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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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Lucia soon placed each book in its proper place. Now tired out from the run and dragging Scipio to the HQ, Lucia settled into her chair. She picked up a page of a memoir that she had been working on late in the night. When it was late she would often wait and see if everyone was asleep then begin to write her life up to this point. It was a journal of sorts, maybe when she died she would allow people to read it. But until then she would keep the pages scattered about. Some stuffed in favorite books of hers, others beneath her various amounts of gear and extra cloaks. She needed somewhere really great to hide them, no doubt they might even confuse them with pages from Altair's Book. Not that they were written all that great to begin with. Just that they were hidden and not all that easy to get to. Coughing knocked her out of her stupor. Was someone in trouble? Standing so quickly her chair clattered to the floor, she swept out of the library, and dashed out into the main area. A fallen chair and a barely breathing Aero was there. "Sir, are you all right? Aelia! Aelia, someone is dying out here!" Aero looked in bad shape. If she didn't do something soon, he might die.

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Aelia had just finished bandaging Casio up when she heard someone call her. The woman slipped a clean cloak over Casio's head and sighed. "Sleep well,' she called to him before leaving and closing the door behind her. She was carrying her buckets and the dirty washcloth when she saw him. Aero...? She rushed down the stairs, tossing the washcloth on a pile of dirty cloth to wash when time allowed. "What is it? What's going on?" Aelia asked assertively to Lucia. Why wasn't she doing anything? Truth be told, Aelia didn't know what to do either. "Ego nesciebam aliquid erat iniuriam Aliquis huic succurret! Ita puer ille mori." She started speaking quickly in Latin, sounding worried. "Ambra prodesse possit ... Ambra!" She saw Ambra still with Scipio. "Ambra!"



(First line: I knew something was wrong! Someone help this man! He is too young to die this way.)

(Second line: Ambra should be able to help... Ambra!)

Edited by Mousia

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Casio grumbled when Aelia patched him up. But when he learnt that he had a dislocated jaw, Aelia grabbed him by the chin and his lower set of teeth. When she started to push, he grumbled in pain, but thankfully it was set before long. Bandages were placed on his head and Aelia slipped his cloak over his head and it smelt clean and fresh. Casio was comfortable now. He leant sorely back in his bed and his eyes slid closed. Maybe he should rest. The treatment that Aelia had given him was nice. And he would feel better in the morning. So, Casio sighed and fell asleep, dreaming of his mother and delicious pastries that she cooked.

Ambra smiled at her mentor when he thanked her. She would do anything to help, even though she wasn't completely a good doctor, but she would help anyway. Ambra heard Aelia's voice and she perked, eyes wide toward Aero and Aelia. The man was coughing up puddles of blood- that wasn't good! "Sleep, Scipio. You owe me a training session tomorrow." she said, before running up to Aelia and Aero. "I knew that something was wrong!" she hissed along with a few words that she dared to utter. She looked at him and she thought. She thought and thought and thought. She wasn't any good at internal bleeding. All she knew was that he needed rest. He couldn't move for a while so he could heal. Or something. Like she said, she wasn't good at internal bleeding. And she had to patch up his leg. "Aelia, we need to carry Aero to his room. He has to rest. He can't move from there for a week at least. And we need to patch up his leg. It seems to be sprained."

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Dammit! I let this go on far too long. I've been pushing myself without realizing how beat up I really was. He thought. He groaned and grasped his side where he was feeling the most pain. He coughed again, more blood! What the hell is wrong with me?! He questioned himself furiously. He looked around seeing Lucia, at least he had help now. She called for someone, he couldn't understand. Was he deaf now too?! No, just barely conscious. He saw another approach, he recognized the face but who? Aelia! She was saying something, more words he couldn't understand though he spoke them well enough. One last person, he wasn't able to tell who she was at all at the moment. His eyes started to dim as he slowly lost consciousness. Just before he fell to the floor he spoke. "Vae!" His words were strained but he said it loud enough, he closed his eyes and passed out starting to fall to the floor.


((Translation from Latin: Damn, possibly... there were several translations including damnare, refert, devotio, and damno... all of which may or may not be correct.))

