, giving a firm, direct signal for her to be silent as the infected shambled further in to the parking lot. A moment passed before the soldier checked the safety of his rifle then stood up slowly, holding his tactical harness in place to keep it from jingling. He took a moment to adjust the straps securing it, then gave a cautious glance to the English girl left sitting on the ground near the ventilation unit. It was then that he walked to the right of the filling area's awning, just as the infected would have been disappearing from Sarisha's vision underneath it. Each one of his steps began with the heel of his boot connecting very gently with the rooftop, then slowly curling until the toe touched down. The effect was a near silent step. He kneeled near the edge of the awning and looked down.


The infected was surprisingly intact despite his... condition. Unfortunately, he was also well built. It was a man, that much was clear, and he was hovering at, if not above, six or so feet. He had broad shoulders and wore a dirty, ragged tank top stained with grease. It was likely he had been working manual labor, probably as a mechanic of some sort. That meant he had muscle mass. He was bald and bearded and had cuts all along his right arm. From where Winston was, he couldn't see a bite mark, but he didn't need to. The ragged breathing and shuffling gait was all that anyone needed to see.


The zombie began to speed up a little bit as he got closer to the gas station - a sort of focused gait, as if he had spotted prey. He remained quiet, though - no snarling, no moaning, so gnashing of the teeth. A small potential to sneak up on someone who wasn't paying attention. Winston tensed and raised himself up a bit (though remained crouched, just no longer kneeling), glancing over his shoulder at Sarisha. He turned, moving back towards the gas station. He didn't pause for the drop, he simply vaulted over and gripped the edge before gently dropping down on to the roof of the gas station itself with a slight 'thump'. He crouched down and peered down at the parking lot between the gap of the awning and the building.


He arrived just in time to see the infected man take hold of someone - not someone he had seen before. The zombie took hold of the man's arm and the back of the shirt, opening his maw wide and reeling in what Winston presumed to be the Russian newcomer. The Russian, despite his lack of perception, reacted rather quickly with a headbutt that sent the zombie reeling back slightly. Winston wasted no time to watch the fight further. He turned and jogged over towards the pizza shop's side of the building, swinging his rifle on to his back in the process. He took hold of the edge of the roof then swung himself off, maneuvering his hands around the guard rail to get a good grip. Once he was hanging, he dropped down and bent his knees to absorb the impact.


The soldier looked over at the Russian and the zombie. They were on the ground now and struggling. He muttered a curse to himself, then righted his posture and started to run over, equipment clanking as it shifted around. He unslung his rifle and twisted it around as he moved, holding it by the receiver and barrel like one might hold a bat. In a powerful, running swing, he arced the stock of the battle rifle underhand and connected it with the temple of the zombie, snapping his head to the side and sending him rolling off of Yuri. He then dropped the rifle, allowing it to hang from its strap, and pulled his knife from its readily available vest holster. He used his momentum to swing around and drop a knee on to the zombie's chest, using one hand to grab its throat and pin it to the ground. Just as it began to reorient itself, Winston brought the knife up high above his head and arced it down, jamming it straight in to the unfortunate soul's forehead. The infected jerked, let out a gurgle and went limp. Winston waited a couple moments before pulling the knife out callously and wiping it on the infected's shirt. He glanced over at Yuri, breathing a little heavily.


"A little dramatic, but you're lucky we saw," he nodded up to the roof above in reference to Sarisha. "You didn't yell. Good thing, too, we don't need more of 'em. But you would've been screwed if he hadn't been seen." Winston coughed a couple times in to his sleeve and stood up, surveying the area around them. It seemed clear enough. He shoved the knife in to its sheath. "Be a little more aware next time, yeah?" He made his way over and, if Yuri was still on the ground, offered a hand. Throughout the ordeal, Winston's voice remained rather quiet.

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Yuri grabbed the mans hand, pulling him self to his feet. He dusted him self off, grabbing his WWII model Springfield off the ground, dusting it off a bit. "I am Ivan, thank you for assisting me- But really, I had it under control. I was in the arm- Uhh, wrestling team when I was younger. I was just trying to get my leg behind his and possible get on top, instead."

