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The Fatal Letter

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(If you don't want her to be, she wont be...just building drama.)


Ms. Rose sat in her office alone. The darkness closed in on her and she fell asleep. She tossed around in her chair. She wondered where she was in her dream.


Sirin picked her gun and put it away. This went on for a long time. She was really mad. Her manic habits kicked in and she paced. Sirin bit her nails and kicked her file cabinet and her chair. Afterwards, she broke a few pencils and a stapler. She sighed in relief when she found her pills. They were meant to be pain medicine, but it worked fine to relax her. She was no longer angry, but her fingers hurt from the biting and her foot hurt from the kicking. She was sure that if they could, her chair and file cabinet would be hurting too.

Edited by Mousia

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(I don't care eather way, she's just mad.)


Ryu walked closer to the girl. At the risk of being punched he touched her shoulder. "Are you sure. You look pretty upset." He was concerned, but cautous. He didn't know her, but he wanted to help anyway. ~ When she felt something touch her shoulder, she whipped around to face the boy. She grabbed his wrist and turned it arround the wrong way. She pushed him against a neerby wall. "What part of 'I'm fine.' do you not understand?!" She yelled. ~ Ryu flinched and spun around in pain. He hit the wall harder than he would have liked to, but at this moment, he didn't really notice. "I was just concerned, is all." He announced, his cheek pressed against the wall. He slowly reached his foot over to a shelf containing water bottles. He kicked it over and they all landed with a loud slam. ~ Sarisha turned her head, quickly, to see the shelf of watter bottles fall. Looking away was a mistake. ~ While she was distracted, he flipped around and twisted her arm instead. ~ 'Damnit!' She thought.


(I'll be back in 2 hours.)

Edited by Quhanta

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Several stranger turned to watch. One of a very high seniority announced, There's no fighting allowed here! The crowd whispered and pointed. A few brave people approached and attempted to pull the two apart.

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Reina went out the office door and began wandering the building. Apparently working with children in foreign countries required physical training. She supposed it made sense, if there were other people who didn't like that. Reina wondered if there was a room or office that could fill her in on this code language. The cafe down the street was a participant in it, so it appeared. However, she doubted any person walking in would be treated kindly for asking. She roamed up stairs and down, looking at each of the signs. There was actually a fair portion of the place dedicated to physical training. She peered in a window and saw several people going through a course that was seemingly meant for freerunning. They hopped from foam block to foam block, catching on the side of ones as if it were high off the ground. There were also rails for balancing and some people were tumbling in a corner. She watched, facinated. She had once taken gymnastics as a child and she still pulled out the Yoga mat occasionally. She almost wanted to try it, but maybe you had to be specifically designated for some of these rooms. She stayed at her vantage point.

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Sirin wrote a large list of code. The world spun in her dizziness and she almost slipped out of control again. She shivered, swallowing a few more large pills. Soon, her bottle was empty.


(Ill write a brief list and add to it)


(Edit: I made the list...)


(Why are you lurking? I don't bite)


Sirin managed to keep her calm despite her frustration.

Edited by Mousia

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Ryu let go of her immediately when the voice sounded. ~ Sarisha was angry that he had gotten an advantage upon her. It took three random people to hold her down. When she had calmed down and they left Ryu had extended his hand for assistance standing. She ignored his hadn and stood up herself. Immediately, she walked over and righted the shelf and started re-placing the water bottles. She refused the help oof anyone else. When she was finnished, she moved on to the gymnastics room. ~ Ryu looked at the bottles as she walked away. They were all perfectly placed, wrappers facing the front, evenly spaced, and there were no disruptions anywhere. 'What the...' He thought. He followed her into the gymnastics room. "How did you do that so fast?" He asked her. "Why even bother?" She was annoyed by him. "I have no idea what you're talking about." She stated.

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Reina flagged down a person heading down the hall. "Excuse me, are all of these rooms open to beginners or do I need to sign up?" The person looked her over and made some sort of face. "Yeah, you'll know if they're having a private session. You might want to change clothes if you're going to join." Reina looked down at herself. True, these weren't exactly gym clothes. "Thanks." she said. The person swung a towel over their back and continued down the hall and entered a door to their left. Reina was excited. She had loved this sort of thing as a kid! She walked briskly down the hallway until she came across where Ms.Rose said the lockers were. She had been given a number at some point. Reina pulled out her tablet and looked for where she had written down some of her basic information. Ah, here it was. She headed towards her locker.

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(Do you want me to jump in or no?)


Sirin sighed shakily and reviewed her mini dictionary on her small whiteboard. It was placed in the center on the arrangement of four cubicles. She sighed again and sat down in her chair. What was the point of it all?