Edited by Danniphantom

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Aelia reached out, catching Aero's falling upper body. She held him by the underarms to make it easier for her and Ambra to pick him up and move him to his room. "Grab his ankles. We have to get him up the stairs." She tried to shuffle a few steps, but she really needed help. Just like with Casio and Scipio. "Lucia, hold him from underneath, on his back. We don't know how bad it is, so let's just do everything we can." Aelia hoped Aero would survive a little longer. No young man such as him should die so young. "Let's go!" Aelia knew that time was of the essence. "Non habemus tempus ut vastem!" She wondered why that day was unlucky. Casio and Scipio got beat up and Aero...well, he was coughing up blood. Shaking her head, she tried to walk again. No, she'd definitely need the help of Lucia and Ambra.


(Translation: We do not have time to waste.)

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[should we Timeskip to when everyone is better? That way Aero can speak to Aelia, Scipio can train Ambra, and Casio can train Lucia.]

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((How about to a couple days later? Then Aero will still be wounded but able to speak, still bed-ridden of course, Casio can train Lucia and Scipio can train Ambra.))

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~A Few Days Later~


Scipio stood, looking around. The sun was up and was beating down on his back. The town was bustling, as always. He stood on a flat rooftop and gazed at all of the people. The people who had no knowledge of the treachery of their "protectors". He saw each and every one as they passed. He saw their faces, but they did not see him. It was the preferred way of things. The way an assassin should always be. He sighed, hazel eyes flitting. They drew into intense focus and he saw people's details. He learned secrets that he didn't care about. He just wanted to scan the town, not the people. Though there was a time to use Eagle Sense on people, that was not the time. Nor was it the place. the people went to fast for him to get anything interesting. "Ambra." He called to his apprentice, hoping she was there. She needed the training.


(Gotta go.)

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Ambra stepped out from the shadows of one of the overhangs of the buildings, her eyes narrowed against the rough, staring sun. The warmth actually pleased the people. Some of them smiled as bright as the sun as they walked down the streets, and some guards dozed lazily against a stone wall of the building. Some children dipped their hands into the puddles in the gutter, formed during last night's rain.

Casio, Scipio, and Aero had been getting better. Casio and Scipio could actually wander around and train, but they still bore the marks of the fight they had gotten into a few nights. But Aero was still bed ridden- the internal bleeding of the man had slowed and he could speak and sit up, but he could not even get up from bed. He was eating some more, and that was a good sign, since last time he had tried to eat he hardly touched a thing. But now it was not about the man that was still bed ridden, but it was about her. It was the day that held training for her. But now, where was her mentor? She walked down the streets, her boots splashing in the hallow puddles that the rain had formed. Her blue eyes looked up at the sky again. Even though the sun was shining, she could sense that a storm was gathering in the distance. To the west. Maybe the storm was hitting Spain now, or maybe it could be right above the ocean. It should come to the Holy Roman Empire by the night, or maybe late afternoon.

Ambra sighed and scratched the back of her head, quickly pulling up her hood when she realized that she had it down. Ah, there was her mentor. Standing on the flat roof of the building. She smirked and wiggled in anticipation. And then, she shot forward, jumping and clinging to a roof of the building. She climbed on top and made her way toward the building that her master was on. Leaping and gliding in the air, avoiding any Templars sweating their butts off on the roofs of the surrounding buildings. Instead of going toward Scipio's front, she made toward the back of him. You know, just to surprise him. Ambra sighed and clung to a crook in the old building that Scipio was on, and climbed up to the flat roof.

"Ciao," Ambra trotted up behind him and bowed softly to her mentor. "What will we be doing today, Master Scipio?"


Casio gulped.

In front of him was a clean, lazily flowing river that probably passed just above his waist. It was hidden from public eyes, so he was basically the one that used it, that is, besides the other assassins. Around it was a tree, a few trees actually, and shrubbery. In the bushes hid dangerous looking berries- red, round, and small. He had learnt from the mistake of letting one of his friends eat it before joining the Brotherhood. The poison had gotten to the boy immediately, and Casio could not help but watch, helpless, as the boy took the toll of the poison. The writhing, the gasping. Casio had lived in a life of death- his father being killed by Templars in front of him. His mother dying of the plague. His friend, poisoned, his body lying in front of him. Casio grunted and shook his head out, pulling off his hood. First, Casio took his shoes off; it felt rather nice, his toes meeting the springy and green grass of the riverbank. Then, off came his cloak, his sheathes, and other things. He laid them neatly, a bit far from the water so they would not get swept away. And then, Casio looked at his reflection in the water.

