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((Ok, should we wait for you, or is it okay if we move along a bit without you, as long as we don't do too much?))

Most of the hatchlings were in their nests when Jade arrived at the fruit orchard. "Have they eaten yet?" she asked Kira, who was still actively patrolling the trees.

Kira replied, "Yes, most of them ate fruit from their tree. They were a bit disappointed that there was no meat, but they decided they could live with it. Cym just got back, he was in the jungle. Do you still need me to watch everyone, or can I head off to bed?"

"You can go to bed," Jade replied. "I'm sorry you had to watch them all day, I hope it wasn't too bad. You know, you would be great as a full time babysitter. You're definitely old enough, and you seem to be good at keeping everyone in order."

"I would be glad to, if you need me," said Kira, seeming tired. "For now I'm just going to head off to bed." With that, Kira scampered off to her tree.

It was getting dark, so Jade decided to leave the hatchlings to sleep. Cym get some fruit from his tree for dinner, and the rest were already fed and tired. She didn't really need to scold Cym, he was alive, so apparently he could handle going into the jungle.

Jade lifted herself into the air and began to gracefully soar towards her cave. Looking down on the island, Jade noticed that the waves were still threateningly large. She hoped there wouldn't be a storm, as one storm could easily kill several hatchlings. The full moon was reflecting off of the water, and the Garden of Life was glowing in the dim light. The stars were shining in the sky, clearer than usual. There wouldn't be a storm, it was probably just one of the Tsunami Wyverns from the Ionak Clan trying to annoy her. Jade circled the island a few times, absorbing the beauty of the night, then slipped into her cave and lay down on the cool sand.

Edited by cavygirl12

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Everyone in the clan had went back to doing their own business after the sacrifice. Reginald was patrolling when he was informed that there were to be a meeting in Ireila's cave later in the evening. Deciding to start heading for her cave, Reginald grabbed some berries before leaping into the sky.

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She didn't remember falling asleep but eventually sleep found her. But it wasn't the peaceful rest she had been searching for. Out under the starry desert sky, Luna dreamed.


Luna was soaring high in the clouds over the mountains that were her home. The air was starting to get thick and warm like it always did when the tribe was preparing a meal. She wondered what was being made. Hopefully it was raspberries with the pine-spice combination; that was her favorite. Eager to see whether she was right, she descended through the clouds. However, instead of the beautiful mountains that she expected to see, Luna saw chaos and fire. She became paralyzed and like a comment she fell out of the sky.

Suddenly she was reliving The Day. The Day when her life was changed forever. The Day she lost her parents, her tribe, and everything she knew and loved. The Day the dragons of the Ionek clan attacked.

Luna was once again a wingless hatchling, having emerged from her egg only a day ago. But instead of water dragons, the attack was made by dragons of the desert-dwelling Weporui clan. The day before she had been forced to watch as her best friend and brother had been sacrificed. She had been terrified and upset but nothing could have harmed her then. But now there was nothing protecting her. 'No! This can't be happening!' she thought, 'Where are Mum and Dad?'

Desperately she called out for them. She crawled past the battling dragons and through the searing flames. Finally she spotted them. They were locked in combat with two spitfire dragons. While her parents were strong and fast, they were no match for the spitfires. As Luna watched, her parents were killed. "No!" she cried. "Got you!" cried a voice from behind her as a young dragon swooped down from the air and pinned her down. She turned around to see her captor and found herself looking into the eyes of Mirera. But this version of the moonstone hatchling was cold and heartless. Mirera picked up Luna and flew with her dangling from Mirera's fore-legs to the Tribe's Main Cave where eight other hatchlings were huddled. Luna was tossed in and she scampered over to the rest of the hatchlings. 

Ten minutes later the Weporui dragons gathered by the cave. "We are done here," proclaimed an old red dragon. "Let us get back for the Sacrifice." With that, Luna and the other hatchlings were each picked up by a dragon and hauled away as the dragons flew back to their desert home. 