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"Yes you do." He persisted. "Why did you do that." ~ "Yes. Okay. I picked them up because they were all over the floor and they were bugging me. Kay?!" Sarisha turned around and noticed that it was her turn on the mat. "Ladies first." She insisted, holding her arms out to let him go ahead of her. ~ Ryu didn't apreciate her comment and didn't wanat to go on the mat. 'It can't be that bad... Can it?' He thought. He procedied to do several horrid cartweels down the mat. When he fell, he just rolled the rest of the way. When he reached the end, he jumped up and shouted; "Tah-dah!!!" so that the girl could hear him. ~ Sarisha had to refrain from laughing as he rolled a little over half way down the mat. 'Oh dear.' She thought. When he was out of the way, she got ready by holding up both arms, shoulder width apart, and leaning back slightly. She propelled herself foreward and did three front hand springs, followed by a front flip, and finnished with a backward twisting handspring, landing in the splits. ~ 'She HAS to be showwing off. She has to be.' He thought as she was flying toward him. ~ When she stood up and walked over to him she smirked. "Yes, I was showing off." She said as she walked away.

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Sirin sighed angrily. She had nothing to do and she was bored. She jogged around the whole office, and still it wouldn't suffice. She brainstormed things to do and smiled upon one particular idea.


-2 minutes timeskip-


Sirin was in Ms. Rose's office now. She picked up the phone and smirked.

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Lydia had wandered away to find something to do. She wasn't very interested in the non sense that the others were up to. In fact she'd rather stay away from them. She muttered,"Bored," and continued walking down some hallway.

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Sirin walked out of the room with the phone in her hands. She left the door open just a crack so that the wire could still be attached to the wall so the phone would work. She picked up the phone and pressed the button that said loudspeaker. Attention, Lynda [last name here], Reina Henson and Sarisha Marconseuse please report to your cubicles. I repeat, Lynda [last name], Reina Henson and Sarisha Marconseuse report to your cubicles. Sirin had imitated Ms. Rose's voice perfectly. Anyone in or around the office building would be able to hear her.

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Lydia looked up. What is it? She wondered before she decided to go to her cubicles. Hoping silently in her mind that this would keep her entertained for at least another hour or so.

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Sirin carefully placed the phone back where she had found it and rushed downstairs to the set of four cubicles for her team. She saw Lynda was there. Hi. she panted. Sirin flopped down onto the chair behind her desk in her cubicle.

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"Do you have any idea what this is about?" Lydia asked before she seated herself and sighed. She waited for Sirin's reply and the others to come.

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Sirin paused. Should she tell the truth? No, she wouldn't. No...but let's just go over some basic code while we wait. Sirin pointed to the whiteboard. It was on a stand to hold it upright.

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As she finished changing, she heard what sounded like Ms.Rose calling them over the intercom. She sighed, this would have to wait. She put her shoes on and walked down the halls again. She managed to find the cubicles and saw Lydia and Sirin sitting there. "Is there something she forgot to tell us?" she asked as she walked in. She looked around and saw the deskspace that was her own. She sat down and rubbed scott down, who was panting.

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Sirin just shook her head. Her black hair was tied up, as it usually was during the summer. Some new agents could come before January to get a head start on their training. She looked around at her team...one agent was missing. 'Ah Sarisha...' she thought. Music, anyone? Sirin's voice broke the quietness.

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Sarisha changed quickly and walked to her cubicle. The boy wouldn't stop following her. "Do you want me to hurt you?!" She said as she sped up her pace. He sped up along side her and shook his head. "I know your name now." He smiled. "And I have to go." She pushed away from him and sprinted to her cubicle. When she entered,

she just plopped down into an empty seat. Horrid music was playing. "Oh, kill me now..." She muttered.

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Lydia laughed since she over heard Sarisha. "Boy problems, Eh?" She then turned to Sirin. "So, what now?"

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Reina smiled softly at Sarisha's comment. "Really, you seemed so happy earlier, what happened?" she asked. Scott jumped down on to her lap. She continued to pet him out of impulse because she did it constantly. She swayed her head to the music ever so slightly. She wondered why Ms.Rose would have called them. She hoped there would still be time for the gym.

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Sirin rolled her eyes. Gee...why don't we sing songs and ride ponies? she said sarcastically at Lynda. First of all...if you are under age 16, you must go to school. she said pointedly. She clenched her teeth and thought, 'Oh God, I cant be slipping again!' Sirin did not usually go manic more than one a day. Her depression came right after her manic attacks and they, too, did not come more than once a day. A drop of sweat dribbled down her forehead.

Edited by Mousia

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Lydia frowned,"But I like ponies." She protested and changed the subject,"Is Ms.Rose coming over here to explain a little bit of this? I'm leaving if she doesn't come soon." And then Lydia started tapping her feet in one of those 'I am irritated and bored' kind of way.

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Sirin rolled her eyes again. That was me! I bet she's still asleep! Sirin was amazed at how everyone had believed it was Ms. Rose...she had gotten better at imitations. Sirin sighed deeply, trying to calm herself.

Edited by Mousia

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Reina cocked an eyebrow. "Really, what have you got to say to us then?" she asked, not minding Sarisha anymore. She was a little irritated that Sirin had fooled them. She could have just asked. Reina had really wanted to try out the Parkor course. Not that, you know, she couldn't wait a bit if there was something important to be said.

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