Black rings had formed over the past few days under his eyes, his dirty blond hair was as unruly as ever. His body was covered in filth, and some dry blood poked its way from underneath the bandages that Aelia had out on him. Sighing, and then heaving a desperate sigh again, he put one of his feet in the water. He shuddered, letting out a pained moan. One would think that water was pure, but to Casio, water was the Devil itself.

He placed another foot in, and slid in. At first, he writhed. He didn't like the water around him. Not at all. Flailing, he made his way to the riverbank, but then changed route and clung to a bush. He whimpered, whined, and almost sobbed as he remained in the water, and at times he cried. Casio didn't like water. He hated the feeling of it. The way it slid down your body like snakes... Shivering, he forced himself to sink deeper into the water, wailing softly as he did so.

Even though he hated water, Casio had to take baths once in a while.


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Nico was back in the park where he enjoyed to go when he didn't have a mission. He was happy that the rain was gone as he didn't like it that much as it was to wet for him and always cold. He had enjoyed the last few days but he knew he would get in trouble soon enough as he had been avoiding his mentor which would not end well for himself but he didn't really care at the moment as he was enjoying himself. He knew he would have to go on a mission soon and maybe kill someone but he could always think of away to not kill the person even though everyone didn't see it his way. At the thought of killing someone one of his hands went to a holster on his leg where he kept one of his stiletto knives which he liked to use as they were a less bloody knife as they punched holes in a body more than slicing up the body.

Nico stretched as he got up from his laying position and pulled his hood over his head so that his face was covered in shadows which was contrasting with his stark white robes. He ran up a wall and grabbed the edge of the rood which helped him flip himself up onto the roof before starting to take a nice stroll toward the Assassin's HQ and avoiding the Templars which kept watch on the roofs.



Ten Templar guards marched down the main street of the town as they patrolled. Otto led the group of heavily armored troops as he gestured for his spear men to stab at hiding places to check if there was anyone hiding in those places particularly assassins. "أين أنت القتلة" Otto muttered to himself in his native tongue as he watched his guards search every nook and cranny for anyone that was hiding. He was surprised to see that his guards had actually found someone but it wasn't an assassin as he had hoped, it was just a common thief that was struggling against the armored hands that help his arms. The thief begged for mercy as Otto slowly pulled his sword out of its sheath and pressed it against the thief's chest which made most of the guards looked away as they knew what was about to happen and a hush fell over the market crowd as they watched what was about to happen. Otto quickly thrust his sword into the thief's chest and straight through his heart which shut the begging off as the thief looked down at the sword in his chest with silent contemplation. The Templar Captain pulled the blade out and wiped it off on the dead man's clothes before putting the blade away and continuing on his his patrol route as he expected his men to throw the body aside and follow after him.


((Translation for Otto: Where are you assassins.))

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"You can't surprise me. Eagle Sense beats stealth." Scipio had taken a rather serious turn since his and Casio's run-in with the Templars. They'd caught him in a weak state and that angered him. "We're hunting today." He did not turn to face Ambra. Instead, he jumped to the next roof, then the next and so on. It was a personal mission. Something he cared about. If Ambra was coming or not was her choice, but he wouldn't be watching. He'd let her figure it out. He'd let her spotless little 20-year-old mind work out what he'd be doing. In all honesty, he wanted her to come. She'd have to experience blood sooner or later. She'd have to watch someone die sooner or later. Either way, it would happen. It would change - poison, actually - her mind. She would never see things the same. She would look at things in a colder way with each body that she saw go cold. With each person that was made a corpse. The sun, itself, would no longer smile as it had before. It would frown down upon her and only the moon and the night would cradle her aching body. Scipio thought about it over and over. How he would have to be the man who ruined Ambra. It cast a shadow over his mind, soul, and body. "Coming?" he asked, pausing.