At the desert, the dragons were prepared for a major Sacrifice at the Main Oasis. It was the Weporui clan's equivalent to a Main Cave. The entire clan was gathered by the oasis's large pond. 'It could be considered a small lake,' Luna thought. "Those ones will be sacrificed to Monra and Shilpa. We are drowning them. Put them over there," a turpentine dragon said. Luna and the hatchlings were brought over to a specific place by the pond/lake. The rest of the hatchlings were brought to different spots around the lake. Luna overheard that each of the different tribes were being sacrificed to specific gods and/or goddesses. The rain and water sacrifices were going to be the last. In her head Luna devised a plan to stay alive. She wished with all of her heart that she could tell the other hatchlings but the guards might overhear and she didn't want to get caught. So with a heavy heart, she said good-bye to each of them and kept her silence. 

Luna was forced to watch as hatchling after helpless hatchling was sacrificed to gods that didn't even exist. She knew the gods weren't real. Luna counted each life that was extinguished and wasted that day. 72 harmless, innocent baby dragons died for a lost cause. Luna was the very last. When it was finally her turn, she struggled and wailed like all of the other hatchlings as she was carried over to the lake. Even underwater she squirmed and thrashed as if she had a hope of escaping the iron hold of the dragon that held her. Gradually her struggling slowed and finally she went limp. Her body was released and she sank down towards the bottom of the lake. Once she was sure she was out of sight however, Luna became alive. She swam away from the gathered clan and towards the opposite shore. Being a mountain dragon she was used to a lack of oxygen. She was nearly a third of the way across the lake before she had to come up for breath. Luna continued to the opposite shore. When she finally reached dry land, she scampered off towards the forest that she knew they had flew over on the way there. 

When she finally reached the forest, she crawled into a bush, crying silently for all of the dragons who had lost their lives and for everything that she had lost. Just as she was about to sleep she felt herself being tugged on. "Get up we have to go Now, a familiar voice told her. She looked into the eyes of Goldenbrail. "But I don't want to.." she mumbled, trying to curl up and go back to sleep. She felt claws curl around her body and grip her and she panicked. "Let me go!" she cried. She thrashed and twisted but to no avail. This time, she knew she wouldn't make it. The claws closed around her body getting tighter and tighter, slowly and painfully suffocating her. Just as the world was about to fade to black, Luna woke up. 

She was safe she realized. She was in the desert with Goldenbrail and Mirera; the Real Mirera. It had all just been a nightmare. It was a wonder she hadn't woken anyone up. Luna never realized she was silently sobbing and she curled back up. Eventually she fell into a deep dreamless sleep, the tears still running down her face.

Edited by Arrianna_of_lyne

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((Yes, lets skip to morning. Swefty hasn't posted in a while but I don't think everyone else should have to wait because of one person.))

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(Okay. Hey cavygirl, at the meeting that Reginald should attend, will you act as Irelia or should I?)


Loria was walking through the forest, nearby the bushes where the hatchlings had escaped into yesterday. It was pretty early in the morning still, most dragons weren't up yet in this part of the forest. And most dragons had quit investigating and decided to resume later in the afternoon. Which left enough time for Loria to investigate this herself.


Meanwhile Reginald was halfway to Ireila's cave. Which happened to be almost the whole forest away from him from where he used to be. He planned on doing some errands along the way though. He had heard yesterday night that a couple of dragons were seen smuggling eggs to Maika yesterday night nearby. That would be his first stop.

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Cym awoke and climbed to the top of his tree. The sun had just risen not long ago and still hung low in the sky. It was quiet in the orchard - it seemed that none of the other hatchlings were awake yet. He couldn't see Jade anywhere either, but she could be somewhere else on the island or just doing whatever she does when she holes herself up in her cave. He stretched and, deciding that there was no point in going back to sleep now that he was wide awake, jumped out of his tree and wondered what to do. He plucked a few little brownish-red fruits from a nearby tree and ate them one by one. Go back to the jungle, maybe? Yes, that seemed like a good plan. Jade didn't object when he did so yesterday, and there was probably more to see in there than out on the forbidden cliffs anyway. With his mind set, Cym flew towards the garden of life.

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Mirera saw the sun rising. She woke the others. So what now? she wondered. Could they survive out there?

"Have you ever tried looking for jade's island?"