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"I don't care if you had it under control," Winston replied calmly. "A bite is bad news. Any fluid contact. He was close to your throat and if you slipped, you would've been done for." Winston shrugged idly, rubbing one shoulder. He glanced at the corpse. "Suppose we should drag that to the other side of the road at least."

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"I am on it..." Yuri said, grabbing the corpse by the collar. He grabbed his rifle, carrying it by his side as he dragged the corpse. He got across the road, tossing it into a bush, giving it a few kicks to make sure it was really gone. He rolled it further into the bush, dusting his hands off and walking back to the gas station. However, this time, he decided to get clever. Yuri grabbed a piece of shrapnel from a destroyed car and attached it to a bit of rope he found, then tossed it on top of the gas pump roof, making a rope ladder. He then shimmied his way up to the roof, climbing on top of it and clutching his rifle close to his leg. He then peeked down, rolling the rope up next to him in case he had to get down. Crossing his legs sniper-style, Yuri sat comfortably with his rifle in his lap. He took a pair of binoculars from his backpack. It was getting a bit dark out, but Yuri was used to night time sniping without tech.

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When Winston went down to the lower roof, she followed silently. She went to the edge and watched the events. When 'Ivan' introduced himself to the 44 year old soldier, she stifled a retort as she no longer believed that that was truly his name. When the Russian finished putting the body away from then, and he climbed up to the roof with a makeshift rope latter, Sarisha blended into the shadows behind her. He pulled some things out of his bag and then faced the street. She silently crept up behind him and tapped his left shoulder three times with her index and middle finger of her right hand.

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Winston leaned back on the wall, watching Ivan drag the brute of a zombie across the roadway with only slight difficulty. The soldier held the rifle against his chest, coughing a couple times in to his sleeve again. Once Ivan had reached the other side of the road, Winston walked around the building and ascended the ladder, allowing his equipment to jingle and shift against him with no real attempt to silence it. He reached the top and pulled himself up, then walked to the edge and once more jumped and took hold of the edge of the filling area's roof, hauling himself up. He stood, walking to get a good view of the parking lot.


The marksman was just in time to see the Russian rifling through a broken down car (which had likely been there for quite some time) and taking out what looked like a piece of rusted, curved metal. He watched as the man knotted a length of rope around it, then walked to the edge of the convenience store and threw it up, hooking it around the guardrail. The soldier frowned, staring at the man very blankly as he shimmied up the cable with some degree of expertise. The railing groaned with his weight, not fully designed to handle it. Ivan then sat on the roof in a sniper's position, rifle rested between his legs with binoculars raised to his eyes. He looked out in to the intensifying darkness.


By this point, Winston had really seen enough. He simply sat back on a ventilation unit with a sigh and ran a head over his shaved skull, laying his own rifle across his lap and watching Ivan from afar. Sarisha walked up behind the Russian and tapped him on the shoulder a few times.

Edited by Arctic

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Unfortunatly, Yuri was not prepared for this and his military mind set took over. He grabbed the girls wrist, throwing her forward and slamming her back-first into the gas pump roof, then pressing his forearm to her throat. He glared down at her, seeing it was the girl. He started to pull his forearm away. Son of a censorkip.gif*, I've blown my cover! Quickly, think of a lie, think of a lie, think of a lie...

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Sarisha was flipped over onto her back and something was pressed to her neck and then released. He stared at her.

"What in the bloody hell do you think you're doing?!" Sarisha yelled. She wiggled out of his grip and backed away from him. "You almost threw me off the roof you blighter!" Sarisha sat, facing him, a few feet away.

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"I spent years hunting with father who was soldier. It is instinctive that when something sneaks up on you, you try and avoid it attacking you... Try not to sneak up on me, next time." Yuri said, once again in his dumb guy tone.

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"No. I'm not playing along anymore. Tell me who you really are!" Sarisha sat criss-crossed on the ground beside him. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.