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Fiona watched the thief get stabbed and looked away. She is carrying around her basket of flowers and trying to sell some of the flowers. She felt a little sick to her stomach from the smell of blood. She did not do well around the smell of blood. 'I wish that innocent people did not have to see this.' Fiona thought to herself. She walked up ahead and saw something in an alley way. She walked towards it and saw that it was just another child. "What are you doing here child?" Fiona asked. The child remained quiet and peeked out gently. Fiona saw that it was an orphan like the rest of the children she takes care of. "Don't worry you're safe. I'll take you to a home all right?" Fiona asked gently. The little girl held her hand gently and Fiona guided her to somewhere. Fiona smiled gently and hummed lightly. She remembered an old Gaelic lullaby her mother used to sing when she was young.

"Na gaotha buille riamh go réidh

Gheimhridh riamh harsh mar sin

An ghealach crochta íseal

Ag Breathnú tar éis é a leanaí

Ag caoineadh thar a chodladh endless

Leanaí riamh dúiseacht

Codladh sámh mo beloved" Fiona sang gently. The little girl admired Fiona's talent with singing.


(( Gaelic Translated: Lullaby.

The winds blow ever gently

Winter ever so harsh

The moon hanging low

Looking after it's children

Weeping over their endless sleep

Children never waking up

Sleep peacefully my beloved))

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Lucia watched the streets below. With her mentor busy bathing, she had more free time than usual. Her life revolved around the training she received, alternating between that and reading. She had to get better. She was going to get better. There was no way to avoid it, she just had to train. Casio was decent mentor though, so she was progressing a steady rate. Ah, the rain was still fresh in the air, so it kept a nice rain smell in the air and puddles on the street. The water was dirty now. Too many people tromping around. She was vaguely unhappy that she had missed the rain. It would have been a sort of cleanser of her thoughts. Oh well, she would stay at HQ long enough to let Casio finish bathing and what have you. Perhaps it would have been best to wait near where he was bathing in case he was in trouble. Lucia shrugged it off, and wondered how the rest were holding up. Her eyes flitted around, sometimes flitting to wandering guards who became a bit too curious in her roof lounging. A quick angry word a crossbow bolt would keep them at bay. She would probably wound them, not kill, because that would cause more problems than solve.

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Ambra blinked, confused, at Scipio's tone. He didn't even turn and greet her. He simply stated that they were going hunting and left. What the hell? Why was Scipio acting so weird? It was as if the feisty and happy fire inside him had died. But now was not the time to ask what was wrong. Ambra knew that she had to work along with her mentor. Leaping after him, she smiled softly as her feet hit the roof of the other house. She followed, leaping and flying through the air, sprinting after Scipio. But he was too far away and she had to slow down. She sighed, leaning against the wall and looking upwards. The sun was still shining, warming the world around it with its smile. She basked in the warmth until Scipio's words brought her back from her daydreaming. Scipio was asking if she was coming. Of course she was coming! Leaping up to him, she looked up at him with expectant and somewhat happy eyes. She was finally getting trained by her mentor! It was a miracle. She looked down at the floor and blinked. "What exactly do you mean by hunting? Like hunting for animals?" she wondered why they were going to hunt animals. "May I ask why we're going hunting at least?"


Casio slowly got out of the water, shaking himself out like a dog would. Ugh! That was disgusting. He felt fresher, but not better. Sniffing, he staggered forward and pulled on his clothes. The sun was already starting to dry him off, and Casio loved the sun baking his skin. He was already kissed by the sun, since he was Italian. European features and tanned skin. It almost made him look Indian, but he wasn't that sun baked. He sighed and pulled on his Dual Hidden Blade, sheathing it and unsheathing it, and looked around. He was supposed to train his apprentice. And he knew that sparring would be good for a start. Since Scipio was training his apprentice, he got inspired and told Lucia that she would spar with her and give her some advice on her techniques. Stretching, he sighed in pleasure when his spine popped in several places. That felt nice. And then, after relishing in the sun for a bit more, he ran. Clinging to a buidling's overhang, he lifted himself up and found himself face to face with his apprentice. "Ah, Lucia." he boomed as he clapped her on the shoulder roughly. "Ready to train with your mentor?" he asked with a crooked grin and a deep chuckle.