Mirera asked. Her leader had spoken of her before. Supposedly evil creature that stole their hatchling and eggs, a mean creature that defies the god. She'll jump out of the dark and scare you. Boo. She never believed those stories, but she didn't now if she was wiling to help out two dragons without anything in return.

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Goldenbrail smiled as he remembered who Jade was,

"Jade's island you say? Do you know where it is? I've heard its paradise...."

He looked at the sun as it rose slowly above the horizen letting the orange light shoot along the land. He wanted to go to Jade's Island, he heard it was paradise, a place you could do whatever you wanted.

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‟i heard it was some in that direction. Maybe you could find it."

Mirera said thoughtfully. Her knowledge was vague, at best, but who knew?

Edited by sueprin

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((I'll play Ireila, but just for the meeting.))

Jade awoke, and jumped up off of the cave floor before she could even think about sleeping in. The sun had not risen yet, and the cave was still rather dark. The hatchlings are probably still asleep. I should go harvest plants from the Garden of Life. Jade's medicinal supplies were running low, and she didn't want to be caught with injured dragons and no medicine. Jade had always had trouble with healing-related things, and since there was no adult white on the island she had to be the healer. Kira would make a good healer when she was an adult, but not now. Jade grabbed a large basket, walked to the entrance of her cave, and took off towards the Garden of Life.

When she arrived, everything was quiet. Then, of course, a Varka vine stirred, causing the whole garden to wake up. So much for the idea of collecting Varka petals today, Jade thought. Still, she filled her basket with a variety of plants. The Winter Roses were in especially good condition today, so Jade picked several flowers, and the Taika flowers were looking great too. Weaving her way through the plants, Jade picked leaves and vines and flowers until her basket was full. Then, Jade took off towards her cave to start working on the medicine. The sun was rising, but the island was dead quiet, as it was when she first woke up. Hopefully it would be a good day- it didn't seem like the clans were too angry, otherwise they probably would have already attacked the island.

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"Jade?" Luna asked. "Was she the black dragon who was rescuing the hatchlings?" The idea of meeting Jade excited her. She had wanted to meet Jade since she had seen her take off from the sacrifice rock. "Yes let's go!" She wanted so badly to fly. Luna looked over to see if Goldenbrail was coming. "Oh would you like to come with us Mirera?" she added.

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"Jade's Island? I've heard its paradise...." Goldenbrail said, he was excited as that he had been told many brilliant stories about Jade and what she did. He remembered back to the sacrifice and remembered seeing the black hatchling help the hatchlings been sacrificed.

"No way..... Was Jade the black hatchling at the sacrifice?"



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Loria was taking a brake from investigating when her father, Reginald, flew across the sky. Please don't see me... Please don't see me... She thought before it was to late, her father was hovering high over head; slowly descending.

At the sight of his daughter, Reginald at landed on the ground. While examining the surroundings, he said,"What are you doing around here?"

"I'm-I'm trying to see where these bushes lead to," She said after a couple of seconds of quick thinking.

Reginald huffed,"That's obvious," And then saw a chance to get his daughter more involved with the clan's affairs. "I'm going to a meeting later today, I think this meeting will be a good brush up on the rules. Care to join me?" Even though this meant he wouldn't get to do as many errands due to more time wasted flying with the added weight and decreased speed as to not drop Loria, it would probably be worth it.

That was more of a demand then a question. Loria knew that whether she said yes or no, the result would turn out the same. You can just guess what her answer was.

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((Hey, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the first post sort of imply that everyone knows Jade's story and roughly where her island is?

Also, what does the path to the crystal caves being "hidden" mean?))


Since staying close to the garden didn't work last time, Cym decided to just head forward into the jungle and see how far he could get. After all, he could just fly out at any time. He set out from the same point as last time, quickly noting the things that he had seen the last time - a whorl pattern on a tree, a patch of tiny red flowers. Soon the garden became obscured by the vines and trees behind him.


He stopped at the base of an odd plant he didn't know the name of. It didn't seem to be a tree, having a stem that more closely resembled that of a flower, but it was taller than all of the trees around it. A ring of huge leaves grew around the stem, spiraling upwards. Cautiously, Cym stepped onto the first one. It wobbled, but held his weight. Delighted, he clambered up the rest of the leaf staircase and emerged at the top, holding the slightly swaying stem. He could see a few other plants of the same variety rising above the trees. He secured his footing, then took off from the wobbly plant and headed for another. Since he couldn't explore the jungle systematically, he might as well jump in deeper for a look at some of the ore interesting plants.

