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"I don't know how to use it" Said Astrid bewildered by the strange figure

She then looked at the human with the knife, and the new mutant who had shown up on the roof.

And then the stone spoke..*a speaking stone?*

She looked from Leafpaw, to the human, to the mutant and then stood strongly to the right of Leafpaw just staring at Nelrim and then back and fourth between the people confused


"um so what's going on here?" she said to the blue eyed mutant "we mean no harm, we will not hurt either of you unless you hurt us first" she said shyly

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Darn. The prisoners had once again escaped. He was hoping to knock out the dragon. Why would HE, of all people, have those stones? Fusion was about to walk out when he was confronted by another mutant. He had ever seen this guy before. "Who are you?" He growled.



Edited by ChocoBrownie

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((Choco you used a character from...))

Milu, of course, didn't understand anything they said. It was all meaningless to her. She knocked Nicholas away and leaped at Astrid. "Die, prisoners!" she hissed.


Lea looked the other mutant over. "I could ask the same thing... This is my home, what are you doing here?"

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"No, I just woke up. How could I have possibly seen them? It's so dark in here..." he was partially lying about the dark part since his night vision was as good as a cat's. But if this mutant was a hunter... He smelled familiar...

"I'm Lea, just a guy, that likes to be alone," he said, voice casual.

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"You just woke up. You seriously live in here?" Fusion looked around with his neon green eyes and hissed in disgust. He could live here, but it seems...strange... anyways he turns his eyes back on the stranger, narrowing his eyes. "What is your name?"

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Lea narrowed his eyes at the question. Giving his name away might cause him to be recognized as an escapee. "Why should I tell you when you haven't told me yours?" he asked.

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"..." Fusion's eyes narrow back, in doubt. Why did this strange boy sound...nervous? Nah. "...Well, I guess it wouldn't be much harm to tell you my name. My name is Fusion."



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"Oh, nice name. You can call me Crow," Lea said. That was the name he had been using after escaping. They shouldn't know him by this name. Then he crossed his arms.

"Anyways, I want to go back to sleep, would you mind leaving?" he asked, fingers tapping against his arm nervously. He knew how vicious hunters were and was eager for this one to leave and not find out his true identity.

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"Crow?" Fusion was suddenly reminded of something...I was constantly getting new profiles of escaped fugatives. One of them...was named Lea. Something about this boy, 'Crow', seems all too familiar. Something is wrong...I can feel the tension in the air...


Fusion tilted his head, a arrogant smile on his face. "Don't you think you've slept enough?" He looked at Crow. He took out a phone. The phone silently unlocked itself, revealing it's contents. Fusion flashed the phone towards Crow. On the crackling screen, a giant picture of Lea, face grim, filled the screen. The name of the fugative flashed like a siren. Lea, it said. "Now, I swore that I thought you two were twin brothers the instant I saw you, Crow..."

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Lea's eyes widened, surprised. He hadn't expected the hunter to have something like this. He backed away slightly. Back then, they had wanted him as a hunter. But he had refused. And of course, they tortured him and tried to force him to become one but he had managed to escape. But not without a price. His entire nature had been changed; from the peaceful teen to a cold hearted killer. Luckily, he had been calmed down by Nicholas and stayed away from other people. His eyes glowed red and his wings, fangs and claws appeared, getting ready to attack or flee.

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"Tsk. So you really are Lea, aren't you?" Fusion growled. Then he checked out the situation. He wanted to fight, to drag this fugative back into the dreaded cages. But, he had been preparing for totally different fugatives: a pesky, arrogant dragon, not worthy of holding the eight Sacred Stones; a pathetic little cowardly cat, and a annoying, stupid polecat. And to be honest, he was looking forward to pulverizing those three. At least, more than the fugative standing in front of him. Then he growled, "Look, if you tell me why you refused to be a hunter, maybe I'll spare you. I want to know why you fugatives refuse to be hunters."

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Astrid suddenly jumped back surprised and the attack "what are you doing?!" she screamed when the mutant had jumped at her. She shot out her tail spikes in hopes not to use them and bared her teeth at the mutant with the knife.(Edits for correction smile.gif)

Edited by IcarusTheDragon

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((human no attack you, mutant did attack you))

"Because we don't want to become cold hearted killers like you guys," Lea replied coolly, smiling and stepping back slightly and holding a hand to his head. It was starting to hurt and the urge to kill was coming back to him.

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Sugarhoof trotted over to where Fusion and the new mutant were. After she failed to attract much attention, she decided to follow them. She suddenly stepped between them and nuzzled Lea, curious about who he was. She drew back quickly, realizing that this was the scent of a fugitive. She narrowed her eyes at him warily.