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Scipio turned to her. Ah, so happy. So very, very happy. The least he could do was smile. Smile to cover up the pain that would follow. Oh, how life was so unfair. "Well, let's practice first. Let's go near the outskirts of town so the guards wont catch us, eh?" Scipio smiled, turning leftwards and hopping along the rooftops again. The wind almost made him happy. It almost reminded him that he was a man. A man and not a lifeless puppet. Scipio could see the green foliage over the rooftops and gained speed. He wanted to get to the forest fast. Ambra needed as much training time as possible. She was so innocent. Almost a saint. It pained the assassin to think how she could have been a priestess or a pampered woman, married to a rich man who was never home. There, she would never have to see the blood and the death. Scipio knew that Death was his mother, following him and encouraging him. Mischief was his sire, but his father was Guilt. Each followed him around in life. Each pulling him, influencing him. Each persuading him. He reasoned that Darkness was his aunt and Dignity was a member of the opposing family line. The line that the flower of a woman was part of. The flower named Ambra. She lived in a world of light and acceptance and hope. Shaking his head, he knew that they would not be together. Opposites. Always destined to clash. Or so he thought...

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Well, that was better! Seeing Scipio's smile. The smile that warmed her up slightly. The goofy grin that made her grin as well. Ambra looked straight ahead and she could see some green foliage that was poking out above the rooftops. She was not looking forward to what she would do. Practicing fighting with a stick and armor was good for her because she knew that she would not see blood. But blood sickened her. It made her heard shrink. To think that the sticky red liquid was all inside your body, keeping you alive, and she hated to spill it. Other assassins actually loved to kill. Killing was in their blood, the screams of dying men music to their ears. She had hoped that she would avoid that. That she would kill only when she had no other choice, when the time was to kill or be killed. She had seen the bloodlust in assassins' eyes. She was only a Servant. A new woman that would soon become tempted to spill blood and laugh amongst fallen bodies. That would only see light as a nuisance an stay to the dark. That she would see blood as life, death, and a lovely russet to be covered in. That the smell of the blood and bodies would become flowers to her nose. But of course, she did not know this. Ambra was a flower; a daisy amongst barren fields. Soon, she would become one of those wilted roses that once were filled with life and drag her life on as if it were heavy flails or chains.

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"Yes." Lucia stated bluntly. "Are you feeling better Mentor?" He clearly was, but she wanted to add something to show she cared. On the outside at least. Inside she studied him. His jaw was healed, clearly, his bandages weren't swapped out yet, and he was probably still sore. Lucia flinched at the clap on the shoulder, she didn't like to be touched. She smiled anyway, maybe being nice would be a nice change. Or it would help her reputation around the HQ. Either way, being nice was sometimes easier than keeping people at arm's length sometimes. Lucia stood up, smiling with her plastered smile and her practiced 'happy' stance that she copied from Ambra. She probably shouldn't say that though, people tended to be upset when she copied other people like that. "Where are we going?"

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Scipio continued to go until he reached the last rooftop. The forest was dominant ahead of them. He knew they would still have to go a bit further, towards the HQ. So, the man jumped down, crouched. He had always loved the drama that the position instilled. Still, Scipio stood up straight and brushed off his cloak. The sound and scent or the still-wet forest lightened his mood a bit. Scipio had to continue, though, So he did. The assassin took a right and headed off. His hood was still up, covering his hair and keeping his face in shadow. Anyone could be lurking, he feared. Nowhere was safe until it was decided otherwise, he reasoned. He decided to share that fact with Ambra as a part of her lesson. She'd have to remember it. Hearing a twig crack, he let his senses wander, picking out details. The sound could have been Ambra or an animal, but it was always best to stay alert. Scipio could see a prime training spot ahead. A small, roundish clearing with springy grass covering the ground. He was sure it would be good. But when was he ever right?