Edited by Quhanta

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Winston stared blankly at the two and suddenly, apparently out of nowhere, "Ivan" twisted the English girl's arm around and within moments had her pinned to the rooftop. Winston immediately stood, raising and shouldering his rifle and aiming it directly at the Russian man, prepared to put him down like an animal. He moved over to the edge of the upper rooftop quietly. He said nothing, as by the time he was at the edge of the roof, the situation had... well, not exactly calmed, but it didn't appear to be violent anymore. The 7.62 rifle remained aimed very steadily at Yuri.


"No. I'm not playing along anymore. Tell me who you really are!" Sarisha demanded. Winston let out a whistle, interjecting between the two. He cleared his throat, keeping the rifle aimed.


"Russian accent, itchy trigger finger, trained seated firing position, enigmatic mission, quick CQC reaction time, failure to flinch with a loaded rifle pointed at his head, strictly business," Winston paused, keeping the HK417 steady. "I don't think I need to go on," he stated. After a few moments, he spoke very calmly and decisively to Yuri, each word rolling off of his tongue with intensity. "Russkiy. Yesli vyagent, ty plokhoy. Kto vy?" He kept the rifle trained on him. He was clearly fluent in the language, but his voice maintained its distinctly American accent.


(( What he said was, 'Russian. If you are an agent, you are a bad one. Who are you?' ))

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Sarisha stared intently at the Russian until she heard a low whistle from behind and above her. She looked up to see Winston pointing his HK417 at 'Ivan'. Listening to what he said, "Russian accent, itchy trigger finger, trained seated firing position, enigmatic mission, quick CQC reaction time, failure to flinch with a loaded rifle pointed at his head, strictly business," Winston paused, keeping the HK417 steady. "I don't think I need to go on." Sarisha nodded in agreement, as she thought back to when she whipped around and put a gun in his face. He hadn't even blinked. He then stated, "Russkiy. Yesli vyagent, ty plokhoy. Kto vy?" in fluent Russian. She pieced together the phrase quickly. Knowing the language, she understood and commented.

"He certainly is. A horrific one, at that. He even, foolishly, made radio contact with someone while in the bathroom." Sarisha muttered loud enough for the other two to hear. She glared over at 'Ivan'.

Edited by Quhanta

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Yuri stared at them. He chuckled a bit, getting on his feet. "Ok, you two got me... I am trained killer, and I do suggest you put the gun down." Yuri said, placing his hand on the barrel of the mans gun- He did this gently, not forcefully. "My name is "Yuri Petrovich, I am an agent for the KGB. My mission here is to intercept a man known only as "The Doctor". He is an elderly man, of whom means vital importance to my mission... If I gave you more detail, you'd become a liability." Yuri said, staring the militant man in the face. Yuri, with his free hand, slipped it slowly and carefully onto his Makarov. He did not intend to shoot this man, but if the man proved a threat, Yuri would have no choice but to put him down. And with hsi training, he knew he could.

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Winston was standing a good eight feet away from Yuri at the least, and on higher ground. His finger was pointed forward, off of the trigger rather professionally, and his posture was rigid. He was statuesque in his stance and his rifle was unwavering. He said nothing as Yuri spoke, but as Yuri's hand moved towards his sidearm, Winston made a point to wrap his finger around the trigger of his rifle, making this blatantly obvious for Yuri to see. "Hand moves another inch towards your weapon, I will kill you where you stand. Cooperate and you won't get hurt. One, put your hands on the back of your head and keep them there. Two, tell me more about your assignment. As it stands, you're a foreign agent on North American soil and, as far as I can tell, neither the United States nor the Canadian government want you here. If I'm a liability for knowing, you're a national security threat for existing. Start explaining. This is your one chance."

Edited by Arctic

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(( Why is it that the action is always outside a bulding? ))


Just as Mak was about to take a bite of the cold beans there was a thump on the roof. "Great.... I told them kids not to be killing eachother." Mak says looking at poor Charlie on the floor and hands him the can. "Here you need it more then me." He says and stands up streatching then heads outside around back hearing agressive tones on the roof.