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((well Goldenbrail and Luna aren't sure exactly where they are and thus don't know which direction the island would be in. Only Mirera knows because she lives there. Also I don't think anyone said anything about not knowing who Jade was or her story. Luna and goldenbrail were just asking if it had really been Jade at the sacrifice. You know like they couldn't believe it had been her and that they had really seen her since she is so famous))

Edited by Arrianna_of_lyne

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((Okay, that would make sense, thanks. Although, doesn't she often visit the mainland? So it wouldn't really be a special occasion to see her...))

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((A lot of dragons know about Jade, because she basically comes and snatches eggs and hatchlings from under their noses every few weeks. Leaders can't help not to spew information about her out when they are mad, so most dragons would have pieced together a story. About the caves: You can find the "entrance" to the path after you go a few yards into the jungle. The path is like a tunnel, and there are vines covering the entrance.))


Jade swooped down into her cave, and set the plants down on a rock that she used as a table. Grabbing a bowl she had made, Jade started mashing the Winter Rose petals into a paste. She absolutely hated this type of work, black dragons weren't supposed to be healers. Finally, she got so bored she just couldn't stand it. I'll teach Kira some things about medicine this afternoon, Jade thought. Maybe Kira could take over as a healer soon.

The sun had risen a while before, and the noise level was slowly rising in the orchard. Jade figured that the hatchlings would be wanting breakfast, and fruit just wouldn't work. She would have to get some meat.

Deer would be best, because they were larger than most other easy to catch animals. The deer lived in the meadow on the edges of the jungle. Jade walked to the entrance of her cave and took off into the air, plummeting down towards the meadow. It didn't take long for her to spot some deer. There were several of them grazing almost right next to her, completely unconcerned by the fact that there was a dragon about to catch them. Jade almost laughed. No matter how many deer she killed, the living ones wouldn't learn anything. It was better that way, as it gave her and the hatchlings easy meals. The deer were overpopulated anyway.

Jade waited for a second, flying right behind the deer. Then, she swooped down and grabbed two with her front claws, then kicked out with her back claws. She had been attacking deer that way for many years, so when she did that while rescuing hatchlings it was easy. Jade quickly killed the two deer she was holding, then looked down to see what she had kicked. There were two deer lying on the ground, so it seemed she had done a perfect job. Four was the best she could ever hope for from one single dive. Swooping down again, Jade landed and set down the two dead deer. The ones she had kicked were still alive, so she quickly killed those too. That would have to be enough meat, as she really didn't have time to kill more, and not all of the hatchlings ate meat anyway. Picking up the deer, she flew towards the orchard to feed the hatchlings.

Edited by cavygirl12

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(( just saying but Luna wouldn't know very much about her though given that she lived with her family for a day and a half before being taken and sacrified. She never had any contact with other dragons and traveled around at night avoiding any dragons that might be out. So that's her story. Not sure about Goldenbrail. ))


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"No, I'm not leaving... yet."

And she wouldn't untill she made quite a bit of problem for the clan.

"Be careful, and don't get caught. island's that way, I think, but if you can't find it, wait for jade to come to island and steal more hatchlings. Follow her." She looked toward the clan. "Well then. We'll meet some day. Like I said, don't get caught." Mirera gave both of them a faint smile. She had done all she can now, with out dangering herself. She felt like a coward. But she'd repay everything, someday, all the chances that she had to trouble the clan.

"Nice meeting you guys."

she said.

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As Firewing took his first steps of life, he knew this was a cruel world. This cruel world would have killed him if not for Jade. Jade was Firewing's hero, he always looked up to her.

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(( I was waiting for Pinkieseb (Goldenbrail) to post but since he hasn't I'll continue.))


"All right, if you're sure.. Thank you do much for everything you have done for us, Mirera," Luna said. "It was nice meeting you too." Taking a deep breath she looked over at Goldenbrail. "Ready?" she asked. Goldenbrail nodded. "Then let's go. Next stop hopefully is Jade's island!" With that the two leaped into the air and flew off into the new day. "Good bye!" Luna called over her shoulder. Then she disappeared into the clouds.