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Casio dipped his head when Lucia agreed with him. His hood hid his childish glitter in his eyes, and the curl of his lips were shaded as well. Lucia asked if he was feeling better, and he rolled his shoulders as if to check. He was still sore, but he was always sore and tired. But he felt better. The man felt uncomfortable with the bandages limiting his movements, but still, he felt much better than the day before yesterday. He felt like he was dying. He couldn't even stand the bandage tied vertically over his head anymore. "I am feeling better." he said, nodding softly. His eyes drifted from her to around the village. People played cards outside and some people nibbled on pastries from down the street. Casio smiled. One thing that he loved was food. Whether it be from the sea or from the air. Poultry, cod... He licked his lips. Casio only thought, usually, with two things. His stomach and... Down there. Shaking his head, he looked toward Lucia. "We're going to clean up your fighting." he said, nodding his head as to make that clear. Lucia was a good fighter and a tactical person, but she was... Clumsy. She was only nineteen of course. He would make sure by the time that she was his age that she would make the cleanest kills around. The thing that he hated most was when he was trying to strike down a man and more guards come and he had to deal with not one person, but seven. "Do you mind if we take it to the ground or do you prefer fighting on rooftops?" Casio questioned. He prefered fighting on rooftops; when you had enough of an enemy, you could simply push them off the roof. It was as simple as that. But some people prefered action on the ground. That way you couldn't fall to your own death as well.


Ambra followed Scipio quickly and silently. Her eyes followed any movement around her. The wind flowing across some haystacks that someone had put on the roofs and some of the strands fell. The puffy clouds floating in the sky. The distant Germanic Guards eyeing them with curiousity as they dashed across the ceiling. She had to laugh at them. They just looked but didn't give chase. Maybe they were lazy. They were, actually. All of them. She laughed internally again before becoming focused. Scipio was crouching on the ground, and Ambra waited for him to move before jumping down silently herself. She blinked at the sound of a twig snapping in the undergrowth. Being the Holy Roman Empire, there were a lot of forests and a lot of mountains. Wolves prowled the mountains closest to them, and the closest they came was just beyond the borders of her village. She had seen them before, feeding on carcasses... Disgusting beasts. They were demons from the mountains. She hated death. She hated death so, so much. No one even knew how much she prayed that Aelia or Aero or Casio didn't get carried home, limp and bloody and unmoving. She follows her mentor, eyes dim. She wrote about these things in her journal as well. About Scipio, Aero. Aelia and Casio. Lucia and Nico. The Templars. She shook her head. "Are we almost there?" she asked softly.

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"Yes, we're here." He stepped into the sunny clearing, relishing the grass's spring. It was happy indefinitely. Always a vibrant green. "We'll start with hand-to hand combat. No weapons." Scipio knew that Ambra was a bit...sheepish. So he decided to start with something that had barely any risk of blood being shed. He stood in a defensive sort of position. "You first." He wondered what she would do. Where she would attack first. It would give Scipio a good read on her. Though she was inexperienced, he had high hopes for her. He knew that she might be slow, though. New assassins often were, he noticed. It was easier to grab their wrists or dodge for that reason. Scipio, however, knew he was fast. The problem was that he was rarely sober enough to be as fast as he was normally. The assassin had full confidence in himself, though. He was sober and fully awake. Plus, he was probably more serious than he had been for most of his life.

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"Rooftops. I enjoy it when people can't reach me in time or just fall to the ground trying to. Often times pushing people off is easier just because of that reason. People never look up unless I give them reason to do so, and honestly these guards bore me sometimes." Lucia rambled. Clearly, you could pick your battles up here. But down there, you are nothing but a ruffian. "So, you think you can... 'clean up my fighting'? I can barely fight without shooting the man I am fighting." She also gestured to her belt, where the sword was absent. "Or without a sword." Yeah, that might be important. Quickly checking her pockets, she noted how much she had on hand in case he asked her to buy a sword. Hopefully not, she would be lucky to be able to purchase a rusty dagger at this point. Come to think of it, she grabbed a small vial of poison. Nope, she didn't even have a dagger. She might have to rectify that later though.

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Hand to hand combat. Ambra furrowed her brow and topped her head in confusion. That was a strange way for an assassin to fight. She always thought that. Assassins always carried some sort of weapon on them, whether it be a poison dart or a small dagger. But she knew she had to learn hand to hand combat as well. What if someday she was kidnapped? That if someone had taken her and pulled off all her weapons. She would have to fight in hand to hand combat. And Scipio was waiting for a blow. Ambra shifted before getting into the offensive position. She tucked her arms close to her body and bounced on the balls of her feet. If she tucked her arms in, a punch could be much stronger. But it all depended on where the punch landed. And that was what she was thinking. Where would she hit? Ambra sniffed and feinted to her right, and then aimed a not so hard punch to Scipio's face with her left. She didn't want blood to flourish out of her mentor of course. She would never forgive herself if her attack hit and it really hurt her master. Especially since those few days ago he was so weak and cut up. She squeaked her teeth. Scipio was not weak. He was the opposite. At least, she liked to think that. But now, she was looking forward to the battle. The hit would probably not hit. Scipio was a Mercenary, and she was a Servant. Maybe later they could hey some flowers to brighten up the HQ. Ambra shook her head. Focus!