Mak sighs and climbs the ladder just to witness Yuri having a gun pointed at his head by Winston and Sarsha sitting on the ground clearly unhappy. Mak hears Yuri say that they were liabilities if then knew his whole mission. Wait if they are a liability what about me? He thinks frowning slightly as Winston tells Yuri to put his hands behind his head and tell them the truth.


"Hold up now no need to get hasty there partner." Mak says walking closer to the two. "If he won't tell then I will." He states placing a hand on his chest and looks over at Sarsha quickly then back at Winston and Yuri.

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Sarisha listened to the conversation... well, orders, being given out. "Okay, you two got me... I am trained killer, and I do suggest you put the gun down. My name is Yuri Petrovich, I am an agent for the KGB. My mission here is to intercept a man known only as 'The Doctor'. He is an elderly man, of whom means vital importance to my mission... If I gave you more detail, you'd become a liability." Yuri looked mildly calm to her. 'A liability?' She thought. Winston responded, equally as calm. "Hand moves another inch towards your weapon, I will kill you where you stand. Cooperate and you won't get hurt. One, put your hands on the back of your head and keep them there. Two, tell me more about your assignment. As it stands, you're a foreign agent on North American soil and, as far as I can tell, neither the United States nor the Canadian government want you here. If I'm a liability for knowing, you're a national security threat for existing. Start explaining. This is your one chance."


Sarisha heard someone coming up the ladder. She turned to face the only person she knew from before, Mak. He examined the rooftop and then spoke. "Hold up now no need to get hasty there partner." Mak said, walking closer to Yuri and Winston. "If he won't tell then I will." He stated, placing a hand on his chest.


Sarisha stood quickly. She backed closer to the edge and whipped out her pistol. "Mak?!" She stated in surprise. Sarisha took another step backward and gripped the gun tightly. Her right eye twitched a few times, and her mind raced with ideas. 'Why does he know these things?" She thought.

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Now, Yuri was just getting annoyed. He threw his hands in the air. "ALRIGHT, GOD DAMN IT, EVERYONE LOWER YOUR GUNS! For Christ sakes, you Canadian rookies are such a pest! This man, Mak, was the first I told of my mission. Now LOWER your gun!" Yuri said in a rather annoyed tone, glaring from the militant man and to Sarisha. "As I said before, my name is Agent Petrovich! This man is linked to the outbreak as he worked for the organization who originally breaded the disease for BIOLOGICAL WARFARE! I am here to interrogate and eliminate him! Ok? IS THAT OK!?" Yuri yelled. He looked rather annoyed that this whole scenario had turned into such a hissy fit. Yuri grabbed his side arm from his holster, tossing it to the ground by the militant man, showing he was just rather fed up with the gun to his face.

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Winston kept his rifle raised at Yuri, the sleek black polymer and steel becoming increasingly invisible as the shadows of night overtook the group and the city. He kept his eyes focused on the agent as Mak climbed up and tried to break up the scene. He remained silent even as the Russian agent began to speak, his voice becoming increasingly louder and more distressed.


"As I said before, my name is Agent Petrovich! This man is linked to the outbreak as he worked for the organization who originally breaded the disease for BIOLOGICAL WARFARE! I am here to interrogate and eliminate him! Ok? IS THAT--"


"Shut up," Winston interrupted him, keeping his voice firm but at a reasonable volume. "Because if you say another word, I'm going to throw your sorry a** to the lamebrains your little hissy fit is bound to attract." He tensed his finger on the trigger as the agent drew his weapon and lobbed it up on to the filling area's rooftop. Thankfully, he didn't end up firing, catching on at the last second that the agent was disarming himself. Still, it was a bad move on Yuri's part, and one that might've gotten him killed.