The air as always was dry but she didn't notice it that much. She was glad to be back in the air and flying to Jade's island where she hoped they could find a home. It was too bad that Mirera wasn't coming with them; Luna had like Mirera. She reminded Luna of one of her friends back home. 'What used to be home for that brief day and a half' she corrected herself. She no longer considered the mountains of her birth her home anymore. Thinking of the mountains reminded her of what had happened to her tribe so Luna decided to think of happier things. Like how she was finally going to meet Jade.

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((For those who didn't see the post, I will be playing Ireila for one meeting. After that, she will go back to being a regular NPC.))


Ireila sat on a rock in her cave, preparing for the meeting. She was furious with her guards for letting Jade get hatchlings again, and the other clans were furious with her. It was a disaster, and she was probably being mocked by all the other leaders right now. That stupid dragon had made her look like a terrible leader, and she just wouldn't accept it. Then, a thin smile spread across Ireila's ugly lips. We will declare war on the Moncai clan. It is their fault that Jade escaped as a hatchling, and they will pay. Jade will get what she deserves later, when she is least expecting it.

Ireila sat in silence for a long time, thinking about battle plans. The meeting would start soon, and she would make sure that everything went the way she wanted.


((Jade. Sorry for the fail post, I am very tired and don't feel like writing too much.))


Jade quickly divided the meat up among the meat-eating hatchlings. They were very happy and quickly devoured it, commenting on how long it had been since there had been meat. As expected, Cym was not in the orchard, so she left some meat in his nest in case he wanted some. Kira, being a white dragon, didn't want any meat, so Jade asked Kira to come to her cave as soon as she could. Jade flew off to her cave and sat near the rock that served as a table, waiting for Kira.

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((Sorry! I haven't had internet the past few days. I'm actually on a laptop at a friend's house and will still not have internet for one or two more days. I'll post more regularly after that.))


Cym landed on the top of the springy plant and jumped down its leaves one by one, landing finally on the ground. He walked a few steps forward and nearly tripped on a thin vine snaking across the ground. "Ow!" He picked himself up and nudged the vine aside. "Ha, I'm going to accidentally strangle myself before the giant bears get to me, aren't I," he muttered, looking around nervously. Would a bear know to stay away from my warning colors? I hope so. He pushed on, picking more carefully past the vines on the ground. He prodded at an oddly-shaped blue flower, only for it to snap at him. He yelped and drew back. Cym felt frustrated, even though he knew how silly it was to be angry at a plant. The jungle was dangerous, sure, but how was he supposed to explore it with even the little things trying to bite his head off? He pounced on the plant. It snapped at him again, but he dodged easily and snapped its stem with a sideways swipe. After prodding it a few times to make sure the thing wasn't still alive somehow, he took it in his mouth and climbed up the springy plant. Taking off, Cym resolved to dice it into little pieces in the safety of his nest. Maybe he would chat with a few of the new hatchlings too, before he did any more jungle exploring.

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((Thx Lyne biggrin.gif))

Goldenbrail nodded, said "Thank You for your help, you sure you dont want to come?" He said. Then he began following Luna through the air towards Jade's Island. He looked around at the vast landscape, altering every few secounds. He looked out onto the horizen and hoped they would make it to what he knows as, 'Paradise'

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((That's okay, at least you warned me. I will be going on vacation on August 6, by the way. I may or may not have access to internet, so I'll send Jade on a long trip before I go so you can continue RPing without her affecting anything too much.))


Jade barely had to wait a minute before Kira arrived. Jade could tell that Kira was very excited, and she quickly started by showing Kira the plants she had gathered and explaining their uses. Kira caught on quickly, and was very good at crushing and mixing them into useful medicines. Jade was very happy to see this, as it meant that she could stop being the island's healer, a job that she absolutely hated. While Kira crushed a Taika flower, Jade stared out at the beautiful island, thinking about plans for future rescues.


((I know this isn't my best post, but all of the healing stuff bores me as much as it bores Jade.))


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