Shadowlight accidentally stepped on a crunchy leaf, attracting attention to himself. He hadn't really meant to follow Fusion. He was simply resting in the forest when he heard Fusion running after a few escapees. Not that he would care much about that. Still, it was kind of hard to ignore the winged, horned pony who was flying quietly behind him. He was slightly shocked when he noticed Lea, a former prisoner, but whatever shock he felt, it didn't show. Seeing that he it was too late to try and hide again, Shadowlight calmly slipped between Fusion and Lea, putting up his hands in mock defeat. "All right, you got me. I was following you. What was so important about those prisoners, anyways?" he said to Fusion. Then, he turned to Lea. "You're right about that," he said, chuckling softly. "Is your head alright?" he asked, noting that he seemed to have a headache.

Edited by greenglassesgal

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Sugarhoof was confused. Why was Shadowlight trying to defend this fugitive? She was about to nudge him out of the way, but a sweet scent caught her attention first. A delicious sweet scent...


Shadowlight stroked Sugarhoof while feeding her lumps of sugar. He always kept a few in his pocket for her. He turned to face Fusion in the eye. "Okay, let me reword my question. Which prisoners escaped and did they escape with anything?"

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Fusion growled in annoyance. His attention was not a dime's worth on Lea. His glare was laced with suspicious as he gazed at Shadowlight. "Shadowlight, why are you interrupting my work?" Fusion hissed. "We capture the prisoners because we don't want them to leak out our company's dirty little secret. You of all people should know that." Fusion also had his suspicions about Shadowlight. Why did he suddenly ask at question? Did he just pity the prisoners? Or was it something more? "And if you followed me, you should have heard every little detail." Fusion shot a glance at Lea, then back at Shadowlight. Hopefully the prisoner won't make a mad dash for it. "But I'll tell you anyways. There is a pesky trio. A Dragon, holding Eight Sacred Stones, along with a pathetic cat and polecat. Satisfied?"


User name:Choco



Normal human/dragon or mutant:Mutant


Description:Likes to blend in with the enviroment

Abilities:Can transform into a inanimate object. (Is this OK or too weird? If too weird I change it...)

Personality:Calm and confident.

Animals:Part Dragon




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"but we are not cold blooded killers at all"

Astrid said to the attacker-mutant, "we escaped so they couldn't hurt us anymore, and as long as we are out being hunted, i'm sure they aren't testing on the others so i hope we are saving them to!"

She left the tail spikes out in hopes she still wouldn't have to use them but kept them out for safety

"and what makes you think we would kill? wouldn't we have started that already by now,? all we want is to be free and not tortured all our lives. The humans took us from our homes, from our lives, and from our families and mutated us. it's bad enough there."


Astrid again ooked to Nelrim *why won't he wake up already?* She walked over to him and sat down next to his hopefully sleeping body. "Leafpaw, am i a killer? did the scientists die?" she said worried

Edited by IcarusTheDragon

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"No,you aren't a killer Astrid."Leafpaw told her worried friend.

With a hiss she lept at their attacker with her claws unsheathed.


(Sorry for the short posts,I can't think of really anything else to type)

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((Icarus, who are you referring to?))

Milu saw the attack and shot fireball at the attacker while she was inmid air.

Edited by SoiledLove

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((Milu i believe.. i can't get your characters strait..))

Astrid jumped up missing the fireball that was aimed at Leafpaw but spinning in the air and hit Milu in the face with her spikes. Astrid was knocked off balance and fell to the ground with the force of the blow to Milu's face and the fact that she wasn't fully flying when she hit Milu. Almost falling off of the building, she clung to the side of the building with hope she wouldn't fall.

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It seemed like an eternity had passed but when Nelrim woke up there was a battle going on. Leafpaw and Astrid were fighting a Hunter as if their lives depended on it.


They could just very well depend on it... My energy has yet to fully recover.


Nelrim got to his feet and instantly he sensed the presence of a second Dragon Stone.


Why didn't I sense it before?... he thought.


He studied the flow of the second Dragon Stone and saw that the energy flowed from Leafpaw. Upon closer study he realized that the stone she had resonated with the one he had.


Things just got complicated AND interesting... He thought "Is this your doing's Shadow Drake?" he said.


Nelrim also realized that Leafpaw's stone would end up transforming her into the elemental opposite of whatever he transformed into and vise verse. "I should help them out." With that said he drew out the Shadow Essence Stone.


A cloud of shadows circled around him just as a beam of light engulfed Leafpaw.


The cloud of shadows vanished and in their presence stood a black dragon where Nelrim had stood. Black scales with silver underbelly and gold yellow eyes that seemed to glow. The horns were bone white as were the spikes on his back the tail blade was silver and looked like a metal spear.


(eh heh heh heh... Hope this is allowed cause I got a few plans with the resonance of the two stones...)

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Astrid struggled to hang on, she tried to jump up but something was wrong. With her wing?

*what could i have done to my wing?*

She used both of her paws and dug her abnormally sharp dragon like claws into the concrete and pulled herself up


She finally got up to see a bright light and then Nelrim she hoped, as a dragon next to Leafpaw. She was so confused

"Nelrim? Is that you?" she said looking at the handsome dragon standing next to Leafpaw-*the stone* she thought as she saw it in his hand

She then quickly turned her attention back to Milu

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