Winston slowly maneuvered to the side, keeping his weapon trained. "Not another word. Not another breath. Speak when spoken to, follow instructions, because you're clearly not calm enough to handle this like a rational human being. I'll do the thinking here. One - you keep your voice down. Two - you get on your knees. Three - you put your hands on the back of your head. And let me make something clear," Winston paused, moving in to a crouch and steadying his rifle on Yuri. "This is the last time I will ask. I strongly suggest you follow orders. When I can be sure you aren't a threat - and, by the way, you're doing a bad job of convincing me - then we can all be friends, yeah?"


His eyes didn't leave Yuri - he addressed Sarisha and Mak without looking over. "Mr. Petrovich here just made a lot of noise. I need you two to keep an eye out for infected that might've heard him. At the first sign something is coming this way, I need you two to get everyone up here on to the roof."

Edited by Arctic

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As Yuri started yelling, and Winston argued more quietly, She did not like being called a rookie, but couldn't force herself to speak. Sarisha's head spun. It had been a while since she had been on her medication, and she could only hold off the symptoms of withdrawal for so long. She swayed slightly back and fourth, vision blurring. Her arms lowered and the pistol slipped from her hands. It hit the ground after, she assumed, Winston had spoken to her and Mak. It landed with a crack and a thud, but didn't fire.


Suddenly, she slammed down onto her knees, while spinning to face off the roof. Sarisha gripped the edge of the roof tightly as she vomited off the edge. When she was finished, she remained firmly in place, not daring to move.

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Charlie ate the beans in silence, wondering what everyone was doing.


Yuri blinked a few times, then calmed his expression. "There is a radio in my back pack. You are welcome to speak to my commanding officer." Yuri said. He got on his knees, putting his hands on the back of his head. 'Great, I am compromised.' Yuri said. Surely, this would get he demoted, kicked out, or even killed.

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Mak looked over at Sarsha worriedly when he noticed her swaying but, when she dropped the gun he rushed over to her. While Sarsha was vomiting Mak was beside her kneeling looking at her worried and started to rub her back in slow circles. "I'll go keep and eye out for the undead I can tell you not up to it right now." He says quietly before standing and nodding back at Winston and giving Sarsha one last look before truning around and scouting the area for zombies.

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Sarisha went numb and didn't feel Mak's hand on her back. He said that he would check the perimeter for zombies because she was sick. 'Once I've taken my medication, I'll be less weak.' She thought, disgusted with herself. She sat back on her legs and probed off to her right, looking for her gun. In order to find it, she had to look. Sarisha grabbed the cold metal, arm wobbling with the weight of the gun. She holstered it and then turned quickly to vomit off the edge again.

"Sorry..." She mumbled to Winston. Sarisha forced herself into a squatting position and attempted to stand.

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((Woah I miss a lot))

Lien watched Mak leave before following him to the roof. What she saw baffled her. "What is going on?" She asked quietly with furrowed eyebrows.

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Winston kept his finger on the trigger, but took his other hand away for a moment to draw his Beretta. He thumbed the safety off and held it up to aim at Yuri (more precautionary than anything else), then clicked the safety on his HK417 and slipped it around. He maneuvered in to a sitting position on the ledge, reached over and grabbed Yuri's Makarov, then dropped down on to the gas station roof. He squatted down, finally dropping his aim from Yuri, but with his finger on the trigger and still out of reach. He rested his elbows on his knees.


"You know, if I hadn't seen a perfect judo flip out of you, I wouldn't believe you're an agent. I don't mean any disrespect, but I'm inclined to believe you're new. Ty slishkom molod, chtoby byt ofitser spetsnaza. You say you're KGB," by this point, Winston seemed to be musing to himself, "but the KGB was dissolved. If it wasn't, it's likely a subsect of the FSB. Anyway, I'm inclined to believe you're a little new at this - wet behind the ears, even." The sniper held his free hand out. "Not going to shoot you. Let me see that radio. I'm interested in talking to this 'handler' of yours."


He risked a very quick glance over to Sarisha to make sure she was alright, then caught sight of Lien very briefly as she got to the top of the ladder.

Edited by Arctic

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