"Good choice." Casio smiled softly and snickered. He was great at rooftop aid and fighting. He was actually the best of his generation. Lucia seemed to be replacing him, though, since she was good fighting on rooftops for her age. His eyes went to the sky. Still sunny. Any sign of a thunderstorm or a rainshower, he would duck for cover. The man looked back at Lucia. "Okay. Pretend I'm a Templar." he unsheathed his sword and tossed it to the side. "Pretend that I found out where the HQ was and you're chasing me. Don't actually kill me though! Aelia would probably yell at me from Earth." with that, he darted off, as fast as he could. If Lucia caught up with him, he would fight. However, he hated to pretend to be a Templar. He felt stinky. Shaking himself out, he ran faster. "Remember, no weapons.!" he called over his shoulder. He looked toward the ceilings again and ran. The wind made him feel good. Free, even. Like an eagle. He felt like a normal man, with a normal life. Of course; that wasn't true. He was a murderous man with death in his heart.

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Scipio smiled wryly. A punch. To his face. Nice choice, nice choice. Through his thoughts, instinct kicked in. He ducked, head edging left. "Faster. Faster, Ambra!" His head shot back up as there was no power left in the attack. He thrust his hands forwards, aiming to grab Ambra's waist. If he did, the battle would be over. There were many possibilities with that approach. An accomplice could stab her through the stomach or chest from the back. He could throw her against the ground and break he spine. He could corner her against a wall or tree. The important part was that she wouldn't be able to move. She'd be stuck. The problem was that his own body was left open. He'd have to react quickly. He'd have to follow up with an attack before she could. That was the only way his attack could work. But he was getting ahead of himself, he still didn't know if he'd grabbed on or not. The man's hands were too numb to know immediately.

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Aero groaned and looked around. Where was he? In his room? Yes. He decided that it was his room. He always decorated his room differently. It had a rather large bookshelf on one side of the room that held all of his journals, sketch pads, notebooks and what not. He always kept his windows covered with red velvet drapes. His sheets were white silk and his blankets were a very soft and smooth cotton that was dyed red to match the drapes. His master's sword was hanging in it's place above the door. His clothes hung up in his wardrobe, which was open. He looked down at himself and saw he was covered in bandages. As his vision cleared further he was able to confirm his room. "How long was I out?" He wondered going to place his hand on his head, but the pain was too great, he could barely breathe still, let alone get up. He sighed, and winced from sighing, and looked towards his door. It was dark in his room, shadows were cast all over by the single candle on his bedside table, shrouding most of his room in darkness. I need to speak to Aelia, but I can't move. He thought trying to sit up. His head was bandaged too, it was tight around his forehead, and he was shocked that he only realized it now but his left eye had been covered too. "How bad was my condition?" He wondered. I feel incredibly hung over. "Did I go out drinking and something happened?" He asked himself again.

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Aelia groaned as the birds chirped and woke her. "Urgh. Let me sleep," she muttered drowsily before opening her eyes. The sun was high in the sky and the brilliant blue of its surroundings was striking. After staring at the sky for a bit, she realized that it was late. "Damn." She quickly threw off the bed sheets and and stretched. Aelia yawned and rubbed her eyes, collecting her cloak off of the floor. After dressing herself and equipping all of her weapons, the assassin threw open the door, ready for the remainder of the day. Her dark brown hair fell in loose curls around her sun-darkened face. She was suddenly reminded that she would have to cut it soon, if her hair grew too long, she would have to constantly tend to it. Perhaps she would cut it like a man's to see what would happen. To see who would react in what way. She thought about that on her way to Aero's room. She'd have to see if he was awake and make sure he was getting better and not worse. opening the door, she saw that he was, indeed, awake. "Hi... How are you feeling?"

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